Offer Rejected to Move Mosque Away From Ground Zero to 'State Property'

One. It's not a mosque

Two. It's not being built on ground zero.

Three. Muslims also died in the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Four. The intention behind the Cordoba House is peaceful.

Five. This could be seen as an olive branch.

Six. Bull shit.
So it wasn't going to open on 9/11, or break ground on that day.

While the media widely described the center as a mosque, and the protests were against the mosque, the Initiative's official blog portrayed it as a community center with prayer space, making comparisons to the YMCA or Jewish Community Center.[65] The Initiative said that some services planned for the Cordoba House, such as the restaurant and performance center, disqualify it from being a mosque.[66] Despite that, the official website for the facility described, among various amenities, "a mosque, intended to be run separately from Park51 but open to and accessible to all members, visitors and our New York community".[67]

Besides the Muslim prayer room or mosque, the Initiative's plan includes a 500-seat auditorium, theater, performing arts center, fitness center, swimming pool, basketball court, childcare services, art exhibitions, bookstore, culinary school, and a food court serving halal dishes.[13][20][9][52][10][5]

El-Gamal said he wanted the building to be energy-efficient and transparent, most likely with a glass façade.[68] The project envisions the demolition of two buildings at 45–47 Park Place and Broadway which were damaged on 9/11.[3] They would be replaced by a glass and steel 100,000-square-foot (9,300 m2) structure with a new address, 45–51 Park Place.[3] A number of commentators said that the builders planned various construction milestones, such as groundbreaking and the start of construction, to coincide with anniversaries of the September 11 attacks.[69][70] Khan was reported as saying in July 2010, however, that such assertions were "absolutely false" and that the construction timeline had not been determined.[71]

"production timeline has not been determined"

"The Initiative said that some services planned for the Cordoba House, such as the restaurant and performance center, disqualify it from being a mosque"

Maybe some of us should start calling it a community center, since that is what it suppose to be.
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No, not all muslims are terrorists. But do you, or I for that matter, know exactly how many of them ARE terrorists? No to that also, but I'd guess quite a damn few of them, possibly hundreds of thousands.

Luissa said:
So with your logic, I can assume that every right wing christian is like you? How about christian hate groups? Can I assume that all christians are like them?

For crying out loud Luissa, please read what I've said a little more carefully. Your assumptions are clear out in left field.
This is a good debate to be having, and I'm really glad I live in America where you can have such debates... and thank the USMB for being an open board that doesn't condemn you for your opinion.
You haven't answered our questions, why should we answer yours?

Unsurprisingly, this thread has been ignored by the Anti-Mosque crowd.

Unsurprisingly those opposing mainstream opinion point to the administration they characterize as the most partisan, ignorant, incompetent, racist, stupid, hateful, and destructive administration in history and the fact that THEY did it as justification for whatever stupid stuff happens now.

I don't know whether this Imam is good or bad, honest or dishonest, well intended or evil. I do know that he has given us zero reason to believe his motives are pure in this deal, however.

The fact he has spent a good part of his career trying build relations between islam and the west, would be one reason to believe his motives are pure. The community center is named after a group he started and heads, that has worked with other groups on improving relations with the west.

Good point.

We have to heal, the intention behind Cordoba House is one of peace.

It takes tremendous courage to be a peace maker.
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Maybe some of us should start calling it a community center, since that is what it suppose to be.

I'll call it a community center when the Muslims call it a community center and when we know that the Islamic call to prayer won't be broadcast from the rooftop quite audibly to Ground Zero five times a day.

[ame=]YouTube - Adhan - Islamic call to prayer[/ame]
Sure it's small percentage, but with numbers that large, quite a few people.

And I get the impression you just don't want to answer the question because really, you ARE happy this mosque is being built at ground zero. Otherwise, it should be easy to say you're not. But then you couldn't so vehemently defend it's construction. I understand your plight, but find your lack of conviction disappointing.

Again, I'm not really excited or unhappy that another place of worship is going up. Not like it's a new thing. I'm happy that their constitutional rights are being respected though.
It's not a mosque. NO minarets or call to prayer. Not that the call to prayer is disturbing. I've traveled and heard it before and it's quite beautiful.
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Gosh Foxfyre, maybe I missed it, but I don't see a response to my post to yours.
That they're allowed their religious freedom under our first amendment? Why yes, I am glad to see we do not have the religious tolerance of other countries that are being used in comparison.

I'll be more specific, even though I think you know what I mean, because this question isn't about any law... "are you happy to see a muslim mosque being built at the sight where 3,000+ innocent men, women and children were murdered in cold blood by muslims?"

That's not what the question is about you scabby little slut, so STFU.

MAKE ME shut the fuck up, you impotent little bitch.


OR, just sit there and be mad about it like your RAGE against a mosque in NYC.



Make me, make me.... :lol:

Sheeezuz you're a pathetic little skank.

Or maybe you'd care to actually try and mumble something intelligent... YOU answer the question...

that all you got, pussy?


Unsurprisingly those opposing mainstream opinion point to the administration they characterize as the most partisan, ignorant, incompetent, racist, stupid, hateful, and destructive administration in history and the fact that THEY did it as justification for whatever stupid stuff happens now.

I don't know whether this Imam is good or bad, honest or dishonest, well intended or evil. I do know that he has given us zero reason to believe his motives are pure in this deal, however.

Mainstream opinion back when Loving V. Virginia happened was that Interracial marriage should of not be legal. I assume back then, you would of been fighting for whites to keep their race "pure" then?

Unsurprisingly those opposing mainstream opinion point to the administration they characterize as the most partisan, ignorant, incompetent, racist, stupid, hateful, and destructive administration in history and the fact that THEY did it as justification for whatever stupid stuff happens now.

I don't know whether this Imam is good or bad, honest or dishonest, well intended or evil. I do know that he has given us zero reason to believe his motives are pure in this deal, however.

Mainstream opinion back when Loving V. Virginia happened was that Interracial marriage should of not be legal. I assume back then, you would of been fighting for whites to keep their race "pure" then?


Hey, you're the one who provided the example. And no, I don't care to discuss interracial marriage that doesn't have a damn thing to do with this and even using it as a comparison is pretty damn silly if not even pretty desperate.

Nice attempt at deflection though. You do that a lot don't you.
Hey, you're the one who provided the example. And no, I don't care to discuss interracial marriage that doesn't have a damn thing to do with this and even using it as a comparison is pretty damn silly if not even pretty desperate.

Nice attempt at deflection though. You do that a lot don't you.

Au contrair, mon ami. YOU are the one to brought mainstream opinion into this. I decided to mock you accordingly. It doesn't matter if 90% approve it or 10% approve it, the point is the Constitution is not American Idol. You don't choose to put it in a paper shredder simply because you don't like what it protects.
Again, I'm not really excited or unhappy that another place of worship is going up. Not like it's a new thing. I'm happy that their constitutional rights are being respected though.

Fair enough.
The only reason for the Cordoba House to be opposed is prejudice. I don't think prejudice is a great memorial to 9/11.
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Hey, you're the one who provided the example. And no, I don't care to discuss interracial marriage that doesn't have a damn thing to do with this and even using it as a comparison is pretty damn silly if not even pretty desperate.

Nice attempt at deflection though. You do that a lot don't you.

Au contrair, mon ami. YOU are the one to brought mainstream opinion into this. I decided to mock you accordingly. It doesn't matter if 90% approve it or 10% approve it, the point is the Constitution is not American Idol. You don't choose to put it in a paper shredder simply because you don't like what it protects.

And this is too non responsive to the discussion to even respond. I can't believe you would be so dishonest to ignore all that has been said and continue to beat this drum.

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