Occupy Morons being sent packing from NY's Zuccotti Park

Big win for Government and Corporations but it's a big loss for America. But these uprisings will continue anyway. The Citizens have had enough of being treated like human garbage by Government & Corporations. This is not something to be celebrating. Most of these people have legitimate beefs. I don't think them and the Tea Partiers are really all that different. They both have legitimate beefs. I wish them the best of luck. Now is not the time to give up.
They need to act within the laws, and get their proper permits to protest, instead of thinking they can just park their dirty asses wherever thy damn well please, and overwhelmingly occupy areas that other citizens have the right to enjoy, without having to put up with destruction, rudeness, violence, trash, and smell of unbathed idiots.

If they want to piss and moan about having to be responsible and pay their own damn bills, more power to 'em......But they ZERO right to impede on all other americans who are trying to go about their daily lives in a responsible, respectful manner.

Seriously, look at how these idiots are conducting themselves...They are trashing the places they've parked their dirty asses.

The permit issue is a disgrace for our nation. Expensive Protest Permits are as Un-American as it can get. They are clearly meant to discourage dissent & protest. I really wish the Supreme Court would rule these permits Unconstitutional. No American should have to pay to protest. That's just not what America is about. And that goes for all American protesters. And yes,some are idiots but most are not. Most are just poor people who feel abused & humiliated by Government & Corporations. They have every right to be angry. I wish them and the Tea Partiers well. We need brave people like them.
Big win for Government and Corporations but it's a big loss for America. But these uprisings will continue anyway. The Citizens have had enough of being treated like human garbage by Government & Corporations. This is not something to be celebrating. Most of these people have legitimate beefs. I don't think them and the Tea Partiers are really all that different. They both have legitimate beefs. I wish them the best of luck. Now is not the time to give up.
They need to act within the laws, and get their proper permits to protest, instead of thinking they can just park their dirty asses wherever thy damn well please, and overwhelmingly occupy areas that other citizens have the right to enjoy, without having to put up with destruction, rudeness, violence, trash, and smell of unbathed idiots.

If they want to piss and moan about having to be responsible and pay their own damn bills, more power to 'em......But they ZERO right to impede on all other americans who are trying to go about their daily lives in a responsible, respectful manner.

Seriously, look at how these idiots are conducting themselves...They are trashing the places they've parked their dirty asses.

The permit issue is a disgrace for our nation. Expensive Protest Permits are as Un-American as it can get. They are clearly meant to discourage dissent & protest. I really wish the Supreme Court would rule these permits Unconstitutional. No American should have to pay to protest. That's just not what America is about. And that goes for all American protesters. And yes,some are idiots but most are not. Most are just poor people who feel abused & humiliated by Government & Corporations. They have every right to be angry. I wish them and the Tea Partiers well. We need brave people like them.

They still get to voice, they just can't camp out or use the streets as a toilet, that's all.

Welcome yo NYC, the land of Fines, Fee's, and Penalties.
It sucks. Fortunately, there is more to life than the down side.

Now, some of the Local Businesses may have the chance to avoid Bankruptcy, as a result of an out of control Political Action.
Big win for Government and Corporations but it's a big loss for America. But these uprisings will continue anyway. The Citizens have had enough of being treated like human garbage by Government & Corporations. This is not something to be celebrating. Most of these people have legitimate beefs. I don't think them and the Tea Partiers are really all that different. They both have legitimate beefs. I wish them the best of luck. Now is not the time to give up.
They need to act within the laws, and get their proper permits to protest, instead of thinking they can just park their dirty asses wherever thy damn well please, and overwhelmingly occupy areas that other citizens have the right to enjoy, without having to put up with destruction, rudeness, violence, trash, and smell of unbathed idiots.

If they want to piss and moan about having to be responsible and pay their own damn bills, more power to 'em......But they ZERO right to impede on all other americans who are trying to go about their daily lives in a responsible, respectful manner.

Seriously, look at how these idiots are conducting themselves...They are trashing the places they've parked their dirty asses.

The permit issue is a disgrace for our nation. Expensive Protest Permits are as Un-American as it can get. They are clearly meant to discourage dissent & protest. I really wish the Supreme Court would rule these permits Unconstitutional. No American should have to pay to protest. That's just not what America is about. And that goes for all American protesters. And yes,some are idiots but most are not. Most are just poor people who feel abused & humiliated by Government & Corporations. They have every right to be angry. I wish them and the Tea Partiers well. We need brave people like them.
Noooooo, the permit system is designed to ensure that rights of all americans aren't being stepped on, as these protesters have been doing for over two months now.

There is no reason they can't do what the Tea Partiers do, and respect the rights of ALL americans, and not cause the taxpayers to have to foot the bill for the price of their destruction.
They need to act within the laws, and get their proper permits to protest, instead of thinking they can just park their dirty asses wherever thy damn well please, and overwhelmingly occupy areas that other citizens have the right to enjoy, without having to put up with destruction, rudeness, violence, trash, and smell of unbathed idiots.

If they want to piss and moan about having to be responsible and pay their own damn bills, more power to 'em......But they ZERO right to impede on all other americans who are trying to go about their daily lives in a responsible, respectful manner.

Seriously, look at how these idiots are conducting themselves...They are trashing the places they've parked their dirty asses.

The permit issue is a disgrace for our nation. Expensive Protest Permits are as Un-American as it can get. They are clearly meant to discourage dissent & protest. I really wish the Supreme Court would rule these permits Unconstitutional. No American should have to pay to protest. That's just not what America is about. And that goes for all American protesters. And yes,some are idiots but most are not. Most are just poor people who feel abused & humiliated by Government & Corporations. They have every right to be angry. I wish them and the Tea Partiers well. We need brave people like them.

They still get to voice, they just can't camp out or use the streets as a toilet, that's all.

Welcome yo NYC, the land of Fines, Fee's, and Penalties.
It sucks. Fortunately, there is more to life than the down side.

Now, some of the Local Businesses may have the chance to avoid Bankruptcy, as a result of an out of control Political Action.
Wonder how that sanwich shop owner acros from Zuccotti feels.....Seeing as though she tried to be nice and allow them to use her bathroom in a controlled manner so as not to disrupt her customers, only to have those bastards destroy the damn bathroom to the tune of 15 grand.
They need to act within the laws, and get their proper permits to protest, instead of thinking they can just park their dirty asses wherever thy damn well please, and overwhelmingly occupy areas that other citizens have the right to enjoy, without having to put up with destruction, rudeness, violence, trash, and smell of unbathed idiots.

If they want to piss and moan about having to be responsible and pay their own damn bills, more power to 'em......But they ZERO right to impede on all other americans who are trying to go about their daily lives in a responsible, respectful manner.

Seriously, look at how these idiots are conducting themselves...They are trashing the places they've parked their dirty asses.

The permit issue is a disgrace for our nation. Expensive Protest Permits are as Un-American as it can get. They are clearly meant to discourage dissent & protest. I really wish the Supreme Court would rule these permits Unconstitutional. No American should have to pay to protest. That's just not what America is about. And that goes for all American protesters. And yes,some are idiots but most are not. Most are just poor people who feel abused & humiliated by Government & Corporations. They have every right to be angry. I wish them and the Tea Partiers well. We need brave people like them.

They still get to voice, they just can't camp out or use the streets as a toilet, that's all.

Welcome yo NYC, the land of Fines, Fee's, and Penalties.
It sucks. Fortunately, there is more to life than the down side.

Now, some of the Local Businesses may have the chance to avoid Bankruptcy, as a result of an out of control Political Action.

Fair points. I was talking more about Protest Permits specifically. Many parts of the country are now requiring Citizens to purchase these permits. I think that's just wrong and truly Un-American. As far as NYC goes,Bloomberg really has turned it into a Nazi-Hell in recent years. I don't understand how he got re-elected. Man,you can be fined for just about anything in NYC these days. Anyway,thanks for the reply.
Everyone should read John Steinbeck's 'Grapes of Wrath.' I think they might be a bit more understanding and compassionate about what's happening in our country. The People are restless. They've been kicked around by Government & Corporations for so long. They've had enough and i don't blame them. I really do wish these protesters well.

The Left using the Homeless and Mentally Ill for this Pointless "Protest" is Shameful...

The Occupy Denvertards are doing the same.

Once it gets REAL Cold, these Liberals will Retreat back to their Parents Basements while the Homeless, Mentally Ill and the Drug Addicts they used to go back to the same Hell they were in.


I am happy.. I am sure if these low lives did not shit in public, do drugs and smoke , drink in public , sexual assaults, robbery, violence , they would not have been kicked out. They did it to themselves.
Everyone should read John Steinbeck's 'Grapes of Wrath.' I think they might be a bit more understanding and compassionate about what's happening in our country. The People are restless. They've been kicked around by Government & Corporations for so long. They've had enough and i don't blame them. I really do wish these protesters well.
Yeah, they may be restless, but that does not give them the RIGHT to impede on the lives of other americns.

The Tea Partiers didn't do it, and neither should they.

There is a reason why the support of the OWS has now dropped below thirty percent.....When destruction, rudeness, violence, stepping on of rights, and overall disrespect kicks in, the message of your cause becomes moot, and support dwindles.
I hope that they are required to go someplace and take a bath before they are allowed to return. What a scummy looking bunch of retards.

So bye, bye miss Shitter pie;
Bared her rump and took a dump;
on a cop car last night.
Them anarchist were setting restaurants on fire;
singing capitalism surely must die....
A Manhattan Supreme Court judge sided with New York City Tuesday afternoon, declining to extend a previous restraining order against the city and the NYPD that had temporarily stalled the operation to clear Zuccotti Park, the home of the protests. Protesters had circled the park awaiting a ruling and claimed to reoccupy as soon as they were allowed. The city has said it will allow the movement back into the park, but will forbid any further camping out.

Judge Rules Against OWS - The Daily Beast

They had a momentary reprieve this morning when a hand picked, former ACLU lawyer issued a restraining order on the police. Fortunately, another judge has now reviewed the case and ruled with the city:

A New York judge has upheld the city’s dismantling of the Occupy Wall Street encampment, saying that the protesters’ first amendment rights don’t entitle them to camp out indefinitely in the plaza.
NY Judge Rules Against OWS | Verum Serum
Well they will be allowed to continue protesting there. So they haven't been removed completely. The OWS protesters may have over-played their hand a bit. Now they've lost a lot of support. You have to know how to play these things. They did not play their hand well. Their occupations have fizzled out because no one understands what they want. They haven't been clear enough. And they should be occupying Washington instead of all these cities who didn't do any harm. Most of these cities are just struggling along and had nothing to do with the awful Government/Corporate abuse we've seen in recent years. Washington is where all of the problems eminate from. So they lost direction & focus. Probably time to wrap it up now. They need to re-charge and come back at a later date.
The left is an embarassment to America and represents the worst in sub-human garbage. It's equally hysterical and tragic that NY had to hose and scrub down a place after liberals left. When the Tea Party left Glen Beck's Restoring Honor rally and other such gatherings, the places were SPOTLESS. No garbage, no problems, certainly NO rapes.

When liberals gather, you get nothing but rapes, violence, disease, drugs, and misery. What a disgusting bunch of filth liberals are. I'm not sure what is more repulsive - these Occupy people or Nancy Pelosi. Both are ignorant, filthy animals, so it's tough to judge. But I'm going to assume that Nancy isn't raping anyone, so I guess the Occupy people are more repulsive. But only slighty so....
The judge for the ACLU got booted off the case.

A new judge was selected, randomly.

The new judge has now ruled (contrary to the ACLU's judge) that the City does have the right to boot the OWS Shitters the fuck out of the park.

Such a display of common sense is likely to get appealed, of course. The left does not appreciate it when the judicial branch employs common sense.

Yep. No getting past the Health and Zoning Violations. I'm surprised the Park doesn't close at night like the City Parks. That is something that needs to be looked at.

The wording in the variances that created the POPS Privately owned public spaces mandate 24 hour access for almost all of them. The exceptions are ones usually found in the basements of buildings (with skylights of course) that close when the building closes.

NYC parks, on the other hand, have closing times, which is why the protesters probably picked a POPS over an NYC park in the first place.
The judge for the ACLU got booted off the case.

A new judge was selected, randomly.

The new judge has now ruled (contrary to the ACLU's judge) that the City does have the right to boot the OWS Shitters the fuck out of the park.

Such a display of common sense is likely to get appealed, of course. The left does not appreciate it when the judicial branch employs common sense.

Yep. No getting past the Health and Zoning Violations. I'm surprised the Park doesn't close at night like the City Parks. That is something that needs to be looked at.

The wording in the variances that created the POPS Privately owned public spaces mandate 24 hour access for almost all of them. The exceptions are ones usually found in the basements of buildings (with skylights of course) that close when the building closes.

NYC parks, on the other hand, have closing times, which is why the protesters probably picked a POPS over an NYC park in the first place.

The Variances need to be changed. Very Irresponsible thought process here. Big Surprise in NYC. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yep. No getting past the Health and Zoning Violations. I'm surprised the Park doesn't close at night like the City Parks. That is something that needs to be looked at.

The wording in the variances that created the POPS Privately owned public spaces mandate 24 hour access for almost all of them. The exceptions are ones usually found in the basements of buildings (with skylights of course) that close when the building closes.

NYC parks, on the other hand, have closing times, which is why the protesters probably picked a POPS over an NYC park in the first place.

The Variances need to be changed. Very Irresponsible thought process here. Big Surprise in NYC. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Most of these places are very small, with only a few benches, and some plants. No one ever thought a bunch of people would try to camp out in one of them for two months.
The wording in the variances that created the POPS Privately owned public spaces mandate 24 hour access for almost all of them. The exceptions are ones usually found in the basements of buildings (with skylights of course) that close when the building closes.

NYC parks, on the other hand, have closing times, which is why the protesters probably picked a POPS over an NYC park in the first place.

The Variances need to be changed. Very Irresponsible thought process here. Big Surprise in NYC. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Most of these places are very small, with only a few benches, and some plants. No one ever thought a bunch of people would try to camp out in one of them for two months.

Not exactly true. A few of the parks near me, have in the past been converted into shanty towns for months, when the homeless numbers rise, shit happens. Public Land, Private Land, it doesn't really matter. We are used to it. Shelters can be good, they can get dangerous too. Still, officially, a No Camping ban on non-designated property isn't rocket science. It's something you can either always fall back on or ignore as you see fit. :)

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