Offended Sheryl Crow Joins 'Easily Offended' Leftist in Freak Out Over Now-Banned Country Music Song/Video

Go here for a write up concerning another person who has taken issue with the song. I thank him for letting us know how far his brain train doesn't travel too.

God bless you and Jason always!!!

As usual the Left is fighting against reality and losing.
The Left has a major problem with hate, racism and violence.
The ultra-violent Left has burned people's cars, homes and businesses.
They have blocked traffic and pulled people out of their cars and beat them.
The Left has caused dozens of murders and deaths and $billions$ in damages with their violence.
But they are never called-out on their violence.
Country Music is a dog whistle for the dangerous Left-Wing bigots.
Good for Aldean for having the guts to call them out on it.

"..if you don't think we're in a battle... If you don't think we're in somewhat of a war... you've got to be crazy. These people hate America!"

Why was this song banned?
Does not really matter because history shows that banning almost always increases sales and popularity . Nothing there to ban unless you have major personal problems --- like a warped brain , imho.
Messed up again She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy is by Kenny Chesney.
This might be Aldean's first hit song!
Not a country music fan but now I will have to hear it.

Plus, she has nothing to worry about. Antifa and BLM wouldn't do anything is a small town in places like the south and the west. Because of what will happen.
They came to greenville SC and tried to get a monument taken down. They failed miserably. Lol

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