OBOMINATION: Gas Price Record Worsens: 1,245 Days Above $3 a Gallon...

Given the legacy of things you're "sure" of... :eusa_hand:

You still haven't answered --- what "awful record"?

Still waiting.

As usual.

Read. This record belongs to your boy. Time to stop being delusional and accept reality. Happened on his watch. It is all on him. Just like it would be if a Republican were President.

Perhaps one needs an optometrist.

WHAT "awful record?

i answered this

perhaps one needs a brainstem
Read. This record belongs to your boy. Time to stop being delusional and accept reality. Happened on his watch. It is all on him. Just like it would be if a Republican were President.

Perhaps one needs an optometrist.

WHAT "awful record?

i answered this

perhaps one needs a brainstem

Don't bother with that Bot. He's rapidly slipping into crash-mode. Any minute now he'll begin getting hysterical and crashing hard. But unfortunately, his reboot won't help. A lost Bot-cause for sure. So don't waste too much of your time on him.
the price of gas already came down as a result of increased domestic energy production

gosh ur stupid

Except that increase has happened while Obama has been president and the price of gas has pretty much stayed the same when you take into account the economic crash at the end of Bushes terms.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

except this; if that
take this into account

ur a joke

You are the one who thinks that lifting the moratorium on some offshore drilling equaled an increase in energy production which led to the sharp decline in gasoline prices at the end of 2008, right?

Yet deny the facts as presented that the only increase in oil production has happened since Obama became president.

And you call me a joke.

That is ironic.
you are paying ALOT MORE for gas under obama and dems

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I paid over $4.00 when Bush was president.

So, you lie.

And in today's dollars you paid even more.

Gas prices hit an all-time record in July 2008 at $4.11 a gallon in 2008 dollars.

-- which would be in today's dollars at the same value: $4.53

Yet the average price right now, also in today's dollars, is $3.64.

I'm told "my boy" is responsible for that 89¢-a-gallon differential. If only I knew who "my boy" is...
Except that increase has happened while Obama has been president and the price of gas has pretty much stayed the same when you take into account the economic crash at the end of Bushes terms.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

except this; if that
take this into account

ur a joke

You are the one who thinks that lifting the moratorium on some offshore drilling equaled an increase in energy production which led to the sharp decline in gasoline prices at the end of 2008, right?

Yet deny the facts as presented that the only increase in oil production has happened since Obama became president.

And you call me a joke.

That is ironic.

for permits that were applied for on Bush's watch. obama has decreased production on federal lands

it's not ironic; it's you presenting half a story as usual; nothing "ironic" about it
Except that increase has happened while Obama has been president and the price of gas has pretty much stayed the same when you take into account the economic crash at the end of Bushes terms.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

except this; if that
take this into account

ur a joke

You are the one who thinks that lifting the moratorium on some offshore drilling equaled an increase in energy production which led to the sharp decline in gasoline prices at the end of 2008, right?

Yet deny the facts as presented that the only increase in oil production has happened since Obama became president.

And you call me a joke.

That is ironic.

Just hold your Dear Leader accountable. You would do that if a Republican were President right now. This awful record is on him. It's his watch. No amount of spin will change that reality.
Yes, and who did you blame for that? Happened on his watch, right? So again, i graciously accept your surrender. But only if you do the honorable thing and man-up.

Republicans. They had the power to keep oil from rising from $0.99, which is where it was the day Clinton left office.

it was $1.78/gallon when Bush left office

As a result of the economic bust that was occurring. Are you as proud of the more than half a million jobs the Bush economy was losing when gas prices fell from their highest mark ever during July of 2008?
Republicans. They had the power to keep oil from rising from $0.99, which is where it was the day Clinton left office.

it was $1.78/gallon when Bush left office

As a result of the economic bust that was occurring. Are you as proud of the more than half a million jobs the Bush economy was losing when gas prices fell from their highest mark ever during July of 2008?

bush's average price of gas is less than obama's

on to your next pathetic excuse dolt................
Republicans. They had the power to keep oil from rising from $0.99, which is where it was the day Clinton left office.

it was $1.78/gallon when Bush left office

Stop it, you're gonna cause a mass Obamabot crash. I've done it many times myself. They'll get all hysterical and head off to reboot. So go easy, will ya?

So why did gas prices tumble from the July 2008 record? Are you going to jump on the lifting of the off shore moratorium bandwagon too?
when you say "bush" economy you should be prepared to list what polices dems supposedly opposed and proved it with their votes

if you cant you may be a crybaby left-wng hypocrite
Yes, and who did you blame for that? Happened on his watch, right? So again, i graciously accept your surrender. But only if you do the honorable thing and man-up.

Republicans. They had the power to keep oil from rising from $0.99, which is where it was the day Clinton left office.

it was $1.78/gallon when Bush left office

--- and six months earlier it was $4.11. So you're telling us the economy took a 57% dump.

Thanks for the uh, breaking news.
you are paying MUCH MORE for food and gas than you did when republicans ran things

true story
His watch, his show. Just like giving better care to Illegals and GITMO Prisoners than our brave Vets. It's about accountability, just as it would be if a Republican were President right now.

So, does this apply to hurricanes and or other "acts of god???" It's just his fault and that's that?

I didn't bring up Obamacare, so quit trying to change the subject.

How is Obama supposed to lower gas prices and how does lowering the prices (temporary) prevent prices from spiking again in a few months?
Perhaps one needs an optometrist.

WHAT "awful record?

i answered this

perhaps one needs a brainstem

Don't bother with that Bot. He's rapidly slipping into crash-mode. Any minute now he'll begin getting hysterical and crashing hard. But unfortunately, his reboot won't help. A lost Bot-cause for sure. So don't waste too much of your time on him.

So ---- you have no answer. Just say it and quit being a lying hack for one day in your life.
we're experiencing price inflation; due to obama's propping up the markets with like $85 billion a month in "free money" in the form of quantitative easing

libs are losers who lie to themselves
i answered this

perhaps one needs a brainstem

Don't bother with that Bot. He's rapidly slipping into crash-mode. Any minute now he'll begin getting hysterical and crashing hard. But unfortunately, his reboot won't help. A lost Bot-cause for sure. So don't waste too much of your time on him.

So ---- you have no answer. Just say it and quit being a lying hack for one day in your life.

Now you're getting there ole Bot-Boy. You're hysterical crash is well-underway. Too bad no amount of reboots will help you. You're way too gone. ;)
if you paid $5/gallon for one 10 gallons of gas per week of the month; and $2/gallon for 10 gallons the other 3 weeks;

or $4/gallon for 10 gallons each week all month

in which instance would you have paid more?

left-wing losers have no sense of logic

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