Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

I said the NY Post ran it first - a long while ago. I'm not going to search their archives to see when, but someone posted on another thread how many times this story has been run on the MSM.

On June 6, 2010, the aniversary of D-Day, almost ten thousand people showed up in lower Manhattan to protest the building of a mosque near the site of the Radical Islamic Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center at Ground Zero on 9-11.

Did anyone see coverage of this event on national TV? Did the government-media cover the event? Apparently not! While thousands of Americans stood up against Radical Islam in New York City, not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers and the internet, this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history.

And don't call me dumb bitch. Thanks.
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You make stupid or dumb assertations, I will respond to your stupidity or dumbness by labeling it appropriately.

Fuck off.
Don't tell me to fuck off. Thanks.

Hang in there Chanel. He'll run out of uncomplimentary adjectives and crude phrases eventually, and it will get a lot quieter in here. :)
The mosques in Germany have cultural rooms located solely on 1 structural level of mosque.
Usually, these floor are split into a book-shop, room for school extra-tuition for kids, and the rest of rooms are tea-rooms with a man takling orders for tea. There are also vending machines for cold drinks, and TV's.
People go there to watch soccer or other events that they do not want to watch alone.

I am courious.

When you say "people" do you mean men AND women??? Or is this somewhere women are NOT allowed to be in the same room as men?
I'm chuckling about the reason for the flame. It was regarding censorship, thought control, and telling people to STFU. Ah the irony! Lol
This says it all, anything else is pure stupidity......

YouTube - Muslim Opposition To Mosque At Ground Zero !!!

Mod, Luissa, Shogun, et al, your sad individuals to use the Constitution to support their agenda......



one talking head on Bill O'Reilly.



The little stuffed teddy bear is now the English teacher....

You're short on debating the subject as you are short on most issues, here a Muslim woman tells you you're wrong and all you're able to do is point out a spelling error???

Is it because she was on O'Reilly or because she is a woman that you find her knowledge of this is so off? I suspect it is both, I know you have such a vast knowledge of Islam, please enlighten us oh short one!!!!


a single muslim woman, eh?

HOLY SHIT! You mean fox news drummed up some MUSLIM WOMAN to shill for them?



fucking AMAZING!


I haven't ignored all that's been said. I keep hearing the same argument, therefore I just need to keep saying the same responses. Just admit you don't really give a fuck about the Constitution except when it suits what you feel is right. Seriously, after 18 months of hearing from the same people on USMB that "Owe Bama" is tearing up the Constitution now wanting to do the same here is so hilarious that I'm gonna end up cracking two ribs from laughter.

except foxfyre doesn't think it should be illegal to build the mosque. how is he against the constitution?

She. :)

But thank you for trying here.

I've already explained in some detail that nobody (well okay, according to DiveCon almost NOBODY and he's probably right) is objecting to the mosque being built. Nobody is badmouthing Islam because they want to build a mosque. Nobody is suggesting that Islam be denied ability to worship freely as they wish.

What we are objecting to is bad manners, insensitivity, and possible ulterior motives in placing a mosque in a location that a large majority of Americans feel is inappropriate and an insult to those still experiencing the consequences of 9/11.

And despite all the attempts to deflect by bringing up other unrelated issues, dragging the Constitution into it, or pretending that this isn't a mosque, they are ALL hypocrites when they say they would not object to a Christian Church or Jewish Synagogue being built in a location in which most Americans thought to be in poor taste or bad manners or insensitive to others. Anybody with intellectual honesty knows that they would object to that as would we who are Christians.

I suspect that most are defending the Cordoba House project purely because it is Islam and that makes it the politically correct thing to do.

So, your entire position revolves around SENSITIVITY and "BAD MANNERS" (whatever the fuck THAT means) and you want to accuse someone ELSE of being POLITICALLY CORRECT?


yea... oooooook.

Bottom line, they gotta right to build the damn thing and we got a right to call em assholes. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Does that make you happy?

it makes him cream his drawers to know the imam will make the survivors unhappy.. it just makes him tingle all under.

Wrong........that tingle all under is his underpants bomb.

And....FWIW......if you can PROVE to me of A SINGLE MOSQUE that hasn't had hate speech towards Americans in it, I might listen, but for the most part, they are used by radicals as much as moderates, and jihad is planned in those fucked up buildings.

No mosque within 1 mile of Ground Zero.

see? you are all fucked up, I'm on your side on this issue and you are screaming at me.. all fucked up.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Well said foxfyre.

Protest is only considered patriotic dissent when it comes from the left. How many times on these threads have posters said "turn off talk radio"? Code words -censorship and thought control. The MTA would not even allow the Mosque opponents to run ads. The MSM has barely given this any press. And the lefties here shout "stupid".

Its getting really fucking old.

no, what is getting REAL fucking old is your half assed effort to hide your bigotry with invalid bullshit like, "oh, but i'm so SENSITIVE! Please, government, step in and do something or I might fucking FAINT at the idea of validated muslims in America when EVERYONE KNOWS that only christians died on 9/11".

get over yourself, bitch. You aren't going to be loving muslims all of a sudden if this isn't built and they KNOW it.
Bottom line, they gotta right to build the damn thing and we got a right to call em assholes. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

you call them whatever the fuck you want. Do you think it's lost on anyone that the ONLY reason you are crying foul this week instead of the usual "satan worshipping sand *******" is because this mosque wounds your goddamn ego?
so a Muslim woman is against the mosque being built, therefore it shouldn't be built?

Set aside all of the opinions, mine included, Feisal Abdul Rauf's is supposed to be a Muslim Diplomat to our Western World, correct. He has now been offered a new site for the center and rejects it, knowing public sentiment is against this and you find this womans understanding wrong???? Please explain......

I don't know if she's right or wrong. But this appeal to "authority" argument doesn't work.

What "authority" works in this case? Bloomberg or Patterson or Public Opinion?
Set aside all of the opinions, mine included, Feisal Abdul Rauf's is supposed to be a Muslim Diplomat to our Western World, correct. He has now been offered a new site for the center and rejects it, knowing public sentiment is against this and you find this womans understanding wrong???? Please explain......

I don't know if she's right or wrong. But this appeal to "authority" argument doesn't work.

What "authority" works in this case? Bloomberg or Patterson or Public Opinion?

The LAW trumps your silly fucking guilt trip, fool.

enjoy knowing that as the building is built.
Set aside all of the opinions, mine included, Feisal Abdul Rauf's is supposed to be a Muslim Diplomat to our Western World, correct. He has now been offered a new site for the center and rejects it, knowing public sentiment is against this and you find this womans understanding wrong???? Please explain......

I don't know if she's right or wrong. But this appeal to "authority" argument doesn't work.

What "authority" works in this case? Bloomberg or Patterson or Public Opinion?

Public opinion isn't going to stop the building from being built. The fuckhead who is building it has rights the public can't take away from him.
Public opinion isn't going to stop the building from being built. The fuckhead who is building it has rights the public can't take away from him.

I think if the Imam's claim that the mosque/community center is intended to build bridges, foster understanding and tolerance and acceptance as he is billing it, public opinion will have an effect. He will understand that the location he has chosen will get in the way of the purpose of the project.

I think if the Imam is simply trying to sell us a bill of worthless goods about that and his intent is what some of us suspect it is, then you're right. Public opinion will have no effect whatsoever.
I don't know if she's right or wrong. But this appeal to "authority" argument doesn't work.

What "authority" works in this case? Bloomberg or Patterson or Public Opinion?

The LAW trumps your silly fucking guilt trip, fool.

enjoy knowing that as the building is built

Guilt Trip? Yeah right, tell the Union Contractors when they don't move a muscle on this project that, you'll find out what a free mud hole stomping is, hell I'll pay to see that, let me know when you grow the balls for this.......:lol::lol::lol:

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