Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

Back to the issue of where this is a mosque or a community center:

And indeed, as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not:

It’s certainly a higher priority than St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which used to be right across the street from the WTC until it was crushed when Tower 2 and its incinerated inhabitants came crashing down on it.

Plans to rebuild St. Nicholas two blocks from its original location fell apart when Port Authority officials objected to its 24,000-square-foot footprint with a traditional grand dome that they said could not rise higher than the planned WTC memorial. Yet no objection was raised to a 13-story mosque on which no height restrictions were placed.
The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration | RedState

And regardless of the obviously unresearched comments by some of the members, this WILL be a mosque and community center in the tradition that many large religious groups are building these days. And there WILL be calls to prayer five times a day.

The mosques in Germany have cultural rooms located solely on 1 structural level of mosque.
Usually, these floor are split into a book-shop, room for school extra-tuition for kids, and the rest of rooms are tea-rooms with a man takling orders for tea. There are also vending machines for cold drinks, and TV's.
People go there to watch soccer or other events that they do not want to watch alone.
Back to the issue of where this is a mosque or a community center:

And indeed, as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not:

It’s certainly a higher priority than St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which used to be right across the street from the WTC until it was crushed when Tower 2 and its incinerated inhabitants came crashing down on it.

Plans to rebuild St. Nicholas two blocks from its original location fell apart when Port Authority officials objected to its 24,000-square-foot footprint with a traditional grand dome that they said could not rise higher than the planned WTC memorial. Yet no objection was raised to a 13-story mosque on which no height restrictions were placed.
The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration | RedState

And regardless of the obviously unresearched comments by some of the members, this WILL be a mosque and community center in the tradition that many large religious groups are building these days. And there WILL be calls to prayer five times a day.

The mosques in Germany have cultural rooms located solely on 1 structural level of mosque.
Usually, these floor are split into a book-shop, room for school extra-tuition for kids, and the rest of rooms are tea-rooms with a man takling orders for tea. There are also vending machines for cold drinks, and TV's.
People go there to watch soccer or other events that they do not want to watch alone.
you mean they might hold a big super bowl party for everyone?


one talking head on Bill O'Reilly.



The little stuffed teddy bear is now the English teacher....

You're short on debating the subject as you are short on most issues, here a Muslim woman tells you you're wrong and all you're able to do is point out a spelling error???

Is it because she was on O'Reilly or because she is a woman that you find her knowledge of this is so off? I suspect it is both, I know you have such a vast knowledge of Islam, please enlighten us oh short one!!!!


so a Muslim woman is against the mosque being built, therefore it shouldn't be built?

Set aside all of the opinions, mine included, Feisal Abdul Rauf's is supposed to be a Muslim Diplomat to our Western World, correct. He has now been offered a new site for the center and rejects it, knowing public sentiment is against this and you find this womans understanding wrong???? Please explain......
And this is too non responsive to the discussion to even respond. I can't believe you would be so dishonest to ignore all that has been said and continue to beat this drum.

I haven't ignored all that's been said. I keep hearing the same argument, therefore I just need to keep saying the same responses. Just admit you don't really give a fuck about the Constitution except when it suits what you feel is right. Seriously, after 18 months of hearing from the same people on USMB that "Owe Bama" is tearing up the Constitution now wanting to do the same here is so hilarious that I'm gonna end up cracking two ribs from laughter.

except foxfyre doesn't think it should be illegal to build the mosque. how is he against the constitution?

She. :)

But thank you for trying here.

I've already explained in some detail that nobody (well okay, according to DiveCon almost NOBODY and he's probably right) is objecting to the mosque being built. Nobody is badmouthing Islam because they want to build a mosque. Nobody is suggesting that Islam be denied ability to worship freely as they wish.

What we are objecting to is bad manners, insensitivity, and possible ulterior motives in placing a mosque in a location that a large majority of Americans feel is inappropriate and an insult to those still experiencing the consequences of 9/11.

And despite all the attempts to deflect by bringing up other unrelated issues, dragging the Constitution into it, or pretending that this isn't a mosque, they are ALL hypocrites when they say they would not object to a Christian Church or Jewish Synagogue being built in a location in which most Americans thought to be in poor taste or bad manners or insensitive to others. Anybody with intellectual honesty knows that they would object to that as would we who are Christians.

I suspect that most are defending the Cordoba House project purely because it is Islam and that makes it the politically correct thing to do.
The little stuffed teddy bear is now the English teacher....

You're short on debating the subject as you are short on most issues, here a Muslim woman tells you you're wrong and all you're able to do is point out a spelling error???

Is it because she was on O'Reilly or because she is a woman that you find her knowledge of this is so off? I suspect it is both, I know you have such a vast knowledge of Islam, please enlighten us oh short one!!!!


so a Muslim woman is against the mosque being built, therefore it shouldn't be built?

Set aside all of the opinions, mine included, Feisal Abdul Rauf's is supposed to be a Muslim Diplomat to our Western World, correct. He has now been offered a new site for the center and rejects it, knowing public sentiment is against this and you find this womans understanding wrong???? Please explain......

I don't know if she's right or wrong. But this appeal to "authority" argument doesn't work.
Back to the issue of where this is a mosque or a community center:

And indeed, as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not:

It’s certainly a higher priority than St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which used to be right across the street from the WTC until it was crushed when Tower 2 and its incinerated inhabitants came crashing down on it.

Plans to rebuild St. Nicholas two blocks from its original location fell apart when Port Authority officials objected to its 24,000-square-foot footprint with a traditional grand dome that they said could not rise higher than the planned WTC memorial. Yet no objection was raised to a 13-story mosque on which no height restrictions were placed.
The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration | RedState

And regardless of the obviously unresearched comments by some of the members, this WILL be a mosque and community center in the tradition that many large religious groups are building these days. And there WILL be calls to prayer five times a day.

The mosques in Germany have cultural rooms located solely on 1 structural level of mosque.
Usually, these floor are split into a book-shop, room for school extra-tuition for kids, and the rest of rooms are tea-rooms with a man takling orders for tea. There are also vending machines for cold drinks, and TV's.
People go there to watch soccer or other events that they do not want to watch alone.

I imagine a number of the larger Mosques in America are much the same. I am Christian and attend a Christian Church but we recently doubled our facility to add a gymnasium mostly for the area kids and a coffee shop where people can congregate a bit. And like the billing for the Cordoba House we are open to the community and the facility is widely used by many non members who schedule groups and activities there. We had big screens set up all over the place for a community Super Bowl party and had a great time.

I have no problem whatsoever with the way the Cordoba House is billed which would be much the same kind of thing.

I have a huge problem with its location and if the Imam does have a change of heart and is willing to move it a respectful distance away from Ground Zero I will heartily applaud them, and I doubt there would then be a murmur of objection from anybody.
Well said foxfyre.

Protest is only considered patriotic dissent when it comes from the left. How many times on these threads have posters said "turn off talk radio"? Code words -censorship and thought control. The MTA would not even allow the Mosque opponents to run ads. The MSM has barely given this any press. And the lefties here shout "stupid".

Its getting really fucking old.
Well said foxfyre.

Protest is only considered patriotic dissent when it comes from the left. How many times on these threads have posters said "turn off talk radio"? Code words -censorship and thought control. The MTA would not even allow the Mosque opponents to run ads. The MSM has barely given this any press. And the lefties here shout "stupid".

Its getting really fucking old.

The MTA wouldn't allow the "Mosque opponents" to run a specific Ad because it showed a plane going into the WTC. Also, the MSM has given this plenty of press. I have no idea what the hell you're smoking if you think that.

Also, which posters in these threads said turn off talk radio? Hell, who still listens to talk radio? :eusa_eh:
Well said foxfyre.

Protest is only considered patriotic dissent when it comes from the left. How many times on these threads have posters said "turn off talk radio"? Code words -censorship and thought control. The MTA would not even allow the Mosque opponents to run ads. The MSM has barely given this any press. And the lefties here shout "stupid".

Its getting really fucking old.

The MTA wouldn't allow the "Mosque opponents" to run a specific Ad because it showed a plane going into the WTC. Also, the MSM has given this plenty of press. I have no idea what the hell you're smoking if you think that.

Also, which posters in these threads said turn off talk radio? Hell, who still listens to talk radio? :eusa_eh:
someone in this thread said it, in essence. Many people listen to those fear mongers on their way to work. But, if someone says "Turn off talk radio", it's only censorship if you obey them.
Go ahead and call them assholes. However you want to paint it though, it's their right to build a Mosque there.

Does that make you happy?

it makes him cream his drawers to know the imam will make the survivors unhappy.. it just makes him tingle all under.

Wrong........that tingle all under is his underpants bomb.

And....FWIW......if you can PROVE to me of A SINGLE MOSQUE that hasn't had hate speech towards Americans in it, I might listen, but for the most part, they are used by radicals as much as moderates, and jihad is planned in those fucked up buildings.

No mosque within 1 mile of Ground Zero.
someone in this thread said it, in essence. Many people listen to those fear mongers on their way to work. But, if someone says "Turn off talk radio", it's only censorship if you obey them.

So wait.

If someone says turn off talk radio, it's censorship? It's only censorship if someone is forced to turn off talk radio. Telling someone they should is a suggestion, which is why I never got Chanel's post in the first place.
Well said foxfyre.

Protest is only considered patriotic dissent when it comes from the left. How many times on these threads have posters said "turn off talk radio"? Code words -censorship and thought control. The MTA would not even allow the Mosque opponents to run ads. The MSM has barely given this any press. And the lefties here shout "stupid".

Its getting really fucking old.

The MTA wouldn't allow the "Mosque opponents" to run a specific Ad because it showed a plane going into the WTC. Also, the MSM has given this plenty of press. I have no idea what the hell you're smoking if you think that.

Also, which posters in these threads said turn off talk radio? Hell, who still listens to talk radio? :eusa_eh:
wow, missed the point again
some people have said if you dont LIKE talk radio, turn off the radio
while the libs scream to SHUT IT DOWN
someone in this thread said it, in essence. Many people listen to those fear mongers on their way to work. But, if someone says "Turn off talk radio", it's only censorship if you obey them.

So wait.

If someone says turn off talk radio, it's censorship? It's only censorship if someone is forced to turn off talk radio. Telling someone they should is a suggestion, which is why I never got Chanel's post in the first place.

I didn't get it either. and yeah, it's only censorship, if you're required by law to turn it off.
I'm not going to search the multiple threads. Its there. And no modbert - I don't listen to talk radio, but if it weren't for the NY Post or Fox News or USMB, hardly anyone outside of the tri state area would even know about this.

And perhaps only those who have seen that hole in person for the past ten years can feel it.
I'm not going to search the multiple threads. Its there. And no modbert - I don't listen to talk radio, but if it weren't for the NY Post or Fox News or USMB, hardly anyone outside of the tri state area would even know about this.

And perhaps only those who have seen that hole in person for the past ten years can feel it.

Hey stupid, I live in Amarillo Texas and get my news primarily from Newschannel 7 for local and MSNBC and the internet for other news.

All of MY news sources have carried this story.

They've even talked about the imam supporting Hamas.
That's good. But for how long? The Post started covering this quite a while ago. The MTA ads were changed and they only decided to accept them this week under threat of lawsuit. They prob. figured it was done deal anyway,

And don't call me stupid. Thanks.
That's good. But for how long? The Post started covering this quite a while ago. The MTA ads were changed and they only decided to accept them this week under threat of lawsuit. They prob. figured it was done deal anyway,

And don't call me stupid. Thanks.

You got it........won't call you stupid........


OF COURSE they've been running this story since it started.


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