Obama's Threat of 'Consequences' in Ukraine Irks Conservatives, no RED line ?


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
Obama said: "I want to be very clear as we work through these next several days in Ukraine that we're going to be watching closely, and we expect the Ukrainian government to show restraint, to not resort to violence in dealing with peaceful protesters. We've also said we expect peaceful protesters to remain peaceful, and we'll be monitoring very closely the situation, recognizing that with our European partners and the international community there will be consequences if people step over the line."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama's Threat of 'Consequences' in Ukraine Irks Conservatives

"watching closely"..? and then what ?

"monitoring very closely".., as above..., then what ?

draw a RED line that you do not have the guts to back up, like last year for Syria ?

i'll just bet your strongest action.., if any will be to "strongly" condemn them, or would that be rebuke.., you puke ?

"there will be consequences"..., what, invigilate them very, very closely ? :lmao:
Please TRY SOMETHING Obama....Putin PLEASE put this idiot in his place for all of ours sake! Obviously he didn't learn his place after Syria.
Western EU negotiators are being told to stay away by Putin, yet the Ukrainians want Russia to stay away.
Russia might be eyeing a way back into the Ukraine. We need to keep an eye on that.
Looks like the US is talking about sanctions etc in concert with European allies.

"Were they to apply for visas they would be denied," the official said.

The additional sanctions against Ukrainian officials, would likely be pursued in concert with European allies, after the deadly unrest in the country's capital, saying the threat of penalties may push the government in Kiev to halt the violence.

"All of us are deeply disturbed," Secretary of State John Kerry said during a brief appearance in Paris with his French counterpart. "We are talking about the possibility of sanctions or other steps with our friends in Europe and elsewhere in order to try to create the environment for compromise."

Mr. Kerry and other U.S. officials didn't detail what those sanctions might entail, but the administration in the past has held out the threat of individual sanctions, typically steps that freeze assets and limit travel".

Obama Condemns Ukraine Violence - WSJ.com
Western EU negotiators are being told to stay away by Putin, yet the Ukrainians want Russia to stay away.

Russia dangles that cheap natural gas and oil to the Ukraine govt and they cave to Putin's wishes.
Of course the people of Ukraine want ties to the west, not the former KGB agent who is trying to reestablish a Soviet style bloc of countries to insulate mother Russia from Western Europe.
We should issue sanctions against Russia.
Kick out a couple diplomats. Maybe freeze some of Russia's assets here in the US.
Or something as simple as a travel ban or having all EU nations cut off internet service to and from Russia.
Obama won't do any of it. He's a pussy.

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