Then there are those like me who won't be watching either one. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I haven't watched a soap opera show voluntarily in over a decade now.
We have him now thread 100,000,000,000,000.000.000,000,000.000.000,000,000,000,001.
Metaphorically speaking...

Sic semper tyrannis


My trust is in the Constitution.

My trust is in both chambers of Congress to do the right thing once all the evidence is in.

Interesting times.
Trump demands personal favors in return for US military aid

Impeachment hearings Democrats figure the only way they can beat Trump is to get him out of the running

You still don't get it. Even a President isn't above the law.

No one is, but first you have to have solid evidence.
Not ,this is my assumptions and this is what I heard.

Stay tuned, cupcake. But I have a feeling that even with solid evidence you won't accept it.

Reminds me of......

Prosecutor: You were found with the smoking gun in your hand, blood splatter on your clothes from the victim, 20 witnesses saw you pull the trigger with a 6 shot revolver, reload and then shoot 3 more times.

Defendant: I'm innocent. Sounds like the worst case of suicide I've ever heard.
Why do you want to bring Hillary into this?
We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Soap operas are still on? I haven’t heard much about them since the 80s. Impeachment hearings? I work, I won’t be watching.
Too damn funny!!

New FOX News Poll of likely voters;

52% strongly disapprove of Democrat handling of impeachment.
86% disprove of democrat handling of impeachment in general...

Only 18% are in agreement and they are the far left wackos.. 6% are undecided. This thing is failing so fast that even moderate democrats are now abandoning the party..

This is blowing up in their faces..
This week the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democratic Party makes history by conducting the 1st Impeachment hearings in 2 decades.

How fitting, after 4 years of continuous illegal spying, collusion, undermining, sedition, and failed coup attempts, they have decided not to even attempt to try to make their latest coup attempt appear to be a legitimate concern over a legitimate reason and hold a legitimate to by-pass the attempt to create the illusion a legitimate investigation followed by a legitimate process of Impeachment.

They have learned their lesson from their earlier failures and now seek to eliminate all those errors that led to their defeat so many times leading up to this point. This time they clumsily threw together an accusation that does not have a witness who has direct evidence of any crime, and all of their witnesses have confirmed that their 'evidence' consists of rumor, gossip, innuendo, hearsay, and / or opinions formed after hearing it.

This time they see no need for presenting 'undeniable evidence' against the President, not that they have any, which they don't. They know, instead, they have the NUMBERS needed to successfully vote and pass 'Impeachment' of the President, again, something they have been calling for since before he entered the WH after being elected by the American people.

Led by a proven liar, admitted classified information leaker, and Russian-born arms dealer-compromised traitor, the Democrats held a closed-door, in-the-cover-of-dark inquisition, refusing to allow the President / his lawyer / the Republicans to attend, during which time the Democrats cherry picked tidbits of hours and hours of testimony to illegally leak out to the press in an attempt to sway ignorant voters and Trump-haters of his 'guilt'.

Today they start their public circus, the outcome of which they have already decided before the President entered the WH 4 years ago, one that will lead to their official House vote to Impeach one of the most successful Presidents in DECADES, in some cases in US History.
Trump demands personal favors in return for US military aid


A US President asking other countries to do things for them in return for US aid? Name a US President who HASN'T done that! This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of! You don't think Obama asked? Bush? Clinton? Every single President in the history of this nation has done what has suddenly become a "crime" in the Donald Trump Administration! You know what this shows me? That the far left of the Democratic Party has come up with ZERO impeachable offenses committed by this President because THIS is farce!
^^^ Right now there are only four left: Young And the Restless, Bold And The Beautiful, Days Of Our Lives, and General Hospital.

God bless you always!!!

Impeachment hearings Democrats figure the only way they can beat Trump is to get him out of the running

You still don't get it. Even a President isn't above the law.

No one is, but first you have to have solid evidence.
Not ,this is my assumptions and this is what I heard.

Stay tuned, cupcake. But I have a feeling that even with solid evidence you won't accept it.

Reminds me of......

Prosecutor: You were found with the smoking gun in your hand, blood splatter on your clothes from the victim, 20 witnesses saw you pull the trigger with a 6 shot revolver, reload and then shoot 3 more times.

Defendant: I'm innocent. Sounds like the worst case of suicide I've ever heard.
Why do you want to bring Hillary into this?

Unlike Rump, after over 30 years, you still can't get a conviction. Rump has at least one state waiting on him with a convened Grand Jury.

Rump will need to move back to the state of NY to live in his new digs.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
Trump demands personal favors in return for US military aid


A US President asking other countries to do things for them in return for US aid? Name a US President who HASN'T done that! This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of! You don't think Obama asked? Bush? Clinton? Every single President in the history of this nation has done what has suddenly become a "crime" in the Donald Trump Administration! You know what this shows me? That the far left of the Democratic Party has come up with ZERO impeachable offenses committed by this President because THIS is farce!

You guys keep saying that

The difference is Trump tying personal favors to receiving US Aid

That is demanding a BRIBE

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