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Occupy Donations Buy Out Student Debt And Forgives It

Hi BL: Again, I don't disagree with you.
You are like saying: hey, simple arithmetic isn't enough to work out solutions that requires understanding of calculus.
And I'm saying hey, if you are going to get to the calculus, you need to start by teaching people arithmetic and work up!

1. First step to get people to see that 'money does not grow on trees'
is to see how much work it does take to raise the money to make goal X.
That already tells you that you can't expect to magically get A, B C and X Y Z done
if it takes THIS much work just to get to ONE goal that is a drop in the bucket, as you said.

2. After that, then you can look at what does it take to solve the bigger problems?
How do we PREVENT crime instead of just blowing billiions after crimes occur?
How do we set up education to "pay for itself" such as public service internships,
so there is no debt that the student cannot work off in a set system or business plan?
Why isn't this part of the educational agreement, what work will be done to offset the cost of training?

When we buy a car there is a plan, and it has to match what we can pay.
Why not a business plan with education and health care?

3. Then if we can handle that privately, whatever sustainable accountable systems
we can show work, then we implement those instead of the messes we have right now with govt,
with education, health care, prisons etc

One step at a time,
Start with the simple math; then work on two variables with two equations and simple algebra;
before jumping into advanced calculus and higher fields and applications of math.

BL I think you are just ahead of the game, so it is unnerving to you to be stuck with the
kindy garteners and sixth graders who still need spankings and diaper changes by other people in charge.

How do we group and organize people by level of development,
so we DON'T have taxpayers at an advanced level of self-government and independence financially,
stuck paying the bills and changing the diapers for people who are still dependent?

We have a system for organizing students in school by level of learning and mastery.

Where is the system for adults so they don't incur costs on the public they have no plan to pay for?
Microlending programs that work require a business plan for the recipients to follow.

Everyone from Obama to Dr. Ben Carson cites this as the solution to poverty and ending welfare.

How do we use our given structures to organize microlending and training so there is accountablility?
Can we do this by party so that members and leaders of each party are only accountable to each other
and participation is voluntary?

If Tea party and Occupy can hold themselves accountable and work effectively
why not have all parties manage their own programs and agenda and fund it themselves?

Only a trillion dollars more to go and they will have the student loan debt paid off. What a classic case of liberal feel good pat themselves on the back nonsense.

Hi BL. I agree this is not going to solve the problem causing the debt.

The reason I posted this at all, is as an example of people paying for what they believe in THEMSELVES.
NOT legislating some law forcing OTHER taxpayers to pay this debt. THE DONORS agree to pay on those terms.

That's a first step.

I just posted a separate thread on what makes a nonprofit or outreach campaign sustainable?

If you have better models for things that work, please post there.
For financial models, I guess I can keep using this thread to post those.

My favorite are Grameen microlending, NACA for saving houses by refinancing debt,
modest needs if you are going for the microdonations approach, Ithaca HOURS for issuing local currency,
and a business model and mentoring network to teach property financing to retire on sustainable income
(not a charity but a professional business, but I use them as a model that anyone can follow without paying for the training).

I will post those, BL, and you can discuss how THAT is more sustainable
than bailouts with no change to the problem that caused the debts. I agree that isn't a longterm solution.

I am just glad to see a successful example of liberal activists putting their money into their own solutions! Finally!

We have real and pressing problems that need real solutions, this is at best a distraction. I don't mean to seem heartless, I applaud the private nature of the effort. But see that light far off in the distance, that's the freight train of debt and unfunded liabilities heading straight for us, all $117 trillion dollars of it. The time for small feel good solutions has come and gone. When that freight train hits us then the people are going to know real pain and suffering. DC has its head stuck in the sand. The left thinks money grows on trees. The only way out of the mess is to grow our way out and government does nothing but think up new taxes and regulations hamper that.
Only a trillion dollars more to go and they will have the student loan debt paid off. What a classic case of liberal feel good pat themselves on the back nonsense.

Yeah they should get off their feet and do nothing like you

I'm simply pointing out how utterly useless the lefts solutions are, its simple math they paid off .000004% of the student loan debt which isn't even a rounding error on the interest. Slaving out our young people to student loan debt, the lefts gift to them.

I'm simply pointing out how effective being part of the peanut gallery is also. Great job

If only my respect for the left wasn't 00.00% their insults might be a minor annoyance.
Hi BL: Again, I don't disagree with you.
You are like saying: hey, simple arithmetic isn't enough to work out solutions that requires understanding of calculus.
And I'm saying hey, if you are going to get to the calculus, you need to start by teaching people arithmetic and work up!

1. First step to get people to see that 'money does not grow on trees'
is to see how much work it does take to raise the money to make goal X.
That already tells you that you can't expect to magically get A, B C and X Y Z done
if it takes THIS much work just to get to ONE goal that is a drop in the bucket, as you said.

2. After that, then you can look at what does it take to solve the bigger problems?
How do we PREVENT crime instead of just blowing billiions after crimes occur?
How do we set up education to "pay for itself" such as public service internships,
so there is no debt that the student cannot work off in a set system or business plan?
Why isn't this part of the educational agreement, what work will be done to offset the cost of training?

When we buy a car there is a plan, and it has to match what we can pay.
Why not a business plan with education and health care?

3. Then if we can handle that privately, whatever sustainable accountable systems
we can show work, then we implement those instead of the messes we have right now with govt,
with education, health care, prisons etc

One step at a time,
Start with the simple math; then work on two variables with two equations and simple algebra;
before jumping into advanced calculus and higher fields and applications of math.

BL I think you are just ahead of the game, so it is unnerving to you to be stuck with the
kindy garteners and sixth graders who still need spankings and diaper changes by other people in charge.

How do we group and organize people by level of development,
so we DON'T have taxpayers at an advanced level of self-government and independence financially,
stuck paying the bills and changing the diapers for people who are still dependent?

We have a system for organizing students in school by level of learning and mastery.

Where is the system for adults so they don't incur costs on the public they have no plan to pay for?
Microlending programs that work require a business plan for the recipients to follow.

Everyone from Obama to Dr. Ben Carson cites this as the solution to poverty and ending welfare.

How do we use our given structures to organize microlending and training so there is accountablility?
Can we do this by party so that members and leaders of each party are only accountable to each other
and participation is voluntary?

If Tea party and Occupy can hold themselves accountable and work effectively
why not have all parties manage their own programs and agenda and fund it themselves?

Only a trillion dollars more to go and they will have the student loan debt paid off. What a classic case of liberal feel good pat themselves on the back nonsense.

Hi BL. I agree this is not going to solve the problem causing the debt.

The reason I posted this at all, is as an example of people paying for what they believe in THEMSELVES.
NOT legislating some law forcing OTHER taxpayers to pay this debt. THE DONORS agree to pay on those terms.

That's a first step.

I just posted a separate thread on what makes a nonprofit or outreach campaign sustainable?

If you have better models for things that work, please post there.
For financial models, I guess I can keep using this thread to post those.

My favorite are Grameen microlending, NACA for saving houses by refinancing debt,
modest needs if you are going for the microdonations approach, Ithaca HOURS for issuing local currency,
and a business model and mentoring network to teach property financing to retire on sustainable income
(not a charity but a professional business, but I use them as a model that anyone can follow without paying for the training).

I will post those, BL, and you can discuss how THAT is more sustainable
than bailouts with no change to the problem that caused the debts. I agree that isn't a longterm solution.

I am just glad to see a successful example of liberal activists putting their money into their own solutions! Finally!

We have real and pressing problems that need real solutions, this is at best a distraction. I don't mean to seem heartless, I applaud the private nature of the effort. But see that light far off in the distance, that's the freight train of debt and unfunded liabilities heading straight for us, all $117 trillion dollars of it. The time for small feel good solutions has come and gone. When that freight train hits us then the people are going to know real pain and suffering. DC has its head stuck in the sand. The left thinks money grows on trees. The only way out of the mess is to grow our way out and government does nothing but think up new taxes and regulations hamper that.

I say the left should drink their own kool-aid on student loan debt, why not confiscate and redistribute the huge wealth these universities have piled up? And without the government guaranteeing the student loans, lenders would never risk loaning that kind of money to young mush brains with no job and universities would be forced to lower tuition. Government trying to help proves again its the problem.
How about funding higher ed via the states so that there was no insane debt to begin with?

Why should other people pay for your adult education?

Agreed that no one should pay except voluntarily.
that's what I was pointing out with this effort, it was funded VOLUNTARILY.

Whoever paid for Obama's education CHOSE to do so.

I think immigration should be paid for by signed sponsors who agree to the legal and financial obligations
like a co-signer for that applicant until they are financially independent.

I believe when residents become citizens, even natural born at age 18,
agreements should be signed by them or sponsoring parents/institutions
who CHOOSE to accept legal and financial responsibility for this person if they cannot,
in order NOT to impose on taxpayers for the cost of any crimes or abuses they may commit.

The first step is to accept responsibility and pay for whatever agenda you espouse.
So good for these Occupy organizers for getting that step down!
How about funding higher ed via the states so that there was no insane debt to begin with?

Why should other people pay for your adult education?

Because America is ...yanno fuck it, you guys dont give a shit about America you just like the flag colors

How many people have you written a check to help pay off their student loans, troll?


Is this your response to everything? Asking someone on the internet to fix the nations problems with a check?
I say the left should drink their own kool-aid on student loan debt, why not confiscate and redistribute the huge wealth these universities have piled up? And without the government guaranteeing the student loans, lenders would never risk loaning that kind of money to young mush brains with no job and universities would be forced to lower tuition. Government trying to help proves again its the problem.

OK all what you said is what "other people" the "left" should do.

If you believe in something YOU do it.

What can YOU set up and do that gets something done?

The Occupy group found what they could do something about, and got it done.

I think that sets a good example for others, including Democrats who, like you,
seem to preach what "other people need to do" That's what's wrong with this thinking.

Not what we can do for others to make a change we want to see happen, but what "other people need to change"

Do you see the difference?

BL as long as you are not giving money into a garbage program, then you are not contributing to that garbage.
Keep contributing to what you believe in, and that should be enough.

Watch out if you are like the Democrats and Republicans spending more money on campaigns
to fight between candidates within their own parties for the same offices, instead using those
millions of dollars to create jobs for BOTH candidates to share the work that needs to be done!

So watch where you put your dollars and you are not part of the problem you gripe about.
Good enough!

Vote with not just your words and your ballots, but your money, labor, time, actions, thoughts, and focus of support.
Occupy abolishes 4 million in other people s student loan debt - Yahoo Finance

Yes, some good news of something effective Occupy is still working on.
Even if you don't agree, at least these people who do believe in forgiving debts
are paying for it themselves by collecting donations voluntarily from others in agreement.

NOT forcing it on taxpayers who don't consent.
I hope Democrats learn from this model.
If you want something done, organize resources and do it yourself!

So why didn't they give it back to these cities that had to spend almost $20 million in destruction, police overtime,etc...
Right this is the mentality of those idiots!

Occupy Wall Street catalyzed dozens, if not hundreds, of protests across the world. New York City alone has spent about $6 million on costs related to Occupy Wall Street, not including the eviction on Tuesday, according to Howard Wolfson, the mayor's deputy for government relations.

Philadelphia racked up $492,000 in unanticipated police overtime through last week, according to Rebecca Rhynhart, budget director. Rhynhart said the city is estimating that costs could reach $2.5 million if the protest lasts through the fiscal year, or June 30.
"It's an unanticipated expense but we're managing it," Rhynhart said. The city has a budget of $3.5 billion. "In order to pay for it, there's less money for other things. "

Oakland spent over $1 million to pay police overtime, according to the Washington Post.

Portland estimated $750,000 so far for police overtime and damage related to its parks has cost $50,000 to $100,000, according to Amy Ruiz, communications director for Mayor Sam Adams.

In Seattle, protests will cost $625,999 from the week that ended in Oct. 14 to the end of Nov. 25. The largest chunk goes to overtime for Seattle police: $580,468.

The extra costs to Seattle's parks comprise $21,471 of the total and the department of finance and administrative services, which just gave protesters permission for a permit to use part of city hall's plaza on Tuesday, made up the rest at $24,060.

The Boston police department estimated overtime costs in regards to the Occupy Boston movement to be about $575,000 so far, according to Elaine Driscoll director of communications of the department.

In Atlanta, protests cost $451,691 from Oct. 7 to 25, with almost three-quarters going to overtime to police, said Mayor Kasim Reed on Nov. 2.

Occupy Atlanta released a statement that week in response.

"Today we were all dismayed by Mayor Kasim Reed's claim that our nonviolent demonstration against corporate greed and economic inequities cost the city over $400,000. This is, of course, a factual error," according to the statement in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The group said the mayor "spent the people's money on an extreme excessive police presence that rivals any big-budget Hollywood production to manage several hundred peaceful demonstrators that wanted nothing more than public space to assemble and air grievances."

Occupy Denver led to overtime for various city departments during five days of protest in October at about $365,000, said the safety manager's office, according to the Denver Post.

The protests are estimated to cost $200,000 a week for the rest of the year. This week, the police department asked for an increase of $6 million in its budget, "citing Occupy as a small but unspecified portion of the cost," the Post reported.

Cincinnati has spent about $128,000 in police overtime, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer last week.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Cost Cities Millions - ABC News
I won't lift a finger to help anyone outside of my family and friends. Why should I all I hear from Obama and the left is lies on how I don't pay my fair share and I'm a greedy so they can go to hell.
Occupy abolishes 4 million in other people s student loan debt - Yahoo Finance

Yes, some good news of something effective Occupy is still working on.
Even if you don't agree, at least these people who do believe in forgiving debts
are paying for it themselves by collecting donations voluntarily from others in agreement.

NOT forcing it on taxpayers who don't consent.
I hope Democrats learn from this model.
If you want something done, organize resources and do it yourself!

I applaud the private effort. Don't expect Dims to agree with it though. In their world only the government could solve this kind of issue.

LMAO! You do realize that Occupy did this right? Occupy wont agree with what Occupy did?

Maaaan, the level of cognitive dissonance here is astounding lol

Hi CC I think in this case, there IS a distinction between the liberal activists in Occupy who collected
private donations to get something done on student debts VERSUS the liberal Democrats trying to
use mandatory legislation and public taxpayer money to force it to be forgiven.

What the critics don't get is that the FIRST step to holding such Democrats and politicians
accountable IS to put your own money where your mouth is, so your words have weight.

So this step by Occupy can be used as leverage to compel Democrats to start funding their own policies.

That leap in logic can't be understood if it depends on seeing this happen before believing it can have that effect.

The influence would have to be readily seen before people
believe that other Democrats would collectively catch on to this idea,
of funding your own systems and reforms directly. what a concept!
How about funding higher ed via the states so that there was no insane debt to begin with?

How about, not nearly everyone needs to go to college? How about, let's look at the industry of higher education and their disturbing connection to government funded loans?

Hike up tuition and don't worry, because the rubes gotta git edumacted and somebody dang gonna pay fer it.

What a fucking scam the colleges and universities have going. Billion dollar endowments, all of them. Money pits filled with the cash of suckers. Great work if you can get it.
How about funding higher ed via the states so that there was no insane debt to begin with?

Why should other people pay for your adult education?

Because America is ...yanno fuck it, you guys dont give a shit about America you just like the flag colors

How many people have you written a check to help pay off their student loans, troll?


Is this your response to everything? Asking someone on the internet to fix the nations problems with a check?

Naturally, you're not going to get off your ass or give any of your own wealth away for your cause; you expect everybody else to do it for you because America is ...yanno fuck it, you dont give a shit about America. You just like the flag colors.

When Occupy first started, and racked up the first 10 million in costs, then up to est. 30 million,
this is the VERY point I brought up. That money could have ALREADY paid for a sustainable system of housing and education instead of protesting and costing working taxpayers more money.

I was at meetings and even set up office space for volunteers to transition out of parks and set up longterm plans.

I even took the project i was working on, to save a national historic district as a campus for teaching sustainable
finance and govt, and proposed to work with Occupy Houston to raise the funds to buy it out and build a center for
housing and helping Veterans to run this campus themselves so they are independent from govt welfare and charity.

There were a few Occupy students who understood this, and supported it.
But they were mainly women students and got run out of the group crashed by the men playing protest politics
and abusing the legal help for problems they created that cost everyone.

After this sustainable part of the Occupy movement gets stabiliized,
I do propose that money be raised to pay back the 10 million and invest it into Vet programs that are SUSTAINABLE.

I can count on one hand the Occupy volunteers, all WOMEN, who followed the longterm goals and steps.

The men just looking to be in charge sabotaged the efforts by playing pecking order politics
trying to compete to be head of the group, when the women working jobs to pay for the efforts got run off by bullying.

I saw this and suffered loss of the money and work I invested,
as well as losing historic property we were trying to save but the Occupy volunteers
backstabbed me and the other women trying to make it work.

So I have to wait until the right leadership stabilizes before approaching this again.

There was not a solid structure in place, so the bullies took over and ran off everyone like me
that had sustainable ideas and was putting in our own money we worked to earn ourselves.

There is a learning curve going on, and it looks like this is the group that survived it.
The one in Houston fell apart, but had sustainable plans that can still work, to take
loans to buy out the property, set up a campus, and as the program works to train
Vets and Volunteers in financial, property and business/govt management, the
loans can be PAID BACK. So this is what I had proposed to pay back the
millions of dollars that Occupy cost taxpayers: set up a campus for Vets and pay back over time:

http www.houstonprogressive.org
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

The main problem we have is that me and the other community leader who wrote up the Vet Housing plan,
which I combined with the residents' campus community plans, are WOMEN.

And the men in the Occupy group, the churches and political parties could not seem to handle
why two women working two jobs each were doing all the work, while the men leaders blamed each other
and did nothing. So that is continuing to this day. more people and politicians would rather donate and
collect MILLIONS of dollars on political campaigns that make them look in charge, and give nothing to
lend against sustainable plans for building a campus and pay back the money invested in.

they all want short term gains for "political points" instead of investing in longterm plans that could solve problems
and pay back over time.

Occupy abolishes 4 million in other people s student loan debt - Yahoo Finance

Yes, some good news of something effective Occupy is still working on.
Even if you don't agree, at least these people who do believe in forgiving debts
are paying for it themselves by collecting donations voluntarily from others in agreement.

NOT forcing it on taxpayers who don't consent.
I hope Democrats learn from this model.
If you want something done, organize resources and do it yourself!

So why didn't they give it back to these cities that had to spend almost $20 million in destruction, police overtime,etc...
Right this is the mentality of those idiots!

Occupy Wall Street catalyzed dozens, if not hundreds, of protests across the world. New York City alone has spent about $6 million on costs related to Occupy Wall Street, not including the eviction on Tuesday, according to Howard Wolfson, the mayor's deputy for government relations.

Philadelphia racked up $492,000 in unanticipated police overtime through last week, according to Rebecca Rhynhart, budget director. Rhynhart said the city is estimating that costs could reach $2.5 million if the protest lasts through the fiscal year, or June 30.
"It's an unanticipated expense but we're managing it," Rhynhart said. The city has a budget of $3.5 billion. "In order to pay for it, there's less money for other things. "

Oakland spent over $1 million to pay police overtime, according to the Washington Post.

Portland estimated $750,000 so far for police overtime and damage related to its parks has cost $50,000 to $100,000, according to Amy Ruiz, communications director for Mayor Sam Adams.

In Seattle, protests will cost $625,999 from the week that ended in Oct. 14 to the end of Nov. 25. The largest chunk goes to overtime for Seattle police: $580,468.

The extra costs to Seattle's parks comprise $21,471 of the total and the department of finance and administrative services, which just gave protesters permission for a permit to use part of city hall's plaza on Tuesday, made up the rest at $24,060.

The Boston police department estimated overtime costs in regards to the Occupy Boston movement to be about $575,000 so far, according to Elaine Driscoll director of communications of the department.

In Atlanta, protests cost $451,691 from Oct. 7 to 25, with almost three-quarters going to overtime to police, said Mayor Kasim Reed on Nov. 2.

Occupy Atlanta released a statement that week in response.

"Today we were all dismayed by Mayor Kasim Reed's claim that our nonviolent demonstration against corporate greed and economic inequities cost the city over $400,000. This is, of course, a factual error," according to the statement in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The group said the mayor "spent the people's money on an extreme excessive police presence that rivals any big-budget Hollywood production to manage several hundred peaceful demonstrators that wanted nothing more than public space to assemble and air grievances."

Occupy Denver led to overtime for various city departments during five days of protest in October at about $365,000, said the safety manager's office, according to the Denver Post.

The protests are estimated to cost $200,000 a week for the rest of the year. This week, the police department asked for an increase of $6 million in its budget, "citing Occupy as a small but unspecified portion of the cost," the Post reported.

Cincinnati has spent about $128,000 in police overtime, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer last week.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Cost Cities Millions - ABC News
Uncle Georgie Soros I'd put my money on where the money came from

they're desperate going into the midterms
Maybe not go to college, but to be EQUAL I would say people need basic knowledge or understanding of

1. Spiritual process of healing and forgiveness, abundance mentality and law of attraction.

if you don't know that unforgiveness and unresolved conflicts make you vulnerable
to other people stepping in and controlling or deciding your business for you,
then you will not be equally empowered as those who understand the connection
between forgiving/resolving conflicts and restoring maximum health of body, mind, relations, finances etc.

people with spiritual understanding (of the difference in power between positive vs. negative energy, forgiveness and unforgiveness, restorative vs retributive justice) have more influence and power over their own lives and choices (and have healthier stable family and social relations as well as stronger community relations with institutions in society)
while people with victim/scarcity mentality tend to stay trapped by the cycle of abuse poverty oppression etc.

Liberation depends on having this understanding.

2. knowledge of laws and government, especially conflict resolution, mediation and restorative justice

if people understand the use of authority and contracts, democratic due process, etc.
that in order to enforce and invoke authority of law, it helps to follow the laws, not break them,
and to EMBODY and commit to enforcing the laws, not depend on others to do it for you,
this is a MAJOR area that determines if people are equal and independent or not.

people without this knowledge or experience in self-governance, and petitioning
to redress grievances directly, tend to get exploited by depending on other people or parties for power

That is why conservative Christians and Constitutionalists tend to be viewed or feared as more powerful
because of being taught and trained how to invoke "authority of law
directly" by committing to embrace and enforce laws of justice by conscience.

If this is not taught to all people by experience and example, then we are not equally empowered and there is not equal protection or representation under law. Power and perception of power is skewed by groups that can play the system.

3. experience and understanding of financial and property management

the number one reason people are not equal politically is unequal property ownership and understanding of business
and finances. if people have a connection with history with previous generations that built their own govt and owned their own property, passing the wealth and experience down to the next generation etc.
they are not going to be equal with those without history of property ownership and management.

This changes people's views of govt when you have to manage the budget and people yourself.
There is no substitute for this knowledge or experience, and is the main issue behind mos tpolitics:
fighting for control of land and the people so the finances and economy based on those resources is controlled.
And whther this is done locally by self-govt or some higher level govt is using the lower levels to stay in power.

Number one reason for the patterns of civil war and unrest, fighting for independence when local regions
outgrow their "parental authority" and develop over time toward self-govt and independence as their own sovereign identity.

4. technical and media access and literacy
because the right to petition to defend and represent one's interests,
and to organize resources for local business and school development and self government, now depends on technology to communicate beyond geographic lines, the people or groups that have knowledge of media production and communication
can do more to generate and manage resources than those without.

These are the 4 areas I would most focus on for education and training
if you are going to liberate people from economic poverty and political dependence,
and move toward sustainable self-government, financial independence, and equal justice or protection of the laws.

If any person or group is weak in more than one area, it is necessary to partner with an ally that compensates
for that weakness in order not to fall victim to some bully with greater influence and ability in those areas.

If you are weak in two or three area, I don't even think that's a fair game.
the bigger bullies looking to take advantage of the weak will continue to do so.

How about funding higher ed via the states so that there was no insane debt to begin with?

How about, not nearly everyone needs to go to college? How about, let's look at the industry of higher education and their disturbing connection to government funded loans?

Hike up tuition and don't worry, because the rubes gotta git edumacted and somebody dang gonna pay fer it.

What a fucking scam the colleges and universities have going. Billion dollar endowments, all of them. Money pits filled with the cash of suckers. Great work if you can get it.
Why doesn't occupy forgive my car payments?

If that was within one of the package deals they bought out,
yes you could be one of the people who benefits.

They can only buy out so many loans with the money they collect.

if this is not the group you are connected with,
maybe some other group would help you out.

It depends who you are helping, where your money and labor
is going, and what is the purpose. And within that circle of influence
and economy, that determines where the resources come from
to pay back your debts.

See previous note to Moonglow: why not set up your own
program to pay off your car loan?

The point of Occupy is to mobilize individuals to take action directly.
What are your goals connected to that could lead to funding?

If you believe in helping Vets, can you set up a fundraising program
to buy houses for Vets, where your work in promoting capital campaigns online
nets you a commission on the donations you collect for the organization to spend on Vets?

What if you set up a referral program to help a Vet charity?
For everyone who you refer to get a 50 bonus for setting up a bank account
at a participating institution, they get 50 which they donate part or all to the Vet charity.
And you get a 50 dollar referral fee, where you can keep half and donate half.
Most offers limit the referrals to up to 20.
But what if you set up an ongoing promotion to help Vets?
Could you negotiate a deal to get a commission off the fundraising work
that is business advertising and PR for the bank?

Just some ideas. The point is why rely on Occupy
why not do it yourself. Heck, you me and Moonglow,
that's enough to set up a fundraising drive on gofundme.

If you and MG pick a favorite charity, we can try that
if you want to study what it takes to launch a program like Occupy did.
just on a smaller individual scale so you get the idea.

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