Obama's scorched-earth policies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now
  • “In four years he racked up more debt than all previous presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined.4 He is on track to triple the debt created by Bush in his eight years. Triple.5”

  • “Obama “saved” the auto industry by losing $26 billion (and counting) of your taxpayer dollars. The losses could eventually reach $70 billion.20 That’s losing tens of billions of dollars in order to save the bloated pensions of auto union members that vote Democrat.”

  • “The housing collapse is now worse than at the peak of the Great Depression. 25 Foreclosures are a tsunami sweeping the nation. What is Obama’s solution? He wants to eliminate the home mortgage interest deduction for upper income homeowners.26 Come again? In the middle of a housing collapse, Obama wants to eliminate the support the tax code offers to home prices? Just think about that.”

  • “Don’t forget that Obama has for all intents and purposes had the government take control of the auto industry, student loan industry, healthcare industry, and banking.”

  • “EPA rules are making it impossible for coal companies to stay in business. The overall picture is a tragedy. The Sierra Club gleefully reports that under Obama, America’s 522 coal plants have dwindled down to only 395. They’re closing every week.30” “Considering that we desperately needed those jobs, and that the U.S. economy runs on oil and coal, does Obama seem like a reasonable man, with America’s best interests in mind? Or does he seem like someone bringing about a crisis to purposely bring the U.S. economy to its knees?”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/ultimate-obama-survival-guide/id601965000?mt=11
“Are we building a future for our children to be productive and competitive in this world? Obama’s own Education Secretary announced recently that 82 percent of all public schools are in danger of failing.34 SAT scores were the worst in history during Obama’s first term.35

We spend far more on education than any country in the world, only to get some of the worst results.36 What would you expect from a president owned by the teachers’ unions? I can only think Obama’s goal is to dumb down future Democratic voters. Teach them obedience to big government. Teach them to think of cradle-to-grave handouts as a civil right. It’s all about fairness and equality.”

(34) Duncan: 82 Percent Of US Schools May Be Labeled 'Failing' Under No Child Left Behind Policies

(35) SAT Reading, Writing Test Scores Drop to Lowest Levels - Bloomberg

(36) Infographic: US Education Spending vs. Results - Digital Insider

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=601965000
“None of this should surprise us. The green economy is a trillion dollar “Bridge to Nowhere.” Ask Spain, with the greenest economy in Europe, and over 25% unemployment. Youth unemployment in Spain is over 50%. Spain is completely bankrupt and begging European central banks to bail them out. Socialist rulers, green energy, and high-speed rail lines have gutted Europe’s fifth-largest economy and destroyed its future.24 But isn’t that the Obama plan?

Green energy is the scam to allow Obama and his socialist cabal to take control over vast swaths of U.S. industry and manufacturing, waste taxpayer dollars enriching his cronies and contributors, and redistribute income from business owners and homeowners to Obama’s voters—because of course, the energy bills of the poor will be subsidized by government.”

(24) Spain's Green Disaster a Lesson for America - Finance - CBN News

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/ultimate-obama-survival-guide/id601965000?mt=11
It became clear President Obama studied under prominent Marxists, Communists, and Revolutionaries. It became clear the people he refers to as “mentors” in his books were nothing more than composites. It became clear he attended the church of an America-hating, racist pastor for 20 years. And yet the media continued to laud his vision and what he stood for.

“The deception is so easy to see through,” Glenn said. “He’s happy to talk about anything. He won’t budge a single inch, won’t make a single concession. He’s happy to talk all you want. In fact, in his entire presidency, name one thing that he’s conceded to the Republicans. They say he concedes all the time. He gives everything. Tell me one time. One thing that was ever really important to the Tea Party and the people who believe in the Constitution. Name one… How about not apologizing for everything that we have ever done? How about just seeing that we have good intentions? How about not calling us ‘Tea Baggers’ for once? How about just recognizing the people that came on 8/28/10 and saying they were good decent people? How about just that? Name one thing.”

Glenn: How do you deal with a President who is hell bent on destroying America?
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

Awwww, Poodle, the Koch Brothers have just given Paul Ryan his marching orders. They are going to fold like a cheap suit.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

As I mentioned in another post, imagine the power him or someone else who wishes to be king will have when they have the ability to withhold people's healthcare from them.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

The GOP's Tea Bagger wing convinced itself that they could intimidate the dems by punishing Americans

Another big fat G:lol:P FAIL.
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

You forgot all about infrastructure. You're slipping in your monomania. Don't let it happen again.
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

The GOP's Tea Bagger wing convinced itself that they could intimidate the dems by punishing Americans

Another big fat G:lol:P FAIL.
The decisions to punish were made by Obama and the dems.
They had a bill that would have prevented this , they shot it down .
All or nothing is not compromise.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

The GOP's Tea Bagger wing convinced itself that they could intimidate the dems by punishing Americans

Another big fat G:lol:P FAIL.

The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

Awwww, Poodle, the Koch Brothers have just given Paul Ryan his marching orders. They are going to fold like a cheap suit.

For the first time in your USMB history, you are right. The GOP will "fold like a cheap suit" because they are made up of 90% liberals and lead by one of the worst liberals of all - John Boehner. So what is your point?

And more importantly - what does it say about you and how radically unhinged you are that you find hard core liberals despicable because they are not far enough left for you? Oh wait - that's right - you flat out admitted on many occasions now that you are a communist and "fuck capitalism".
Well, the radical tea party has a scotched earth third world policy of killing programs that keep America on top.

Killing science
Killing tech
Killing education(17th)...Not saying democrats aren't really bad on this too.

The sane center needs to come together and form a party. Seriously.

Here's the thing - the Tea Party is the "sane center". The fact that people like you can't see that is the reason we're in the mess that we're in. All they are advocating is that we actually adhere to the law. Gasp! :eek:

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "science?" You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "tech"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

Please cite for me where in the Constitution the federal government is responsible for "education"? You can't because the federal government is not. So then why are tax payers paying for it? That's why we're $17 trillion in debt.

How sad that you didn't name one item that the federal government is Constitutionally responsible for. And you won't be able to either because the Tea Party does not want to "kill" one single item that the federal government is actually Constitutionally responsible for.

The Constitution is the "sane center". Until people like you figure that out, this nation is fucked.

Guy, the Constitution was written by a bunch of slave rapists who thought that bleeding people was a good treatment for strep throat.

I don't think I'll take their advice on science.

Here's the thing, we are getting our ASSES HANDED TO US by countries that have no compunction about investing in science and tech and education and infrastructure.

Because they aren't worshipping a bunch of dead slave-rapists. They are seeing, "Okay, what is it going to take for us to be more competitive in the global marketplace". And they invest there.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

Awwww, Poodle, the Koch Brothers have just given Paul Ryan his marching orders. They are going to fold like a cheap suit.

For the first time in your USMB history, you are right. The GOP will "fold like a cheap suit" because they are made up of 90% liberals and lead by one of the worst liberals of all - John Boehner. So what is your point?

And more importantly - what does it say about you and how radically unhinged you are that you find hard core liberals despicable because they are not far enough left for you? Oh wait - that's right - you flat out admitted on many occasions now that you are a communist and "fuck capitalism".

You cannot trust anybody. They are all in on the conspiracy, there is only me and thee left, and we are not so sure of thee:lol::eusa_boohoo::cuckoo::eusa_boohoo::lol:
Oh looky look another whiner thread by the rotty. Whine whine whine,

Hey which way you go on John Bohoner. In one post you say he is the ultimate liberal and the last post has him standing UP to Obama and being your hero.

Which is it? And I know you get confused with all that whining, but try and be more consistent about who you hate and don't hate.

Teabaggers are counting on you dog. Don't let 'em down. But stop whining or someone will put you outside.
The man is intent on burning the whole thing to the ground, falsely blaming it on capitalism, and replacing it with marxism - just like daddy taught him (the same scumbag daddy who abandoned him to spread marxism in Africa):

"The president isn't telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. And, as stories across the country highlight the devastating impact of Obamacare on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all Americans.

This is part of a larger pattern: the president's scorched-Earth policy of refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law, current government funding, or the debt limit."

John Boehner: Obama owns this shutdown now

The GOP's Tea Bagger wing convinced itself that they could intimidate the dems by punishing Americans

Another big fat G:lol:P FAIL.


[MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION]! Where have you been sweetie? I've been looking for you. So much for your juvenile posts of the (voter fraud) electoral results. I tried to keep telling you that you "won" (via voter fraud) one election while we won over 200 elections.

You realize yet that Obama is just an impotent little man who wants to be dictator (and has even gotten away with it in many cases) but ultimately wields no power?

The Tea Party shut him down baby!


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