Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Many of these $250,000 plus income folks own a s or c corporation. As such they pay both halves of their SS and Medicare taxes with no relief. They also are paying health care benefits out of pocket for all the employees too. All in all, they do an awesome job of providing for many people. Now the governemnt want to push them out of business with more taxes. Brilliant.
Universal care is used in the context of .gov control to which rationing is a vital component. Apply the same ZeroSum economics you do to wealth distribution.

Medicare is not unlimited coverage.

Private insurance is not unlimited coverage. We already have rationing and REAL death panels through corporate cartels.
Let us stipulate that private insurance and socialized government run medical insurance have faults.
Now, what is your solution?
Just answer the question. Do not post opinions from blogs.
Do your homework and post in your own words.


Letting people keep their own money sounds crazy to the looney left :eusa_whistle:

I guess we should fund the government with bake sales.

Because there's no middle ground between "No taxes at all, for anything!" and government-funded studies of cow farts. We all know that the federal government does NOTHING with the money it confiscates except fund the military, build bridges and roads, fund schools, and give checks and healthcare to senior citizens and poor people. Right? :eusa_hand:
Many of these $250,000 plus income folks own a s or c corporation. As such they pay both halves of their SS and Medicare taxes with no relief. They also are paying health care benefits out of pocket for all the employees too. All in all, they do an awesome job of providing for many people. Now the governemnt want to push them out of business with more taxes. Brilliant.
Isn't it wonderful to see the libs scream their heads off about how the GOP is blocking Obama's so -called jobs bill and at the same time these very same people are advocating higher taxes that would inevitably force many employers to cut payroll or close altogether.
It must be a fantastic feeling for them to believe they can have everything both ways.
How much time do you plan to spend telling Skull Pilot how to use HIS money Poo?

People with no money always think they can tell others how to spend theirs

Kinda like the people who don't have kids and know EXACTLY how you should raise yours.

There is a distinction though. Those of us who sanctimoniously wrinkled our noses and proclaimed "my child will never behave like THAT!" have since eaten a lot of humble pie. I don't recall "well his/her kid did it too" being part of that dynamic.

Oh wait. Maybe it's the same people who don't see the behavior of their own children as being as bratty, whiney, obnoxious as it is those who overlook what THEIR President does because it was nowhere NEAR as bad as George Bush and Dick Cheney. And, anyway, any mistakes can be forgiven now because the 'motives are pure.'

Or we can excuse trillion dollar deficits while our fearless leaders spend us right into bankruptcy because George Bush had deficits.

Or we can tell you how to spend your money because the more nice, more generous, more honest, more caring, more virtuous people are now in charge.

It's enough to gag a maggot.
Universal care is used in the context of .gov control to which rationing is a vital component. Apply the same ZeroSum economics you do to wealth distribution.

Medicare is not unlimited coverage.

Private insurance is not unlimited coverage. We already have rationing and REAL death panels through corporate cartels.
Let us stipulate that private insurance and socialized government run medical insurance have faults.
Now, what is your solution?
Just answer the question. Do not post opinions from blogs.
Do your homework and post in your own words.

There is no comparison. Medicare per capita expenditures are significantly lower than the private sector. I would have universal health care in this country. Every industrial nation has done so successfully and more cost effectively than our corporate cartel wealth care system. The World Health Report 2000: The United States was number 1 in terms of health care spending per capita but ranked 39th for infant mortality, 43rd for adult female mortality, 42nd for adult male mortality, and 36th for life expectancy. Comparisons also reveal that the United States is falling farther behind each year.
You're just going to have to wait your turn on us killing off Obamacare. We got Porkolous II on the plate now and its going down in flames.
You're just going to have to wait your turn on us killing off Obamacare. We got Porkolous II on the plate now and its going down in flames.

I hope the American people are paying attention and will send all the right wing radical domestic terrorists home and let adults run this country.

I guess even the CBO's report that shows our debt with the Affordable Health Care Act being fully implemented vs. repeal doesn't matter to you ignorant ideologues...

Federal Debt Held by the Public (Percentage of GDP)


CBO’s Analysis

The Extended-Baseline Scenario. Under this scenario, the expiration of the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and most recently extended in 2010, the growing reach of the alternative minimum tax, the tax provisions of the recent health care legislation, and the way in which the tax system interacts with economic growth would result in steadily higher revenues relative to GDP. At the same time, government spending on everything other than the mandatory health care programs, Social Security, and interest on the federal debt—activities such as national defense and a wide variety of domestic programs—would decline to the lowest percentage of GDP since before World War II.

That significant increase in revenues and decrease in the relative magnitude of other spending would offset much—though not all—of the rise in spending on health care programs and Social Security. Federal debt would increase slowly from its already high level relative to GDP. With both debt and interest rates rising over time, interest payments, which absorb federal resources that could otherwise be used to pay for government services, would climb to 4 percent of GDP (or one-sixth of federal revenues) by 2035, compared with about 1 percent now.

The Alternative Fiscal Scenario. The budget outlook is much bleaker under the alternative fiscal scenario, which incorporates very different assumptions about revenues: that the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and extended most recently in 2010 will be extended; that the reach of the alternative minimum tax will be restrained to stay close to its historical extent; and that over the longer run, tax law will evolve further so that revenues remain near their historical average of 18 percent of GDP.

This scenario also reflects the assumptions that Medicare’s payment rates for physicians will remain at current levels (rather than declining by about a third, as under current law) and that some policies enacted in the March 2010 health care legislation to restrain growth in federal health care spending will not continue after 2021. In addition, the alternative scenario includes an assumption that spending on activities other than the major mandatory health care programs, Social Security, and interest on the debt will not fall quite as low as under the extended-baseline scenario.

With significantly lower revenues and higher outlays, debt held by the public would grow much more rapidly than under the extended-baseline scenario, reaching levels far above any ever experienced in U.S. history.
Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

The Jobs Bill is a sensible middle ground approach and this ***Independent*** supports it. You reps oppose it at risking exposure of your true agenda.
Many of these $250,000 plus income folks own a s or c corporation. As such they pay both halves of their SS and Medicare taxes with no relief. They also are paying health care benefits out of pocket for all the employees too. All in all, they do an awesome job of providing for many people. Now the governemnt want to push them out of business with more taxes. Brilliant.
Isn't it wonderful to see the libs scream their heads off about how the GOP is blocking Obama's so -called jobs bill and at the same time these very same people are advocating higher taxes that would inevitably force many employers to cut payroll or close altogether.
It must be a fantastic feeling for them to believe they can have everything both ways.

There's no correlation between higher taxes and unemployment. We had a top rate of income tax of 91% in the 1950s and 3% unemployment. The GOP warned us of mass unemployment and a huge recession when Clinton raised taxes but we had a boom so big we balanced the budget. Bush slashed taxes and regulation and had the worst job creation record of any president.
Absent policy change, the CBO is projected that federal debt held by the public will be 90 percent of GDP within 7 years.

When Does Each State

Your chart's wrong dude.

I beg to differ.
The point made in each link is that without policy change the future is bleak.
They appear to be saying much the same thing to these uneducated eyes.
Many of these $250,000 plus income folks own a s or c corporation. As such they pay both halves of their SS and Medicare taxes with no relief. They also are paying health care benefits out of pocket for all the employees too. All in all, they do an awesome job of providing for many people. Now the governemnt want to push them out of business with more taxes. Brilliant.
Isn't it wonderful to see the libs scream their heads off about how the GOP is blocking Obama's so -called jobs bill and at the same time these very same people are advocating higher taxes that would inevitably force many employers to cut payroll or close altogether.
It must be a fantastic feeling for them to believe they can have everything both ways.

There's no correlation between higher taxes and unemployment. We had a top rate of income tax of 91% in the 1950s and 3% unemployment. The GOP warned us of mass unemployment and a huge recession when Clinton raised taxes but we had a boom so big we balanced the budget. Bush slashed taxes and regulation and had the worst job creation record of any president.

But...surely that indicates a correlation?
Higher taxes means more jobs.
Isn't it wonderful to see the libs scream their heads off about how the GOP is blocking Obama's so -called jobs bill and at the same time these very same people are advocating higher taxes that would inevitably force many employers to cut payroll or close altogether.
It must be a fantastic feeling for them to believe they can have everything both ways.

There's no correlation between higher taxes and unemployment. We had a top rate of income tax of 91% in the 1950s and 3% unemployment. The GOP warned us of mass unemployment and a huge recession when Clinton raised taxes but we had a boom so big we balanced the budget. Bush slashed taxes and regulation and had the worst job creation record of any president.

But...surely that indicates a correlation?
Higher taxes means more jobs.

If they decide they need more workers to produce more product/service, tax rate is irrelevant. there is no correlation.
There's no correlation between higher taxes and unemployment. We had a top rate of income tax of 91% in the 1950s and 3% unemployment. The GOP warned us of mass unemployment and a huge recession when Clinton raised taxes but we had a boom so big we balanced the budget. Bush slashed taxes and regulation and had the worst job creation record of any president.

But...surely that indicates a correlation?
Higher taxes means more jobs.

If they decide they need more workers to produce more product/service, tax rate is irrelevant. there is no correlation.

Killed my troll stone-dead...thank you sir!

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