O'Donnell: "I'm not a witch."

Yeah and Coombs is so much better. It is just the classic Conservative v Liberal. The fact that you obviously are the latter does not make her an "idiot". Do you believe in the statement the Coombs made years ago about being a Marxist? You may not believe the witch thing but the left have hung their hat on that ignorant stance. Who appears to be the idiots based on that?

Hmmm..... You create a false strawman, claiming that someones "hat is hung" on this, and then want to know who the idiot is. Interesting. BTW, who's Coombs? Are you really up on this race?

Hmmmm....you never misspelled anything??? You got me, its Chris Coons....feel better?

I just like to know what's being said about who.

Nothing false about the non stop reporting on the witch comment or have you not been paying attention. That and the masturbation quote seem to be the left's argument against O'Donnell. They might want to bring up policy ideas as polls show voters are not responding to the negative, nasty commercials brought up by either side.

The idiot led her statewide TV ad with "I'm not a witch", instead of presenting her policy positions, and that's everyone else fault? That doesn't make any sense. Hell, O'Donnell is the one who chose not to speak with any mainstream media about her policy ideas. So why exactly am I supposed to argue and discuss something that she's not arguing or discussing.

The only positions she's expressed, were the evils of masturbation and dabbling in the black arts, and it took Bill Maher digging through archives to get those discussions.
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You confuse "it seems to matter" with it's funny as hell in light of other things.

For crying out loud Liability...you need to lighten up

Only the Rightwing fundies take this shit seriously. Everyone else is laughing about it

This has obviously hit on some kind of psychological nerve with some people.

Nothing "obvious" about your baseless speculation. In fact, it's not even true.

The fixation of the lefties with the dopey comments made by O'Donnell reveal something else, however.

Christ. You have the one example you urgently feel the need for of a Tea Party-endorsed candidate making a poor showing as a candidate, and you boys are popping boners over it.

Meanwhile, Reid is looking like toast. Miller looks like a good shot. The most liberal member of the Democrat Parody-controlled Senate, Russ Foolsgold, looks to be in deep shit.

But don't look over there. No no. It's MUCH more important to focus on the one example of it apparently not working out for the Tea Party! :lol:

See how that works, boys? I have no problem admitting that O'Donnell is not a sparkling candidate and that she is likely to lose.* Care to tell us how many other Tea Party endorsed candidates for US Senate you find to be in such sad shape?

Youze guys make me laugh.

* And even if her loss turns out to be the one thing that prevents the Senate from being reclaimed by the GOP, does that fucking matter? Answer: no. It would be sweet to take back the Senate immediately, but it doesn't MATTER all that much since anything the GOP does after assuming majority status is going to get vetoed by our socialist President and -- lacking an over-ride supermajority -- the Republicans aren't going to be able to do much about that. The best we can hope for, until 2012, is that the GOP manages to apply the fucking brakes to the Obama Administration's socialist efforts.
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I'll grant you the Angle-Reid pairing is like a race to the bottom, but I dun think it's true that "Reid is toast". The latest poll results show these two neck and neck.

The 2010 Campaign Polling Center - POLITICO.com

What you seem to be missing is that Reid was vulnerable as hell.....until the GOP lost the primary to Angle. Now forced to endorse her, this is just one more Crazy Cat Lady they'll have to live down. Angle herself is Reid's best campaign tactic.

Whatever the results might be, Nevada is screwed. Are these really the sort of candidates you see as the GOP's best? I sure don't.
I'll grant you the Angle-Reid pairing is like a race to the bottom, but I dun think it's true that "Reid is toast". The latest poll results show these two neck and neck.

The 2010 Campaign Polling Center - POLITICO.com

What you seem to be missing is that Reid was vulnerable as hell.....until the GOP lost the primary to Angle. Now forced to endorse her, this is just one more Crazy Cat Lady they'll have to live down. Angle herself is Reid's best campaign tactic.

Whatever the results might be, Nevada is screwed. Are these really the sort of candidates you see as the GOP's best? I sure don't.

What I wrote was that Reid is looking like toast. He is.

And I'm not missing a thing. Angle is vastly more qualified than Reid who abused his powers to cram shit down the throats of an unwilling America. His fellow Nevadans should unceremoniously toss his ass out ASAP.

And no. Nevadans are not screwed. They got shitty representation from that fuck Reid. Angle, if she wins, will obviously be much more willing to represent Nevadans in a manner consistent with THEIR actual needs and political desires.
I'll grant you the Angle-Reid pairing is like a race to the bottom, but I dun think it's true that "Reid is toast". The latest poll results show these two neck and neck.

The 2010 Campaign Polling Center - POLITICO.com

What you seem to be missing is that Reid was vulnerable as hell.....until the GOP lost the primary to Angle. Now forced to endorse her, this is just one more Crazy Cat Lady they'll have to live down. Angle herself is Reid's best campaign tactic.

Whatever the results might be, Nevada is screwed. Are these really the sort of candidates you see as the GOP's best? I sure don't.

What I wrote was that Reid is looking like toast. He is.

And I'm not missing a thing. Angle is vastly more qualified than Reid who abused his powers to cram shit down the throats of an unwilling America. His fellow Nevadans should unceremoniously toss his ass out ASAP.

And no. Nevadans are not screwed. They got shitty representation from that fuck Reid. Angle, if she wins, will obviously be much more willing to represent Nevadans in a manner consistent with THEIR actual needs and political desires.

These two candidate are polling two points apart, Liability. I think you are confusing what you wish for with what is.

But had the GOP candidate won the primary, I have no doubt Reid would be trailing by 20 points or more. That seems like a lost opportunity cost to me, Liability. Dun it to you?

HTF happy are you gonna be with the Crazy Cat Lady if she loses?
I'll grant you the Angle-Reid pairing is like a race to the bottom, but I dun think it's true that "Reid is toast". The latest poll results show these two neck and neck.

The 2010 Campaign Polling Center - POLITICO.com

What you seem to be missing is that Reid was vulnerable as hell.....until the GOP lost the primary to Angle. Now forced to endorse her, this is just one more Crazy Cat Lady they'll have to live down. Angle herself is Reid's best campaign tactic.

Whatever the results might be, Nevada is screwed. Are these really the sort of candidates you see as the GOP's best? I sure don't.

What I wrote was that Reid is looking like toast. He is.

And I'm not missing a thing. Angle is vastly more qualified than Reid who abused his powers to cram shit down the throats of an unwilling America. His fellow Nevadans should unceremoniously toss his ass out ASAP.

And no. Nevadans are not screwed. They got shitty representation from that fuck Reid. Angle, if she wins, will obviously be much more willing to represent Nevadans in a manner consistent with THEIR actual needs and political desires.

These two candidate are polling two points apart, Liability. I think you are confusing what you wish for with what is.

You think incorrectly. It should have been a no contest. Smarmy fuck that he is, Reid should nevertheless have been able to win it in a walk. But Nevadans are sick of his shit. I didn't ask how far apart they are in the polls. I already know. That's irrelevant to the point I was making. He is looking like toast precisely because he shouldn't even BE in jeopardy.

But had the GOP candidate won the primary, I have no doubt Reid would be trailing by 20 points or more. That seems like a lost opportunity cost to me, Liability. Dun it to you?

Nope. Not even a little bit. The important thing is NOT to get "any" Republican to beat Reid. The important thing was to send the message to the GOP leadershit that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable and that there WILL be consequences. It is painful to have to teach the idiots that lesson. Painful for the teachers and the students.

But, what's the downside? That a fucking scumbag liberal Democratic might retain his seat and that the Dems might retain the edge in the Senate? So what? Again, it's not as though the Republicans can DO anything even if they take both houses. They will not have a veto-proof super-majority regardless and the socialist in chief would veto anything they pass (like the repeal of Obamacare).

The REAL ascendancy of the Tea Party, the real power and virtue of the Tea Party in accomplishing a TRUE house-cleaning in taking back this government, will not come about in this mid-term election no matter how well the Tea Party supported candidates do. This is just part of a longer process. At its SOONEST, the real effects cannot come about until after the 2012 primaries and the GENERAL ELECTIONS.

With luck, come January 2013, the Tea Party will have its first true opportunity to make policy and structural differences. until then, the goal is to toss out the dead wood and to teach the elected representatives the lesson. WE are their bosses, not the other way around.

HTF happy are you gonna be with the Crazy Cat Lady if she loses?

It doesn't matter. You miss the point. You (like many) are focusing on the wrong thing.
Liability wrote in part:

The important thing is NOT to get "any" Republican to beat Reid. The important thing was to send the message to the GOP leadershit that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable and that there WILL be consequences. It is painful to have to teach the idiots that lesson. Painful for the teachers and the students.

I can certainly see getting angry at the GOP powers that be, but Angle? That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Surely there are mentally healthy Tea Bagger womenfolk they could have nominated instead.

It scares me that we are viewing people like McMahon, Angle, O'Donnell, Palin, Whitman, etc. as "viable candidates" no matter how febble minded or corrupt, simply because they can say the catchphrase "family values" or "smaller government". It ought to scare you too, Liability. Throwing Cat Ladies into the Senate etc. is serious shit....I could go so far as to say anti-American.
Liability wrote in part:

The important thing is NOT to get "any" Republican to beat Reid. The important thing was to send the message to the GOP leadershit that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable and that there WILL be consequences. It is painful to have to teach the idiots that lesson. Painful for the teachers and the students.

I can certainly see getting angry at the GOP powers that be, but Angle? That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Surely there are mentally healthy Tea [PARTY] womenfolk they could have nominated instead.

It scares me that we are viewing people like McMahon, Angle, O'Donnell, Palin, Whitman, etc. as "viable candidates" no matter how febble minded or corrupt, simply because they can say the catchphrase "family values" or "smaller government". It ought to scare you too, Liability. Throwing Cat Ladies into the Senate etc. is serious shit....I could go so far as to say anti-American.

Your reply means only that you have again missed the actual point.

Your rhetoric is also unpersuasive because you don't address the point. I couldn't care less how you feel about Angle. She is already superior to that asshat Reid. Fuck. O'Donnell may be a lightweight candidate and only about half-smart, but she's more qualified to serve as U.S. Senator than Biden ever was.

I'm not looking for perfection. I'll settle for fidelity to Constitutional precepts for now. Once that becomes the BASELINE, I will be more than happy to attend to the matter of which candidate is smarter and which candidate is closer to the mark in terms of matching my own policy-specific political beliefs.

BTW your dismissive use of the inappropriate term "Tea Bagger" is noted with my contempt. I don't expect much better though from liberoidal Democratics.
acting like republicans wouldn't crush a democrat for dopey comments is hillarious.
And the witch has many more dopey comments to be rolled out.

Isn't angle way behind?
For crying out loud Liability...you need to lighten up

Only the Rightwing fundies take this shit seriously. Everyone else is laughing about it

This has obviously hit on some kind of psychological nerve with some people.

Nothing "obvious" about your baseless speculation. In fact, it's not even true.

The fixation of the lefties with the dopey comments made by O'Donnell reveal something else, however.

Christ. You have the one example you urgently feel the need for of a Tea Party-endorsed candidate making a poor showing as a candidate, and you boys are popping boners over it.

Meanwhile, Reid is looking like toast. Miller looks like a good shot. The most liberal member of the Democrat Parody-controlled Senate, Russ Foolsgold, looks to be in deep shit.

But don't look over there. No no. It's MUCH more important to focus on the one example of it apparently not working out for the Tea Party! :lol:

See how that works, boys? I have no problem admitting that O'Donnell is not a sparkling candidate and that she is likely to lose.* Care to tell us how many other Tea Party endorsed candidates for US Senate you find to be in such sad shape?

Youze guys make me laugh.

* And even if her loss turns out to be the one thing that prevents the Senate from being reclaimed by the GOP, does that fucking matter? Answer: no. It would be sweet to take back the Senate immediately, but it doesn't MATTER all that much since anything the GOP does after assuming majority status is going to get vetoed by our socialist President and -- lacking an over-ride supermajority -- the Republicans aren't going to be able to do much about that. The best we can hope for, until 2012, is that the GOP manages to apply the fucking brakes to the Obama Administration's socialist efforts.

The fact of the matter is that O'Donnell used her powers as a witch to defeat Castle. There is no way she could have won otherwise. If the people of Delaware are willing to fall under her witchly spells that is their choice.

But they have a right to know
BTW your dismissive use of the inappropriate term "Tea Bagger" is noted with my contempt. I don't expect much better though from liberoidal Democratics.

As you should! It's not like you play linguistical games to invent derogatory names to label those you oppose. You set a high bar for civility, and I appreciate how well you elevate the level of debate.
I can't stand Ried, but incumbents are in huge trouble if a tea bagger with just nut job remarks can take out the speaker.
acting like republicans wouldn't crush a democrat for dopey comments is hillarious.
And the witch has many more dopey comments to be rolled out.

Isn't angle way behind?

Lastest poll has her two points ahead of Reid, topspin.

Looking at the last five polls, they seem to be neck in neck. It'll come down to GOTV and which way the Hispanic vote goes.
I can't stand Ried, but incumbents are in huge trouble if a tea bagger with just nut job remarks can take out the speaker.

I never cared all that much for him either, but think he's done a great job as Majority Leader. He got bills passed that were thought to be impossible. We've been trying to get some sort of comprehensive health care legislation through for the last 80 years. What we got ain't ideal, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. I'll say one thing for Reid, and that's that he knows politics very well and his knowledge of Senate rules is outstanding.
I can't stand Ried, but incumbents are in huge trouble if a tea bagger with just nut job remarks can take out the speaker.

I never cared all that much for him either, but think he's done a great job as Majority Leader. He got bills passed that were thought to be impossible. We've been trying to get some sort of comprehensive health care legislation through for the last 80 years. What we got ain't ideal, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. I'll say one thing for Reid, and that's that he knows politics very well and his knowledge of Senate rules is outstanding.

Yes bribing members, locking people out, inserting language not debated is very.................:cuckoo:
I wouldn't mind him going down and taking Pelosi with him. Obama should have been more centerist. I call the Healthcare redistribution of wealth.
I can't stand Ried, but incumbents are in huge trouble if a tea bagger with just nut job remarks can take out the speaker.

I never cared all that much for him either, but think he's done a great job as Majority Leader. He got bills passed that were thought to be impossible. We've been trying to get some sort of comprehensive health care legislation through for the last 80 years. What we got ain't ideal, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. I'll say one thing for Reid, and that's that he knows politics very well and his knowledge of Senate rules is outstanding.

Yes bribing members, locking people out, inserting language not debated is very.................:cuckoo:

Like Boehner handing out tobacco checks on the house floor? At least Reid didn't insert language after a conference bill was hammered out, like Phill Graham did with several parts of the 1999 financial reform bill. Did Trent Lott not lock people out of conference committees? Like I said, he plays politics and Senate rules very well.

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