Obummers GRENNERY Agenda.


Aug 2, 2009
Obummer's Greenery Agenda.

The Whack-Jobs Whack More Energy Jobs - Page 2 - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Lurita Doan on "green jobs":

"Green Jobs and Green Economy these are the jobs that President Obama believes are more important and more valuable than any others, even if creating a "green job" that pays $40,000 actually costs the taxpayers $300,000 to create. Moreover, if creating one magical "green job" results in the loss of 10 or more jobs that were dependent upon cheap, reliable power, that too is of no consequence. A green job has magical properties that do not conform to economic principles."

And what is the bottom line that can't be confused with "talking points" or Obamarrhoidal phoney-baloney rhetoric ?.........but a clear cut irrefutable fact easily verifiable by you ?


GAS PRICES at your pump: Jan 2009 was $1.87.......NOW: $ 3.85 . A 106% INCREASE !!!

And, we all know what that means: You are paying DOUBLE to get to work (if you drive) !!!

What's even worse: EVERYTHING .....and I mean EVERYTHING: food, furniture, air, bus travel, medical supplies, transportation of goods & services, etc......EVERYTHING will have its prices skyrocket.

And, no amount of Obamarrhoidal BULLSHIT can drown out these IRREFUTABLE FACTS !!!
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Barry probably thinks "green jobs" means people who work at golf courses.
I don't think he gives a rats ass how much these green jobs cost.

All he's concerned with is his "green" ideology.

Full speed ahead and damn the cost to the average citizen.
I don't think he gives a rats ass how much these green jobs cost.

All he's concerned with is his "green" ideology.

Full speed ahead and damn the cost to the average citizen.


I realize that it takes brain surgery to convince an average brainwashed Dem to recognize the REALITY of Obummer's destruction of our economy, and Nation.

But hopefully, the facts I presented might get a few of these political idiots to start being aware of the fact that a REALITY exists, and their version of REALITY is driving them to destruction........unless......unless they are the category of Dems that are getting the money that we are working for.

As far as the extreme LIEberrhoidal Dem is concerned, he is definitely in the category of the parasites, in which case there isn't anything anybody can do with this type of a turd. These are economic sociopaths.
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