Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!
This is an incorrect assessment
Correct-resentful one parent child on the dole, criminal record, on unemployment and food stamps, suspended drivers license cellar dweller.
Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Funny, they didn't actually say anything...... just confirming that Trump didn't do anything wrong...but....GRRRRR, Orange Man Bad, gave them the feelz they didn't like...
Gee, I didn't hear them say that at all. They gave more testimony underscoring that Trump indeed did and said what he did. It just got beaten to death, imo.

I have yet to hear anybody say anything about a bribe. There's nothing in the phone call transcript that comes close to a bribe or quid pro quo, or whatever the Dems are saying it was today. The Ukrainian gov't from their president on down had no idea any aid was being held back pending their cooperation in a corruption investigation. Which BTW they didn't do (start an investigation into Biden jr or sr), and the aid was released without any strings.

Where's the witness that says I heard Trump say to do the investigation into VP Biden and Burisma or you don't get squat, like Biden himself did? And BTW, why aren't the Dems holding hearings and investigations about that? Where's the memo or email that says Trump ordered a hold for that reason? How long is this shit going to continue, the Dems got NOTHING.
Where's the witness that says I heard Trump say to do the investigation into VP Biden and Burisma or you don't get squat,
That's tomorrow. Sondland, apparently.
lol The "witness was eavesdropping from a distance on Soundland's phone call and claims he recognized the President's voice asking about the investigation in the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine although no one ever confirmed to him that it was the President. Just more political gossip.
The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those offices: In the Treaty. So from the New York Times, about the phone--Barbarous Anti-American sentiment is apparently what the White House has documented.

"A Justice Department official said that Mr. Barr had no knowledge of the call until the director of national intelligence and the intelligence community’s inspector general sent the department the whistle-blower’s criminal referral late last month, and that Mr. Trump has not spoken with the attorney general “about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son.”

Political interference is not considered cause, stated in the Treaty provisions.


Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Red-Hatter waving takes on a new appearance. "Banzai! Surprise!" Attack on the USA apparently is supported--or on Ukraine, or Crimea!)
The testimony yesterday of witnesses and patriots Ambassadors Taylor and Kent is that they disclosed a lunch time cell phone conversation between Trump and Ambassador Sondland where it is very obvious that Trump is more interested in investigation the Bidens then he is in rendering aid to Ukraine. This is not only devastating to Trump but also to Sondland, since he failed to disclose this conversation with Trump at his closed door hearing. Sondland is to testify next week. IT WILL BE FASCINATING TO SEE THE STEPS TRUMP & CO WILL TAKE TO KEEP HIM FROM TESTIFYING.

And, most importantly, this will serve as notice to other Trump sycophants that when questioned by the Democrats, if they avoid disclosing everything they know about Trump's crimes, retribution awaits them.

He can't not show up to testify.

If he doesn't show up he will probably be facing perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

He's being given one more chance to be honest. He would be very stupid to not take it and be honest.

I doubt he would want to end up in prison like other people who work with trump.

It would be very ironic if he did end up in prison. He would have effectively paid trump a million dollars to go to prison.
No one is going to end up in prison for not performing in the Dem circus in the House. All the House can do is refer the case to the DoJ for prosecution, and the DoJ will decline to prosecute.

They can take it to a lower Federal Court to issue the arrest orders. And if the DOJ won't do it, the US Marshals will. The Biggest job that a US Marshal has is to arrest and escort people into the Federal Court System so that the Court System can deal with them. Now, if the DOJ (meaning Barr) want's to try and stop that, he has the option to take it to the Supreme Court. But he's liable to find himself in a rather sticky situation when his own people start refusing to comply.
The impeachment investigation is only a desperate attempt by the Democrats to distract from the investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Marie yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador Trump had dismissed testified that the Obama administration was also worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine and tried to hide the facts from the public, and the impeachment inquiry is just a continuation of Obama's efforts to hide the facts about the Bidens. Nancy Pelosi fought against impeachment right up until she became worried that the investigation of the Bidens would reveal the Bidens involvement in corruption in Ukraine and Obama's efforts to hide them even at the cost of a $1,000,000,000 bribe to Ukraine's very corrupt president, Poroshenko.
I watched Yovanovich's testimony, and she did NOT say all that. She said there was "concern" of the appearance of conflict of interest. Period. The rest of it is all straight out of your lying mouth.
Bullshit. There was an obvious conflict of interest and she was coached on how to answer questions about the Bidens at her confirmation hearing in order to hide the facts from the Senate. If there had been nothing to hide, there would have been no need to coach her on how to answer questions about the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Your opposition to the investigation of the Bidens betrays your own belief that the Bidens were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine.
Everyone is coached prior to confirmation hearings. I hate to disappoint you. Anyway, when we get to the Biden investigations and hearings, bring that point up.
Right now, we are talking about what TRUMP did.
Now you're just making things up about who is coached and on what subjects. The discussion began with the Bidens' suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine and all the nonsense going on in the House is no more than an attempt to hide the facts about the Bidens as you well know.
So far, the only "nonsense" is the bullshit about the bidens suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine. The President should know better. The rest of you? Well, I don't know what your excuse is, but the President should know better. He was TOLD that was already investigated and Hunter Biden had nothing to do with the investigation into Burisma, so why would VP Biden have any reason to stop it? It makes NO SENSE and there is absolutely NOTHING but Russian propaganda to back it up.
Still more bullshit from you. There never was an investigation, just an attempted cover up by the Obama administration. If there was nothing to hide, the Dems would not be so desperate to stop the investigation. So far you have posted nothing but partisan lies.
And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.
Vindman really had the answer, though, didn't he? Exemplary personnel write up, wasn't it? Shut them right down. lol

He did? I must've missed it.
Yup. When whoever it was had listed all the people who testified that they had questions about Vindman's judgment, he read Hill's comments on his latest personnel review. It was exemplary.
More Democrat Nothing Burgers today.

All the witnesses we have seen from the Democrats have been nothing more than butthurt state department employees and a traitorous dullard military officer born in a Communist country that is pissed because he couldn't personally direct Ukrainian-US foreign policy.

When the hell are the Democrat butt pirates going to produce a credible witness that had proof that Trump committed "high crimes and misdemeanors"?
The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those offices: In the Treaty. So from the New York Times, about the phone--Barbarous Anti-American sentiment is apparently what the White House has documented.

"A Justice Department official said that Mr. Barr had no knowledge of the call until the director of national intelligence and the intelligence community’s inspector general sent the department the whistle-blower’s criminal referral late last month, and that Mr. Trump has not spoken with the attorney general “about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son.”

Political interference is not considered cause, stated in the Treaty provisions.


Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Red-Hatter waving takes on a new appearance. "Banzai! Surprise!" Attack on the USA apparently is supported--or on Ukraine, or Crimea!)
The testimony yesterday of witnesses and patriots Ambassadors Taylor and Kent is that they disclosed a lunch time cell phone conversation between Trump and Ambassador Sondland where it is very obvious that Trump is more interested in investigation the Bidens then he is in rendering aid to Ukraine. This is not only devastating to Trump but also to Sondland, since he failed to disclose this conversation with Trump at his closed door hearing. Sondland is to testify next week. IT WILL BE FASCINATING TO SEE THE STEPS TRUMP & CO WILL TAKE TO KEEP HIM FROM TESTIFYING.

And, most importantly, this will serve as notice to other Trump sycophants that when questioned by the Democrats, if they avoid disclosing everything they know about Trump's crimes, retribution awaits them.

He can't not show up to testify.

If he doesn't show up he will probably be facing perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

He's being given one more chance to be honest. He would be very stupid to not take it and be honest.

I doubt he would want to end up in prison like other people who work with trump.

It would be very ironic if he did end up in prison. He would have effectively paid trump a million dollars to go to prison.
No one is going to end up in prison for not performing in the Dem circus in the House. All the House can do is refer the case to the DoJ for prosecution, and the DoJ will decline to prosecute.

They can take it to a lower Federal Court to issue the arrest orders. And if the DOJ won't do it, the US Marshals will. The Biggest job that a US Marshal has is to arrest and escort people into the Federal Court System so that the Court System can deal with them. Now, if the DOJ (meaning Barr) want's to try and stop that, he has the option to take it to the Supreme Court. But he's liable to find himself in a rather sticky situation when his own people start refusing to comply.
No, the DoJ can decline to prosecute and that will be the end of it.
I watched Yovanovich's testimony, and she did NOT say all that. She said there was "concern" of the appearance of conflict of interest. Period. The rest of it is all straight out of your lying mouth.
Bullshit. There was an obvious conflict of interest and she was coached on how to answer questions about the Bidens at her confirmation hearing in order to hide the facts from the Senate. If there had been nothing to hide, there would have been no need to coach her on how to answer questions about the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Your opposition to the investigation of the Bidens betrays your own belief that the Bidens were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine.
Everyone is coached prior to confirmation hearings. I hate to disappoint you. Anyway, when we get to the Biden investigations and hearings, bring that point up.
Right now, we are talking about what TRUMP did.
Now you're just making things up about who is coached and on what subjects. The discussion began with the Bidens' suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine and all the nonsense going on in the House is no more than an attempt to hide the facts about the Bidens as you well know.
So far, the only "nonsense" is the bullshit about the bidens suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine. The President should know better. The rest of you? Well, I don't know what your excuse is, but the President should know better. He was TOLD that was already investigated and Hunter Biden had nothing to do with the investigation into Burisma, so why would VP Biden have any reason to stop it? It makes NO SENSE and there is absolutely NOTHING but Russian propaganda to back it up.
Still more bullshit from you. There never was an investigation, just an attempted cover up by the Obama administration. If there was nothing to hide, the Dems would not be so desperate to stop the investigation. So far you have posted nothing but partisan lies.
Nothing you've said sounds partisan in the least.

Really, there's no sense in arguing this farther. We see things differently.
Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.
Vindman really had the answer, though, didn't he? Exemplary personnel write up, wasn't it? Shut them right down. lol

He did? I must've missed it.
Yup. When whoever it was had listed all the people who testified that they had questions about Vindman's judgment, he read Hill's comments on his latest personnel review. It was exemplary.
And yet Vindman had nothing to testify about other than his own personal opinions.
Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.
I'm sure a number of the witnesses will testify in the Senate trial. Since this is a trial, Trump will be able to offer a defense.

In the House, the Republicans can present witnesses of their own. They have elected not only not present them but to try and block key witnesses from testifying. There is a short list that should be forced to testify. And this week, once they verify that crimes have been committed by these characters, the reasons that they say they are ammune to being supenened are going to be a wash. You can't claim client privalege if you are committing a crime while doing it and Rudy is toast as is all the rest of his criminals. And when they fall, expect others to fall as well including Barr.

Now the bad news:

"Independent voters across multiple states are not liking this Trump impeachment push that’s engulfed Capitol Hill. While the focus groups’ conclusion is that these crops of voters are “uninterested” about the impeachment inquiry, they’re also not too keen on the secretive nature that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee has exhibited with this maneuver. Schiff is the starting quarterback for this effort and kept the initial phases of the impeachment proceeding in the bunker. Hours of testimony from witnesses occurred behind closed doors, select portions of the transcripts were released, and Republicans on the committee were only given brief summaries that could only be read with a Democratic staffer present. This was done to control the narrative because public hearings exposed the Russian collusion narrative as a hoax."
Democrats Just Got More Bad News About Their Trump Impeachment Fantasy

Personal Op-Ed by a site that is off the deep end and considered a crackpot site. Comon, you can do better than that.
OK, let's say she didn't badmouth Trump.

Tell me, what Ambassador Yovanovich did when she learned that DNC is working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump?
What DNC working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump? Can I have a little more information on that?

What, you didn't know that Ukraine admitted their involvement and meddling in US elections?

Ukraine Court Rules Manafort Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election - NYTimes
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire - Politico

Now, tell me, why would Ukraine work with DNC against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton?
Thank you for the article! It really seems, though, that Chalupa was looking into the same set of affairs that ultimately got Paul Manafort arrested. She smelled a rat and she was right, wasn't she? Trump ditched Manafort fast--perhaps he smelled a rat, too. This is really a story about Manafort, not Trump. Remember, Mueller didn't find any reason to think Trump was in on it.

Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.

I sound outraged about that, do I? Whatever you say, old boy.
I read the article, appreciated the background, but I honestly don't see how you could read that article and NOT come to the conclusion that it was about Manafort. It sounds as if the alarm bells had gone off about Manafort well before he was chosen as chairman of Trump's campaign. Did you read the article?

And of course the only way to get information was from the Ukrainian Embassy, right? That's called going to a foreign country to get dirt on a campaign opponent, isn't it? According to you commies, information is something of value, that would make the activities of Chalupa illegal, wouldn't it? That, along with public statements from Ukrainians about Trumps fitness for office, justifies Trumps concerns about Ukraine interference in the 2016, doesn't it?

Don't give me spin, just answer the questions.

Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Funny, they didn't actually say anything...... just confirming that Trump didn't do anything wrong...but....GRRRRR, Orange Man Bad, gave them the feelz they didn't like...
Gee, I didn't hear them say that at all. They gave more testimony underscoring that Trump indeed did and said what he did. It just got beaten to death, imo.

I have yet to hear anybody say anything about a bribe. There's nothing in the phone call transcript that comes close to a bribe or quid pro quo, or whatever the Dems are saying it was today. The Ukrainian gov't from their president on down had no idea any aid was being held back pending their cooperation in a corruption investigation. Which BTW they didn't do (start an investigation into Biden jr or sr), and the aid was released without any strings.

Where's the witness that says I heard Trump say to do the investigation into VP Biden and Burisma or you don't get squat, like Biden himself did? And BTW, why aren't the Dems holding hearings and investigations about that? Where's the memo or email that says Trump ordered a hold for that reason? How long is this shit going to continue, the Dems got NOTHING.
Where's the witness that says I heard Trump say to do the investigation into VP Biden and Burisma or you don't get squat,
That's tomorrow. Sondland, apparently.
lol The "witness was eavesdropping from a distance on Soundland's phone call and claims he recognized the President's voice asking about the investigation in the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine although no one ever confirmed to him that it was the President. Just more political gossip.
Another heresay day.
As predicted
When just looking at suburban women, the problem becomes even worse. Trump’s favorability stands at 34% favorable, 61% unfavorable and his job approval is 38% approve, 62% disapprove.

Battleground Poll: Trump’s Suburban Problem - Priorities USA

Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.

No, the House won't stop it but Co-conspirators really don't have a leg to stand on when they try and bust anyone of anything. It becomes a conflict of interest very quickly. Yah, I know, Rump and his band of Criminals are pros at conflicts of interests but come January things should get very interesting. And I doubt if Barr and his co-conspirators can get anything done that fast.

You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

Given the amount of people in the coupe, the first few subpoenaed into court will be the start of the dominos falling, and most people will do anything to avoid going to prison, because they all know that Trump has the next election almost blindfolded, and there will be no pardons for people that worked against him in the election.
In other words, forget what he said, make up your own version.

Just remember, making up BS crimes that never took place will come back to haunt you if we ever get another commie President and a Republican led Congress. If you can impeach over something this stupid, you can impeach if a President wears the wrong tie with the wrong suit.

People on the left are so Fn stupid. I never seen any group of people make the same mistakes over and over again, and then cry when the tables turn.
Or impeach over a blow job!

Who got impeached over a blowjob? I've never seen that before. Now if you're talking about Clinton, he didn't get impeached over a blowjob. He got impeached for perjury, and even had his law licenses suspended in his state. You see, the Constitution outlines what defines impeachment. Perjury is felony, which is a higher crime than a misdemeanor.

He cut a deal for amnesty with Bush. Yes, due to that stupid Memo, as a sitting President that weathered an impeachment, that still did not exonerate him. The Barr association and 5 states would have been waiting on him when he left office. Bush gave him exactly what he would have received had that happened to avoid what would have been what Bush and Clinton (and everyone other than you) thought would have been bad for the Nation. So he was not exonerated, he was given a pardon with conditions.
Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.

No, the House won't stop it but Co-conspirators really don't have a leg to stand on when they try and bust anyone of anything. It becomes a conflict of interest very quickly. Yah, I know, Rump and his band of Criminals are pros at conflicts of interests but come January things should get very interesting. And I doubt if Barr and his co-conspirators can get anything done that fast.

You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

Given the amount of people in the coupe, the first few subpoenaed into court will be the start of the dominos falling, and most people will do anything to avoid going to prison, because they all know that Trump has the next election almost blindfold, and there will be no pardons for people that worked against him in the election.

May you be more right than right.....
Bullshit. There was an obvious conflict of interest and she was coached on how to answer questions about the Bidens at her confirmation hearing in order to hide the facts from the Senate. If there had been nothing to hide, there would have been no need to coach her on how to answer questions about the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Your opposition to the investigation of the Bidens betrays your own belief that the Bidens were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine.
Everyone is coached prior to confirmation hearings. I hate to disappoint you. Anyway, when we get to the Biden investigations and hearings, bring that point up.
Right now, we are talking about what TRUMP did.
Now you're just making things up about who is coached and on what subjects. The discussion began with the Bidens' suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine and all the nonsense going on in the House is no more than an attempt to hide the facts about the Bidens as you well know.
So far, the only "nonsense" is the bullshit about the bidens suspected involvement in corruption in Ukraine. The President should know better. The rest of you? Well, I don't know what your excuse is, but the President should know better. He was TOLD that was already investigated and Hunter Biden had nothing to do with the investigation into Burisma, so why would VP Biden have any reason to stop it? It makes NO SENSE and there is absolutely NOTHING but Russian propaganda to back it up.
Still more bullshit from you. There never was an investigation, just an attempted cover up by the Obama administration. If there was nothing to hide, the Dems would not be so desperate to stop the investigation. So far you have posted nothing but partisan lies.
Nothing you've said sounds partisan in the least.

Really, there's no sense in arguing this farther. We see things differently.
No, I think we both know the Bidens' activities in Ukraine should be investigated but in your frenzy to attack the President, you have decided to ignore the facts. The fact that you continue to make up lies such as claiming the Bidens' activities in Ukraine have already been investigated suggests you believe they were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine and want to cover it up.
You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

This will be another huge nothing-burger just like all the other alleged bombshells we never hear about again. Even if, by chance, it does turn something up, nothing will happen to anyone involved. Even Laura Ingraham said that last night when she was interviewing Congressman Chris Stewart about this report.
What DNC working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump? Can I have a little more information on that?

What, you didn't know that Ukraine admitted their involvement and meddling in US elections?

Ukraine Court Rules Manafort Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election - NYTimes
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire - Politico

Now, tell me, why would Ukraine work with DNC against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton?
Thank you for the article! It really seems, though, that Chalupa was looking into the same set of affairs that ultimately got Paul Manafort arrested. She smelled a rat and she was right, wasn't she? Trump ditched Manafort fast--perhaps he smelled a rat, too. This is really a story about Manafort, not Trump. Remember, Mueller didn't find any reason to think Trump was in on it.

Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.

I sound outraged about that, do I? Whatever you say, old boy.
I read the article, appreciated the background, but I honestly don't see how you could read that article and NOT come to the conclusion that it was about Manafort. It sounds as if the alarm bells had gone off about Manafort well before he was chosen as chairman of Trump's campaign. Did you read the article?

And of course the only way to get information was from the Ukrainian Embassy, right? That's called going to a foreign country to get dirt on a campaign opponent, isn't it? According to you commies, information is something of value, that would make the activities of Chalupa illegal, wouldn't it? That, along with public statements from Ukrainians about Trumps fitness for office, justifies Trumps concerns about Ukraine interference in the 2016, doesn't it?

Don't give me spin, just answer the questions.

I already said what I thought. No spin included.
Another fairly accurate study was already given in here. It showed that Rump received a larger amount of large campaign contributions from large women donations. But when you looked at the totals, the small donations made up the lions share and went to the demos. In fact, overall, Bernie took home the bacon with Mayor Pete coming in a close second. I have no idea where they are getting the idea that there is a surge in Rumps suburban Women donations. I guess Rush and Hannity just made it up and told them to say it.

Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.

No, the House won't stop it but Co-conspirators really don't have a leg to stand on when they try and bust anyone of anything. It becomes a conflict of interest very quickly. Yah, I know, Rump and his band of Criminals are pros at conflicts of interests but come January things should get very interesting. And I doubt if Barr and his co-conspirators can get anything done that fast.

You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

Given the amount of people in the coupe, the first few subpoenaed into court will be the start of the dominos falling, and most people will do anything to avoid going to prison, because they all know that Trump has the next election almost blindfolded, and there will be no pardons for people that worked against him in the election.

Desperate people people try desperate things. it's either do what they are trying or the whole lot of them are going to prison. Hell, I might try it if I were in their shoes.
Then let me tell you what's not made up: Durham turned his investigation criminal. The IG is going to testify to Congress about his report on Dec 11th, which means it will be out well beforehand in a couple of weeks.

Then commies are having their fun now, but our fun is just around the corner.

This week, look for charges from the House to those that you think are going to be sending out those arrest warrants. The House will be going through a lower Federal Court which has no real love for any of the criminals in the Whitehouse. It hasn't been Barr and company that has done the prosecution of the criminals.

Wait a minute, what you're saying is that the Democrats are going to go to court to stop an investigation from being reported to the AG and IG? And you think a court will stop that? You're out of your mind. The House has 0 to do with a criminal investigation. They are not part of it, and can't make themselves part of it. It's not in their control.

No, the House won't stop it but Co-conspirators really don't have a leg to stand on when they try and bust anyone of anything. It becomes a conflict of interest very quickly. Yah, I know, Rump and his band of Criminals are pros at conflicts of interests but come January things should get very interesting. And I doubt if Barr and his co-conspirators can get anything done that fast.

You better come to terms with facts and not fantasy.

The Durham investigation turned criminal only a very short time after the start. That means he has something, and he has something good. It means there will be indictments, there will be charges, their will be criminal prosecutions.

The IG released a statement that he will testify to Congress on December 11th about his report. That means his report will be out long before that so it can be read, redacted, and ready for presentation for such questioning. If it favored Democrats, he wouldn't be expecting to be hauled into Congress to answer anything. Apparently, he knows what his report shows are really going to piss of Piglosi, Schiff Face, and Shoemaker.

Given the amount of people in the coupe, the first few subpoenaed into court will be the start of the dominos falling, and most people will do anything to avoid going to prison, because they all know that Trump has the next election almost blindfolded, and there will be no pardons for people that worked against him in the election.

Desperate people people try desperate things. it's either do what they are trying or the whole lot of them are going to prison. Hell, I might try it if I were in their shoes.

Are you talking about the Democrats and this phony impeachment thing? Then I agree with you.

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