O'Donnell: "I'm not a witch."

O'Donnell is down 19 points in the polls. It is time for her to admit she is in fact, a witch and use it to her advantage.

She needs to let the people of Delaware know exactly what she will do to them if they do not vote for her. Eating runaway children and stealing ruby slippers will be just the start for Delaware. If the people of Delaware are not careful, O'Donnell will cast a spell and take away their tolls
O'Donnell is down 19 points in the polls. It is time for her to admit she is in fact, a witch and use it to her advantage.

She needs to let the people of Delaware know exactly what she will do to them if they do not vote for her. Eating runaway children and stealing ruby slippers will be just the start for Delaware. If the people of Delaware are not careful, O'Donnell will cast a spell and take away their tolls

Worse than taking away the tolls, she's going to put extra booths on every on-ramp to 95, forcing the locals to pay them.
O'Donnell is down 19 points in the polls. It is time for her to admit she is in fact, a witch and use it to her advantage.

She needs to let the people of Delaware know exactly what she will do to them if they do not vote for her. Eating runaway children and stealing ruby slippers will be just the start for Delaware. If the people of Delaware are not careful, O'Donnell will cast a spell and take away their tolls

Worse than taking away the tolls, she's going to put extra booths on every on-ramp to 95, forcing the locals to pay them.

Nevada huh? The land that govt spending made.

Without Hoover dam Las Vegas would still be just a small cow town.
Liability wrote in part:

The important thing is NOT to get "any" Republican to beat Reid. The important thing was to send the message to the GOP leadershit that "business as usual" is no longer acceptable and that there WILL be consequences. It is painful to have to teach the idiots that lesson. Painful for the teachers and the students.

I can certainly see getting angry at the GOP powers that be, but Angle? That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Surely there are mentally healthy Tea [PARTY] womenfolk they could have nominated instead.

It scares me that we are viewing people like McMahon, Angle, O'Donnell, Palin, Whitman, etc. as "viable candidates" no matter how febble minded or corrupt, simply because they can say the catchphrase "family values" or "smaller government". It ought to scare you too, Liability. Throwing Cat Ladies into the Senate etc. is serious shit....I could go so far as to say anti-American.

Your reply means only that you have again missed the actual point.

Your rhetoric is also unpersuasive because you don't address the point. I couldn't care less how you feel about Angle. She is already superior to that asshat Reid. Fuck. O'Donnell may be a lightweight candidate and only about half-smart, but she's more qualified to serve as U.S. Senator than Biden ever was.

I'm not looking for perfection. I'll settle for fidelity to Constitutional precepts for now. Once that becomes the BASELINE, I will be more than happy to attend to the matter of which candidate is smarter and which candidate is closer to the mark in terms of matching my own policy-specific political beliefs.

BTW your dismissive use of the inappropriate term "Tea Bagger" is noted with my contempt. I don't expect much better though from liberoidal Democratics.

I am not a Democrat, Liability....I am a Republican. I welcome Tea P-a-r-t-y members into the GOP for their newfound political activism, their enthusaism to cut government spending and so on. I do not welcome even more shithouse crazy people ESPECIALLY not as candidates flooding the GOP. The GOP was already afflicted with the christian right wingnuts; now we have to get swamped by these people as well? I dun know which "constitutional precept" you're so fond of, but whichever one it is, I wonder why you can't see the danger of electing whackjobs?

Do you want education, foreign policy or environmental decisions made by someone who believes that masterbation is evil? Or that the minimum wage is bad? I shudder at the thought.

Where are the qualfied Tea P-a-r-t-y members you guys could have run instead? The field the Tea P-a-r-t-y slated looks like leftovers from a Barum & Bailey sideshow. I smell a rat; don't you?
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I can certainly see getting angry at the GOP powers that be, but Angle? That's just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Surely there are mentally healthy Tea [PARTY] womenfolk they could have nominated instead.

It scares me that we are viewing people like McMahon, Angle, O'Donnell, Palin, Whitman, etc. as "viable candidates" no matter how febble minded or corrupt, simply because they can say the catchphrase "family values" or "smaller government". It ought to scare you too, Liability. Throwing Cat Ladies into the Senate etc. is serious shit....I could go so far as to say anti-American.

Your reply means only that you have again missed the actual point.

Your rhetoric is also unpersuasive because you don't address the point. I couldn't care less how you feel about Angle. She is already superior to that asshat Reid. Fuck. O'Donnell may be a lightweight candidate and only about half-smart, but she's more qualified to serve as U.S. Senator than Biden ever was.

I'm not looking for perfection. I'll settle for fidelity to Constitutional precepts for now. Once that becomes the BASELINE, I will be more than happy to attend to the matter of which candidate is smarter and which candidate is closer to the mark in terms of matching my own policy-specific political beliefs.

BTW your dismissive use of the inappropriate term "Tea Bagger" is noted with my contempt. I don't expect much better though from liberoidal Democratics.

I am not a Democrat, Liability....I am a Republican. I welcome Tea P-a-r-t-y members into the GOP for their newfound political activism, their enthusaism to cut government spending and so on. I do not welcome even more shithouse crazy people ESPECIALLY not as candidates flooding the GOP. The GOP was already afflicted with the christian right wingnuts; now we have to get swamped by these people as well? I dun know which "constitutional precept" you're so fond of, but whichever one it is, I wonder why you can't see the danger of electing whackjobs?

Do you want education, foreign policy or environmental decisions made by someone who believes that masterbation is evil? Or that the minimum wage is bad? I shudder at the thought.

Where are the qualfied Tea P-a-r-t-y members you guys could have run instead? The field the Tea P-a-r-t-y slated looks like leftovers from a Barum & Bailey sideshow. I smell a rat; don't you?

I couldn't care less about her views (or past views) on the issue of self-gratification. If you want to discuss masturbation, you must spell it correctly, btw. :razz:

I think rational people can validly discuss the wisdom of minimum wage laws, by the way. I don't shudder at that thought at all.

The Tea party has fielded some good solid candidates. The NON Tea party liberal Democratics are a bunch of asshats. Yet for some reason nobody cares about their idiocy.

I'm afraid to go to Guam because that liberal Democrat congressman said it might tip over and sink.
Liability wrote:

I couldn't care less about her views (or past views) on the issue of self-gratification. If you want to discuss masturbation, you must spell it correctly, btw.

I think rational people can validly discuss the wisdom of minimum wage laws, by the way. I don't shudder at that thought at all.

The Tea party has fielded some good solid candidates. The NON Tea party liberal Democratics are a bunch of asshats. Yet for some reason nobody cares about their idiocy.

I'm afraid to go to Guam because that liberal Democrat congressman said it might tip over and sink.

Which one, Liability? This is the goddamnest election cycle I have ever lived through and it's a midterm. Amazing to me people can think they are still employable after the goofy shit they say to the press. Who was it that got into a shoving match with a reporter and said "I'll take you out"? Remember? I swear it's almost chic to be crazy this year.

BTW, I agree 100% we can have a rational discussion about the minimum wage, but you and I would know what that is and who's entitled to it.....McMahon didn't, even though it was her talking point for the evening.
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Liability wrote:

I couldn't care less about her views (or past views) on the issue of self-gratification. If you want to discuss masturbation, you must spell it correctly, btw.

I think rational people can validly discuss the wisdom of minimum wage laws, by the way. I don't shudder at that thought at all.

The Tea party has fielded some good solid candidates. The NON Tea party liberal Democratics are a bunch of asshats. Yet for some reason nobody cares about their idiocy.

I'm afraid to go to Guam because that liberal Democrat congressman said it might tip over and sink.

Which one, Liability? This is the goddamnest election cycle I have ever lived through and it's a midterm. Amazing to me people can think they are still employable after the goofy shit they say to the press. Who was it that got into a shoving match with a reporter and said "I'll take you out"? Remember? I swear it's almost chic to be crazy this year.

BTW, I agree 100% we can have a rational discussion about the minimum wage, but you and I would know what that is and who's entitled to it.....McMahon didn't, even though it was her talking point for the evening.

Not only that but they have taken a position that they only have to speak with reporters who are friendly to their cause. Are the voters really that dumb?
Liability wrote:

I couldn't care less about her views (or past views) on the issue of self-gratification. If you want to discuss masturbation, you must spell it correctly, btw.

I think rational people can validly discuss the wisdom of minimum wage laws, by the way. I don't shudder at that thought at all.

The Tea party has fielded some good solid candidates. The NON Tea party liberal Democratics are a bunch of asshats. Yet for some reason nobody cares about their idiocy.

I'm afraid to go to Guam because that liberal Democrat congressman said it might tip over and sink.

Which one, Liability? This is the goddamnest election cycle I have ever lived through and it's a midterm. Amazing to me people can think they are still employable after the goofy shit they say to the press. Who was it that got into a shoving match with a reporter and said "I'll take you out"? Remember? I swear it's almost chic to be crazy this year.

BTW, I agree 100% we can have a rational discussion about the minimum wage, but you and I would know what that is and who's entitled to it.....McMahon didn't, even though it was her talking point for the evening.

Not only that but they have taken a position that they only have to speak with reporters who are friendly to their cause. Are the voters really that dumb?

The voters were more than dumb enough to put President Obama, that asshat, into the Oval Office.

Sometimes their brain farts suit your agenda, it appears.

And, btw, O'Donnell SHOULD avoid speaking to the partisan hacks who pretend to be objective reporters for the main stream media. They are totally biased in favor of her opposition. Do you imagine the voters don't see this? :cuckoo:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Her real problem is that the Lame Stream Media is absolutely biased against anyone who doesn't qualify as "liberal." Their distorted reporting is evidence enough of this. They barely MENTION her fucking stupid ass opponent. Yet that idiot TWICE (or was it three times?) broke his promise not to raise taxes.

It's almost not his fault. He's a damn liberal Democratic. He doesn't have the capacity to conceive of "governing" without raising taxes.

But the Lame Stream Media will not "cover" his record and O'Donnell and her campaign have been doing a fairly poor job of making the Coons record an issue.
Liability wrote:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Wow.......now who is crazy?

Her real problem is that the Lame Stream Media is absolutely biased against anyone who doesn't qualify as "liberal." Their distorted reporting is evidence enough of this. They barely MENTION her fucking stupid ass opponent. Yet that idiot TWICE (or was it three times?) broke his promise not to raise taxes.

Liberal "Lame Stream Media" how Palinistic of you
The media senses a wounded prey in the water. Every time she opens her mouth, she bleeds more. Bottom line...O'Donnell is an embarassment for the Tea Party to push onto the people of Delaware. If this is representative of the calibre of candidates they plan to run, you need to admit that the "Lame Stream Media" was right about the Tea Party all along
And, btw, O'Donnell SHOULD avoid speaking to the partisan hacks who pretend to be objective reporters for the main stream media. They are totally biased in favor of her opposition. Do you imagine the voters don't see this? :cuckoo:

O'Donnell is refusing to talk to the mainstream media. The only stories they have about her are stupid things she did and said. You can't blame them for the fact that O'Donnell is too chickenshit to defend herself to them, or present them with some solid positions (if she has any) that she takes.

It's like talking to the small fringe that agree with the words coming out of your mouth, and expecting everyone to believe as the small fringe does, without making a serious case to the electorate at large. If a bear farts in the woods, does it smell?

I imagine the only thing the voters see is her past batshit craziness, and her "I Am Not A Witch" TV ad.
man it's going to be slow for comedy after the elections.
Maybe the witch can run for something else after she loses.
or work for Palin as a cub gone rouge
Which one, Liability? This is the goddamnest election cycle I have ever lived through and it's a midterm. Amazing to me people can think they are still employable after the goofy shit they say to the press. Who was it that got into a shoving match with a reporter and said "I'll take you out"? Remember? I swear it's almost chic to be crazy this year.

BTW, I agree 100% we can have a rational discussion about the minimum wage, but you and I would know what that is and who's entitled to it.....McMahon didn't, even though it was her talking point for the evening.

Not only that but they have taken a position that they only have to speak with reporters who are friendly to their cause. Are the voters really that dumb?

The voters were more than dumb enough to put President Obama, that asshat, into the Oval Office.

Sometimes their brain farts suit your agenda, it appears.

And, btw, O'Donnell SHOULD avoid speaking to the partisan hacks who pretend to be objective reporters for the main stream media. They are totally biased in favor of her opposition. Do you imagine the voters don't see this? :cuckoo:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Her real problem is that the Lame Stream Media is absolutely biased against anyone who doesn't qualify as "liberal." Their distorted reporting is evidence enough of this. They barely MENTION her fucking stupid ass opponent. Yet that idiot TWICE (or was it three times?) broke his promise not to raise taxes.

It's almost not his fault. He's a damn liberal Democratic. He doesn't have the capacity to conceive of "governing" without raising taxes.

But the Lame Stream Media will not "cover" his record and O'Donnell and her campaign have been doing a fairly poor job of making the Coons record an issue.

Liability, it is unpatriotic to be this much of a partisan hack. "Obama is evil" "the Lamestream media are liberal and they're to blame for my candidate's faux paxes"...etc.

I cannot believe you are willing to defend O'Donnell still. You and I are just not cut from the same GOP cloth, buddy.
The Associated Press: Del. Senate candidate O'Donnell: 'I'm not a witch'

DOVER, Del. — In her first campaign ad since winning the GOP primary, Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell assures voters: "I'm not a witch."
O'Donnell's been dealing with questions about witchcraft since a 1999 confession on a late-night talk show surfaced that she had dabbled in it as a teenager.
The ad begins running statewide on Tuesday. It opens with O'Donnell looking into the camera and immediately telling voters that she's not a witch.
She goes on to say that nobody's perfect and suggests that she's just like everybody else or, in her words: "I'm you."
O'Donnell was a little-known candidate until she stunned Rep. Mike Castle to win the Republican nomination last month. The tea party-backed hopeful faces Democrat Chris Coons in November.

Liability wrote:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Wow.......now who is crazy?

You. Still, leftwingshitflinger.

Her real problem is that the Lame Stream Media is absolutely biased against anyone who doesn't qualify as "liberal." Their distorted reporting is evidence enough of this. They barely MENTION her fucking stupid ass opponent. Yet that idiot TWICE (or was it three times?) broke his promise not to raise taxes.

Liberal "Lame Stream Media" how Palinistic of you

No. Just honest and accurate.

The media senses a wounded prey in the water. Every time she opens her mouth, she bleeds more. Bottom line...O'Donnell is an embarassment for the Tea Party to push onto the people of Delaware. If this is representative of the calibre of candidates they plan to run, you need to admit that the "Lame Stream Media" was right about the Tea Party all along

Horse shit. She may very well be wounded (self inflicted at that), but the Lame Stream Liberally biased media chows down on that BECAUSE their bias tells them that they can help defeat an opponent.

They have ZERO concern with objectivity.

They are purely partisan.

Partisan is fine for you or for me. But JOURNALISTS aren't supposed to be partisan hacks. Yet, you support that kind of shit when it suits YOUR agenda.
Liability wrote:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Wow.......now who is crazy?

You. Still, leftwingshitflinger.

Liberal "Lame Stream Media" how Palinistic of you

No. Just honest and accurate.

The media senses a wounded prey in the water. Every time she opens her mouth, she bleeds more. Bottom line...O'Donnell is an embarassment for the Tea Party to push onto the people of Delaware. If this is representative of the calibre of candidates they plan to run, you need to admit that the "Lame Stream Media" was right about the Tea Party all along

Horse shit. She may very well be wounded (self inflicted at that), but the Lame Stream Liberally biased media chows down on that BECAUSE their bias tells them that they can help defeat an opponent.

They have ZERO concern with objectivity.

They are purely partisan.

Partisan is fine for you or for me. But JOURNALISTS aren't supposed to be partisan hacks. Yet, you support that kind of shit when it suits YOUR agenda.

I'll give you this. I think the mainstream media plays it safe, and doesn't have the balls to take a shot against the trend. There's no more Woodward and Bernstein, who are willing to flout conventional thinking, and take a risk on a story. It was safer to report conventional wisdom, like Clinton was a womanizer, Gore was a serial exaggerator, and Dubya was a bumbling fool, than go against the grain, and dig up stories worth reading. Mainstream media are like birds going from telephone wire to telephone wire. It's not because they're biased, it's because they're chickenshit.

When Cheney was caught lying, instead of reporting the lie, they used mealy mouth words, and gave Cheney plenty of column space to spin his bullshit. Just once, I'd like to see the New York Times or the Washington Post, print a response to a charge, and just come out and tell us why it's bullshit.

With O'Donnell, the narrative is she's a fruitcake. I may think she is, and you may think she's not. But she's been too chickenshit to take on the narrative, head on, and get past it. I'll give Bush political credits for his "youthful indiscretions" and moving on, when people reported that he was a coke head. It was actually brilliant, and it turned around the narrative. Bush had an almost Clinton-like appeal when being attacked. He'd just turn it around and laugh at himself in a way that made those attacking him look trite. He did it with his word mangling, as Clinton did it with the sickest attacks about things like Mena drug running and Vince Foster's suicide.

O'Donnell is allowing herself to be defined, because she's not putting out any counter-argument that makes definition irrelevant.

Blaming journalists for her problem is a total cop out. O'Donnell's problem is O'Donnell. she has every opportunity to put out her message, but I seriously doubt she has the ability to handle a reasonable interviewers tough question. She'd come out looking stupider than Palin when questioned by a pussycat like Charlie Gibson or a blathering fool like Chris Matthews. Her decision to cancel the Sunday talk shows was the height of stupidity and cowardice. She had the opportunities and pissed them away.
Not only that but they have taken a position that they only have to speak with reporters who are friendly to their cause. Are the voters really that dumb?

The voters were more than dumb enough to put President Obama, that asshat, into the Oval Office.

Sometimes their brain farts suit your agenda, it appears.

And, btw, O'Donnell SHOULD avoid speaking to the partisan hacks who pretend to be objective reporters for the main stream media. They are totally biased in favor of her opposition. Do you imagine the voters don't see this? :cuckoo:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Her real problem is that the Lame Stream Media is absolutely biased against anyone who doesn't qualify as "liberal." Their distorted reporting is evidence enough of this. They barely MENTION her fucking stupid ass opponent. Yet that idiot TWICE (or was it three times?) broke his promise not to raise taxes.

It's almost not his fault. He's a damn liberal Democratic. He doesn't have the capacity to conceive of "governing" without raising taxes.

But the Lame Stream Media will not "cover" his record and O'Donnell and her campaign have been doing a fairly poor job of making the Coons record an issue.

Liability, it is unpatriotic to be this much of a partisan hack. "Obama is evil" "the Lamestream media are liberal and they're to blame for my candidate's faux paxes"...etc.

I cannot believe you are willing to defend O'Donnell still. You and I are just not cut from the same GOP cloth, buddy.

President Obama is not evil. He's just a dick.

The Lamestream media is not to blame for O'Donnell's obvious weaknesses. She is. But the Lamestream media is as biased, unobjective and partisan. Denial will not change that fact.

And if you show me where I defend O'Donnell, I'll go back and edit.

But we are not cut from the same GOP clothe. I dumped that liberoidal pale version of the fucking Democrat Parody. :thup:
Liability wrote:

O'Donnell's big problem isn't that she said stupid shit in the past. Obviously, she did, but that could be over-looked.

Wow.......now who is crazy?

You. Still, leftwingshitflinger.

Liberal "Lame Stream Media" how Palinistic of you

No. Just honest and accurate.

The media senses a wounded prey in the water. Every time she opens her mouth, she bleeds more. Bottom line...O'Donnell is an embarassment for the Tea Party to push onto the people of Delaware. If this is representative of the calibre of candidates they plan to run, you need to admit that the "Lame Stream Media" was right about the Tea Party all along

Horse shit. She may very well be wounded (self inflicted at that), but the Lame Stream Liberally biased media chows down on that BECAUSE their bias tells them that they can help defeat an opponent.

They have ZERO concern with objectivity.

They are purely partisan.

Partisan is fine for you or for me. But JOURNALISTS aren't supposed to be partisan hacks. Yet, you support that kind of shit when it suits YOUR agenda.

The Tea Party was supposed to be a breath of fresh air in American politics. They were going to show us how politics should be, run candidates who were fresh and inspiring...

Instead we get Angle, O'Donnell, Palladino, Miller...... people who come off as certifiable whack jobs. Are you really proud of what is being represented as the best the Tea Party has to offer?

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