"Occupy Boston" crowd allegedly spits on Woman Wearing Coast Guard Uniform

As disgusting as it is, its no more an issue than it was when some supposed tea party idiot did the same thing. There are idiots in all walks of life.

In most respects I agree with you.

I don't believe that the person who was accused of spitting on the Congressman did so purposefully. I watched that video many times and I believe that the man was shouting and by accident got spittle on the congressman.

In this report, it does not state or show what actually happened. This could very well have been the same thing as happened in the Tea Party case or it could have been deliberate.

What I do like is the way the person "representing" Occupy Boston (actually there were two) handled the situation. He did not deny that it was someone for his group nor did he claim the person who spit was with them. He simply stated that it was not representative of their group. He put it well. I think in reference to the spitting on the Congressman, a simple apology and statement that it was not deliberate would have been a good thing.

For the record, I am a former member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. I agree with Bodecea. If this was done deliberately, it is wrong... disgusting... and the person who did it should be ashamed. But, so far we don't know if this was done deliberately or if it was just accidental spray.

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I wonder what she said to them to provoke this alleged incident?

The left was in an uproar when they THOUGHT a tea party member spat on a Dem congressman.. But of course this is ok when them:cuckoo:

Really? Well then, I guess you didn't read my post on this issue, did you? I am on the Left and I find it appalling. Even more so because I too am a Vet.
Plant my ass. I can't imagine that they could get a conservative to spit on an American Serviceman. The lefties have a history of doing such things.

Conservatives are breaking into national museums, spitting on a service member wouldn't bother certain conservatives at all if they think they can blame it on the left.

The Washington Post?


Nice try

There's a link directly to the source article written by the guy in the piece.
Plant my ass. I can't imagine that they could get a conservative to spit on an American Serviceman. The lefties have a history of doing such things.

Conservatives are breaking into national museums, spitting on a service member wouldn't bother certain conservatives at all if they think they can blame it on the left.

Your link shows that one reporter instigated a break in to a museum, yet it doesn't mention spitting on service members.

You fail.

It's a hoax.

*Update: This post has been updated to clarify who was involved in the pepper-spray incident. The American Spectator also appears to have taken down the story, which is no longer available online. I have contacted both Howley and the Spectator’s editor-in-chief for comment. You can read the full text of Howley’s original story here.

*Second Update: Howley’s original story is still not available online. However, a second, edited version has been posted in the blogs section of the Spectator’s website. There are changes to Howley’s narrative, but it retains his claim to have been the sole member of the group to enter the museum itself: “They lack the nerve to confront authority. From estimates within the protest, only ten people were pepper-sprayed, and as far as I could tell I was the only one who got inside the museum.”

Seems like when a story has several versions it's not exactly trustworthy.

Nice try though.
The Washington Post?


Nice try

There's a link directly to the source article written by the guy in the piece.

It's a hoax.

*Update: This post has been updated to clarify who was involved in the pepper-spray incident. The American Spectator also appears to have taken down the story, which is no longer available online. I have contacted both Howley and the Spectator’s editor-in-chief for comment. You can read the full text of Howley’s original story here.

*Second Update: Howley’s original story is still not available online. However, a second, edited version has been posted in the blogs section of the Spectator’s website. There are changes to Howley’s narrative, but it retains his claim to have been the sole member of the group to enter the museum itself: “They lack the nerve to confront authority. From estimates within the protest, only ten people were pepper-sprayed, and as far as I could tell I was the only one who got inside the museum.”

Seems like when a story has several versions it's not exactly trustworthy.

Nice try though.

Plant my ass. I can't imagine that they could get a conservative to spit on an American Serviceman. The lefties have a history of doing such things.

Conservatives are breaking into national museums, spitting on a service member wouldn't bother certain conservatives at all if they think they can blame it on the left.

Your link shows that one reporter instigated a break in to a museum,


yet it doesn't mention spitting on service members.

Also correct.

You fail.

Unfortunately for you, I didn't say the link was about spitting on service members.

You almost made it.
There's a link directly to the source article written by the guy in the piece.

It's a hoax.

*Update: This post has been updated to clarify who was involved in the pepper-spray incident. The American Spectator also appears to have taken down the story, which is no longer available online. I have contacted both Howley and the Spectator’s editor-in-chief for comment. You can read the full text of Howley’s original story here.

*Second Update: Howley’s original story is still not available online. However, a second, edited version has been posted in the blogs section of the Spectator’s website. There are changes to Howley’s narrative, but it retains his claim to have been the sole member of the group to enter the museum itself: “They lack the nerve to confront authority. From estimates within the protest, only ten people were pepper-sprayed, and as far as I could tell I was the only one who got inside the museum.”

Seems like when a story has several versions it's not exactly trustworthy.

Nice try though.


Your link said their was several versions of the story and that the source pulled the story off the net.

I can put 2 and 2 together.
Here in the era of AIDs that should be considered assualt with a deadly weapon.
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yet it doesn't mention spitting on service members.

Also correct.

You fail.

Unfortunately for you, I didn't say the link was about spitting on service members.

You almost made it.

Look at the title of the thread pal, and then please try to follow a line of discussion.
Eh, all this stuff is temporary. The protesters will be chilling out just as soon as the mercury hits about 40 F.

They're too coddled for lower than that.
"Occupy Boston" crowd allegedly spits on Woman Wearing Coast Guard Uniform

I believe the keyword here is allegedly Seems there has been quite a smear campaign 'Drudged' up. hmmm...makes you wonder, heh?

Every bit of naysayer, hyperbole that they can somehow pass as a maybe makes the press.

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