Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Isn't it wonderful to see the libs scream their heads off about how the GOP is blocking Obama's so -called jobs bill and at the same time these very same people are advocating higher taxes that would inevitably force many employers to cut payroll or close altogether.
It must be a fantastic feeling for them to believe they can have everything both ways.

There's no correlation between higher taxes and unemployment. We had a top rate of income tax of 91% in the 1950s and 3% unemployment. The GOP warned us of mass unemployment and a huge recession when Clinton raised taxes but we had a boom so big we balanced the budget. Bush slashed taxes and regulation and had the worst job creation record of any president.

But...surely that indicates a correlation?
Higher taxes means more jobs.

You can also make the opposite case. Reagan and kennedy cut taxes and lowered unemployment. That's why i said that there's no correlation!
But...surely that indicates a correlation?
Higher taxes means more jobs.

If they decide they need more workers to produce more product/service, tax rate is irrelevant. there is no correlation.

Killed my troll stone-dead...thank you sir!
the less you tax people the more they have to spend on products ans services .....the more people buy these goods and services the more companies have to produce !!
If they decide they need more workers to produce more product/service, tax rate is irrelevant. there is no correlation.

Killed my troll stone-dead...thank you sir!
the less you tax people the more they have to spend on products ans services .....the more people buy these goods and services the more companies have to produce !!

You just explained Obama's tax cuts and President Kennedy's tax cut proposal. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it.
Killed my troll stone-dead...thank you sir!
the less you tax people the more they have to spend on products ans services .....the more people buy these goods and services the more companies have to produce !!

You just explained Obama's tax cuts and President Kennedy's tax cut proposal. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it.

Nothing the government does is temporary. ;)
Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

The Jobs Bill is a sensible middle ground approach and this ***Independent*** supports it. You reps oppose it at risking exposure of your true agenda.

This bill is not going to PASS--as Democrat politicians aren't even supporting it. Harry Reid-has basically tabled it--and no democrat in the house has even brought it to the floor for introduction. Not too much love for Obama going on in his own fort--:lol:


Private insurance is not unlimited coverage. We already have rationing and REAL death panels through corporate cartels.
Let us stipulate that private insurance and socialized government run medical insurance have faults.
Now, what is your solution?
Just answer the question. Do not post opinions from blogs.
Do your homework and post in your own words.

There is no comparison. Medicare per capita expenditures are significantly lower than the private sector. I would have universal health care in this country. Every industrial nation has done so successfully and more cost effectively than our corporate cartel wealth care system. The World Health Report 2000: The United States was number 1 in terms of health care spending per capita but ranked 39th for infant mortality, 43rd for adult female mortality, 42nd for adult male mortality, and 36th for life expectancy. Comparisons also reveal that the United States is falling farther behind each year.
We're discussing government run socialized medicine or universal health insurance or "single payer"
Your assertion that socialized medicine is a success is patently false. Every western European nation struggles with it. Medical care is rationed. It is a captive system. It is illegal for people to seek medical care from outside the government mandated system.
How you or anyone else can think our federal government which cannot do anything on time ,within budget and free of mega layers of bureaucracy can somehow magically transform itself into the world's largest and most successful health care provider in their world is a baffling mystery.
All those statistical talking points are tripe. They in no way make up the gargantuan task of providing free from out of pocket on demand medical care you people think will be available.
Obama talked at no end about "cutting cost" and "efficiencies".
This new law can control price but cannot control costs. Obama and the democrats are convinced that by offering the illusion of lowering price ot the consumer everything will work out. Meanwhile the sinister aspect is, most if not all medical professionals will see their reimbursements slashed. As there will be nowhere else to go and pay as you go outlawed, the cost of becoming a doctor and then maintaining malpractice insurance will make the medical field most unattractive. This has been repeated all over Europe. A massive shortage of doctors is occurring.
Also as money for research and new equipment falls under the clutches of government, money will become scarce.
Obaamcare also essentially puts private insurance out of business. Employers will drop their insurance coverage for their employees. That is the goal of Obamacare.
ONly those who pay little or no taxes and those who think the government owes them something want Obamacare. They have no idea for what it is they wish.
I have all confidence smarter people will prevail and this Obamacare nonsense will be settled once and for all.
We all know Obamacare will not survive intact. Parts will be repealed. Other will be de-funded. It's inevitable.
Killed my troll stone-dead...thank you sir!
the less you tax people the more they have to spend on products ans services .....the more people buy these goods and services the more companies have to produce !!

You just explained Obama's tax cuts and President Kennedy's tax cut proposal. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it.

A true Keynesian would then say that the money will be returned to the treasury immediately as revenues are generated. Such a concept isn't anywhere on Obama's radar screen.
Counting up the city, county, state, and federal taxes and fees that are generally assessed, it is very easy to pay 50% or more of your income to government, most especially if you are self employed. And it is that middle group--the self-employed business owner who typically creates most of the new jobs in the country--who will be hit the hardest by Obamacare, Cap & Trade, other onerous and unnecessary regulations, and the proposed new taxes our Fearless Leader wants RIGHT NOW (but will paid for by unspecified spending cuts spread over the next ten years.)

I tell you, I really do laugh to keep from crying or screaming. His Arrogance and his devoted entourage not only are clueless and incompetent or truly evil--it has to be one or the other--but they play us all for fools. They think we believe them no matter how much they contradict themselves or have failed to produce results with the same stuff in the past.
The problem is some of us DO believe them.

And some of those who do post here.

I know. There is simply no other way to explain how we got into this mess. If we could get the Kool-ade away from even half of Obama's constituency so that they could see the obfusications, smoke and mirrors, and flat out mistruths for what they are, we would be able to apply a whole lot more pressure to stop the insanity. But as long as Fearless Leader is able to amass enough adoring, applauding, cheering fans to fill a television screen behind him, he will keep the lie alive to a lot of people who see that and don't want to see anything else.

Or, failing that, if he is just able to keep people hating George Bush and Republicans enough that they will accept ANYTHING else, however insane, as an alternative, he gets re-elected in 2012. That also requires a lot of half truths, mis truths, and flat out lies, but some don't seem to notice or care.

We have NY9--telling us that even the most left--liberal thinker are waking up to what this President and his left wing policies are doing. Democrats are in an all OUT panic over the loss of NY9-- a seat that was held by democrats since 1923 or 90 years was lost this Tuesday to a Republican--in a district that was 3 to 1 registered democrats. We're talking about Brooklyn and Queens.

This is the writing on the wall for Obama and his socialist policies--and now more and more democrats and democrat strategists are calling for him to be challenged for the nomination--because they see what is building up to be a Custer's Last Stand for democrats in 2012.

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The problem is some of us DO believe them.

And some of those who do post here.

I know. There is simply no other way to explain how we got into this mess. If we could get the Kool-ade away from even half of Obama's constituency so that they could see the obfusications, smoke and mirrors, and flat out mistruths for what they are, we would be able to apply a whole lot more pressure to stop the insanity. But as long as Fearless Leader is able to amass enough adoring, applauding, cheering fans to fill a television screen behind him, he will keep the lie alive to a lot of people who see that and don't want to see anything else.

Or, failing that, if he is just able to keep people hating George Bush and Republicans enough that they will accept ANYTHING else, however insane, as an alternative, he gets re-elected in 2012. That also requires a lot of half truths, mis truths, and flat out lies, but some don't seem to notice or care.

We have NY9--telling us that even the most left--liberal thinker are waking up to what this President and his left wing policies are doing. Democrats are in an all OUT panic over the loss of NY9-- a seat that was held by democrats since 1923 or 90 years was lost this Tuesday to a Republican--in a district that was 3 to 1 registered democrats. We're talking about Brooklyn and Queens.

This is the writing on the wall for Obama and his socialist policies--and now more and more democrats and democrat strategists are calling for him to be challenged for the nomination--because they see what is building up to be a Custer's Last Stand for democrats in 2012.

Panicky Democrats Seeking Primary Challenger to Obama
View attachment 15204

That's putting a reallty good face--spin even--on it. But the truth is the American electorate is largely uneducated on their government and the people in it and really doesn't pay close attention to what is going on. NY9 was a great news story to accompany Obama's plummeting approval rating, but how many will remember it when the primary season kicks off eight months from now, much less a year from November?

It is sooooo important that we who DO have a clue keep the pressure on and really get behind whatever candidate comes out on top to oppose Obama. Without his or her own 'army' to defend him/her, the Democrats will make him or her look awful and all Obama needs is just one bright moment just before election day or just one good scandal to accuse his opponent.
Let us stipulate that private insurance and socialized government run medical insurance have faults.
Now, what is your solution?
Just answer the question. Do not post opinions from blogs.
Do your homework and post in your own words.

There is no comparison. Medicare per capita expenditures are significantly lower than the private sector. I would have universal health care in this country. Every industrial nation has done so successfully and more cost effectively than our corporate cartel wealth care system. The World Health Report 2000: The United States was number 1 in terms of health care spending per capita but ranked 39th for infant mortality, 43rd for adult female mortality, 42nd for adult male mortality, and 36th for life expectancy. Comparisons also reveal that the United States is falling farther behind each year.
We're discussing government run socialized medicine or universal health insurance or "single payer"
Your assertion that socialized medicine is a success is patently false. Every western European nation struggles with it. Medical care is rationed. It is a captive system. It is illegal for people to seek medical care from outside the government mandated system.
How you or anyone else can think our federal government which cannot do anything on time ,within budget and free of mega layers of bureaucracy can somehow magically transform itself into the world's largest and most successful health care provider in their world is a baffling mystery.
All those statistical talking points are tripe. They in no way make up the gargantuan task of providing free from out of pocket on demand medical care you people think will be available.
Obama talked at no end about "cutting cost" and "efficiencies".
This new law can control price but cannot control costs. Obama and the democrats are convinced that by offering the illusion of lowering price ot the consumer everything will work out. Meanwhile the sinister aspect is, most if not all medical professionals will see their reimbursements slashed. As there will be nowhere else to go and pay as you go outlawed, the cost of becoming a doctor and then maintaining malpractice insurance will make the medical field most unattractive. This has been repeated all over Europe. A massive shortage of doctors is occurring.
Also as money for research and new equipment falls under the clutches of government, money will become scarce.
Obaamcare also essentially puts private insurance out of business. Employers will drop their insurance coverage for their employees. That is the goal of Obamacare.
ONly those who pay little or no taxes and those who think the government owes them something want Obamacare. They have no idea for what it is they wish.
I have all confidence smarter people will prevail and this Obamacare nonsense will be settled once and for all.
We all know Obamacare will not survive intact. Parts will be repealed. Other will be de-funded. It's inevitable.

Your assertion that socialized medicine is a success is patently false. Every western European nation struggles with it. Medical care is rationed. It is a captive system. It is illegal for people to seek medical care from outside the government mandated system.
That is incorrect.
We have a socialised medical system.
There is also a private system that sits alongside.
Sometimes the national system uses the private system, when this is sensible.
About 32% of people also have private insurance although this is a choice, not a requirement.
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They are not "raising taxes" on the rich, they are removing tax cuts from the rich, big difference. Not that it effects me, I don't make 200k a year and none of you do either.
They are not "raising taxes" on the rich, they are removing tax cuts from the rich, big difference. Not that it effects me, I don't make 200k a year and none of you do either.

See that's where the big LIE comes in. We are a small business, Subchapter S Corp that uses an accrual accounting system. I have to claim income that has not yet been paid. We are a specialty contractor that sometimes have contracts over $200,000.00. I have to have 90% of that to pay for labor and materials in the bank at all times. I have to fund the construction projects and hope we get paid within 90 days. Oh, and the retainage, which is our profit usually gets paid about a year after the project is completed.

We have as many as 30-60 people working on jobs at a time, believe me $200,000.00 does not make me rich!!

I'm sure we're not the only small business that this is going to impact. I bet you wouldn't want to guess how many people we're going to get to hire if this crap happens. :cranky:
Universal care is used in the context of .gov control to which rationing is a vital component. Apply the same ZeroSum economics you do to wealth distribution.

Medicare is not unlimited coverage.

Private insurance is not unlimited coverage. We already have rationing and REAL death panels through corporate cartels.
And we won't under socialized medicine?

Sell your unicorns and rainbows somewhere else.
You're just going to have to wait your turn on us killing off Obamacare. We got Porkolous II on the plate now and its going down in flames.

I hope the American people are paying attention and will send all the right wing radical domestic terrorists home and let adults run this country.

Oh, fuck off, you stupid bastard. Democrats are little but spoiled, petulant children who pout and throw tantrums when they don't get their way.

Of course, that's what happens when you run on nothing but emotion.
Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

The Jobs Bill is a sensible middle ground approach and this ***Independent*** supports it. You reps oppose it at risking exposure of your true agenda.

No middle ground to it. Its Porkolous II. Our agenda is NOT letting Obama bring down the entire economy.
Let us stipulate that private insurance and socialized government run medical insurance have faults.
Now, what is your solution?
Just answer the question. Do not post opinions from blogs.
Do your homework and post in your own words.

There is no comparison. Medicare per capita expenditures are significantly lower than the private sector. I would have universal health care in this country. Every industrial nation has done so successfully and more cost effectively than our corporate cartel wealth care system. The World Health Report 2000: The United States was number 1 in terms of health care spending per capita but ranked 39th for infant mortality, 43rd for adult female mortality, 42nd for adult male mortality, and 36th for life expectancy. Comparisons also reveal that the United States is falling farther behind each year.
We're discussing government run socialized medicine or universal health insurance or "single payer"
Your assertion that socialized medicine is a success is patently false. Every western European nation struggles with it. Medical care is rationed. It is a captive system. It is illegal for people to seek medical care from outside the government mandated system.
How you or anyone else can think our federal government which cannot do anything on time ,within budget and free of mega layers of bureaucracy can somehow magically transform itself into the world's largest and most successful health care provider in their world is a baffling mystery.
All those statistical talking points are tripe. They in no way make up the gargantuan task of providing free from out of pocket on demand medical care you people think will be available.
Obama talked at no end about "cutting cost" and "efficiencies".
This new law can control price but cannot control costs. Obama and the democrats are convinced that by offering the illusion of lowering price ot the consumer everything will work out. Meanwhile the sinister aspect is, most if not all medical professionals will see their reimbursements slashed. As there will be nowhere else to go and pay as you go outlawed, the cost of becoming a doctor and then maintaining malpractice insurance will make the medical field most unattractive. This has been repeated all over Europe. A massive shortage of doctors is occurring.
Also as money for research and new equipment falls under the clutches of government, money will become scarce.
Obaamcare also essentially puts private insurance out of business. Employers will drop their insurance coverage for their employees. That is the goal of Obamacare.
ONly those who pay little or no taxes and those who think the government owes them something want Obamacare. They have no idea for what it is they wish.
I have all confidence smarter people will prevail and this Obamacare nonsense will be settled once and for all.
We all know Obamacare will not survive intact. Parts will be repealed. Other will be de-funded. It's inevitable.

FACTS are obfuscation...??? WOW! I provide FACTS and you emote dogma, fear and well funded propaganda.

FACT: The U.S. currently pays a higher percentage of health dollars for administration than any other nation.

FACT: The U.S. ranks highest in total cost of care. According to a recent report by the Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. ranks last among industrialized countries "in preventing deaths through use of timely and effective medical care."

FACT: Private 'for profit' insurance cartels have administration expenses of 20 - 30%.

FACT: Medicare, a government-run program has administrative expenses that are 3%.

There is NO WAY private insurance can compete with the efficiency of a government-run program i.e. Medicare. So take your emotes and your fear based dogma, and stuff it.

You are spewing well funded corporate propaganda. You really need to educate yourself...

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