Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

And this is too non responsive to the discussion to even respond. I can't believe you would be so dishonest to ignore all that has been said and continue to beat this drum.

I haven't ignored all that's been said. I keep hearing the same argument, therefore I just need to keep saying the same responses. Just admit you don't really give a fuck about the Constitution except when it suits what you feel is right. Seriously, after 18 months of hearing from the same people on USMB that "Owe Bama" is tearing up the Constitution now wanting to do the same here is so hilarious that I'm gonna end up cracking two ribs from laughter.
Back to the issue of where this is a mosque or a community center:

And indeed, as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not:

It’s certainly a higher priority than St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which used to be right across the street from the WTC until it was crushed when Tower 2 and its incinerated inhabitants came crashing down on it.

Plans to rebuild St. Nicholas two blocks from its original location fell apart when Port Authority officials objected to its 24,000-square-foot footprint with a traditional grand dome that they said could not rise higher than the planned WTC memorial. Yet no objection was raised to a 13-story mosque on which no height restrictions were placed.
The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration | RedState

And regardless of the obviously unresearched comments by some of the members, this WILL be a mosque and community center in the tradition that many large religious groups are building these days. And there WILL be calls to prayer five times a day.
Back to the issue of where this is a mosque or a community center:

And indeed, as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not:

It’s certainly a higher priority than St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which used to be right across the street from the WTC until it was crushed when Tower 2 and its incinerated inhabitants came crashing down on it.

Plans to rebuild St. Nicholas two blocks from its original location fell apart when Port Authority officials objected to its 24,000-square-foot footprint with a traditional grand dome that they said could not rise higher than the planned WTC memorial. Yet no objection was raised to a 13-story mosque on which no height restrictions were placed.
The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration | RedState

And regardless of the obviously unresearched comments by some of the members, this WILL be a mosque and community center in the tradition that many large religious groups are building these days. And there WILL be calls to prayer five times a day.

It's not a mosque. There will be no calls to prayer five times a day. Not that I would object to that.

First and foremost, the Cordoba House is not a mosque as Muslims generally use the term. There will be no minarets, no calls to prayer. It is a cultural center, which will include a prayer room. From their website:

This proposed project is about promoting integration, tolerance of difference and community cohesion through arts and culture. Cordoba House will provide a place where individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, will find a center of learning, art and culture; and most importantly, a center guided by Islamic values in their truest form - compassion, generosity, and respect for all.

The site will contain tremendous amounts of resources that otherwise would not exist in Lower Manhattan; a 500-seat auditorium, swimming pool, art exhibition spaces, bookstores, restaurants - all these services would form a cultural nexus for a region of New York City that, as it continues to grow, requires the sort of hub that Cordoba House will provide.

That sounds really insensitive, doesn't it? The Cordoba House is planned along the same lines as the nearby 92nd St Y, which offers Jewish cultural events through out the year.
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The Imam, Chairman of the Cordoba House is a Sufi.

Sufis are peaceful. My counseling mentor was a Sufi.
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I forgot to add.... XMAS is just around the corner.. You'll get to hear all about religious freedom during the shopping season.

I've seen some people in this thread get more upset about people saying Happy Holidays then I do people getting upset that others want to deny a group of people their constitutional rights. Quite sad really.
"This center will create this kind of counter momentum which will amplify the voices of the moderate Muslims. If we have to defeat the extremists, Muslims have to be leading that effort.

"Muslims pray, they fast, they give charity. Most American Muslims don't want to do anything that violates American law. America works because of its religious freedom and because it doesn't allow one religion to dominate another and we are very happy as Muslims with that arrangement."

- Daisy Khan, Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf's wife
Islamic Center Near Ground Zero Sparks Anger : NPR

Sufis believe that since God is in all of us, to truly love God we must love every human and every component of creation, which are considered to be aspects of God.
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Where are all the proponents of religious freedom?
being called either racist anti-gay or liberal progressives

I haven't seen a soul denounce any religion here or suggest that any religion should be denied a place to exist.

Everybody here opposed to the Cordoba House does so on the grounds that it shows bad manners, insensitivity, and possible ulterior motives. Even the name of the place is suspect.

In the 8th Century, Islam invaded Spain and established a caliphate with Cordoba as is seat in what is now modern Spain. It was considered one of the inevitable steps in the goals of Islam to control the world. The great mosque at Cordoba was built on the foundation of a destroyed Christian cathedral. When the Muslims were eventually beaten back 500 years later, that mosque was destroyed. But it remains in Islamic history.

Is it pure coincidence that this mosque/community center will be dubbed Cordoba House?
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Where are all the proponents of religious freedom?
being called either racist anti-gay or liberal progressives

I haven't seen a soul denounce any religion here or suggest that any religion should be denied a place to exist.

Everybody here opposed to the Cordoba House does so on the grounds that it shows bad matters, insensitivity, and possible ulterior motives. Even the name of the place is suspect.

In the 8th Century, Islam invaded Spain and established a caliphate with Cordoba as is seat in what is now modern Spain. It was considered one of the inevitable steps in the goals of Islam to control the world. The great mosque at Cordoba was built on the foundation of a destroyed Christian cathedral. When the Muslims were eventually beaten back 500 years later, that mosque was destroyed. But it remains in Islamic history.

Is it pure coincidence that this mosque/community center will be dubbed Cordoba House?
not everyone, but most
And this is too non responsive to the discussion to even respond. I can't believe you would be so dishonest to ignore all that has been said and continue to beat this drum.

I haven't ignored all that's been said. I keep hearing the same argument, therefore I just need to keep saying the same responses. Just admit you don't really give a fuck about the Constitution except when it suits what you feel is right. Seriously, after 18 months of hearing from the same people on USMB that "Owe Bama" is tearing up the Constitution now wanting to do the same here is so hilarious that I'm gonna end up cracking two ribs from laughter.

except foxfyre doesn't think it should be illegal to build the mosque. how is he against the constitution?
except foxfyre doesn't think it should be illegal to build the mosque. how is he against the constitution?

Some do in these threads. Some are saying it's insensitive, I ask when this country or our Constitution has been about insensitivity. It was a bit insensitive when we killed 500,000+ innocent Iraqi children in 12 years, but nobody seemed to give a fuck about that.
except foxfyre doesn't think it should be illegal to build the mosque. how is he against the constitution?

Some do in these threads. Some are saying it's insensitive, I ask when this country or our Constitution has been about insensitivity. It was a bit insensitive when we killed 500,000+ innocent Iraqi children in 12 years, but nobody seemed to give a fuck about that.

Who thinks it should be outlawed? Pale doesn't. Willow doesn't. foxfyre doesn't. madeliene albright said the kids' deaths were worth it in order to keep Saddam under control.
This says it all, anything else is pure stupidity......

YouTube - Muslim Opposition To Mosque At Ground Zero !!!

Mod, Luissa, Shogun, et al, your sad individuals to use the Constitution to support their agenda......



one talking head on Bill O'Reilly.



The little stuffed teddy bear is now the English teacher....

You're short on debating the subject as you are short on most issues, here a Muslim woman tells you you're wrong and all you're able to do is point out a spelling error???

Is it because she was on O'Reilly or because she is a woman that you find her knowledge of this is so off? I suspect it is both, I know you have such a vast knowledge of Islam, please enlighten us oh short one!!!!

So wait, because one Muslim woman said something GVW, that makes them right? So if I find one Christian who says all priests are pedophiles, does that make them right? :cuckoo:
This says it all, anything else is pure stupidity......

YouTube - Muslim Opposition To Mosque At Ground Zero !!!

Mod, Luissa, Shogun, et al, your sad individuals to use the Constitution to support their agenda......



one talking head on Bill O'Reilly.



The little stuffed teddy bear is now the English teacher....

You're short on debating the subject as you are short on most issues, here a Muslim woman tells you you're wrong and all you're able to do is point out a spelling error???

Is it because she was on O'Reilly or because she is a woman that you find her knowledge of this is so off? I suspect it is both, I know you have such a vast knowledge of Islam, please enlighten us oh short one!!!!


so a Muslim woman is against the mosque being built, therefore it shouldn't be built?
Who thinks it should be outlawed? Pale doesn't. Willow doesn't. foxfyre doesn't. madeliene albright said the kids' deaths were worth it in order to keep Saddam under control.

Well Madeliene Albright didn't lose her kids in those bombings, so she has no room to talk. Mr. Fitnah has already said he thinks Islam should be prosecuted. There are people on this board who think these things, just gotta look for em.

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