Oct 7 atrocities: Remember that "palestine" racist Arab government targeted peacenicks...


Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
The Kibbutzim were leftist, peacenicks who helped Gazans, carried Fazabs to hospitals and have advocated for a two state.

The Arab "palestinian" employees were treated with respect and these Gazans spied on the Jews and helped the mass rape mass kidnapping and burning people alive.

Remember also the victim who also shouted "I'm your friend"...amd they shot her.

Population stats for Arab "Palestinians":

1993 - 2.2 million

2003 - 3 million

2013 - 4 million

2023 - 5.4 million


GRAP - Genocidal radical Racist Arab-Palestinian
(Israel VS Genocide - since 1920 - written in 2010)

7,000 Gazans Took Part in Oct. 7 Attacks, New IDF Data Shows Some 7,000 Gazans participated in the Hamas-led Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel....

some 3,800 terrorists from the Hamas terror group’s elite Nukhba forces who led the invasion, followed by 2,200 “terrorists and looters from Gaza.” Around 1,000 other terrorists participated in the attack from within the Gaza Strip, firing some 4,300 rockets and assisting the forces that crossed into Israeli territory... Some 1,200 people were murdered in the Oct. 7 attack. Thousands more wounded and 251 were kidnapped to Gaza, (of whom per 9.2.24 -] 101 remain in captivity.[/I]

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.

Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
By Yaron Steinbuch, Dec. 5, 2023.

Oct 7: sexual violence



What is massive Arab racism pro bloody savagery?
Most Arab "Palestinians" support Oct 7 atrocities. (June 2024 poll).





Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, from the comfort of his home in Qatar: "We need the blood of women, children, and the elderly of Gaza..."


June 2024:
Israel Has Killed 17,000 Terrorists in Gaza Since Start of War, IDF Says.

More than half of those killed in Gaza are Hamas terrorists.
The Gaza ministry of health has not directly counted 31,000 dead. Their own documentation says that they directly counted some 17,000 in their hospitals, and (as of March 4) over 13,000 from "trusted media sources."

Hamas' women are just as guilty!

And Hamas "health" Ministry numbers are not to be trusted.

First, even the UN itself, which initially accepted the false Hamas data, had to publish a clarification 1 that the number of women and children among those killed in Gaza was not "a majority", but about a third.

Secondly, a statistical study by an expert from the University of Pennsylvania published in the magazine 'Tablet' 2 found that the claim about the majority of women and children among the dead cannot be true and it appears that the ratio between a dead gunman and a dead gunman is in the region of 1:1, and this was by no means the only study that cast great doubt the reliability of the Palestinian reports on the number of women and children among the dead.

Thirdly, the American research institute "Washington Institute" 3, also stated that the information published by the Hamas authorities should not be trusted - it lacks credibility, and seems to be deliberately distorted to create an image of an indiscriminate massacre of the civilian population, in the study Under the title: "Gaza casualty figures have become completely unreliable."

Fourth, another and interesting analysis of the casualty data in Gaza was carried out by the data analyst Mark Zlochin and published in the British 'Telegraph' 4. This study examined the data provided by the UN about 150 UNRWA workers who were killed in the war

The most striking figure is that 62% of the UNRWA workers who were killed are men. This is despite the fact that men make up only 41% of all the agency's workers in Gaza. In fact, the chance of a man working for UNRWA being killed by the IDF is more than double the chance of a woman. It seems that indeed many UNRWA workers fought in the ranks of Hamas (and thus had a higher chance of being killed). In addition, this is further proof that the figures of the Hamas Ministry of Health (according to which women have a similar chance of being killed by the IDF) are not reliable.

In addition, Zlochin found that there is an almost perfect match between the data of the UN workers (the women) who were killed and the hospital casualty records, which allows him to estimate for himself how many Gazans have been killed since the outbreak of the war: about 18,000 (compared to Hamas's claim of 32,000 dead).

And there was also the AP news agency, which determined that the number of women and children among the dead dropped below 40%. 5

Fifth: Oh and the "10,000" missing?

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does).
One of the many bogus statistics we've been following from Gaza is the number of missing people buried under rubble.

As we've noted, between November and May, Hamas regularly reported - and the UN regularly repeated - 7,000 missing people under the rubble in Gaza. Then, sddenly, on May 3, that number jumped to 10,000 people missing.

Does anyone have the names of these missing people? Do we know what methodology was used to estimate their numbers?

Of course not. Because Hamas made them all up. And that's good enough for the UN.

Right now, the number of supposedly missing people has remained steady at exactly 10,000 for four months. The UN keeps publishing that number, crediting the Gaza Government Media Office, which is Hamas.

So not one person has been discovered under the rubble since May? Or maybe some have been discovered, but are equaled out with the number newly buried?

The number is fiction, like all of Hamas numbers. But NGOs and the UN need to publish the highest, most absurd numbers because that gives the sense of urgency that they demand for their anti-Israel political purposes.

Not one person found under the rubble in Gaza for four months - there are still exactly 10,000 missing (if you believe Hamas, which the UN does)


Palestinianism "export..."

Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran's Hezbollah copy "palestinian" actics:

IDF: 90% of Hezbollah rockets, drones fired from civilian areas.
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The Kibbutzim were leftist, peacenicks who helped Gazans and have advicated for a two state.

Remember also the victim who also shouted "I'm your friend"...amd they shot her.

It will go down as one of the most cowardly and personal attacks on the most vulnerable people.

I respect those who at least seek peace (even at times I disagree with them) as long as they are honest about the possible threats and understand that there is a time and place to fight for the freedoms that support their peace-seeking lifestyle.

This is one such time. The animals who attacked these Israeli citizens and took hundreds hostage cut off their nose to spite their face and they exposed further their cowardice as they hid among citizens. Regardless of how spineless the UN has shown themselves to be.
I would like more information on the planning, execution, and response to this attack. None were spontaneous.
45K dead in Gaza. Mounting civilian dead in Southern Lebanon and the violence in the West Bank continues on.

You think that "pound of flesh" has been exacted yet? :)
The shocking thing was - beyond the savage, animalistic massacre itself - was that Jews in Israel has not yet finished the shiva period when leftists here in America were already marching in opposition to them and in support of HAMAS terrorists and their Palestinian supporters who tortured their family members to death.
The shocking thing was - beyond the savage, animalistic massacre itself - was that Jews in Israel has not yet finished the shiva period when leftists here in America were already marching in opposition to them and in support of HAMAS terrorists and their Palestinian supporters who tortured their family members to death.
Yes it was. An inhumanity the white western world had rarely seen..or..wanted to see. (Happens elsewhere but you turn a blind eye to it). And no one supported these animals. No one on the left The right. The Christians. The Mormons. Bigfoot...These worthless pieces of shit carried out a massacre (apparently in full view of the vaunted Israeli intelligence and a really surveilled electronic border..).....but...and there's always a "but".
The pound of flesh extracted in blood revenge...has gone way beyond what was visited. 45K+ dead in Gaza. Continued violence in the West Bank. And now...southern Lebanon.

So where does it end. And don't run back to the whole "human shields" baloney. Bombs don't care. For one. For all.
Where did you get your numbers from? Hamas who use their people and cause their deaths?
It's likely way more. That's the norm in war. Again, you can't just resort back to the "human shields" defense. At some point, it's blood revenge. And you stop caring who dies.
It's likely way more. That's the norm in war. Again, you can't just resort back to the "human shields" defense. At some point, it's blood revenge. And you stop caring who dies.
Correct. I No longer care when these Ragheads die.

Fire at my home, kill and rape my neighbors. Drag their Naked dead bodies around as trophuea and Cheer.

Im gonna beat your ass into the ground like a tent stake. Israel is actually too nice.

Be glad they are fighting with their hands tied behind their back.
That's the norm in war. Again, you can't just resort back to the "human shields" defense.

It's a fact, since Arafat began this tactic in 1982. Lebanon.

At some point:

Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ and their Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran masters.
As well as:

Fatah, PLFP, ISIS, Al Qaeda have to be BLAMED.
Yes it was. An inhumanity the white western world had rarely seen..or..wanted to see. (Happens elsewhere but you turn a blind eye to it). And no one supported these animals. No one on the left The right. The Christians. The Mormons. Bigfoot...These worthless pieces of shit carried out a massacre (apparently in full view of the vaunted Israeli intelligence and a really surveilled electronic border..).....but...and there's always a "but".
The pound of flesh extracted in blood revenge...has gone way beyond what was visited. 45K+ dead in Gaza. Continued violence in the West Bank. And now...southern Lebanon.

So where does it end. And don't run back to the whole "human shields" baloney. Bombs don't care. For one. For all.
Why do you call anti terror operations as "revenge"?

I'm not even talking about the guilty 80% Gazans as most support the Oct 7 atrocities.

Zionists didn't start the fire on Oct 2023 nor in Aug 1929 massacre of non Zionists in Hebron by the same genocidal animalistic Arab racism

Why do you call anti terror operations as "revenge"?

I'm not even talking about the guilty 80% Gazans as most support the Oct 7 atrocities.

Zionists didn't start the fire on Oct 2023 nor in Aug 1929 massacre of non Zionists in Hebron by the same genocidal animalistic Arab racism
Really? 45K+ dead in Gaza...80% guilty..Ok Adolf. :)
Yes...it's blood revenge.

Why do you call anti terror operations as "revenge"?

I'm not even talking about the guilty 80% Gazans as most support the Oct 7 atrocities.

Zionists didn't start the fire on Oct 2023 nor in Aug 1929 massacre of non Zionists in Hebron by the same genocidal animalistic Arab racism
….nor the numerous other pograms the Arabs perpetrated against Jews from 1830 until 1948.


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