Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

If GOP leaders can start putting their hands on the 3rd rails of Soc. Security and medicare then the POTUS can put his on the tax increase rail. Considering how well the idea of raising taxes on the better-off has been polling, doesn't seem like a bad idea.

Of course it seems like a good idea when those being polled arent the ones being taxed.


And Obama has so helpfully created even more poor people.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

You and warren buffett think alike, thing is he really doesn't pay his fair share in taxes.
It doesn't need to be stated formally. The system has no logical conclusion other than rationed care. That will result in deaths. Only a simpleton such as yourself can come to any other conclusion.

Ignorance is not a response...you fail. Bring PROOF with links so I can hand you your tiny little head.

I know ignorance is not a response. I tried telling you that for over a year. Nice to see some results are occuring.

SO...your response is an emotional outburst with NOTHING to back up your ignorant claim. And I am supposed to just 'believe' you...

What a fucking moron you are...
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

You and warren buffett think alike, thing is he really doesn't pay his fair share in taxes.
That's kinda the point.
Ignorance is not a response...you fail. Bring PROOF with links so I can hand you your tiny little head.

I know ignorance is not a response. I tried telling you that for over a year. Nice to see some results are occuring.

SO...your response is an emotional outburst with NOTHING to back up your ignorant claim. And I am supposed to just 'believe' you...

What a fucking moron you are...

^^^ Emotional outburst.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

$250K per year isn't "rich." Also, raising taxes on small business owners causes jobs to decrease not increase.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

$250K per year isn't "rich." Also, raising taxes on small business owners causes jobs to decrease not increase.

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

Let's look at who paid taxes each year of the Bush administration and the last two years of the Clinton administration:

First number is percentiles ranked by Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
Second number is the average Adjusted Gross Income of each taxpayer in that group.
The third number is the average percentage of personal income tax paid.

Tax Year 2008
Top 1% - $380,354 - 38.02%
Top 5% - $159.619 - 58.72%
Top 10% - $113,799 - 69.94%
Top 25% - $67,280 - 86.34%
Top 50% - $33,048 - 97.30%
Bottom 50% - below $33,048 - 2.7%

Tax Year 2007
Top 1% - $410,096 - 40.42%
Top 5% - $160,041 - 60.63%
Top 10% - $113,018 - 71.22%
Top 25% - $66.532 - 86.59%
Top 50% - $32,879 - 97.11%
Bottom 50% - below $32,879 - 2.89%

Tax Year 2006
Top 1% - $388,806 - 39.89%
Top 5% - $153,542 - 60.14%
Top 10% - $108,904 - 70.79%
Top 25% - $64,702 - 86.27%
Top 50% - $31,987 - 97.01%
Bottom 50% - below $31,987 - 2.99%

For Tax Year 2005
Top 1% - $364,567 - 39.38%
Top 5% - $145,283 - 59.67%
Top 10% - $103,912 - 70.30%
Top 25% - $62,068 - 85.99%
Top 50% - $30,881 - 96.93%
Bottom 50% - below $30,881 - 3.07%

For Tax Year 2004
Top 1% - $328,049 - 36.89%
Top 5% - $137,056 - 57.13%
Top 10% - $99,112 - 68.19%
Top 25% - $60,041 - 84.86%
Top 50% - $30,122 - 96.70%
Bottom 50% - below $30,122 - 3.30%

For Tax Year 2003
Top 1% - $295,495 - 34.27%
Top 5% - $130,080 - 54.36%
Top 10% - $94,891 - 65.84%
Top 25% - $57,343 - 83.88%
Top 50% - $29,019 - 96.54%
Bottom 50% - below $29,019 - 3.46%

For Tax Year 2002
Top 1% - $285,424 - 33.71%
Top 5% - $126,525 - 53.80%
Top 10% - $92,663 - 65.73%
Top 25% - $56,401 - 83.90%
Top 50% - $28,654 - 96.50%
Bottom 50% - below $28,654 - 3.50%

For Tax Year 2001 - Takes into account 9/11
Top 1% - $292,913 - 33.89%
Top 5% - $127,904 - 53.25%
Top 10% - $92,754 - 64.89%
Top 25% - $56,085 - 82.90%
Top 50% - $28,528 - 96.03%
Bottom 50% - below $28,528 - 3.97%

For Tax Year 2000
Top 1% - $313,469 - 37.42%
Top 5% - $128,336 - 56.47%
Top 10% - $92,144 - 67.33%
Top 25% - $55,225 - 84.01%
Top 50% - $27,682 - 96.08%
Bottom 50% - below $27,682 - 3.91%

For Tax Year 1999
Top 1% - $293,415 - 36.18%
Top 5% - $120,846 - 55.45%
Top 10% - $87,682 - 66.45%
Top 25% - $52,965 - 83.54%
Top 50% - $26.415 - 96.00%
Bottom 50% - below $26,415 - 4.00%
National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?

NOTE: In 2009 and 2010, the bottom 40 percent, on average, make a profit from the federal income tax, meaning they get more money in tax credits than they would otherwise owe in taxes. For those people, the government sends them a payment.

Obviously, the President is targeting those in the top 5% for tax increases to offset tax cuts for the bottom 90%. But the bottom 50% aren't paying more than a tiny amount, if any, taxes now and a tax cut for them is essentially meaningless.

Those middle folks need people to be working, looking forward to better pay and benefits, and they need their investments in their 401Ks stablilized far more than they need a few more bucks in their paycheck. And if those tax cuts result in more money having to be printed or borrowed, the money they receive will be worth less and less with each passing month.

That is not a prescription for stimulating the economy. It is a prescription for extending a long and dreary recession.

But 90+% of all jobs are provided by the folks in that top 5 to 10%. And if the President taxes that group more than they are already paying, every penny taken in new revenues is money that won't be available for new private sector jobs, raises, better benefits, investments to stablilize and grow the 401Ks, or venture capitol for new entreprenours.

Tax them enough and you drive the economy into depression.

To stimulate the economy, you run the government as frugally as possible while reducing as much tax and regulation burden on the job creators as possible and turn them lose. That is the one thing this administration is refusing to even talk about.

P.S. That top 5% of tax payers represents about 7 million Americans out of more the 300 million.
Universal care is used in the context of .gov control to which rationing is a vital component. Apply the same ZeroSum economics you do to wealth distribution.

Medicare is not unlimited coverage.
I fail to see how a tax cut for the middle class paid for by a tax hike on the rich would not stimulate the economy.

$250K per year isn't "rich." Also, raising taxes on small business owners causes jobs to decrease not increase.

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!
why don't you not try so hard to be misleading..
That's FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR....Do the math genius...That is an additional $12,500 per year on top of what these people already pay.
And if the person earns $500k....An extra $25,000 per year or over TWO THOUSAND MORE PER MONTH...
I'd like to shove the FIVE CENTS up the ass of every tax and spend liberal.
Universal care is used in the context of .gov control to which rationing is a vital component. Apply the same ZeroSum economics you do to wealth distribution.

Medicare is not unlimited coverage.

Private insurance is not unlimited coverage. We already have rationing and REAL death panels through corporate cartels.
$250K per year isn't "rich." Also, raising taxes on small business owners causes jobs to decrease not increase.

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!
why don't you not try so hard to be misleading..
That's FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR....Do the math genius...That is an additional $12,500 per year on top of what these people already pay.
And if the person earns $500k....An extra $25,000 per year or over TWO THOUSAND MORE PER MONTH...
I'd like to shove the FIVE CENTS up the ass of every tax and spend liberal.

NO, it is 5% on income OVER $250,000
How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!
why don't you not try so hard to be misleading..
That's FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR....Do the math genius...That is an additional $12,500 per year on top of what these people already pay.
And if the person earns $500k....An extra $25,000 per year or over TWO THOUSAND MORE PER MONTH...
I'd like to shove the FIVE CENTS up the ass of every tax and spend liberal.

NO, it is 5% on income OVER $250,000

Which is it?
why don't you not try so hard to be misleading..
That's FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR....Do the math genius...That is an additional $12,500 per year on top of what these people already pay.
And if the person earns $500k....An extra $25,000 per year or over TWO THOUSAND MORE PER MONTH...
I'd like to shove the FIVE CENTS up the ass of every tax and spend liberal.

NO, it is 5% on income OVER $250,000

Which is it?

The tax hike only applies to income over that threshold. When you go from $250,000 to $250,001, you only pay a higher tax rate on that one extra dollar. Your taxes will go up by a few cents. If you earn $300,000, you will pay a slightly higher tax rate on the last $50,000 of your income — less than a couple thousand dollars.

Even people making half a million dollars a year won’t be “taxed at rates similar to those who make $5 million,” because only half their income will be taxed at the top rate.
NO, it is 5% on income OVER $250,000

Which is it?

The tax hike only applies to income over that threshold. When you go from $250,000 to $250,001, you only pay a higher tax rate on that one extra dollar. Your taxes will go up by a few cents. If you earn $300,000, you will pay a slightly higher tax rate on the last $50,000 of your income — less than a couple thousand dollars.

Even people making half a million dollars a year won’t be “taxed at rates similar to those who make $5 million,” because only half their income will be taxed at the top rate.

thereisnospoon sir, the floor is yours for rebuttal.
$250K per year isn't "rich." Also, raising taxes on small business owners causes jobs to decrease not increase.

How Tax Brackets Work -- $250,001 Income Pays Five Cents More Tax

Here is how it really works. What happens is that the first $250K is taxed just like it has been, but anything that is made over $250K -- and only the amount over $250K -- is then taxed at the higher rate. The tax on the amount below $250K is not changed.

Example: Suppose the tax increase is 5% on income over $250K. This means that a person who reports income of $250K plus one dollar will be taxed an additional 5 cents. FIVE CENTS!
why don't you not try so hard to be misleading..
That's FIVE CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR....Do the math genius...That is an additional $12,500 per year on top of what these people already pay.
And if the person earns $500k....An extra $25,000 per year or over TWO THOUSAND MORE PER MONTH...
I'd like to shove the FIVE CENTS up the ass of every tax and spend liberal.

Further, from the stats I posted just above, it should be apparent to all but the mathematically challenged that under the Bush tax policy, the percentage of taxes paid by the top 5% increased significantly over the eight years, most especially after the tax reform in 2003 while the tax burden of the bottom 50% decreased almost every year. The average of increase in the AGI was about the same for both, however.

Then when the bottom fell out in 2008, the top wage earners took a 16% hit compared to a 4% hit for wage earners as a whole. The bottom 50% actually increased their average AGI.

We should be very careful in increasing the burden on ANYBODY during recession, but certainly the target should not be the job creators. And I have never been offered a job by anybody in that bottom 50%.

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