OCTOBER SUPRISE??? What will it be???

Well, when the Liberal Mainstream Media is throwing out little hits you know they have something planned, but what could it be?

Everything Doanld Trump is failing, the economy is failing, Gas prices are rising rapidly again as Biden has wiped out our strategic petroleum reserves and can no longer soften the prices before the election, Biden is in full blown panic mode now as the threat of nuclear war looms.

Everything they thought they had to stick in their cap as a feather is GONE..

So, what will it be?

I heard there is a laptop showing Don Jr. Snorting coke. It comes from a computer repair shop located 3,000 miles from his house and at the owner is a huge Biden supporter.

He first says he tried to turn it over to the FBI (after making a dozen copies) but wasn't happy with the way the investigation was going (the laptop repair guy being an expert on FBI procedures) so he did the logical thing and called Rahm Emmanuel and turned it over to him.

The next 3-4 weeks will be explosive.
What's he gonna do...invade Iraq?
Best you can do. So sad.
Biden can relax regulations domestic production and drilling, allowing 2-3 million more BPD to go to market.
But hey - at least you didn't lie.

OCTOBER SUPRISE??? What will it be???​

In an effort to appease leftist extremists by pushing the Transgender agenda harder, Joe Biden will announce Michele Obama is a DUDE, that he found out by barging into the WH living quarters un-announced one night to find Barry bent over a stool given to the WH by the late Queen of England. Biden will then ask Michele to show everyone her penis.

Joe will then be bum-rushed by handlers and whisked away to the WH basement, not to be seen again until after the mid-term elections.

Jean-Pierre will claim Biden never made such a statement...but if he did it was due to a high fever resulting from him contracting COVID again.
The geolocation data wasn't accurate enough to determine whether someone actually went to a drop box rather than went merely near it, since many of the drop boxes were in heavily trafficked public areas.

From your link. The SC said that geolacation is as accurate as a ankle bracelet. And your debunked only means denied.
Why, that would be you and the rest of the America hating Reich.

I'm a "Dim" who hates America? That's news to me. Can you give me an example of this "Dim" America hating I'm allegedly involved in?
I'm a "Dim" who hates America? That's news to me. Can you give me an example of this "Dim" America hating I'm allegedly involved in?
Your TDS and your support of the Dims in upcoming elections. We will all be here after the midterms so lets see how your choices fare.
Your TDS and your support of the Dims in upcoming elections. We will all be here after the midterms so lets see how your choices fare.

I don't support the "Dims." Not even sure who that is, but I also don't support Trumplings.

Are you saying that in order to not hate America one must worship the Orange God and the Republican Party?
I don't support the "Dims." Not even sure who that is, but I also don't support Trumplings.

Are you saying that in order to not hate America one must worship the Orange God and the Republican Party?
Well, there are but two actual choices. So you are claiming to not support either....just badmouth one though, right?
The geolocation data wasn't accurate enough to determine whether someone actually went to a drop box rather than went merely near it, since many of the drop boxes were in heavily trafficked public areas.

From your link. The SC said that geolacation is as accurate as a ankle bracelet. And your debunked only means denied.
GPS ankle monitors are essentially cell phones attached to people's ankles,

But both still aren't accurate to within more than 100 feet.
To show otherwise, you need to have HPE data as described here, and everybody's cell phone is different, and has a different HPE and CDF curve.
That dude is black so that’s a picture of a democrat.
Democrats will win out because they enjoy economic hardship a security threats. They enjoy stifled freedom because their handlers tell them to.

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