October 8, 1979: Carter's Lowest Approval


Póg Mo Thóin
Dec 3, 2009
was at 29%....

October 8, 2011: Obama's Lowest Approval is 40%

No President after 1945 has come as close to Carter's lowest approval rating at the same point in their presidency as Obama....Even NIXON...EVEN JOHNSON!!!


Mr Barak Hussein Obama needs to step down, and let a Democratic Contender begin the campaign process while there's still time.

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A retarded dumber than fuck, bat-shit crazy chimp could do a better job. Perhaps Biden is available.
Hillary works for Obama. That takes care of your idea.

The repubs haven't begun to work him over, but when they do, I doubt BHO's popularity will increase.

Bill Clinton needs to decide to ride in for the rescue a la Post November 2010 so BHO can "go have dinner with Michelle," or support Hillary's candidacy.
Hillary works for Obama. That takes care of your idea.

The repubs haven't begun to work him over, but when they do, I doubt BHO's popularity will increase.

Bill Clinton needs to decide to ride in for the rescue a la Post November 2010 so BHO can "go have dinner with Michelle," or support Hillary's candidacy.

yeah cause Bill did wonders for Hillary's candidacy in 2008. :doubt:
Hillary works for Obama. That takes care of your idea.

The repubs haven't begun to work him over, but when they do, I doubt BHO's popularity will increase.

Bill Clinton needs to decide to ride in for the rescue a la Post November 2010 so BHO can "go have dinner with Michelle," or support Hillary's candidacy.

yeah cause Bill did wonders for Hillary's candidacy in 2008. :doubt:

Hilllary's Campaign Slogan:

People didn't support Bill in 2008: AND SEE WHAT HAPPENED!!!
and what perfect timing for Cain to be in the race, he is dividing the black vote, not good for O'Bozo come 2012.
and what perfect timing for Cain to be in the race, he is dividing the black vote, not good for O'Bozo come 2012.

Retarded white independants in CA and New England elected BHO.

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was at 29%....

October 8, 2011: Obama's Lowest Approval is 40%

No President after 1945 has come as close to Carter's lowest approval rating at the same point in their presidency as Obama....Even NIXON...EVEN JOHNSON!!!

Presidential Job Approval Center

Mr Barak Hussein Obama needs to step down, and let a Democratic Contender begin the campaign process while there's still time.


Probably not. I think Democrats will stick with Obama even if they know he's a sure loser, because of their expereince with Jimmy Carter. Ted Kennedy was closer to their hearts, he was the heir to their royalty, but even he couldn't unseat an incumbant nominee.

they are not going to upset their strongest voting block (African Americans) by challenging the first black president, especially when the GOP has a credible black nominee in their wings.

Besides, the REpublicans are trying their very best to screw it up.
In all honesty,Obama has a good shot at being re-elected. I wont support him but i have to admit his chances are pretty good at this point. He got Bin Laden and the Class Envy/Class Warfare stuff does work. The Democrats are really ratcheting up their 'Divide & Conquer' strategy. It will get much worse as the Election draws nearer. But many in this country eat that Class Warfare stuff up. I think he'll win a very close Election. That's how i feel right now anyway.
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was at 29%....

October 8, 2011: Obama's Lowest Approval is 40%

No President after 1945 has come as close to Carter's lowest approval rating at the same point in their presidency as Obama....Even NIXON...EVEN JOHNSON!!!

Presidential Job Approval Center

Mr Barak Hussein Obama needs to step down, and let a Democratic Contender begin the campaign process while there's still time.


Reagan dropped to 35% and won re-election in a landslide.

What was your point here again?
At this time in his first term, Reagan's approval rating was 45. Obama is at 43.

With a margin of error +/-3, that's a statistical dead heat.
I was having a much better time in 1979 than 2011

Shit, I barely remember what I was doing in 1979. I think weed was involved, like, lots of weed. And a shroom here and there.. and maybe a Quaalude or two...


A friend of mine was recently cleaning out an old backpack from when he was in college, and he found what is probably the last remaining quaalude on the face of the Earth.

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