Occasionally Cognizant~GOP On Impeachment: ‘Outrageous To Protect Trump’s Lawlessness’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As House DemonRATS appear to be pushing forward with potential impeachment proceedings for President Donald Trump, Rep. Occasionally Cognizant(Dimwitted and Deranged~N.Y.) is challenging Republicans who would vote against it to “go on the record.”

The congresswoman told reporters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday that if the House of Representatives impeaches Trump and the matter goes to the Senate, she would want to “see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president, knowing his corruption.”

AOC said any lawmakers who oppose impeachment should have the chance to put it to a formal vote “so that they could have that stain on their careers for the rest of their lives, because this is outrageous to protect the amount of lawlessness.”

(Excerpt) Read more at huffpost.com ...


PLEASE IMPEACH OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!.... Remind me who is in charge of the Party of INFANTICIDE!
Awwww...What corruption. What lawlessness?

The articles of impeachment should be terribly interesting. This from a woman who funneled campaign money to her boyfriend!

He won the 2016 election that was in the bag for the Hildebeasty..... was that his “Crime” that he won?

Little Miss Titsandass is projecting again … accusing the President of doing the very things the evil demonRATS are doing.


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