Obama's Supreme Court Pick is.........

because if rushbo says it, must be true... :cuckoo:

good that you got your marching orders, though, i guess.

Well, given what you said earlier about Scalia and Thomas, how do you feel about someone who says the court makes policy?

That's the real question; here's the oath of office for US Supreme Court Justices:

According to Title 28, Chapter I, Part 453 of the United States Code, each Supreme Court Justice takes the following oath:

"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."

Judge Sotomayor was speakikng about Courts of Appeals judges. The Supreme court is the highest Appeal Court in the realm, so what she said directly relates to her attitude about her duties on the Supreme Court.

If you believe that is what Supreme Court Judges should do - base decisions on "empathy" - then, Jillian, you should have no problem with what she said at Duke University. This is the dividing line about her appointment.
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i see your point, since she was appointed to the federal bench by george hw bush

Dumb ASS, what is her Ruling record? Being picked by this or that President is not always a clear indicator of what you will do once on the Bench. That whole " Judge for life" thing rules out any worry about the President getting mad at you and firing you.

ok, shithead (trying to make you feel like a real girene by insulting your obvious lack of intellect)
you think george hw bush was going to appoint an obvious liberal to the federal bench
... that you would even ponder that prospect proves my assertion that you have no ability to think for yourself ... hence the long career following the orders of others

As a matter of courtesy President Bush 41 allowed the pick to be by the Senator of the georgraphic area, in that case it was Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.

stereotypes? is that why Bush chose Alito, you dumb fuck?
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.
no, you have that wrong, she is the type we like
we may not agree with her stands, but we respect what she has done
its assholes like YOU we dont like
Scalia and Thomas are two of the most activist judges ever on the bench in terms of ignoring stare decisis and implementing their own philosophical agenda. So please tell it to someone who doesn't know any better.

So screw you... and you calling anyone a partisan hack is really kind of funny.

I will give you Scalia and Alito, but not Thomas! If anything the man applies the law better than anyone on the bench!

Thomas is an idiot.

He most certainly is not an idiot.

please resize photos before posting them

Composed, thoughtful, and very private - Judge Thomas has proven to be a very strong member of the Court.
I have no idea. But merely not knowing how something creates a particular effect does not mean that the effect does not exist.

For example, I really have no idea how one can be so stupid as to believe the things that you do. And yet, despite the fact that the process is baffling to me, you still continue to say mind-numbingly idiotic shit.

how can you say the test did not take race out? if you don't know how it put it in??? this is strange..

By looking at the results of the test. Thats how you can say that. As has been explained to you, repeatedly.

Testing is a fair way to do promotions, just because only 1 minority passed doesn't mean the test is wrong. This is the same type a manure that's being spread about about how IQ tests are somehow invalid too just because it shows a little preference towards whites and asians. God it can't just be that more whites and asians have a higher IQ. :confused:
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.

you're a moron, this is exactly what republicans like, those who get off their asses and make something of themselves instead of living off the government teet their whole life
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.

you're a moron, this is exactly what republicans like, those who get off their asses and make something of themselves instead of living off the government teet their whole life

No one lives off the government teet their whole life except politicians and retired military.
She worked her way up from public housing to Princeton to the Yale Law School to the Supreme Court.

This is just the type of person the Republicans hate.

She disproves all their stereotypes.

you're a moron, this is exactly what republicans like, those who get off their asses and make something of themselves instead of living off the government teet their whole life

No one lives off the government teet their whole life except politicians and retired military.

cockmouth chrissy back for more.
I have no idea. But merely not knowing how something creates a particular effect does not mean that the effect does not exist.

For example, I really have no idea how one can be so stupid as to believe the things that you do. And yet, despite the fact that the process is baffling to me, you still continue to say mind-numbingly idiotic shit.

how can you say the test did not take race out? if you don't know how it put it in??? this is strange..

By looking at the results of the test. Thats how you can say that. As has been explained to you, repeatedly.

but you haven't factored in any other circumstance.. remember a minority hispanic did pass.. seems kinda knee jerk to call it racist!
because if rushbo says it, must be true... :cuckoo:

good that you got your marching orders, though, i guess.

I actually heard her say it in her own voice Jillian. On the Supreme Court issues, do your own search to verify instead of cocuoo-ing me and Rush; he's cited enough titles for you to do that.

it's been posted on this board at least three times today.. easily ignored by head up the azz librals..:lol:

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