Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss

one thing i noticed is the people who voted for him are extremely loyal and are not willing to accept that the obamas may not be as squeaky clean and pure as they have represented themselves to be.

even in the wake of substancial and ever growing evidence to the contrary.

i think more (rational) people are beginning to look at the birth certificate and other documents and elements of their life story as more than just silliness, or just impossible that it could be true.

history will eventually tell. one thing for sure is you aren't automatically a racist just because you are interested in the subject, now matter which side you come down on.

the chicago democrat machine has done a remarkable job of ridiculing and disenfranchising any who would dare to ask reasonable questions about their godlike president. it never stopped me though, if anything the resistence to my inquiries made me stronger.

i think one of the funniest things when we look back at this in retrospect, will be the democrats creating the notion that this subject is poisonous to the republican party ,
and the republicans believing it.

at this point, either the science is right or it's not. it's taking a long time, but from the beginning, i've said you can't fake the provenance. anyone who watches antiques roadshow or pawn stars knows that.
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one thing i noticed is the people who voted for him are extremely loyal and are not willing to accept that the obamas may not be as squeaky clean and pure as they have represented themselves to be.

even in the wake of substancial and ever growing evidence to the contrary.

i think more (rational) people are beginning to look at the birth certificate and other documents and elements of their life story as more than just silliness, or just impossible that it could be true.

history will eventually tell. one thing for sure is you aren't automatically a racist just because you are interested in the subject, now matter which side you come down on.

the chicago democrat machine has done a remarkable job of ridiculing and disenfranchising any who would dare to ask reasonable questions about their godlike president. it never stopped me though, if anything the resistence to my inquiries made me stronger.

i think one of the funniest things when we look back at this in retrospect, will be the democrats creating the notion that this subject is poisonous to the republican party ,
and the republicans believing it.

at this point, either the science is right or it's not. it's taking a long time, but from the beginning, i've said you can't fake the provenance. anyone who watches antiques roadshow or pawn stars knows that.

Those who voted for Obama and still support him in spite of his record are die hards who would vote for him even if he sent a predator missile to kill an American citizen and his 16 year old son. They would vote for him even if they knew he lied for 17 years about being born in Kenya. They would vote for him even if he were to admit to drug use and DUI. They would vote for him even if they knew he lived for years in another country under an assumed name. They would vote for him even if he had his political career started in the home of an American terrorist. They would vote for him even if the dollar was devalued. They would vote for him even if unemployment had stayed about 8 percent for his whole term. Even if he had called the unborn child a punishment, they would vote for him. Had he said that those who started their own business really didn't do it on their own, they would still vote for him. Guess it is a good thing he didn't do any of those things.
Hey, how come this is put into conspriacy theories, this story is absolutely true.
mr. obama's credibility and truthfulness of his own transparency. but everyday that goes by will help bring his past into focus. apparently obama's administration has denied more foai requests then most presidents.
it occurred to me that his own information might compromise national security. put another way, in his mind he is "protecting" the country by not revealing his own scandals, as in the case of the benghazi political coverup, perpetrated just prior to the 2012 election. how's that for irony ??


from the l.a. times, an extension of the white house media department.

fogbow has information stating he was raised in indonesia and l.a. (who knew) http://beforeitsnews.com/obama-birt...hefogbow-by-scott-e-washamericom-2444176.html

at this point, obama could stand in front of the camera and say he was born in kenya, and the media would spin it, and the populus would be accepting. on top of trying to discover the truth information is the obama media wall of protection. again, look to benghazi as the transparency model.
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If Obama keeps up the lie about Romney and Bain I would start an ad offensive with this bit of creative truth from Obama.

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this?

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this? – Telegraph Blogs

simple.the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA and Obama like Bush sr and Clinton,was an asset for the CIA so they protect their own.

oh and for the idiots who deny the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA.congress did an investigation into their activities in the 70's and discovered through a freedom of information act documents that the CIA in fact does have agents thoughout the mainstream media.wakey wakey.
If Obama keeps up the lie about Romney and Bain I would start an ad offensive with this bit of creative truth from Obama.

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this?

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this? – Telegraph Blogs

simple.the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA and Obama like Bush sr and Clinton,was an asset for the CIA so they protect their own.

oh and for the idiots who deny the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA.congress did an investigation into their activities in the 70's and discovered through a freedom of information act documents that the CIA in fact does have agents thoughout the mainstream media.wakey wakey.

Hey birthers this is what you sound like
If Obama keeps up the lie about Romney and Bain I would start an ad offensive with this bit of creative truth from Obama.

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this?

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this? – Telegraph Blogs

simple.the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA and Obama like Bush sr and Clinton,was an asset for the CIA so they protect their own.

oh and for the idiots who deny the mainstream media is controlled by the CIA.congress did an investigation into their activities in the 70's and discovered through a freedom of information act documents that the CIA in fact does have agents thoughout the mainstream media.wakey wakey.

Hey birthers this is what you sound like

thanks for proving the truth scares you and you cant handle it.:cuckoo:


thanks for showing how conditioned you are by them.Even a former CIA director himself confessed thats the case.Let me guess,he's lying right?:cuckoo:

According to former CIA Director William Colby, "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
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