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Obscuring the True Face of Mohamed Morsi


Nov 13, 2012
By Michael Kravshik
February 10, 2013

Why can't the Western media and the Obama administration call Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi out for what he is -- a racist? On the contrary, both groups have a frightening habit of portraying Morsi as a respectable politician, someone whose values resemble something similar to our own. The horrific comments made a few years back by Morsi that have recently made it to the headlines are a prime example of this disquieting trend.

Take this comment by New York Times writer David Kirkpatrick, for example:

[T]he exposure this month of [Morsi's] virulent comments ... have revealed sharp anti-Semitic and anti-Western sentiments, raising questions about Mr. Morsi's efforts to present himself as a force for moderation and stability. Instead, the disclosures have strengthened the position of those who say Israel's Arab neighbors are unwilling to commit to peace with the Jewish state.​

Do Morsi's comments merely "raise questions about his moderation" or "strengthen the position" of those saying he is unwilling to make peace? "We must never forget, brothers, to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews" should do more than just raise questions about Morsi's moderation.

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Articles: Obscuring the True Face of Mohamed Morsi
Morsi being a racist is the least of our worries. It scares me that Obama treats Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood as if they are our allies. Nothing could be further from the truth. Morsi and his organization are nothing but hateful radicals who are cozy with terrorists and they are focused on their own plan for dominating the region, which is not in our best interest.

It's even more disturbing that Obama seems to share Morsi's opinion of Israel. While Obama hasn't said anything negative about Israel, he hasn't exactly said anything good and he has been disrespectful.

The platform at the DNC intended to omit any mention of God and openly state that Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. So many of the Democrats avoided the convention. Seems the delegates consisted of a large group of angry and radical anti-Semites and while God was initially banned, I don't believe Allah was.

The facts are all out there for everyone to see. Of course, the media is smart enough to realize that a portion of the population won't put anything together on their own and trust the media to lay it out for them.

There are so many videos floating around that show how radical Morsi really is and the media can only keep facts hidden for so long before they are forced to comment. They know darn well that Morsi has made hateful comments as often as the Rev Wright does. They act surprised that Morsi would say something like that, which makes them look like fools.

Morsi's moderation is not, nor ever has been in question, for those who have paid attention. He has always been an anti-American extremist and now he's an extremist in a position of power. I think Obama gets some credit for that. Obama has taken billions from the U.S. tax payers on Morsi's behalf. This means the media has to tread carefully when saying anything about this terrorist.
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Sorry bout that,

Morsi being a racist is the least of our worries. It scares me that Obama treats Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood as if they are our allies. Nothing could be further from the truth. Morsi and his organization are nothing but hateful radicals who are cozy with terrorists and they are focused on their own plan for dominating the region, which is not in our best interest.

It's even more disturbing that Obama seems to share Morsi's opinion of Israel. While Obama hasn't said anything negative about Israel, he hasn't exactly said anything good and he has been disrespectful.

The platform at the DNC intended to omit any mention of God and openly state that Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. So many of the Democrats avoided the convention. Seems the delegates consisted of a large group of angry and radical anti-Semites and while God was initially banned, I don't believe Allah was.

The facts are all out there for everyone to see. Of course, the media is smart enough to realize that a portion of the population won't put anything together on their own and trust the media to lay it out for them.

There are so many videos floating around that show how radical Morsi really is and the media can only keep facts hidden for so long before they are forced to comment. They know darn well that Morsi has made hateful comments as often as the Rev Wright does. They act surprised that Morsi would say something like that, which makes them look like fools.

Morsi's moderation is not, nor ever has been in question, for those who have paid attention. He has always been an anti-American extremist and now he's an extremist in a position of power. I think Obama gets some credit for that. Obama has taken billions from the U.S. tax payers on Morsi's behalf. This means the media has to tread carefully when saying anything about this terrorist.

1. Sure he is a flaming terrorist POS, with whom I have gone into details who he is in my thread,....some time ago, please keep up.
2. And yes as far as I know this administration is paying this POS billions, and the demoncraps and hollyweird, put him into office again, and they are *all smiles*.
3. And say fuck the lot of you fuckers!
4. That is all!

Security forces move in on Morsi supporters...
Egyptian troops move against pro-Morsi sit-ins
Aug 14,`13 -- Egyptian security forces, backed by armored cars and bulldozers, moved on Wednesday to clear two sit-in camps by supporters of the country's ousted President Mohammed Morsi, showering protesters with tear gas as the sound of gunfire rang out at both sites, state television and security officials said.
At least two members of the security forces were confirmed to have died in the morning's crackdown while a group representing the protesters said as many as 25 protesters were killed in one of the camps. The smaller of the two camps was cleared of protesters by late morning, with most of them taking refuge in the nearby Orman botanical gardens and inside the sprawling campus of Cairo University. However, security forces remained on the fringes of the other camp in the eastern Nasr City district after it showered the encampment with tear gas. Television footage from there showed thousands of protesters congregating at the heart of the site, with many wearing gas masks or covering their faces to fend off the tear gas.

A security official said a total of 200 protesters have been arrested from both sites. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The Anti-Coup Alliance, an umbrella of pro-Morsi supporters, said in a statement that 25 were killed and dozens injured in the attack on the Nasr City camp, claiming that security forces used live ammunition. The Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, said it only used tear gas and that its forces came under fire from the camp. Two policemen were killed and five were injured by gunfire, it said. A ministry statement also warned that forces would deal firmly with protesters acting "irresponsibly," suggesting that it would respond in kind if its men are fired upon. It said it would guarantee safe passage to those who want to leave the Nasr City site but would arrest those wanted for questioning by prosecutors.

An Associated Press television video journalist at the scene in Nasr City said he could hear the screams of women as a cloud of white smoke hung over the protest encampment. He said a bulldozer was removing mounds of sand bags and brick walls built earlier by the protesters as a defense line in their camp. Army troops did not take part in the two operations, but provided security in the areas. Police and army helicopters hovered over both sites as plumes of smoke rose over the city skyline. The simultaneous actions by the Egyptian forces began shortly after 7 a.m. (0500 GMT). Regional television networks were showing images of collapsed tents and burning tires at both sites, with ambulances on standby. They were also showing protesters being arrested and led away by black-clad policemen.

At one point, state television showed footage of some dozen protesters, mostly bearded, cuffed and sitting on a sidewalk under guard outside the Cairo University campus. At least 250 people have died in clashes in Egypt following Morsi's ouster in a military coup that followed days of mass protests by millions of Egyptians calling for his removal. Supporters of the Islamist president want him reinstated. "The world cannot sit back and watch while innocent men, women and children are being indiscriminately slaughtered. The world must stand up to the military junta's crime before it is too late," said a statement by the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group from which Morsi hails.

AP Newswire | Stars and Stripes
I don't know if he's a Racist, but i do know he was Obama and Hillary's bestest bud. Until they were forced to turned on him. They were warned not to support him and the Muslim Brotherhood. Now look at the awful mess they've helped create over there. Now we're a Nation that supports bloody Military Coups. More unintended consequences caused by our aggressive Foreign Interventionist policies. It's time for change. Enough is enough.

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