Obama's Signing Of "Violence Against Womens" Act. What About Violence Against Men?

I have a question: if an attractive 32 yr old blonde beats the bajesus out of her husband with a golf club during "PMS" week, is she not guilty?
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A question I asked several Liberal friends of mine and not a one would answer it. They just walked away muttering under their breath...

So which is it? Are women so weak that they need special laws to protect them from actions that are already illegal and in some cases just pusihing one away from you ( If your are a man ) can result in jail time, or are they so strong that they can go into combat knowing that if they are captured by the enemy, they will be raped at least once during their captivity?

The bill is less about the actual crime itself which is already law, rather to provide a way out to stop the abuse.

Many, if not most woman beaters are control freak nutcases that put the woman completely at the mercy of the man (perhaps kids, they don't work, he is the sole breadwinner,.etc,..) making it virtually impossible for the spouse to simply walk away.

Under the act, it helps to fund battered woman's shelters and out paths to help these people get out of their abusive situations.

strange how Democrats used that Bill to aid taking away Constituitonal rights.

This is how screwed those laws are. I saw this with my own eyes.

A man was on the phone outside of his house. His wife came out, jumped on his back of him hitting him. He pushed her off of him and she fell down in the drive, cutting her hand on the gravel just as the cops came around the corner.

He was arrested and charged with Domestic Violence despite the fact that cops were told what she had done. They said they saw him push her to the ground and that was all that mattered.

The DA prosecuted him, not her, and he was convicted of domestic violence, spent two months in jail, lost all of his guns, lost his house (which was his before they got married) and lost his job.
I am the least violent person, lets just say the complete opposite of Mike Tyson, I have never beaten anyone to a pulp, but will admit, throughout middle and high school, no one ever challenged me. I will never forget the time I was in middle school and during a gym class, I took on everyone my size, beat them all!!!
Obama's Signing Of "Violence Against Womens" Act. What About Violence Against Men?

I'm sure you'd be more-comfortable....

....in EGYPT!!

"Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood warns that a U.N. declaration on women's rights could destroy society by allowing a woman to travel, work and use contraception without her husband's approval and letting her control family spending."

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