What did they blow the whistle on? I watched the video and it never said.
The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.
And to date there has been no evidence presented to support that claim. The evidence that has been presented so far shows Obama was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine but tries to hide the facts from the public and President Trump is determined to expose the facts to the public.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits
There is plenty of impeachment worthy evidence. The White House memo recording Donald Trump’s July phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy is damning enough even without witnesses. The witnesses we have heard so far have provided details following the phone call and leading up to the firing of the Ukraine ambassador without cause to clear the way for Juliana. We heard the response of administration staff to the phone conversation. Over the next couple of weeks we will hear from people in the White House. A staff member in the OMB will testify as to the reason for freezing the military funds. Sondland's testimony will confirm the Taylor testimony. Others will testify to the securing of the memo of the conversation, the lack of required notification to congress of freezing of the funds, and possible witness tampering. Potentially, the most damning witness may be Bolton.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The facts that President Trump also shared Obama's concerns about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine cannot possibly provide a rational basis for an impeachment inquiry, and the fact that Obama was so worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine,certainly does provide a reasonable basis for an investigation and to investigate the actions of a possibly corrupt US official in a foreign country would require the cooperation of that country's government.

If Obama's fears and Trump's suspicions that the Bidens acted corruptly in Ukraine are proved true by the investigation it would clearly benefit Trump and hurt the Democrats in next year's election, and that is the whole reason for the impeachment inquiry, because if the Democrats believed these suspicions of corrupt behavior were baseless, the investigation would only help establish Biden as an honest man, which none of us really believe he is. The very passion with which the Dems in Congress are pursuing this mishmash of political gossip to try to shape articles of impeachment is a testament to their fears that the investigations of the Bidens might show them both to be corrupt.
Okay, let's investigate the Bidens, but Trump's investigation comes first. You're #2.
The impeachment investigation is only a desperate attempt by the Democrats to distract from the investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Marie yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador Trump had dismissed testified that the Obama administration was also worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine and tried to hide the facts from the public, and the impeachment inquiry is just a continuation of Obama's efforts to hide the facts about the Bidens. Nancy Pelosi fought against impeachment right up until she became worried that the investigation of the Bidens would reveal the Bidens involvement in corruption in Ukraine and Obama's efforts to hide them even at the cost of a $1,000,000,000 bribe to Ukraine's very corrupt president, Poroshenko.
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!

Jim Jordan has made an entire career out of ignoring and enabling behaviour of his buddies that odious. Jordan saw nothing wrong when his co-workers abused and molested the students in his charge. He doesn't recall anyone complaining about inappropriate touching. So while his co-worker is now in jail, Jim Jordan is in Congress attacking the President's critics and enabling the criminal behaviour of his boss - again.
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The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.
And to date there has been no evidence presented to support that claim. The evidence that has been presented so far shows Obama was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine but tries to hide the facts from the public and President Trump is determined to expose the facts to the public.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits
There is plenty of impeachment worthy evidence. The White House memo recording Donald Trump’s July phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy is damning enough even without witnesses. The witnesses we have heard so far have provided details following the phone call and leading up to the firing of the Ukraine ambassador without cause to clear the way for Juliana. We heard the response of administration staff to the phone conversation. Over the next couple of weeks we will hear from people in the White House. A staff member in the OMB will testify as to the reason for freezing the military funds. Sondland's testimony will confirm the Taylor testimony. Others will testify to the securing of the memo of the conversation, the lack of required notification to congress of freezing of the funds, and possible witness tampering. Potentially, the most damning witness may be Bolton.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The facts that President Trump also shared Obama's concerns about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine cannot possibly provide a rational basis for an impeachment inquiry, and the fact that Obama was so worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine,certainly does provide a reasonable basis for an investigation and to investigate the actions of a possibly corrupt US official in a foreign country would require the cooperation of that country's government.

If Obama's fears and Trump's suspicions that the Bidens acted corruptly in Ukraine are proved true by the investigation it would clearly benefit Trump and hurt the Democrats in next year's election, and that is the whole reason for the impeachment inquiry, because if the Democrats believed these suspicions of corrupt behavior were baseless, the investigation would only help establish Biden as an honest man, which none of us really believe he is. The very passion with which the Dems in Congress are pursuing this mishmash of political gossip to try to shape articles of impeachment is a testament to their fears that the investigations of the Bidens might show them both to be corrupt.
Okay, let's investigate the Bidens, but Trump's investigation comes first. You're #2.
The impeachment investigation is only a desperate attempt by the Democrats to distract from the investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Marie yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador Trump had dismissed testified that the Obama administration was also worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine and tried to hide the facts from the public, and the impeachment inquiry is just a continuation of Obama's efforts to hide the facts about the Bidens. Nancy Pelosi fought against impeachment right up until she became worried that the investigation of the Bidens would reveal the Bidens involvement in corruption in Ukraine and Obama's efforts to hide them even at the cost of a $1,000,000,000 bribe to Ukraine's very corrupt president, Poroshenko.
I watched Yovanovich's testimony, and she did NOT say all that. She said there was "concern" of the appearance of conflict of interest. Period. The rest of it is all straight out of your lying mouth.
Now the Democrats think they have dirt on Rudy Giuliani ? It wouldn't be so funny except it's a hundred eighty degrees the other way around.

Of course that's what Roger Stone thought isn't it ? Of course they play dirty......they're the Deep state.
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Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!

Jim Jordan has made an entire career out of ignoring and enabling behaviour of his buddies that odious. Jordan saw nothing wrong when his co-workers abused and molested the students in his charge. He doesn't recall anyone complaining about inappropriate touching. So while his co-worker is now in jail, Jim Jordan is in Congress attacking the President's critics and enabling the criminal behaviour of his boss - again.
He's good at what he does, Dragonlady. No need to get into pedophilia.
His arguments aren't crazy, as opposed to Nunes' arguments, which are right off the wall. IMO.
I believe Trump needs to be fired, btw.
Yeah.....these witnesses are just as effective as the last ones......

Wow.....those poor democrat journalists...working so hard to make this steaming pile of crap look like and actual investigation and actual bomb shells.....
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

If Trump did anything wrong, his lawyers wouldn't have recommended him releasing the transcript. But they did, and now the so-called crimes are nothing more than Democrat lies; trying to parse words and reconstruct them into a crime.

It's one thing when Democrats lie like saying Trump said all white supremacists are great people, or that Trump claims to be a white nationalist; because it's all for show and the MSM. But this is an impeachment inquiry. You and they simply can't lie your way out of this one.
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

If Trump did anything wrong, his lawyers wouldn't have recommended him releasing the transcript. But they did, and now the so-called crimes are nothing more than Democrat lies; trying to parse words and reconstruct them into a crime.

It's one thing when Democrats lie like saying Trump said all white supremacists are great people, or that Trump claims to be a white nationalist; because it's all for show and the MSM. But this is an impeachment inquiry. You and they simply can't lie your way out of this one.

Oh...but they will try, and uninformed Americans won't know they are lying.
Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.
Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Funny, they didn't actually say anything...... just confirming that Trump didn't do anything wrong...but....GRRRRR, Orange Man Bad, gave them the feelz they didn't like...
OK, let's say she didn't badmouth Trump.

Tell me, what Ambassador Yovanovich did when she learned that DNC is working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump?
What DNC working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump? Can I have a little more information on that?

What, you didn't know that Ukraine admitted their involvement and meddling in US elections?

Now, tell me, why would Ukraine work with DNC against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton?
Thank you for the article! It really seems, though, that Chalupa was looking into the same set of affairs that ultimately got Paul Manafort arrested. She smelled a rat and she was right, wasn't she? Trump ditched Manafort fast--perhaps he smelled a rat, too. This is really a story about Manafort, not Trump. Remember, Mueller didn't find any reason to think Trump was in on it.

Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.


It's pretty hard to be mad at someone who uncovered evidence of crimes committed, wouldn't you say?

Right, let's ignore that person was committing a crime in the process. Which justifies Trumps concern about Ukraine interfering in the 2016 election. Any more spinning you'd like to do?

Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Wow...with testimony like this I am amazed that vindeman isn't already behind bars....

He lied.....

Alexander Vindman Admits Making up Parts of Trump Call Summary

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman admitted he made up elements of President Donald Trump’s call with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an official summary.
Prior to the call, Vindman included a discussion about corruption in the talking points provided to the president but Trump did not use them in the call.

The summary Vindman wrote after the call read:

President Trump underscored the unwavering support of the United States for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity – within its internationally recognized borders – and expressed his commitment to work together with President-elect Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.

But Vindman clarified during his testimony that the president did not bring up the topic rooting out corruption during the phone call, but he included it in his summary of the call anyway.

When asked by the Democrat counsel about whether the summary he wrote was false, Vindman hesitated.

“That’s not entirely accurate, but I’m not sure I would describe it as false, it was consistent with U.S. policy,” Vindman said.

Vindman said he included the rhetoric about corruption as a “messaging platform” to describe U.S. policy toward Ukraine, even though it was not discussed on the call.
And to date there has been no evidence presented to support that claim. The evidence that has been presented so far shows Obama was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine but tries to hide the facts from the public and President Trump is determined to expose the facts to the public.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits
There is plenty of impeachment worthy evidence. The White House memo recording Donald Trump’s July phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy is damning enough even without witnesses. The witnesses we have heard so far have provided details following the phone call and leading up to the firing of the Ukraine ambassador without cause to clear the way for Juliana. We heard the response of administration staff to the phone conversation. Over the next couple of weeks we will hear from people in the White House. A staff member in the OMB will testify as to the reason for freezing the military funds. Sondland's testimony will confirm the Taylor testimony. Others will testify to the securing of the memo of the conversation, the lack of required notification to congress of freezing of the funds, and possible witness tampering. Potentially, the most damning witness may be Bolton.
Of course, none of this is anything but political gossip. Marie Yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador who had been dismissed, testitfied the Obama administration had also been concerned about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine and had tried to cover up the facts.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The facts that President Trump also shared Obama's concerns about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine cannot possibly provide a rational basis for an impeachment inquiry, and the fact that Obama was so worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine,certainly does provide a reasonable basis for an investigation and to investigate the actions of a possibly corrupt US official in a foreign country would require the cooperation of that country's government.

If Obama's fears and Trump's suspicions that the Bidens acted corruptly in Ukraine are proved true by the investigation it would clearly benefit Trump and hurt the Democrats in next year's election, and that is the whole reason for the impeachment inquiry, because if the Democrats believed these suspicions of corrupt behavior were baseless, the investigation would only help establish Biden as an honest man, which none of us really believe he is. The very passion with which the Dems in Congress are pursuing this mishmash of political gossip to try to shape articles of impeachment is a testament to their fears that the investigations of the Bidens might show them both to be corrupt.
Okay, let's investigate the Bidens, but Trump's investigation comes first. You're #2.
The impeachment investigation is only a desperate attempt by the Democrats to distract from the investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Marie yovanovitch, the Ukraine ambassador Trump had dismissed testified that the Obama administration was also worried about what the Bidens were doing in Ukraine and tried to hide the facts from the public, and the impeachment inquiry is just a continuation of Obama's efforts to hide the facts about the Bidens. Nancy Pelosi fought against impeachment right up until she became worried that the investigation of the Bidens would reveal the Bidens involvement in corruption in Ukraine and Obama's efforts to hide them even at the cost of a $1,000,000,000 bribe to Ukraine's very corrupt president, Poroshenko.
I watched Yovanovich's testimony, and she did NOT say all that. She said there was "concern" of the appearance of conflict of interest. Period. The rest of it is all straight out of your lying mouth.
Bullshit. There was an obvious conflict of interest and she was coached on how to answer questions about the Bidens at her confirmation hearing in order to hide the facts from the Senate. If there had been nothing to hide, there would have been no need to coach her on how to answer questions about the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Your opposition to the investigation of the Bidens betrays your own belief that the Bidens were involved in corrupt activities in Ukraine.
Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Funny, they didn't actually say anything...... just confirming that Trump didn't do anything wrong...but....GRRRRR, Orange Man Bad, gave them the feelz they didn't like...
Gee, I didn't hear them say that at all. They gave more testimony underscoring that Trump indeed did and said what he did. It just got beaten to death, imo.
Oh brother, this morning has been boring. By 10 a.m. we had heard all these witnesses had to say, and we've spent the last four hours listening to politicians repeat it and repeat it and repeat it.
Hope they move things along with the two folks this afternoon.

Funny, they didn't actually say anything...... just confirming that Trump didn't do anything wrong...but....GRRRRR, Orange Man Bad, gave them the feelz they didn't like...
Gee, I didn't hear them say that at all. They gave more testimony underscoring that Trump indeed did and said what he did. It just got beaten to death, imo.

With the release of the actual Transcript it is obvious this guy is a liar and should be arrested for lying to Congress.
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.
According to Jed Babbin? Lt. Col. like vindemen get coffee, they don't make policy....too bad he didn't understand his job....

Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

I am not anybody's "comrade, nor am I a troll. I'm wondering where you saw the word "though, since that word doesn't appear in either my post, or the one I'm responding to.

Trump's release of the transcript was a mistake of massive proportion, exceeded only by Mulvaney's "Get over it!"

But this morning's attempt to denigrate and vilify Lt. Col. Vindman by Nunez and Jordan was disgusting. Everyone who disagrees with or criticizes the President is not his "enemy" nor is it wise to attempt to portray those moral people of character who are prepared to stand up for their principles as "enemies of the country", versus career suckups, like Jordan and Nunez who are prepared to lie and slander their patriotism and the risks they took in coming forward.

Americans should fear a President who considers anyone who disagrees with him an "enemy" to be professionally destroyed for daring to speak up for their beliefs. Trump doesn't care about the nation, but only his own interests. This is a disgrace for your nation, that ANYONE in the Republican Party is standing up for Trump's odious behaviour.
Vindman testified about his personal opinions but added no facts at all to the discussion. So far nothing has been presented but political gossip.

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