Obama's ***Real*** Legacy


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Barry’s Real Legacy

The ongoing daily reality comedy we know as “the news” is reporting cheerfully on President Obama’s “legacy” and his feverish attempts to fossilize it into place. Evidently, Obama is burning the midnight biodiesel and will work harder over the next month even more than he did for the last eight years. Now, this is usual Democrat “lame duck” crap like pardoning convicted felons, establishing environmental protection for the habitat of the South Chickawallup Warbling Mosquito, and stashing billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of federal agencies that then manage to act as governments unto themselves. But besides all of this, I think the entire world is overlooking Obama’s major legacy which will continue for decades to come.

The legacy the world forgot is ISIS, the Syrian Civil War, and mass migration as a result. Let me state it plainly: The whole idea to bring “democracy” to Syria was hatched by the Obama Administration and probably mostly by the Emperor himself. In time, when Assad didn’t “step down” as Obama demanded, this went into an ego contest between Obama and Assad. Then between Obama, Assad, and Putin. The thing was, Assad and Putin weren’t trying to match egos with Obama, but that’s how Obama took it. Therefore, it became a huge mission to save Obama’s pride because he was being thwarted in demanding Assad step down.


The Syrian Civil War is actually a military intervention by Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israel seeks to retain the Golan Heights and weaken Syria so that it won't be able to retaliate after Israel attacks Iran.

The Saudi Arabia is seeking to depose Assad, a shiite, with a Sunni using AlQaeda and ISIS.

The CIA blames Assad and Russia for the destruction in Aleppo when in reality the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia are responsible.

Let us be realistic here. ISIS could not have scored the battlefield victories they did without serious military weaponry coming from the United States government. Let’s remember that the Democrats are masters at re-wording things to sound different. Hence, terrorism itself is reworded to things like “extremist violence” and so forth. Thus, out-and-out terrorists were called “Syrian moderates” to justify funneling weapons to them. This is how they got TOW anti-tank missiles to take out Assad’s armor and anti-aircraft missiles capable of downing Assad’s aircraft. Not to mention continual re-supply of replacement small arms, ammunition, light artillery, food, clothing, medical supplies, and vehicles. I mean, come on, they were finding American-made pick-up trucks in the hands of ISIS which were sold as used vehicles within the United States. To whom? I bet we both know."

Obozo's "legacy" summed up in one illustration.


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I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.
Let us be realistic here. ISIS could not have scored the battlefield victories they did without serious military weaponry coming from the United States government. Let’s remember that the Democrats are masters at re-wording things to sound different. Hence, terrorism itself is reworded to things like “extremist violence” and so forth. Thus, out-and-out terrorists were called “Syrian moderates” to justify funneling weapons to them. This is how they got TOW anti-tank missiles to take out Assad’s armor and anti-aircraft missiles capable of downing Assad’s aircraft. Not to mention continual re-supply of replacement small arms, ammunition, light artillery, food, clothing, medical supplies, and vehicles. I mean, come on, they were finding American-made pick-up trucks in the hands of ISIS which were sold as used vehicles within the United States. To whom? I bet we both know."


Yes, the US is the arms dealer to the world and foments wars to fuel globalization.
I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

Let us be realistic here. ISIS could not have scored the battlefield victories they did without serious military weaponry coming from the United States government. Let’s remember that the Democrats are masters at re-wording things to sound different. Hence, terrorism itself is reworded to things like “extremist violence” and so forth. Thus, out-and-out terrorists were called “Syrian moderates” to justify funneling weapons to them. This is how they got TOW anti-tank missiles to take out Assad’s armor and anti-aircraft missiles capable of downing Assad’s aircraft. Not to mention continual re-supply of replacement small arms, ammunition, light artillery, food, clothing, medical supplies, and vehicles. I mean, come on, they were finding American-made pick-up trucks in the hands of ISIS which were sold as used vehicles within the United States. To whom? I bet we both know."


Yes, the US is the arms dealer to the world and foments wars to fuel globalization.

Globalization................no, regime change in order to please Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................
I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........
I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

I agree that Obama and our policy in Syria is a miserable failure...................Their position of taking out Assad has prolonged the War, the death, and destruction in the region............I still disagree................In regards to Israel giving back the Golan Heights..........they have no reason to because it is a strong defensive position and Strategic position. Why would they give it up only to have missles and artillery be fired at their cities later...............

The only way they lose the Golan Heights is by force............and by Syria..........who can't even retake their own country even with Russian support...........that is laughable...............It is not in Israel's best interest to allow ISIS and others rule Syria even with removing their enemy Assad...........Assad is their enemy and has assisted terrorist like Hezballah to attack them............they will not give up the heights.

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

Obama was trying to take out Assad because that is what Saudi Arabia was demanding. They wanted to replace Assad , who is a Shiite, with a Sunni. ISIS and AQ are populated with Sunnis who were in high positions when Saddam was in power.

The Golan Heights belong to Syria. A country can not take another country's territory merely because they need it.

Syria is a small country. It can not fight against the US , Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Obama administration was launching Tomahawk missiles in order to destroy it and force Assad out of power. Congress would not allow ground troops so Obama used ISIS and AQ as ground troops.

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Golan Heights were taken as a result of War with Syria and Egypt...............Syria lost.............and they lost the territory....it is strategic and if they want it back they will have to do it with force..............I believe they have too many irons on the fire for that right now........

Again I disagree with our policy in Syria which has prolonged it............we will agree there...........NOT with the GOLAN HEIGHTS................

I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Holy crap.......Now we gotta discuss the Zimmerman Note...........the Balfor agreement.......and WWI
I disagree.

Firstly, In 1997 American Likudnicks and Zionists demanded that the US destroy Iraq and Syria in order to make Israel a military superpower in the ME.

Secondly, United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which declared the Golan Heights Israeli-occupied territory continues to apply. Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for "safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force".[16]

During the negotiations regarding the text of United Nations Security Council resolution 242, U.S. Secretary of State Rusk explained that U.S. support for secure permanent frontiers did not mean the US supported territorial changes.[108] The U.N. representative for the United Kingdom who was responsible for negotiating and drafting the Security Council resolution said that the actions of the Israeli Government in establishing settlements and colonizing the Golan are in clear defiance of Resolution 242.[109]

Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel"

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Holy crap.......Now we gotta discuss the Zimmerman Note...........the Balfor agreement.......and WWI

The Balfour Agreement does not mean what Bibi told you that it means

British White Paper of June 1922

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."

Well they did attempt it......so I stand corrected on that part........but if they ever give it up...........they will be shelled from it's position and they will be forced to retake it.............Sadat is the only one who set a lasting peace after the wars..........and the Arab League killed him for it..............Show me the leader in Syria that can be trusted to honor it's word to not launch attacks against Israel after moving there........show me the next Sadat.............until then........it will stay the same..........

You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Holy crap.......Now we gotta discuss the Zimmerman Note...........the Balfor agreement.......and WWI

The Balfour Agreement does not mean what Bibi told you that it means

British White Paper of June 1922

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."


The British Abstained from the vote to create Israel.................Even though they had a hell of a lot to do with it....................and this took place after the Germans tried to exterminate the Jews from the earth......................When they lost the War they stopped........not so much with the Grand Mufti and his gang of cut throats that vowed to kill every one of them in current day Israel....................

The Grand Mufti and Hitler were best buddies pal.................They chose the wrong fucking side of history................they attacked Israel and lost time and time again..............Their great HOPE is to kill every man woman and child in Israel.............problem is they keep losing................Which is why Israel stays prepared.............because should they lose they will be slaughtered.............and only if propoganda can turn countries like us away from them.............

It doesn't work on me..............shall we discuss the Grand Mufti Now................................

Or the Armenian Genocide....................which topic...........in Historical revelance......................which some IGNORE.............
Beer summits after you put your foot in your mouth that's about all the legacy this fool has.
You are forgetting that

1- the Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 and subjected the Palestinian Arabs to terroristic attacks until 1949;

2- In 1949 Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars to interfere in Palestine and forcibly give the land to the Zionists. Overnight 1.5 Muslims became foreigners in their own land.

So I don't see how you expect the Syrians or any body else to remain quite under those circumstances.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Holy crap.......Now we gotta discuss the Zimmerman Note...........the Balfor agreement.......and WWI

The Balfour Agreement does not mean what Bibi told you that it means

British White Paper of June 1922

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."


The British Abstained from the vote to create Israel.................Even though they had a hell of a lot to do with it....................and this took place after the Germans tried to exterminate the Jews from the earth......................When they lost the War they stopped........not so much with the Grand Mufti and his gang of cut throats that vowed to kill every one of them in current day Israel....................

The Grand Mufti and Hitler were best buddies pal.................They chose the wrong fucking side of history................they attacked Israel and lost time and time again..............Their great HOPE is to kill every man woman and child in Israel.............problem is they keep losing................Which is why Israel stays prepared.............because should they lose they will be slaughtered.............and only if propoganda can turn countries like us away from them.............

It doesn't work on me..............shall we discuss the Grand Mufti Now................................

Or the Armenian Genocide....................which topic...........in Historical revelance......................which some IGNORE.............

Well, you have been provided the historical evidence showing how Palestine was stolen from 1.3 MMMMillion Muslims.

If you are a Zionist or an American Likudnick I can understand how you choose to disregard that massive injustice.

You are forgetting that they were asked to come there even before 1925 to invest money there. To make things grow and proper............and they did so.............

You are forgetting that before 1949 Lands were sold to Israeli's by the Land Lords in the region without consideration of their tenants..............

You are forgetting that the Arab Nations ordered their people out PROMISING to drive the ZIONIST INTO THE SEA........they failed............they LOST.....

You are ignoring the Jews who were forced to flee other Arab countries and move to Israel from neighboring states while Arab nations were bragging that they were simply herding the Jews to one place to make them easier to kill..................

All that is completely and totally false.

the 22nd Zionist Congress , somehow, decided that Palestine was going to be their homeland

Read the treatise written by American Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of Holocaust survivors.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict


Holy crap.......Now we gotta discuss the Zimmerman Note...........the Balfor agreement.......and WWI

The Balfour Agreement does not mean what Bibi told you that it means

British White Paper of June 1922

"Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become "as Jewish as England is English." His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. Nor have they at any time contemplated, as appears to be feared by the Arab delegation, the disappearance or the subordination of the Arabic population, language, or culture in Palestine. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded `in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development."


The British Abstained from the vote to create Israel.................Even though they had a hell of a lot to do with it....................and this took place after the Germans tried to exterminate the Jews from the earth......................When they lost the War they stopped........not so much with the Grand Mufti and his gang of cut throats that vowed to kill every one of them in current day Israel....................

The Grand Mufti and Hitler were best buddies pal.................They chose the wrong fucking side of history................they attacked Israel and lost time and time again..............Their great HOPE is to kill every man woman and child in Israel.............problem is they keep losing................Which is why Israel stays prepared.............because should they lose they will be slaughtered.............and only if propoganda can turn countries like us away from them.............

It doesn't work on me..............shall we discuss the Grand Mufti Now................................

Or the Armenian Genocide....................which topic...........in Historical revelance......................which some IGNORE.............

Well, you have been provided the historical evidence showing how Palestine was stolen from 1.3 MMMMillion Muslims.

If you are a Zionist or an American Likudnick I can understand how you choose to disregard that massive injustice.


Like the Muslim Nazi divisions in present day Bosnia...........who helped exterminate Jews with their leader being best buddies with Hitler..........With the Arab League telling all of these people to get out including Jews who were forced out of their homes in other Middle East countries...........

The stuff you ignore...................Perhaps we should go back in time and show how the Armenians died in the desert's of Syria................in a Genocide that Turkey still denies happened over and over again.......................are you in denial of this as well..................

There are 2 sides of every story............you chose the one that destroys Israel............I DON'T........

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