Obama's Legacy

What are the standards you are using to communicate here?

I recognize English words, letters, and picturesque colors, but I cannot contextualize a single message in this thread, much less know the relation of two or more quoted, referenced messages.

It seems there is no continuous movement in the thread, except for the frequency of exchange. I do have the impression it is not simply cathartic and that there are actual suggestions.

Could anyone briefly comment on my perception?
You sound constipated. I suggest you eat a bushel of prunes.
One of the sickest days in American history.

When Obama had the White House bathed with lights in the LGBT sodomite flag colors
. ...... :puke3:

What are the standards you are using to communicate here?

I recognize English words, letters, and picturesque colors, but I cannot contextualize a single message in this thread, much less know the relation of two or more quoted, referenced messages.

It seems there is no continuous movement in the thread, except for the frequency of exchange. I do have the impression it is not simply cathartic and that there are actual suggestions.

Could anyone briefly comment on my perception?
You sound constipated. I suggest you eat a bushel of prunes.

A slow process is it?
LGBT is not a crime
Used to be........hopefully will be again. ...... :cool:

It also was legal in ancient. Hammurabi, the great law giver, allow them to marry.
Those ancients were some sick fuckers.

Christian church falsely made natural attractions and act sinful and illegal

Christianity and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sure. It's natural for a male bear to bang another male bear in the woods. I'm not sure but I don't think God intended that for ANY species.
What is Obama's fascination with queers and perverts?

Forget the economy, forget job creation, forget education, and all the rest.

Obama's top agenda is totally focused on turning the nation into homo heaven.

The guy is mentally sick....... :cuckoo:
Obamas top priority was health care, after that there seems to be a good split between national security, the environment, immigration and gun control. He has done some but I haven't seen a significant focus on LGBT, so what specifically are you talking about?
LGBT is not a crime
Used to be........hopefully will be again. ...... :cool:

It also was legal in ancient. Hammurabi, the great law giver, allow them to marry.
Those ancients were some sick fuckers.

Christian church falsely made natural attractions and act sinful and illegal

Christianity and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sure. It's natural for a male bear to bang another male bear in the woods. I'm not sure but I don't think God intended that for ANY species.

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

not any?.....1,500 species
One of the sickest days in American history.

When Obama had the White House bathed with lights in the LGBT sodomite flag colors
. ...... :puke3:


From a human perspective, colors are not enough to be considered a sodomite reference. We could perhaps argue about the cloth, but I do not see any provided funds for your visually laden claim.
Used to be........hopefully will be again. ...... :cool:

It also was legal in ancient. Hammurabi, the great law giver, allow them to marry.
Those ancients were some sick fuckers.

Christian church falsely made natural attractions and act sinful and illegal

Christianity and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sure. It's natural for a male bear to bang another male bear in the woods. I'm not sure but I don't think God intended that for ANY species.

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

not any?.....1,500 species
Wikipedia. Lol.
Christian church falsely made natural attractions and act sinful and illegal
Actually, God's word in the Torah thousands of years before Christianity declared homosexuality an abomination worthy of death. ...... :cool:


"For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can comprehend, that is enough." (Matthew 19:12 Lamsa). The Aramaic word m'haym-ne (plural) is translated as eunuchs here, but literally means: trusted ones, faithful ones and believers. These "trusted ones" were also servants such as chamberlains, eunuchs and officers. Additionally, m'haym-ne meant homosexual men because they were trusted around women that were married or were not of their family. They weren't a threat in committing adultery with other mens' wives or in having pre marital sex with the women of the nation.
"For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can comprehend, that is enough." (Matthew 19:12 Lamsa). The Aramaic word m'haym-ne (plural) is translated as eunuchs here, but literally means: trusted ones, faithful ones and believers. These "trusted ones" were also servants such as chamberlains, eunuchs and officers. Additionally, m'haym-ne meant homosexual men because they were trusted around women that were married or were not of their family. They weren't a threat in committing adultery with other mens' wives or in having pre marital sex with the women of the nation.
That has zero to do with what I said.

Maybe you should lay off the :alcoholic: for awhile because your posts are becoming somewhat disjointed. ...... :cool:
It also was legal in ancient. Hammurabi, the great law giver, allow them to marry.
Those ancients were some sick fuckers.

Christian church falsely made natural attractions and act sinful and illegal

Christianity and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sure. It's natural for a male bear to bang another male bear in the woods. I'm not sure but I don't think God intended that for ANY species.

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1,500 animal species practice homosexuality

not any?.....1,500 species
Wikipedia. Lol.

"For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can comprehend, that is enough." (Matthew 19:12 Lamsa). The Aramaic word m'haym-ne (plural) is translated as eunuchs here, but literally means: trusted ones, faithful ones and believers. These "trusted ones" were also servants such as chamberlains, eunuchs and officers. Additionally, m'haym-ne meant homosexual men because they were trusted around women that were married or were not of their family. They weren't a threat in committing adultery with other mens' wives or in having pre marital sex with the women of the nation.
That has zero to do with what I said.

Maybe you should lay off the :alcoholic: for awhile because your posts are becoming somewhat disjointed. ...... :cool:

The crime in Genesis was homosexual "rape"
In Deuteronomy it was sexual prostitution in the foreign temples
"For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can comprehend, that is enough." (Matthew 19:12 Lamsa). The Aramaic word m'haym-ne (plural) is translated as eunuchs here, but literally means: trusted ones, faithful ones and believers. These "trusted ones" were also servants such as chamberlains, eunuchs and officers. Additionally, m'haym-ne meant homosexual men because they were trusted around women that were married or were not of their family. They weren't a threat in committing adultery with other mens' wives or in having pre marital sex with the women of the nation.
That has zero to do with what I said.

Maybe you should lay off the :alcoholic: for awhile because your posts are becoming somewhat disjointed. ...... :cool:

>>In the Talmud, as in Roman law, the distinction between natural eunuchs and man-made eunuchs was substantive, although it is not easy to determine whether the natural or the man-made eunuch was in a better position. Both types of eunuchs seemed to be exempted from the requirement to perform the levirate marriage or submit to chalitsah, so there was no advantage here for the natural eunuch. If anything, the man-made eunuch seemed entitled to greater privileges than the natural eunuch, since the man-made eunuch was entitled have a child engendered in his name by his brother if he died childless. It is likely that the natural eunuch should not have married in the first place, as he was never in a state of fitness. [On later review, given that the unqualified "eunuch" is said to be exempt from levirate marriage, while the man-made eunuch is not exempt, it appears to me even more strongly that the unqualified "eunuch" is the eunuch-by-nature.] But what is most interesting is that Rabbi Eliezer believed the natural eunuch might be cured. Here I would merely note past controversies in the United States about alleged cures for homosexuality.
There is a potential ambiguity in the use of the English phrase "by nature" in this context. "By nature" can mean two different things: "by constitution or essence," or "because of the actions of nature or random fate." In the Talmud, the term contrasted against the man-made eunuch [saris adam] is literally "eunuch of the sun" [saris chammah], with the implication being that the "eunuch of the sun" has been that way since the sun first shone upon him. That is the interpretation given by the Soncino edition of Yebamoth.
For the Amoraim rabbis who composed the Gemara, or commentative, sections of Yebamoth, the identification of a "eunuch of the sun" presented a problem. It is interesting that in their musings as to possible means of identifying a "eunuch of the sun," none of the rabbis suggested looking for defects in the reproductive organs. Instead, they looked for absence of pubic hair at the age of twenty (expressly one of the signs of puberty in Roman law), absence of froth in urine, watery semen, urine which does not ferment, absence of steam from the body after a winter bath, and finally a voice which is so abnormal that one cannot distinguish whether it is that of a man or a woman. Many of these characteristics, if not all, seem to reflect an Aristotelian coolness in the eunuch's body.
This interesting hypothesis is complicated by what the rabbis said was the cause of natural eunuchism, namely that during pregnancy the natural eunuch's mother drank strong beer and baked bread at noon. In other words, it was an excess of heat during gestation that caused the eunuchism. Perhaps this also explains the term "eunuch of the sun." Maybe the eunuch is like a burned-out light bulb, which never gets hot again. In any case, if the "eunuch of the sun" were a eunuch in our modern sense of the term, perhaps because of an anatomical birth defect, it would not be necessary to resort to such obscure tests in order to identify him. <<

>>A Third Gender
Discussions of natural eunuchs are not only found in Roman and Jewish law, but also in Greek and Latin literature.
Aristotle warned that some boys indulging in receptive anal intercourse would grow to like it and might become impubescent from birth and nonprocreative due to an imperfection of the reproductive organs (History of Animals 7.1.5-6).
Pliny the Elder assigned eunuchs and hermaphrodites to the "third gender called half-male," saying this category also included men whose testicles were destroyed, either by injury or by natural causes (Natural History 11.49). Thus Pliny distinguished between eunuchs and men whose testicles were destroyed even while categorizing them together, along with hermaphrodites, as third-gendered half-males.
In Physiognomy 2.3, Adamantios said that: "The characteristics of natural eunuchs are worse than those of other men. So most of them are savage, deceitful evildoers, each one more so than the last. Of the cut eunuchs, though, some characteristics change over at the same time as the cut, but most of their congenital nature remains."
Notice that Adamantios described natural eunuchs in distinctly psychological terms, having certain personality characteristics. These characteristics were not observable for the most part in cut eunuchs, who retained most of their congenital nature, i.e. as males. I translate this passage differently than Kathryn Ringrose did in her essay. She did not make a distinction here between natural and cut eunuchs, but I was led by Ernst Maass in his 1925 essay "Eunouchos und Verwandtes," who saw the "same distinction" in Adamantios as in Ulpian's statement about natural and man-made eunuchs.
Notice too Adamantios's viciously disdainful attitude toward natural eunuchs. Is it not reminiscent of negative attitudes toward passive homosexuals as noted frequently in modern scholarship about homosexuality in the classical world?
In the same vein, see the statement given by Lucian's character Diocles in The Eunuch, that a eunuch is "worse off than a castrated priest of Cybele [bakêlos], for the latter had at least known manhood once, but the eunuch had been "cut off" from the very first and was an ambiguous sort of creature like a crow, which cannot be reckoned with either doves or ravens" (Eunuch 8). Likewise, Diocles's explanation that "a eunuch is neither male nor female, but something composite, hybrid, and monstrous, alien to human nature" (Eunuch 6).
In Lucian's dialogue, a self-proclaimed eunuch is competing against Diocles, who is a male, in a public contest for an endowed chair in philosophy, and the male has argued that no eunuch should hold such a position of dignity and honor. The eunuch argues in rebuttal that even women can be philosophers, so a eunuch certainly can be (Eunuch 7). Nonetheless, the dispute continues. Toward the end of the dialogue, when a bystander claims to know that this eunuch is not really a eunuch, but merely assumed this identity falsely to escape a prior adultery charge, Lucian exploits the tension existing in his time between the definitions of mutilated and anatomically whole eunuchs.
Lucian several times indicates that impotence, specifically with women, is a defining feature of certain eunuchs. It is true that half of the spectators wanted to lift the supposed eunuch's cloak and inspect him, "as they do with slaves purchased with silver" (Eunuch 12). This corresponds to the man-made eunuch. But others had the "even more ridiculous" idea to fetch some women from a brothel and put him in a room with them and order him to have sex with them. The oldest and most trustworthy judge should stand by to observe whether he was able to perform. This corresponds to the anatomically whole eunuch, who is impotent because he does not feel the heat of passion for women. The tests are never performed, but the reputed eunuch, who now wants to be thought of as a male in order to secure the academic position, sets to having sex with as many women as he can to prove he is not a eunuch. And the narrator of the story prays at the end that his own young son will have the genital skills required to be a philosopher (Eunuch 13). <<

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