Objecting to jihad, will liberals ever?

Why would you assume that Sharia courts in the US would have anything to do with Criminal matters?

They have stated that is their goal.

Why do you assume that he would support the guy who beheaded his wife?

Because they believe in honor killings.

Why do you assume any of these things?

Because they answer "Its complicated" when asked directly about issues like this. How is it complicated, you either think a woman has rights, or you do not. There is nothing complicated about it.
In less then 100 years.

Then you're a moron. Sorry, I can't think of a more polite way to put it.

You really think that Americans will allow that to happen? This country is overwhelmingly NOT Islamic. Why would the will of the few overturn everything that makes this country great?

Cultural exhaustion, failed education and fear.
What I say about Islam was common knowledge 100 years ago.

So you think that America will be tricked into becoming a Muslim theocracy?
Why would you assume that Sharia courts in the US would have anything to do with Criminal matters?

They have stated that is their goal.

Why do you assume that he would support the guy who beheaded his wife?

Because they believe in honor killings.

Why do you assume any of these things?

Because they answer "Its complicated" when asked directly about issues like this. How is it complicated, you either think a woman has rights, or you do not. There is nothing complicated about it.

We're not talking about a "they". We're talking about Rauf. Do you think that he supports honor killings? When did he state his goal of taking over our legal system?
Because they are not going around killing people who disagree with them, or even tell the truth about what they are doing. Islam is.

If you do not see the difference, then you really have a problem with reality.

Of course I see the difference. But if you don't see the difference between moderate Muslims and Wahhabi, than you are the one with the reality problem.
We're not talking about a "they". We're talking about Rauf. Do you think that he supports honor killings? When did he state his goal of taking over our legal system?

If I told you it was my goal to make sure that the US Constitution, and all federal and state laws, did not conflict with the Bible, you would assume I wanted to rewrite everything and turn the US into a Christian theocracy.

Rauf has directly stated that he wants to make sure that none of those things conflict with Sharia law, and you think he isn't after exactly what you would accuse me of. Does that seem like it might just be a blind spot on your part, and not me being extreme in accusing him of trying to set up a theocracy here?

You need to apply the same standards to everyone, or you eventually will end up tying yourself in a knot trying to prove you are not being biased against Islam.
You really think that Americans will allow that to happen? This country is overwhelmingly NOT Islamic. Why would the will of the few overturn everything that makes this country great?
What kind of citizen do we have now after 100 years of progressive eduction?
People who embrace socialism and blame capitalism and the jews for practically every evil in the world,
Of course I see the difference. But if you don't see the difference between moderate Muslims and Wahhabi, than you are the one with the reality problem.

Can you point to anything I have said that indicates that I have a problem with Muslims just because they are Muslims? Give it a shot. I even condemned someone for expressing that attitude right here in this thread. What I am worried about is that the radical Muslims are the ones with the power, and the megaphone. I worry that there are not enough moderate Muslims to stop these people. I worry that whenever a moderate Muslim does speak up, he is killed, and his family is forced to go into hiding.
Then you're a moron. Sorry, I can't think of a more polite way to put it.

You really think that Americans will allow that to happen? This country is overwhelmingly NOT Islamic. Why would the will of the few overturn everything that makes this country great?

Cultural exhaustion, failed education and fear.
What I say about Islam was common knowledge 100 years ago.

So you think that America will be tricked into becoming a Muslim theocracy?
It could very well happen, as long as we listen to the platitudes of false and designing men and do not question they're motives .

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an ever lasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

Samuel Adams
We're not talking about a "they". We're talking about Rauf. Do you think that he supports honor killings? When did he state his goal of taking over our legal system?

If I told you it was my goal to make sure that the US Constitution, and all federal and state laws, did not conflict with the Bible, you would assume I wanted to rewrite everything and turn the US into a Christian theocracy.

Rauf has claimed that Sharia law DOES NOT CONFLICT with the Constitution - not that he wants to change the Constitution to fit Sharia law. There's a pretty big difference right there.
Of course I see the difference. But if you don't see the difference between moderate Muslims and Wahhabi, than you are the one with the reality problem.

Can you point to anything I have said that indicates that I have a problem with Muslims just because they are Muslims? Give it a shot. I even condemned someone for expressing that attitude right here in this thread. What I am worried about is that the radical Muslims are the ones with the power, and the megaphone. I worry that there are not enough moderate Muslims to stop these people. I worry that whenever a moderate Muslim does speak up, he is killed, and his family is forced to go into hiding.
The problem is the powerful ones with the megaphones interpretation carries intellectual and scriptural weight and historic precedent ,

If they were distorting Islam there wouldn't be a problem for non muslims Islam would shut them down , Unfortunately the fundamentalist have the high moral ground .
Cultural exhaustion, failed education and fear.
What I say about Islam was common knowledge 100 years ago.

So you think that America will be tricked into becoming a Muslim theocracy?
It could very well happen, as long as we listen to the platitudes of false and designing men and do not question they're motives .

"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an ever lasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

Samuel Adams

How would this dytopian fantasy of yours happen?
We're not talking about a "they". We're talking about Rauf. Do you think that he supports honor killings? When did he state his goal of taking over our legal system?

If I told you it was my goal to make sure that the US Constitution, and all federal and state laws, did not conflict with the Bible, you would assume I wanted to rewrite everything and turn the US into a Christian theocracy.

Rauf has claimed that Sharia law DOES NOT CONFLICT with the Constitution - not that he wants to change the Constitution to fit Sharia law. There's a pretty big difference right there.
You believe him ?
Of course I see the difference. But if you don't see the difference between moderate Muslims and Wahhabi, than you are the one with the reality problem.

Can you point to anything I have said that indicates that I have a problem with Muslims just because they are Muslims? Give it a shot. I even condemned someone for expressing that attitude right here in this thread. What I am worried about is that the radical Muslims are the ones with the power, and the megaphone. I worry that there are not enough moderate Muslims to stop these people. I worry that whenever a moderate Muslim does speak up, he is killed, and his family is forced to go into hiding.

Most of what I've posted in this thread is responding to Mr. Fitnah, who does believe that there is no such thing as moderate Muslims. I've responded to you when you've posted to me.

I think that the Wahhabi have the megaphone because they're the ones that get Media coverage, not because they're a majority. I think the vast majority, including our friend Rauf, are peaceful, law abiding citizens who should be able to worship who or what they want.
If I told you it was my goal to make sure that the US Constitution, and all federal and state laws, did not conflict with the Bible, you would assume I wanted to rewrite everything and turn the US into a Christian theocracy.

Rauf has claimed that Sharia law DOES NOT CONFLICT with the Constitution - not that he wants to change the Constitution to fit Sharia law. There's a pretty big difference right there.
You believe him ?

Why don't you?
And why would you assume that Sharia courts in the US would allow those things either? .........................

BECAUSE you braindead obscurant moron allowing for killing dishonorable female family members, female genital multilation, stealing the property of infidels and raping aka 'marrying' nine year olds. is WHAT Sharia does.

No, it's not.

Read about the Sharia courts in England. They're used to broker deals, settle contract disputes and civil issues. They do NOT rule on Criminal cases.

And you don't see anything wrong with a dual legal system?

Get a clue if it happened in England where shira law can infiltrate trust me it WILL happen here.
BECAUSE you braindead obscurant moron allowing for killing dishonorable female family members, female genital multilation, stealing the property of infidels and raping aka 'marrying' nine year olds. is WHAT Sharia does.

No, it's not.

Read about the Sharia courts in England. They're used to broker deals, settle contract disputes and civil issues. They do NOT rule on Criminal cases.

And you don't see anything wrong with a dual legal system?

Get a clue if it happened in England where shira law can infiltrate trust me it WILL happen here.

It didn't happen. The fear mongering was false. England is not entirely subject to Sharia law. That's my point.

It's religious arbitration. It happens in the US every day as well.
Except Rauf isn't trying to tell me what to eat, wear, or sleep with.

The same can't be said for the Religious Right.

If the Constitution does not conflict with Sharia and the Hassid he will be enforcing his dicatates on what you wear with the death penalty. Whatever you think about Christian fundamentalists, none of them are using violence to make people dress like the Amish, even the Amish.

That's where you lose me. I don't believe that Rauf's plan is to force Americans to live under Sharia law, I believe his statements are more for allowing American Muslims to live under Sharia law if they choose.

You're welcome to believe the Islamic conspiracy to take over the world if you like, I don't.

Again you cannot have dual legal system. We have ONE law.

If muslims what to live under shira law, go home

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