Obama's Iraq Failure

Mission accomplished, remember that? Bush 2003. What mission WAS that, and what did we ACCOMPLISH, GW? WMD's...not there...the terrorist connection...nonexistent. We opened the door for ISIS, though. We would have been better off leaving Saddam in power. We had bigger fish to fry, mostly Saudis. But what is done is done.
Mission accomplished? Actually it referred to the ship's mission, not Bush's. But idiots like you buy into the propaganda.
We achieved every goal we set. And then Obama got in office.
The ship's mission?? Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't understand them...

"In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." - Moron-in-Chief, under a banner reading, "Mission accomplished"

... and of course, despite other ships returning after successful missions, never have any of them displayed such a banner.
No, to a liberal words don't have meaning. If they did you would call Obama out on the saying. You can keep your doctor, can I say shut the hell up?
You can say whatever you like ... who cares? No one's gonna listen to you.
Only a partisan could blame Bush for events from 2011 on.
Bush created the mess, he owns the outcome no matter what year it is.

Nope....not once he's out of office. :( Tag Obummbler......you're it!!!! :lol:
You cling to your lie no matter what.

Sweetie...no one is clinging to a lie but you. Fact = the Obummbler said Iraq was stable and secure in 2011. Now it is a shit hole. No one can argue otherwise unless they are insane or a liar.

And since you seem confused....the Obummbler was President during that entire time. Hope this clears things up for you. :D

Sweetie, you are full of shit. I'm not confused about anything, especially not the caliber of your mind or your character. You cling to lies and obfuscations in order to rationalize a reality that does not exist. You even need to attempt to be patronizing to me in order to feel superior. Poor pathetic you. Bottom line is that Iraq is down to Bush. Obama did the best anyone could do under the circumstances, namely a humongous mess made by and left behind by your hero, the numbskull GW Bush. You are pathetic. It's quite clear all you can do is regurgitate talking points provided by your thought leaders, you know, the ones on Faux News and your hero Limbaugh and such. You haven't got any true understanding of the situation, only what you want to believe.
Please detail what you mean by "hunongous mess". Iraq was stable and had 2 free and fair elections. There was no iSIS. al Qaeda was mostly out of there.
So what happened between Jan 2009 when that was the case and today?
Only a partisan could blame Bush for events from 2011 on.
Bush created the mess, he owns the outcome no matter what year it is.

Nope....not once he's out of office. :( Tag Obummbler......you're it!!!! :lol:
You cling to your lie no matter what.

Sweetie...no one is clinging to a lie but you. Fact = the Obummbler said Iraq was stable and secure in 2011. Now it is a shit hole. No one can argue otherwise unless they are insane or a liar.

And since you seem confused....the Obummbler was President during that entire time. Hope this clears things up for you. :D
Quote him saying it was stable?

Jesus you lefties are fucking stupid. :lol: Look at the OP and link to his statement. Look at the multiple you tube video posted of the words coming directly out of the Obummbler's mouth.

Christ people....pay fucking attention. :(
Only a partisan could blame Bush for events from 2011 on.
Bush created the mess, he owns the outcome no matter what year it is.

Nope....not once he's out of office. :( Tag Obummbler......you're it!!!! :lol:
You cling to your lie no matter what.

Sweetie...no one is clinging to a lie but you. Fact = the Obummbler said Iraq was stable and secure in 2011. Now it is a shit hole. No one can argue otherwise unless they are insane or a liar.

And since you seem confused....the Obummbler was President during that entire time. Hope this clears things up for you. :D

Sweetie, you are full of shit. I'm not confused about anything, especially not the caliber of your mind or your character. You cling to lies and obfuscations in order to rationalize a reality that does not exist. You even need to attempt to be patronizing to me in order to feel superior. Poor pathetic you. Bottom line is that Iraq is down to Bush. Obama did the best anyone could do under the circumstances, namely a humongous mess made by and left behind by your hero, the numbskull GW Bush. You are pathetic. It's quite clear all you can do is regurgitate talking points provided by your thought leaders, you know, the ones on Faux News and your hero Limbaugh and such. You haven't got any true understanding of the situation, only what you want to believe.

No sweetie.....words matter. Here is exactly what the Obummbler said. Pay real close attention. :D

"Iraq is an extraordinary achievement." :lol: "We're leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and secure Iraq." :lol:

Fucking idiot.

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Mission accomplished, remember that? Bush 2003. What mission WAS that, and what did we ACCOMPLISH, GW? WMD's...not there...the terrorist connection...nonexistent. We opened the door for ISIS, though. We would have been better off leaving Saddam in power. We had bigger fish to fry, mostly Saudis. But what is done is done.
Mission accomplished? Actually it referred to the ship's mission, not Bush's. But idiots like you buy into the propaganda.
We achieved every goal we set. And then Obama got in office.
The ship's mission?? Words actually do have meaning, even if you don't understand them...

"In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." - Moron-in-Chief, under a banner reading, "Mission accomplished"

... and of course, despite other ships returning after successful missions, never have any of them displayed such a banner.
No, to a liberal words don't have meaning. If they did you would call Obama out on the saying. You can keep your doctor, can I say shut the hell up?
You can say whatever you like ... who cares? No one's gonna listen to you.
Thanks for proving my point.
We would not even have been there had it not been for GW BUSH. GW left this humongous mess behind him; he was completely unable to fix anything.

Not true, (well, the second part anyway) President Bush was the one who signed the SOFA in 2008 that set the timetable for the withdrawal of all our troops. Of course it was the UN and the Iraqis that forced his hand in signing that agreement.

Considering how giant the fuck up in Iraq was, it is no wonder the Rabid Right want to blame anyone but President Bush.
Bush will always own this mess. America knows it even as the brain-dead right shakes their fists at the sky. From a Quinnipiac poll ....

Who do you blame more for the situation in Iraq: President Obama or former President George W. Bush?"

Obama: 27%
Bush: 51%
Neither: 11%
Both: 5%
CNN Poll


Whose policies do you blame for the problems that the U.S. is currently facing in Iraq -- the policies of

George W. Bush or the policies of Barack Obama?

May 29-31


Bush 43%

Obama 44%

Both equally/Neither (vol.) 11%

No opinion 1%
The numbers are lies. The only number that matters are how many people are actually working. And that number is at an historic low.

Even an idiot leftie should be able to comprehend that. Right?

nobody cared about that number until now, so, no.

You do realize that the reason why that number has gone down is because the demographic bulge known as "baby boomers" are starting to retire, right?
I have a feeling Obama is regretting his 'JV Team' boast. It was pretty stupid.

I'm sure Bush regrets "Mission Accomplished". And "Dead or Alive".

I'm sure Clinton regrets, "I didn't have sex with that woman".

I'm sure Bush Sr. regrets " Read my Lips, No new Taxes".

They all say things that they regret saying later.

So instead of these gotchas, let's talk about the important thing. Is there anything going on in Iraq you would want someone YOU care about to die to try to stop.

I can't think of a thing.

Please detail what you mean by "hunongous mess". Iraq was stable and had 2 free and fair elections. There was no iSIS. al Qaeda was mostly out of there.
So what happened between Jan 2009 when that was the case and today?

What happened was Maliki, the guy Bush hand-picked, ignored our advice, shut the Sunnis out of government, neglected keeping his army in good repair, and got into bed with the Iranians.

That's what happened.

Sorry you are to dishonest to admit that.
I have a feeling Obama is regretting his 'JV Team' boast. It was pretty stupid.

I'm sure Bush regrets "Mission Accomplished". And "Dead or Alive".

I'm sure Clinton regrets, "I didn't have sex with that woman".

I'm sure Bush Sr. regrets " Read my Lips, No new Taxes".

They all say things that they regret saying later.

So instead of these gotchas, let's talk about the important thing. Is there anything going on in Iraq you would want someone YOU care about to die to try to stop.

I can't think of a thing.

Please detail what you mean by "hunongous mess". Iraq was stable and had 2 free and fair elections. There was no iSIS. al Qaeda was mostly out of there.
So what happened between Jan 2009 when that was the case and today?

What happened was Maliki, the guy Bush hand-picked, ignored our advice, shut the Sunnis out of government, neglected keeping his army in good repair, and got into bed with the Iranians.

That's what happened.

Sorry you are to dishonest to admit that.

The Iraq War shouldn't have happened. Like i said, if the U.S. didn't own the international justice system, its leaders would have faced Nuremberg-type trials for their horrific crimes against humanity.

That being said, i don't think it is fair to place the blame on Obama. So i agree with ya on that. I blame the Anti-American Communist Organizer for a lot of things, but not the Iraq War. Iraq is and always will be Bush's horrific crime against humanity.
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The numbers are lies. The only number that matters are how many people are actually working. And that number is at an historic low.

Even an idiot leftie should be able to comprehend that. Right?

nobody cared about that number until now, so, no.

You do realize that the reason why that number has gone down is because the demographic bulge known as "baby boomers" are starting to retire, right?
So are you saying that the Liberals made sure we failed to replace those workers????

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Obama said this regarding Iraq.

When President Barack Obama removed the last U.S. forces from Iraq in December 2011, he announced that—as he had planned—the U.S. was leaving behind a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government.”

It was a "moment of success," he said.

FLASHBACK Obama We re Leaving Behind a Sovereign Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq CNS News

Now we all know Iraq is in chaos. Should Obama and Hillary Clinton be held responsible....and if so....how?
you might have had a decent thread if you'd focused on Obama's tragic policy in Afghan, rather than his fulfilling his campaign promise to the majority who wanted no more to do with W's folly in Iraq.

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