Odell Beckham arrested for "slapping officer's butt"

I don't give a rat's ass about football, or about race or gender or anything else. I'm just saying that all people need to learn to keep their hands to themselves, regardless of the circumstances. I don't know how this all started that some people think that it is okay to touch others, but it is not okay. Nor is it a "joke." Whether it be a cop, or a woman, or a woman who is a cop, wrong is wrong.

No one ever said it was "OK" you moron, just a gross overreaction. Was the cop a lady? Then I can kind of see it, but what was a lady cop doing in a man's NFL locker room? Question unanswered.

Was the cop a guy? Then what were the circumstances? Horse play? Innocent jocularity? Making a pointed remark about his ass, the cop maybe being gay? Questions all unanswered, I only know that as a guy, if someone slapped my ass for any reason, my first response would be to tell them not to do it any more and forget about it. END OF STORY. Not go out to a judge looking to charge sexual battery.

Ass slapping has always been part of the culture in professional football. It means nothing.

Why wasn't Odell arrested right there? Another unanswered question. I'm calling BULLSHIT to the entire thing.
" The New Orleans Police Department could withdraw the arrest warrant issued for OBJ as early as this weekend."

thank god
I dare any white person (cause this is of course about race) to slap an armed cop in the ass out of frustration towards him.

Want to bet you will be arrested for assault?

Go ahead and try it. Please have a friend video tape it and upload it so we can all watch and laugh.

The left making things about race. Poor millionaire Odell. He should be allowed to spank an armed security guard out of frustration. He is BLACK!!!
" The New Orleans Police Department could withdraw the arrest warrant issued for OBJ as early as this weekend."

thank god
Yeah!!! The poor millionaire negro slave ought to be allowed to spank an armed guard out of frustration!!!!

He is blaaaaaack!!!!!


He can beat the rap easily.

Just act all humble & say he's sorry & explain it's a thing they do on the football field. If he plays it right he wont even get a fine.
Well, he is a black millionaire slave, sooooo

Play it right?

Well, they dropped the charges. Negro PRIVILEGE.

Want to bet that none of you stupid white leftists can slap an armed cop in the ass out of frustration?

Want to bet you will be charged with assault of a police officer?

I dare any white person (cause this is of course about race) to slap an armed cop in the ass out of frustration towards him.

Want to bet you will be arrested for assault?

Go ahead and try it. Please have a friend video tape it and upload it so we can all watch and laugh.

The left making things about race. Poor millionaire Odell. He should be allowed to spank an armed security guard out of frustration. He is BLACK!!!

This is a very deceitful scenario, since you excluded context.

Such as the officer was in a room full of, family, that was only celebrating and no one was looking to harm another human. The cop was on some bs, when OBJ playfully slapped him. As proven, by how the cop thought nothing of it ---while within the moment. It wasn't until Racism's cops viewed the vid, that an arrest was considered.
He can beat the rap easily.

Just act all humble & say he's sorry & explain it's a thing they do on the football field. If he plays it right he wont even get a fine.
Well, he is a black millionaire slave, sooooo

Play it right?


This gives the impression that you support any Caucasian, racist, who is jealous of negro men that possess millions of dollars.
You seem black. Whatever. You are nothing but stupid cliches and democrat globalist talking points idiot.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave, slapped an armed officer out of frustration cause the officer was asking people to put out cigars which were illegal to smoke indoors.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave slapped an armed officer out of disrespect. He should be charged with assault.

I would be. You would be. Don't believe me? Try it. Slap an armed cop on his ass out of disrespect.

Go ahead and do it loser. Turn in your ethos card. You have no credibility and your persuasiveness sucks.
You seem black. Whatever. You are nothing but stupid cliches and democrat globalist talking points idiot.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave, slapped an armed officer out of frustration cause the officer was asking people to put out cigars which were illegal to smoke indoors.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave slapped an armed officer out of disrespect. He should be charged with assault.

I would be. You would be. Don't believe me? Try it. Slap an armed cop on his ass out of disrespect.

Go ahead and do it loser. Turn in your ethos card. You have no credibility and your persuasiveness sucks.

I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Oh and btw FYI I am a White man who believes in, Equality, yes sir that annoying lil' element which you hate with a passion.
I don't give a rat's ass about football, or about race or gender or anything else. I'm just saying that all people need to learn to keep their hands to themselves, regardless of the circumstances. I don't know how this all started that some people think that it is okay to touch others, but it is not okay. Nor is it a "joke." Whether it be a cop, or a woman, or a woman who is a cop, wrong is wrong.

No one ever said it was "OK" you moron, just a gross overreaction. Was the cop a lady? Then I can kind of see it, but what was a lady cop doing in a man's NFL locker room? Question unanswered.

Was the cop a guy? Then what were the circumstances? Horse play? Innocent jocularity? Making a pointed remark about his ass, the cop maybe being gay? Questions all unanswered, I only know that as a guy, if someone slapped my ass for any reason, my first response would be to tell them not to do it any more and forget about it. END OF STORY. Not go out to a judge looking to charge sexual battery.

Ass slapping has always been part of the culture in professional football. It means nothing.

Why wasn't Odell arrested right there? Another unanswered question. I'm calling BULLSHIT to the entire thing.

I'm not. Reason? We have to establish a rule, accepted as part of our culture, that one doesn't touch another person without consent. No ass-slapping, no ball grabbing, no pussy grabbing. No breast fondling. Period. End of. This is not a joke.
You seem black. Whatever. You are nothing but stupid cliches and democrat globalist talking points idiot.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave, slapped an armed officer out of frustration cause the officer was asking people to put out cigars which were illegal to smoke indoors.

Beckham, the poor millionaire negro slave slapped an armed officer out of disrespect. He should be charged with assault.

I would be. You would be. Don't believe me? Try it. Slap an armed cop on his ass out of disrespect.

Go ahead and do it loser. Turn in your ethos card. You have no credibility and your persuasiveness sucks.

I have no control over your hallucinations here.

Oh and btw FYI I am a White man who believes in, Equality, yes sir that annoying lil' element which you hate with a passion.
You are nothing but a walking cliche you brainwashed hack. Like I said, your persuasiveness is horrific. You have zero credibility.

Here, let me tell you a little something about me.

I grew up in the hood. My parents died when I was five years old. My brother and I were raised by my uncle. I had a grandfather that was executed by fidel castro (a hero of yours and idiots like you.)

I had to work my way out of the hood and my uncle never allowed us to play the victim role. Never. He would smack us, but then again he escaped commie Cuba and was a veteran in Vietnam.

I had a fiance and daughter that were both killed 26 years ago by an illegal drunk driver.

My brother, who became a Marine was killed in Iraq.

I was GIVEN NOTHING but an opportunity by THIS COUNTRY that is really the ONLY COUNTRY that allows people from the SERF CLASS to work their way out.

You are an obvious spoiled 23 year old trust fund elite white leftist who couldn't walk an inch my shoes. You are a patronizing pathetic elitist racist who cannot see your role in enslaving minorities minds.

You have nothing. You certainly do not have any credibility. As I said turn in your ethos card.
You are nothing but a walking cliche you brainwashed hack. Like I said, your persuasiveness is horrific. You have zero credibility. You are an obvious spoiled 23 year old trust fund elite white leftist ...You are a patronizing pathetic elitist racist who cannot see your role in enslaving minorities minds. You have nothing. You certainly do not have any credibility..

I love you too, pal :11_2_1043: And btw, yes, I will be voting for President Trump once again come November.

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