Odds the Clinton's ever rec'd dirt on opponents from foreign citizens?

Odds Democrat candidates have ever rec'd dirt on POUS opponent?

  • Heck no, never. It's a Republican thing to be offered dirt, and Jr. couldln't even get that right.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Does a bear shit in the woods?

    Votes: 9 75.0%
  • I don't understand the question

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I refuse to answer, because it's a clue I'm real silly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah but what about Russian collusion? With who, Hillary or Trump?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Other nonsense

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

Heck the DNC/Clinton campaign wanted Ukrainian President Poroshenko to trash talk Manafort in an interview.

“The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation,” Politico reported.

The Politico report also notes that the DNC encouraged Chalupa to try to arrange an interview with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to talk about Manafort’s ties to the former pro-Russia president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort previously advised.

The embassy declined to arrange the meeting but was nevertheless “helpful,” Chalupa told Politico. “If I asked a question, they would provide guidance, or if there was someone I needed to follow up with,” she said, but added that “There were no documents given, nothing like that.”

Chalupa also told Politico that the Ukrainian embassy worked directly with reporters in uncovering dirt on Manafort and Trump.

Like other DNC staffers, some of Chalupa’s emails were obtained by hackers and published by WikiLeaks. U.S. intelligence services have identified Russia as the culprit behind the hacking of the DNC. In one email released by WikiLeaks, Chalupa told Luis Miranda, then the DNC’s communications director, that she was working with Yahoo News reporter Michael Isikoff and “connected him to the Ukrainians.”

“A lot more coming down the pipe. I spoke to a delegation of 68 investigative journalists from Ukraine last Wednesday at the Library of Congress – the Open World Society’s forum – they put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort and I invited [Yahoo News reporter] Michael Isikoff whom I’ve been working with for the past few weeks and connected him to the Ukrainians,” Chalupa told Miranda"

Everybody Is Forgetting That Clinton Allies Did The Same Thing As Don Jr.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

Would their actions, if any, be therefore worse than Don Jr.'s? I'm going out on a limb and say yes. Anything Trump did is okay, but God forbid anyone else try the same.

Two wrongs have never made a right.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

Would their actions, if any, be therefore worse than Don Jr.'s? I'm going out on a limb and say yes. Anything Trump did is okay, but God forbid anyone else try the same.

Two wrongs have never made a right.

You would agree that both need to be fully investigated and grant that there was actual evidence of collusion, information transferred to an employee of the DNC and used in the Clinton campaign from a Ukrainian source.


The Ukrainian government denied the allegations made in the Politico report, but their denial was undercut by former Ukrainian embassy official Andrii Telizhenko admitting "that he was assigned to work with Chalupa" and that "they were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa."

FLASHBACK: Hillary Allies Coordinated With Ukrainian Government During The Election
The issue isn't just a non American. it's from a foreign government agent .

And let's not forget the constant denial until caught red handed.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.


So you admit Trump is guilty.

Thank you. Good call.
Why can't the dickless Repubs make anything stick? The Mueller scam makes them look moronic.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

Would their actions, if any, be therefore worse than Don Jr.'s? I'm going out on a limb and say yes. Anything Trump did is okay, but God forbid anyone else try the same.

Two wrongs have never made a right.

You would agree that both need to be fully investigated and grant that there was actual evidence of collusion, information transferred to an employee of the DNC and used in the Clinton campaign from a Ukrainian source.


The Ukrainian government denied the allegations made in the Politico report, but their denial was undercut by former Ukrainian embassy official Andrii Telizhenko admitting "that he was assigned to work with Chalupa" and that "they were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa."

FLASHBACK: Hillary Allies Coordinated With Ukrainian Government During The Election
I can't connect the dots of collusion between the DNC and Russian hackers. It takes a set of partisan blinders to do that. I do agree that the continuing drip of information about the Trump campaign's efforts to secure hacked information must be investigated.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.


You're a patriotic Russian. We get it. All Trump cult members are.
The issue isn't just a non American. it's from a foreign government agent .

And let's not forget the constant denial until caught red handed.

Oh sure, that's it. This is the first someone nearly received information from a foreign agent. Who was the foreign agent BTW? Oh yeah, can you provide links to said denial?

Seems to me Dems. would rather discuss conspiracy than rational thought.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

They probably met with the exact same lawyer. Which is why this will run a couple days but die down quickly before it comes back on the dems.
I'm just playing, but really, what you figure the odds are? While we're at it, same applies to Obama & any other Democrat candidate for POUS since I don't know, since Carter.

OK, asshole, should that be the case, then find out about it, and set up prosecution. Seems that you assholes are willing to make any claim to try to hide the Treasonous activities of the fat senile old orange clown.

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