Ocean acidification

You know as a grad student you must be a real peach. I suggest you take a few geology classes so you can get some practical knowledge of exactly how the world works because clearly your head is lost in the theoretical world.

Is that a joke?

I mean, you do realize that when people say "scientists don't know anything about the real world!" - that they aren't literally talking about the physical, geological Earth itself, right? Is that why you consider yourself a practical guy? You know something about the "real world" - that being what's inside of it? That's hilarious.

I'm going to go ahead and take a stab and guess you're a petroleum geologist? Which oil company do you work for?

Spider, Westwall is not a scientist of any kind, and certainly not a geologist. His 'knowledge' in Geology is nill.

Nil is how we describe the "SUV's are melting the polar ice caps!" hysteria you try to pass off as science.
Did you get that from the Vostok Ice Cores or from the precise measurements they took 50 or 500 years ago?

i'm not sure how you'd get water vapour measurements from an ice core considering ice is water.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I couldn't have made the point any better if I said it myself!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

You have no records, yet you ruled out H2O

Thank you!

Thank you

Thank You!

Water vapor has a residence time in the atmosphere of less than ten days. So if there is a great deal of water vapor in the atmosphere, there will be thicker annual layers for that period. If the thicker layers in the Anarctic are contemperaneous with thicker layers in Greenland, then there is a reasonable chance that there was more water vapor in the atmosphere worldwide at that period.

For that to happen, there has to be another input. For the water vapor is created by a warmer atmosphere. So, during such periods, either the TSI was greater, or there were more GHGs in the atmosphere.
I spent three months in the Amazon basin living off of the land...how about you? I've been on every continent how about you? I have more real experience with the world than you ever will. I remember watching the Day the World Stood Still and at the end when the filmaker has the wonderful end of electricity I was thinking to myself...ah yes utopia..no filthy electricity to ruin our lives...of course within 6 months 5 billion people would be dead but who cares! Kill 'em all! Those scenarios crack me up. Most of you folks would be dead in the first three months because you havn't a clue how to do anything. You would all either starve or be someone elses sandwich.

Oh and one more thing I wasn't bragging about hanging with Feynman. I was stating that because of the talks I had the priviledge of having with him I can carry on a conversation with a narrow minded scientific Neanderthal and not lose my temper. And never forget he said this and please note the emphasis on Nature!

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled."

How do we know that? Does anyone even bother to measure it? We know that Kilauea is pumping 4000 gallons of H2O per minute into the atmosphere, logically we must assume it doesn't vanish, ergo it must be adding to the water vapor percentage.

LOL! Seriously dude, you brag about hanging out with Feynman - yet you've apparently never heard of



All of that, and you are still as dumb as a rock? :lol:

Tell me, have you and Frank formed a hollow moon club yet?:eusa_whistle:
Is that a joke?

I mean, you do realize that when people say "scientists don't know anything about the real world!" - that they aren't literally talking about the physical, geological Earth itself, right? Is that why you consider yourself a practical guy? You know something about the "real world" - that being what's inside of it? That's hilarious.

I'm going to go ahead and take a stab and guess you're a petroleum geologist? Which oil company do you work for?

Spider, Westwall is not a scientist of any kind, and certainly not a geologist. His 'knowledge' in Geology is nill.

Nil is how we describe the "SUV's are melting the polar ice caps!" hysteria you try to pass off as science.

Hmmm.......... Boy, have I done a good job there. I have all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world agreeing with me. I have created an overwhelming consensus among scientists.

Or maybe I am just quoting what real scientists are stating?:razz:
i'm not sure how you'd get water vapour measurements from an ice core considering ice is water.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I couldn't have made the point any better if I said it myself!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

You have no records, yet you ruled out H2O

Thank you!

Thank you

Thank You!

Water vapor has a residence time in the atmosphere of less than ten days. So if there is a great deal of water vapor in the atmosphere, there will be thicker annual layers for that period. If the thicker layers in the Anarctic are contemperaneous with thicker layers in Greenland, then there is a reasonable chance that there was more water vapor in the atmosphere worldwide at that period.

For that to happen, there has to be another input. For the water vapor is created by a warmer atmosphere. So, during such periods, either the TSI was greater, or there were more GHGs in the atmosphere.

Are you back to Mann's tree rings?
i'm not sure how you'd get water vapour measurements from an ice core considering ice is water.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I couldn't have made the point any better if I said it myself!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

You have no records, yet you ruled out H2O

Thank you!

Thank you

Thank You!

Water vapor has a residence time in the atmosphere of less than ten days. So if there is a great deal of water vapor in the atmosphere, there will be thicker annual layers for that period. If the thicker layers in the Anarctic are contemperaneous with thicker layers in Greenland, then there is a reasonable chance that there was more water vapor in the atmosphere worldwide at that period.

For that to happen, there has to be another input. For the water vapor is created by a warmer atmosphere. So, during such periods, either the TSI was greater, or there were more GHGs in the atmosphere.

So you're also ruling out That "Big Yellow Thing in the Sky"


Can you describe the mechanism by which GHG's cause an increase in solar activity? I'm all ears
I spent three months in the Amazon basin living off of the land...how about you? I've been on every continent how about you? I have more real experience with the world than you ever will. I remember watching the Day the World Stood Still and at the end when the filmaker has the wonderful end of electricity I was thinking to myself...ah yes utopia..no filthy electricity to ruin our lives...of course within 6 months 5 billion people would be dead but who cares! Kill 'em all! Those scenarios crack me up. Most of you folks would be dead in the first three months because you havn't a clue how to do anything. You would all either starve or be someone elses sandwich.

Oh and one more thing I wasn't bragging about hanging with Feynman. I was stating that because of the talks I had the priviledge of having with him I can carry on a conversation with a narrow minded scientific Neanderthal and not lose my temper. And never forget he said this and please note the emphasis on Nature!

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled."

LOL! Seriously dude, you brag about hanging out with Feynman - yet you've apparently never heard of



All of that, and you are still as dumb as a rock? :lol:

Tell me, have you and Frank formed a hollow moon club yet?:eusa_whistle:

How embarrassing for you that there's more real science behind the possibility that the Moon is a hollow, constructed body than there is for the idea that our SUV have cause cataclysmic climate changes for the last 4 billion years.

So you're also ruling out That "Big Yellow Thing in the Sky"


Can you describe the mechanism by which GHG's cause an increase in solar activity? I'm all ears

Frank, old boy, do look up what TSI represents.

As pointed out in previous posts, at present we have been through a period of very quiet activity on the sun, but because of the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere, it has been a period of continued warming. For the last three decades, each decade has been warmer than the last.

So you're also ruling out That "Big Yellow Thing in the Sky"


Can you describe the mechanism by which GHG's cause an increase in solar activity? I'm all ears

Frank, old boy, do look up what TSI represents.

As pointed out in previous posts, at present we have been through a period of very quiet activity on the sun, but because of the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere, it has been a period of continued warming. For the last three decades, each decade has been warmer than the last.

It always amuses me that you claim there are far too many variables for Warmers to demonstrate your "deminimus increases in CO2 cause instantaneous, cataclysmic and irrecoverable changes in the climate" hypothesis in a laboratory setting, yet you;re able to isolate CO2 as a culprit in some places on the planet getting warmer.

Maybe a weakening or changing magnetic field...

OK, I just got a message from the Universe, not sure what it means, the large CD changer in my office just turned itself on and started playing Blackmore's "Man on the Silver Mountain" All the hair on my neck is standing up...
Did you get that from the Vostok Ice Cores or from the precise measurements they took 50 or 500 years ago?

i'm not sure how you'd get water vapour measurements from an ice core considering ice is water.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I couldn't have made the point any better if I said it myself!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

You have no records, yet you ruled out H2O

Thank you!

Thank you

Thank You!

???? Huhh? Rule out H20 from what? We were talking about the present warming trend, not one that happened 100,000 years ago.
How embarrassing for you that there's more real science behind the possibility that the Moon is a hollow, constructed body than there is for the idea that our SUV have cause cataclysmic climate changes for the last 4 billion years.

How is that embarrassing? Its your theory because you're too stupid and dishonest to actually construct arguments against the actual theory of AGW.
How embarrassing for you that there's more real science behind the possibility that the Moon is a hollow, constructed body than there is for the idea that our SUV have cause cataclysmic climate changes for the last 4 billion years.

How is that embarrassing? Its your theory because you're too stupid and dishonest to actually construct arguments against the actual theory of AGW.

So you have decided to resort to spamming the thread with already covered bullshit to both hide your embarrassment as a fake, and to try and salvage some measure of believability in this nonsense....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Atypical believer algorian behavior... You started with my old post trying to bullshit your way through it using half-witted lame arguments. The only bits that were coherent or logical were already dismissed and beaten. You didn't care it was already beaten. All you cared about was saving face....

You go right on ahead and spam the threads with your bullshit, the damage is done... Your side has failed time and again to stand up to scrutiny just as they are now. THey, like you with your fake (I'm a PHD candidate) nonsense are fakes, phonies, and hucksters.....
Atypical believer algorian behavior...

Proof positive that gslack doesn't care about the science. Those that do, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore. Do you need anymore proof that the deniers are making this a political football?
Atypical believer algorian behavior...

Proof positive that gslack doesn't care about the science. Those that do, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore. Do you need anymore proof that the deniers are making this a political football?

Its funny how they made fun of Gore for stating he helped passed legislation that created the internet by misquoting him as saying "I invented the internet"
- yet Al has never claimed to come up with the theory of AGW, but all the rightes seem to think he did.
Jeez but you have an amazingly thin skin don't you! When I say you need to get out in the real world I mean exactly that. In geology we have scientists (who we refer to as black box geologists because they are never in the field) who if they ever are in the field are lost. They have no clue what the heck they are looking at.

I spent 1 1/2 years operating a telescope for the United States Navy. Does that qualify as "in the field" enough for you? Or would you expect that "in the field" in astronomy would involve doing the things that "in the field" in geology would for some stupid reason?

You resort to ridicule and personal attacks punctuated by expletives and yet you have never even seen a volcano close up I would wager. I have been to Kilauea on 7 different occasions over the years and have visited several other volcano's as well.

Good for you. Did it ever occur to you that as a student of astrophysics, I wouldn't really have the time to be doing the types of things that students of geology do? Jeez man, you're essentially stating "You're not in the real world because you don't study the same science as me" which is about as fucked as it gets.

ROFL!!!! Yes, all us opponents of AGW must work for the oil companies. ROFL. What a dolt.
Atypical believer algorian behavior...

Proof positive that gslack doesn't care about the science. Those that do, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore. Do you need anymore proof that the deniers are making this a political football?

What you think you got new messiah to follow junior? HHAHAHAHA! he is a fake and you are a juvenile....classic:lol:
Atypical believer algorian behavior...

Proof positive that gslack doesn't care about the science. Those that do, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore. Do you need anymore proof that the deniers are making this a political football?

Its funny how they made fun of Gore for stating he helped passed legislation that created the internet by misquoting him as saying "I invented the internet"
- yet Al has never claimed to come up with the theory of AGW, but all the rightes seem to think he did.


no one said any such thing here douchebag now stoip lying mr fake scientist...

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