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Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

It's not about Iran. It's not about hating the West. It's not about what you are claiming. It's about Islam, pure and simple.


That man is just as foolish for two main reasons:
1) He says that poverty is not an issue. Poverty allows for radical thinking at the universities where middle class muslims are taught. If the middle east was not poor, there would be no calls "for a return to glory". If their was no poverty in the muslim world, the huge unemployed male population of the muslim world would be working, rather than sitting at home in despair...needing a cause. Last but not least: if this poverty did not exist, the arab world would not accept terror attacks. No mass of people would risk the sure economic ruin that would follow. A strange irony: Iraq had a rather substantial middle class (for a country in that region at least) prior to the invasion, it is no coincidence that Iraqis did not participate in the terror movement before the invasion.

2) This former terrorist also claims that America needs to stop saying "what are we doing wrong?". He goes on to say that issues like Palestine and Iraq do not matter. Of course he is wrong. As long as Palestine contains occupied muslims and as long as Iraq is in disarray, other muslims will feel resentment toward the foreign occupiers. For him to deny such a fact completely defies his argument of muslims as an imperial people. How would imperialists feel about their own land being occupied?

Improve Iraq and Palestine; opinions may slowly shift in the muslim world.

The key to the whole issue of terrorism is to win over the middle of the road muslim. Right now they may have some sympathy for the muslims. The average muslim does not have a great life, terrorists appear to be killing themselves to give all of Islam some pride. Improve the lives of average muslims...restore their pride, and all support for terrorism will weaken.

Kath: the former terrorist did not generalize all muslims as violent imperialists. Islam is not the problem, a religion alone is not capable of breeding so much violence. Social conditions must allow for the religion to be manipulated.

Overall it was a pitiful link. The commentary conflicted with itself and with common sense.
1) Recognize Palestine. The tactics used by Palestinians are deplorable, but their cause is not. The U.S. has to be objective in world affairs. This would be a way to express that the U.S. is not against Islam.

2) Rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. We fucked it up, we have to be responsible for its future. It will cost a lot of money, but it is important to show the world that we are not in the business of killing and leaving. When we leave, these countries must have order and infrastructure.

3) Give aid to Lebanon and Palestine. Again, demonstrates that we want peace. Both countries are in poor condition. When people are living with nothing in refugee camps, extremism becomes tempting. When people are given proper living conditions and education, they can learn what their religion is really about. A Palestinian in a Israeli prison said: "Every Palestinian has graduated from the university of occupation". The occupation must end, so must the living standards that accompany it.

4) Promote social reforms in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a vast population of young, unemployed men with educations from extremist schools. This does not bode well for the Western world. The wealth disparity in Saudi Arabia needs to be corrected so there is not such a large poor population that can be easily manipulated

If you did not feel like reading this whole post, know this: Terrorists want muslims to hate the west, they want the west to hate muslims so that muslims hate the west. Stop hating muslims and you stop the cycle. We need to convert these people not to a different religion, but to a better way of life.

I'm sorry guy, but this post is the stuff that dreams are made of, IMO. You've ignored some very obvious facts.

I think you need to understand that you are dealing with a group of people who are little better than Nazis with turbans. The words "compromise", "peace" and "rational" aren't in their vocabulary or in their set of beliefs.

1. They hate Jews, they want to see them die and nothing else will do. Israel has made concessions, and they're not happy. They make up excuse after excuse to hate Israel. The real problem is that they hate Israel, Israel exists and Jews exist. They want to see Israel and Jews dead. That's all that will make them happy concerning Israel.

2. They hate the West, they want to see us convert or die, nothing else will do. Again, all they do is take the money we give them and funnel as much as they can into propaganda against us. We are the Great Satan and that's it.

3. If those bastards win, they are going to kill you, too. They don't care if you were against the war in Iraq, they don't care if you are sympathetic to Muslims. You are an infidel and that's all that matters. If you don't convert, you deserve death. Being a liberal isn't going to save you from the wrath that is to come.

We must treat those animals the same way we treated Nazi Germany, we should make it clear to them the only acceptable end to this situation is unconditional surrender. They must stop their war against us, stop brainwashing their people with anti American propaganda, and make peace with the Jews.

And since they've declared war on us, let's take it to them. Based on our actions in WW II, here are my suggestions.

1. Throw out all journalists from the war zone. From now on, all news will be cleared through the military.

2. Prepare for war against Iran. That may include nuclear weapons. First we target their cities in an air campaign. We reduce their infrastructure into rubble, after doing that, we invade.

3. Deport the large population of Muslims in Europe to where ever they came from, place the rest of them in prison camps until the war is over.

4. Any journalist that leaks information regarding classified programs, or is suspected of undermining our war effort is subject to immediate and swift criminal penalties. Activities such as what passes for news and journalism that is nothing more than anti-war should be treated as treason.

5. The world be damned, they hate us, so let's not worry about how we appear to the rest of the world, let's do what we have to and make no apologies.

What? Too extreme? I don't think so. We have to stop being in denial and realize that we are at war and that our very existence is threatened. No compromise, no understanding, no compassion. Let's just throw the weight of our military against them, full force. Let the military fight the war and keep Bush, the Congress and every two bit activist out of it.
Originally posted by Karl Marx
Prepare for war against Iran. That may include nuclear weapons.

Marx, you are a major nutjob. What else can I say?

Originally posted by Karl Marx
They hate Jews, they want to see them die and nothing else will do.

Oh sure...

The palestinian anger has absolutely nothing to do with the existence of a state racist to the core that denies their right to move freely and live anywhere they want in most of their historical homeland.

They just have a genetic hate of jews...

But I won't even bother to reply to your cheap propaganda, cuz I know you are the "Father of all super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board".

I might just as well be debating Israel with my dog.
1. They hate Jews, they want to see them die and nothing else will do. Israel has made concessions, and they're not happy. They make up excuse after excuse to hate Israel. The real problem is that they hate Israel, Israel exists and Jews exist. They want to see Israel and Jews dead. That's all that will make them happy concerning Israel.

2. They hate the West, they want to see us convert or die, nothing else will do. Again, all they do is take the money we give them and funnel as much as they can into propaganda against us. We are the Great Satan and that's it.
They happily lived side by side with the Jews in Palestine until Israel was created.

Imagine if several million Thais landed on the shores of New Jersey, declared an independent state, evicted most of the remaining Americans forcing them into enclaves on impoverished land and took all the best recources for themselves, and that the new state then accepted financial and military aid from say China and regularly used it for operations into the neighboring US states. Assume also that the remaining US states had neither the military nor weapons to do anything about it, then I think it would be a foregone conclusion that Americans would hate Thais and Chinese.
José;501158 said:
Marx, you are a major nutjob. What else can I say?


But I won't even bother to reply to your cheap propaganda, cuz I know you are the "Father of all super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board".

I might just as well be debating Israel with my dog.

Oh stop, I'm blushing!!!!

Well, what else can I say? Bow wow, baby!
Originally posted by Karl Marx
Oh stop, I'm blushing!!!!

Well, what else can I say? Bow wow, baby!

Marx... first of all, I'm sorry... My reply was way out of line.

But try to tone down your statements a bit, buddy, this "nuke the Middle East" rethoric shows a wanton disregard for the value of human life most people expect to hear only from psychopaths and I'm sure you're not one.

Originally posted by Karl Marx
Then, why did they declare war the first day the state of Israel come into existence?

Because there can be no supremacist ethnic states in any part of the world inhabited by more than one ethnic group, Marx.

You can't have a country for whites in America because the US is inhabited by many different ethnic groups.

You can't have a country for whites in South Africa for the same reason.

Similarly, there can be no jewish state in Palestine because the entire region is the historical homeland of both jews and arabs.

It was wrong in 1948 and it continues to be wrong in 2006, buddy.
José;501187 said:
Marx... first of all, I'm sorry... My reply was way out of line.

But try to tone down your statements a bit, buddy, this "nuke the Middle East" rethoric shows a wanton disregard for the value of human life most people expect to hear only from psychopaths and I'm sure you're not one.

Because there can be no supremacist ethnic states in any part of the world inhabited by more than one ethnic group, Marx.

You can't have a country for whites in America because the US is inhabited by many different ethnic groups.

You can't have a country for whites in South Africa for the same reason.

Similarly, there can be no jewish state in Palestine because the entire region is the historical homeland of both jews and arabs.

It was wrong in 1948 and it continues to be wrong in 2006, buddy.
Apologies accepted, you're a better man that I am....

Can't respond too much now, I'm at work... I'll make a note to respond later.

No, I don't advocate the use of nuclear weapons, but it could be a possibility with the current situation in Iran.

The Jews had no place to go and they were practically annihilated during the past World War. Whites weren't the target of genocide, Jews were.

I can't say that Israel is racist, but the attitude of many Arabs towards Jewish certainly is. Those non Jews who live in Israel, while certainly being treated as second class citizens in certain regards are certainly treated better than many who live in other parts of the Middle East.

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