Obama's Minimum Wage Claims Its Latest Victims - Ashley Furniture Slashes 840 Jobs In California

How is California's state legislation Obama's minimum wage.

Dumb fuck rightard delusion syndrome?
You should know by now these racist fuck nuts blame Obama for everything, including the white kid that gunned down 9 blacks in a church and of course he's the reason the white 'KID" lied in Rio.
Minimum wage - The death blow relative to business success


A few weeks back we pointed out a couple of the reasons that businesses are fleeing California by the 1,000's ("3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years"). Clearly the implementation of a State-wide $15 minimum wage hasn't helped "lure" business owners.

On Friday, Ashley Furniture's 840 employees working in the company's production and warehouse facility in Colton, California became the latest victims of California's minimum wage hike. Ashley announced they would be leaving open their retail store in Colton, but would be relocating the production facility that accounts for most of the location's jobs. Per the San Bernadino Sun, Ashley Furniture released the following statements about the closure:

We thank our employees for all their hard work, but closing these plants on Oct. 25 and rebalancing our manufacturing mixstrengthens production capability and cost structure and will help ensure Ashley’s continued ability to compete effectively long-term in the global marketplace from a U.S. base.

Obama's Minimum Wage Claims Its Latest Victims - Ashley Furniture Slashes 840 Jobs In California | Zero Hedge

Yup. Knob polishers aren't worth $30,000 a year.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.
Himt hint. If the nonsense keeps up out next move is out of the country.

The next move will be store closings as they partner with JC Penny's. Our Ashley's is massive and looks like a ghost town. Seldom see more than a couple cars in the parking lot.
Their furniture, although beautiful, cost too much.

They also do not often do free delivery, at least ours doesn't, and are kind of hateful about it, which turns a lot of people locally off them.
Himt hint. If the nonsense keeps up out next move is out of the country.

The next move will be store closings as they partner with JC Penny's. Our Ashley's is massive and looks like a ghost town. Seldom see more than a couple cars in the parking lot.
Their furniture, although beautiful, cost too much.

They also do not often do free delivery, at least ours doesn't, and are kind of hateful about it, which turns a lot of people locally off them.
Bottom line if you customer base is buying, you don't close locations....end of story, eh?
Minimum wage - The death blow relative to business success


A few weeks back we pointed out a couple of the reasons that businesses are fleeing California by the 1,000's ("3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years"). Clearly the implementation of a State-wide $15 minimum wage hasn't helped "lure" business owners.

On Friday, Ashley Furniture's 840 employees working in the company's production and warehouse facility in Colton, California became the latest victims of California's minimum wage hike. Ashley announced they would be leaving open their retail store in Colton, but would be relocating the production facility that accounts for most of the location's jobs. Per the San Bernadino Sun, Ashley Furniture released the following statements about the closure:

We thank our employees for all their hard work, but closing these plants on Oct. 25 and rebalancing our manufacturing mixstrengthens production capability and cost structure and will help ensure Ashley’s continued ability to compete effectively long-term in the global marketplace from a U.S. base.

Obama's Minimum Wage Claims Its Latest Victims - Ashley Furniture Slashes 840 Jobs In California | Zero Hedge

Yup. Knob polishers aren't worth $30,000 a year.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.
So Americans should be happy to work for wages well below the poverty line because Ashley can't manage a business?


Why do you morons hate America?

No business owner should be forced to pay more than the work is worth.
How does one calculate that amount?

By the return from the product.
No 2 stores will EVER make the same profit.

Not the point.
Minimum wage - The death blow relative to business success


A few weeks back we pointed out a couple of the reasons that businesses are fleeing California by the 1,000's ("3 Simple Charts That Help Explain Why 9,000 Businesses Have Left California In Just 7 Years"). Clearly the implementation of a State-wide $15 minimum wage hasn't helped "lure" business owners.

On Friday, Ashley Furniture's 840 employees working in the company's production and warehouse facility in Colton, California became the latest victims of California's minimum wage hike. Ashley announced they would be leaving open their retail store in Colton, but would be relocating the production facility that accounts for most of the location's jobs. Per the San Bernadino Sun, Ashley Furniture released the following statements about the closure:

We thank our employees for all their hard work, but closing these plants on Oct. 25 and rebalancing our manufacturing mixstrengthens production capability and cost structure and will help ensure Ashley’s continued ability to compete effectively long-term in the global marketplace from a U.S. base.

Obama's Minimum Wage Claims Its Latest Victims - Ashley Furniture Slashes 840 Jobs In California | Zero Hedge

Yup. Knob polishers aren't worth $30,000 a year.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.
So Americans should be happy to work for wages well below the poverty line because Ashley can't manage a business?


Why do you morons hate America?

No business owner should be forced to pay more than the work is worth.
How does one calculate that amount?

By the return from the product.
No 2 stores will EVER make the same profit.

Not the point.
Very much the point.
Value has many different dimensions.
I'm not arguing for the owner or the worker, but value is not so simple.
Yup. Knob polishers aren't worth $30,000 a year.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?
Himt hint. If the nonsense keeps up out next move is out of the country.

The next move will be store closings as they partner with JC Penny's. Our Ashley's is massive and looks like a ghost town. Seldom see more than a couple cars in the parking lot.
Their furniture, although beautiful, cost too much.

They also do not often do free delivery, at least ours doesn't, and are kind of hateful about it, which turns a lot of people locally off them.
Bottom line if you customer base is buying, you don't close locations....end of story, eh?

Not necessarily. Sometimes businesses will close profitable locations as part of their reorganization. That happened locally with a regional chain restaurant. Ours was profitable, but they closed it to sell the property under the premise they could get more for the location because it was profitable than they could get for some of the losers elsewhere, plus it shortened their delivery costs by cleaning all the locations out of this general area of ours and an adjoining state.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?

Ne need...Universal Health Care.
You want it, you got it.
Of course, SOMEONE has to pay for it.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?
im going out on a limb here but.....maybe to attract the best employees?....
$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?

Ne need...Universal Health Care.
You want it, you got it.
Of course, SOMEONE has to pay for it.

I don't want it.

Why should anyone pay for another's access to it?
OK. $ 10/hour lets give 52 weeks w/paid holidays, sick days and vacation days. It is imperative to consider SS Tax and Workman's Comp etc.. Insurance into the calculations to see how much the actual cost is to the company. I am in a no-state tax state. So SS tax and Workan's Comp etc Insurance is roughly 32% of the base wage. A $ 10.00/hour employee cost $ 27,456.00/year. Everything is approximate and over simplified.

10x40=400x52= 20,800x1.32= $27,456
$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?
im going out on a limb here but.....maybe to attract the best employees?....

Indeed. But mandatory supply is not attraction, but slavery.
$30,000.00 is above MW.

$15.00 X 40 hrs X 52 weeks = $31,200
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?
Back in the day, when jobs were plentiful, before the Nafta move by republicans.....benefits were an added bonus to lure workers....today, its expected. And many employers are opting out. My job cut their pension and thier 401K programs. The only thing they give us now is crappy Atnea insurance, which they can take and shove up their ass. Meanwhile, they're making a profit like no other on the market...its all about greed and until the American people have had enough this trend will continue.
Himt hint. If the nonsense keeps up out next move is out of the country.

The next move will be store closings as they partner with JC Penny's. Our Ashley's is massive and looks like a ghost town. Seldom see more than a couple cars in the parking lot.
Their furniture, although beautiful, cost too much.

They also do not often do free delivery, at least ours doesn't, and are kind of hateful about it, which turns a lot of people locally off them.
Bottom line if you customer base is buying, you don't close locations....end of story, eh?

Not necessarily. Sometimes businesses will close profitable locations as part of their reorganization. That happened locally with a regional chain restaurant. Ours was profitable, but they closed it to sell the property under the premise they could get more for the location because it was profitable than they could get for some of the losers elsewhere, plus it shortened their delivery costs by cleaning all the locations out of this general area of ours and an adjoining state.
I agree, but to blame OBama and a increase as wages as the cause, is being dishonest and unfair.
You're so funny and kind...40 hrs X 52 weeks.
NO ONE gets 52 weeks of 40 hrs/week.

Then their work is even less important.

The owner has to avoid a 35 hour week so as not to provide benefits.

Why should an employer provide ANY benefits?

Ne need...Universal Health Care.
You want it, you got it.
Of course, SOMEONE has to pay for it.

I don't want it.

Why should anyone pay for another's access to it?
Because we are a Representative Republic.
You would have to change the Federal and State Constitutions in order to prevent certain types of Taxation.
The simple fact of the matter is that employees WAY outnumber business owners.
A fact that has both pluses and minuses.
Anybody for the minimum wage has a plate in their head. Go check how well it has worked out in Seattle :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface: ....fucking morons.:bye1:

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