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Obama's record trickle down economics is not working.

Please stop blaming Bush. I mean..... Seriously. It makes you look really, really stupid. The man has been gone for over five years.


Nixon's been gone for much longer and America is still fighting his failed big-government drug war. America seems to keep fighting a bunch of failed Republican wars long after they're gone.
Umm.... the poverty rate went from about 11.7% to about 14% due to Bush's policies. It's gone from about 14% to about 15% due to Obama's policies. So if you want to blame anyone for it being as high as it is, blame Bush. His policies have pushed more folks into poverty.

We're not talking about Bush, We're talking Obama. Try to keep up.

You're the one who made this about Bush, not me. You're the one complaining that the poverty rate is the highest it's been since 1965. Well no president has pushed more people into poverty than Bush since that time, so that's the source of your complaint.

No that would be you who bought Bush into this. We all know Obama has been dealt a bad hand yada, yada, yada. The facts show Obama dismal performance, and the only thing you can say to counter that is Boooooosh.
Despite $trillions in bail outs...$85,000,000,000 PER MONTH in bond buying schemes...$100's millions in outright corporate gifting, several $billion is "shovel ready" projects....

The income gap in America has grown and continues to grow at a pace not seen before in modern history.

Again - from this President we get lip service and pandering to low information supporters...but in the end..it is worse.

Hope and Change.


You hit it right on the head.

THIS is still another version of the TRICKLE DOWN ECON theory the right wing so loves.

Now that Obama is doing it, of course, its SOCIALISM, but when Bush II played the same game (only using tax breaks instead of bond buying) it was the greatest social science idea ever invented.

Partisans...tools or fools, the lot of them
Private charities are overwhelmed because the rising income inequality has put many of their former donors into the lines of people now asking for help. Meanwhile, Fortune 500 companies have trillions of dollars in cash sitting in untouchable foreign accounts, not trickling down to anyone, not creating any jobs for anyone, not being taxed to pay for America's or any other nation's infrastructure, not providing for the working poor.
I love it when those who fight to prevent any tax increase on the wealthy, fight against increasing the minimum wage, fight healthcare, fight education funding

Then gloat that the income gap has increased

That's false. The only thing we try to fight is spending. You seem to only want to increase taxes. Everything you on the left do is based in ever increasing taxes. It's essentially a license to steal.

Spending on what?

Healthcare for children? Childrens daycare? Jobs programs? Jobs training? Scholarships? Unemployment benefits?

All help to close the income gap and all are opposed by the right

Healthcare for children? Jobs programs? Unemployment?

Not that all of these issues aren't already being addressed. Democrats want control. They invent issues, cause problems, and then blame it all on "the rich" or Bush.

Income inequality has to be one of the dumbest ideas they've come up with yet. It is just an issue that is really a non-issue dreamed up to make the left look caring. Anyone who scoffs at it can be demonized as 'for the rich'. Democrats always come up with these counterproductive arguments that are designed to cover up their failures. It's designed to get everyone's attention off more important issues like Obamacare, Iranian nuclear programs, Benghazi cover-ups.
Then lets do something about it...


I agree. Govt has failed us. Let's get more people involved in private charities. No more to govt.

You can do both

Again you don't answer...
"You can do both"...AGAIN...I ask WHY?
AGAIN...I say we have witnessed the largest extraction of wealth of the average taxpayer - TO - the super wealthy than has been done since the gilded age - and you want to increase the money these thieves are getting.
Jesus Christ.
This people is how an empty suit poser got elected TWICE.
Record welfare
Record disability payouts
Record Food Stamps
Soon to be:
Record Medicare payouts
Record Medicaid payouts
At the same time
Record earnings of the richest Americans
Two (working on three) record Wall Street earnings
Record taxpayer dollars given to the FED and Wall Street
Record campaign contributions.

yes...yes...let's give them more money to keep 'fixing" things like this.
It's really funny how so many millionaires like talking about income inequality.

Bill Maher Educates Peter Schiff on the Wealth Gap in America & Socialism .flv - YouTube

They are also willing to pay more of their wealth in taxes

Are Conservatives?

Bull shit!!!!!

Anyone who donates to Democrats, like Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bonjovi seem to be paying little or no taxes. They all seem to talk a good game but soon it is discovered they're getting some serious tax breaks and Obamacare waivers.
You're far too ignorant to have a discussion about the merits of libetarians philosophy on economic liberty. You refuse to even acknowledge that the Democrat ideas are simply redistributing the wealth in the same fashion as republicans were redistributing it. Just to different special interests. Meanwhile the rest of us have to endure your types fantasy bullshit about more government as the answer and not the problem. More tax and spend wealth redistribution right to the very people you all complain about endlessly. If I didn't know you were completely fucking ignorant of this fact, I'd call you a hypocrite. But really you're confuised and lost, like other mental patients.

Umm, no one is making you endure anything. You're always free to leave and move to a country which operates under your utopia. Remind me again .... which country is that?

If I don't like your thieving ways I can leave? Really? That is the best answer you have for being called out as advocating theft?

Morally, and principly bankrupt fucks. the entire lot of your type.
How do we, as a society, address the failures of Supply Side economic theory that for the last 30 years has ensured that wealth is funneled and maintained by the wealthy?

Do we confiscate money from the rich and give to the poor? Of course not

We need to enhance programs that allow the poor and working Americans to earn and maintain more wealth and income.

Increase the minimum wage
Increase taxes on employers who do not pay a living wage
Pay for more secondary and vocational education
Give tax breaks to "job creators". If you are not creating jobs, you pay more
National healthcare
We're not talking about Bush, We're talking Obama. Try to keep up.

You're the one who made this about Bush, not me. You're the one complaining that the poverty rate is the highest it's been since 1965. Well no president has pushed more people into poverty than Bush since that time, so that's the source of your complaint.

No that would be you who bought Bush into this. We all know Obama has been dealt a bad hand yada, yada, yada. The facts show Obama dismal performance, and the only thing you can say to counter that is Boooooosh.

The fact is -- Bush was dealt a bad hand but nobody wants to talk about how he got us out of a recession and prevented us from falling into a Depression after 9/11

For those of you who care (excludes dimocrap morons) the S&P P/E ratio was higher when Bush took Office than it was the day before Black Monday of 1929

For those of you who have an IQ (excludes dimocrap morons) The NASDAQ crash was the worst market crash in history...... By a WIDE margin.

The DJIA crash of 1929 was caused when it lost 12% of its value. Wowee-zowee, batfink.

NASDAQ lost 78% of its value under the rapist, Clinton.

Oh, the 'DAQ isn't as big as the DJIA?

Wanna bet?

The 'Daq includes three of the top five BIGGEST COMPANIES ON EARTH.....

Apple, Microsoft, Google.....

Then there was the attacks on 9/11.... In large part allowed to happen because the rapist, Clinton, gutted our CIA, invoked the "Torricelli Principle" (look it up) and sent Jamie Gore-Lick (why isn't that **** rotting in a prison cell?) around to erect the "Wall" that prevented the CIA and Military Intelligence (Able Danger, look it up) from telling the FBI that, "Houston, we have a problem"

But Bush brought us back from all that. Within five years of him taking Office, our economy was flat-out SCREAMING.

Had it not been for his reluctance to becalled a 'racist' by ever race-baiting dimocrap scumbag on The Hill and had it not been for the WORST FED CHAIRMAN EVER -- Greenspawn (husband of Andrea Mitchell), things may have been different.

But that's not the problem.

The problem is this...... A LOT of presidents are handed a shitty situation when they take Office. A LOT.

Ronald Reagan, George W Bush, and barack insane obama.....

Reagan and Bush did magnificent jobs of fixing things. Reagan even defeated the most evil empire, the most murdering scum that ever existed without firing a shot... Much to my disappointment.... I can talk about that later.

Bush brought us back from the brink.... A terrible economy and the worst attack on American Soil in History...

the Stuttering Clusterfuck and his dumber-than-dirt supporters...?

All they can do is blame Bush. And Reagan. And the Cookie Monster. And -- Whatever.

You know what folks..... If you blamed others at your job as much as you blame others in politics, you'd get fired in a heart beat.

obama is an incompetent douchebag. For you to defend him only makes you look stupid.
How do we, as a society, address the failures of Supply Side economic theory that for the last 30 years has ensured that wealth is funneled and maintained by the wealthy?

Do we confiscate money from the rich and give to the poor? Of course not

We need to enhance programs that allow the poor and working Americans to earn and maintain more wealth and income.

Increase the minimum wage
Increase taxes on employers who do not pay a living wage
Pay for more secondary and vocational education
Give tax breaks to "job creators". If you are not creating jobs, you pay more
National healthcare

Tax and spend. Tax and spend. That's the only trick you guys have, andit's a failed endeavor. But when faced with observational failure, just claim it wasn't done right, or more of it is needed! In other words, do the same thing over and over and expect a different result!

You're far too ignorant to have a discussion about the merits of libetarians philosophy on economic liberty. You refuse to even acknowledge that the Democrat ideas are simply redistributing the wealth in the same fashion as republicans were redistributing it. Just to different special interests. Meanwhile the rest of us have to endure your types fantasy bullshit about more government as the answer and not the problem. More tax and spend wealth redistribution right to the very people you all complain about endlessly. If I didn't know you were completely fucking ignorant of this fact, I'd call you a hypocrite. But really you're confuised and lost, like other mental patients.

Umm, no one is making you endure anything. You're always free to leave and move to a country which operates under your utopia. Remind me again .... which country is that?

It used to be this one and we want it back.

dimocrap scum have taken over and fucked everything up.... Just like we said they would.

The question is.... Are there enough people to see how incredibly incompetent they are to vote to restore some sanity to the process.

We will get a hint in Nov and find out for sure in 2016.

Please stop blaming Bush. I mean..... Seriously. It makes you look really, really stupid. The man has been gone for over five years.


When was it like that here? How far back in time do you have to go to when it was a Conservative utopia? It's never been like that in my lifetime and based on what I've seen of Conservative policies, I don't ever want to see America go there.

As far as Bush ... do you think I give a fuck what you think? No president put more people into poverty than he did, so you can be sure that when someone complains about poverty being too high, the name of the president who contributed the most to that figure is also going to come up.
How do we, as a society, address the failures of Supply Side economic theory that for the last 30 years has ensured that wealth is funneled and maintained by the wealthy?

Do we confiscate money from the rich and give to the poor? Of course not

We need to enhance programs that allow the poor and working Americans to earn and maintain more wealth and income.

Increase the minimum wage
Increase taxes on employers who do not pay a living wage
Pay for more secondary and vocational education
Give tax breaks to "job creators". If you are not creating jobs, you pay more
National healthcare


What are you?

A communist?

Statistically conservatives are more generous than liberals. Democrates love reaching into our pockets but they are never so generous with their own money. They all seem to go to Washington poor and end up rich. They're only goal is to pad their own portfolios, not help the poor. Their primary supporters are the very rich and the poor. Why would they want get rid of the very source of their power? Answer me that.
And completely side step the fact its still going on under a democrat president. But hey, you can always say this administration has had long enough to fix the mess, right? Just keep on waiting and hoping people! Eventually democrats will get it straightened right out. All we have to do is tax and spend more and Democrats will eventually get us there. It's insanity is what it is.
How do we, as a society, address the failures of Supply Side economic theory that for the last 30 years has ensured that wealth is funneled and maintained by the wealthy?

Do we confiscate money from the rich and give to the poor? Of course not

We need to enhance programs that allow the poor and working Americans to earn and maintain more wealth and income.

Increase the minimum wage
Increase taxes on employers who do not pay a living wage
Pay for more secondary and vocational education
Give tax breaks to "job creators". If you are not creating jobs, you pay more
National healthcare

Is that what you think the problem is?
We don't have a supply side system anymore RW, haven't for almost 30 years.
We have a warped sudo free market system that is no longer free.
America is supposed to be a Democratic Republic with a free market economic system.
America is actually an oligarchy with a corporatist-elitist system that no longer produces wealth, it extracts it.
Perhaps you need a little encouragement...let me help you by speaking the truth..perhaps this will inspire you to do the same:
I am as conservative as they come concerning economics.
Having said that - George Bush Jr. was a terrible President concerning economics. he was basically AWOL. He let the vipers run things, so during his 8 years the corporatist corrupt system elevated to a whole new level.
Now - see?????
I assure you plenty of conservatives will say the same about Bush.
Are you capable of critiquing this President? To see that he is a poser? To see that while he is ranting about wealth inequality - he is the ABSOLUTE KING of giving our money to the wealthy??? You see nothing wrong with this? And your answer is raise taxes???
We're not talking about Bush, We're talking Obama. Try to keep up.

You're the one who made this about Bush, not me. You're the one complaining that the poverty rate is the highest it's been since 1965. Well no president has pushed more people into poverty than Bush since that time, so that's the source of your complaint.

Obama now owns that record of pushing more people into poverty.

Don't be stupid, just because the rate is higher now doesn't mean Obama added more. Obama's policies have added about one percentage point to the Poverty rate while Bush's policies added about 2.5 percentage points.
We're not talking about Bush, We're talking Obama. Try to keep up.

You're the one who made this about Bush, not me. You're the one complaining that the poverty rate is the highest it's been since 1965. Well no president has pushed more people into poverty than Bush since that time, so that's the source of your complaint.

No that would be you who bought Bush into this. We all know Obama has been dealt a bad hand yada, yada, yada. The facts show Obama dismal performance, and the only thing you can say to counter that is Boooooosh.

Bush is the king of poverty -- you can't talk about poverty without talking about Bush.
Thank you "Faun"
Folks have you ever seen a better representation of Obama than the character in "Pan's Labyrinth"?
Fits perfectly

You're far too ignorant to have a discussion about the merits of libetarians philosophy on economic liberty. You refuse to even acknowledge that the Democrat ideas are simply redistributing the wealth in the same fashion as republicans were redistributing it. Just to different special interests. Meanwhile the rest of us have to endure your types fantasy bullshit about more government as the answer and not the problem. More tax and spend wealth redistribution right to the very people you all complain about endlessly. If I didn't know you were completely fucking ignorant of this fact, I'd call you a hypocrite. But really you're confuised and lost, like other mental patients.

Umm, no one is making you endure anything. You're always free to leave and move to a country which operates under your utopia. Remind me again .... which country is that?

If I don't like your thieving ways I can leave? Really? That is the best answer you have for being called out as advocating theft?

Morally, and principly bankrupt fucks. the entire lot of your type.
I don't view it as "thievery," you do. I don't have a problem with it, you do. You're the one whining that it's being forced on you. That is bullshit since you're always free to leave to a place where you're happy. If you don't like it here, leave. We're not going backwards to where we were 100 years ago.

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