American see this farce by the Democrats and they will not forget or forgive

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

It is improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a US citizen and a political opponent. It was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play. This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine US national security, and advance Russia's strategic objectives in the region."

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba

One of the toys I sell at Trump rallies is the Adam Schiff bobblehead with peashooter kit. At the last one in Louisiana the bobblehead kit outsold the life-size Schiff target posters.

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Doesn't like it that HIS OPINION has been rendered USELESS and SELF SERVING....He needs to be relocated to a fighting unit in Afghanistan to get in touch with reality!

You guys sound nervous

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ROTFLMFAO.....That is all you idiots have, diversion from a topic you can't justify with facts!....only OPINION and those dreaded FEELINGS!!

So, you have the Yovanovich blocking information from the Ukraine to the Trump administration and then testifying that she didn't think she should be fired, but you think that's a diversion. Perhaps if you'd really examined the article, you might have even watched the video interview, which was NOT opinion.
It's looking like shiff might be the Whistleblower

If you ask me, Vindman all but admitted to it. He testified he listened to the phone call. He testified he had concerns about what Trump said. He testified he took his complaint to the proper channels. If he's not the whistleblower, then he's the person that provided the information to the whistleblower.
Who gives a shit what Jim Jordan says? He's got his ear plugs in, just like you do. The President doesn't have to say it out loud, folks.

Yes, he does. You have to have evidence of a crime, and the commie versions is not evidence of anything. You need to hear (not second or third hand) Trump say to Zelensky that the US aid was contingent on him starting an investigation on Biden. "Do me a favor though" is not a threat to US aid.

[ fey-ver ]
something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration;
a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.

Definition of favor |

Sorry, but in the English language, words have meanings.
Yeah, now look up the word, "though." Then put it in context ...

"I would like you to do us a favor though..."

... that makes it contingent.
American see this farce by the Democrats and they will not forget or forgive

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

It is improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a US citizen and a political opponent. It was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play. This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine US national security, and advance Russia's strategic objectives in the region."

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
This truth is firmly self evident
In other words, forget what he said, make up your own version.

Just remember, making up BS crimes that never took place will come back to haunt you if we ever get another commie President and a Republican led Congress. If you can impeach over something this stupid, you can impeach if a President wears the wrong tie with the wrong suit.

People on the left are so Fn stupid. I never seen any group of people make the same mistakes over and over again, and then cry when the tables turn.
Or impeach over a blow job!

Who got impeached over a blowjob? I've never seen that before. Now if you're talking about Clinton, he didn't get impeached over a blowjob. He got impeached for perjury, and even had his law licenses suspended in his state. You see, the Constitution outlines what defines impeachment. Perjury is felony, which is a higher crime than a misdemeanor.
Perjury about a blow job.

It doesn't matter if it's a blowjob or a bank robbery. Perjury is perjury. It's a violation of law even for a jaywalking ticket you're trying to fight.
Did you cheer when Scooter Libby's sentence for his perjury conviction was commuted? How when his conviction was pardoned?
What, you didn't know that Ukraine admitted their involvement and meddling in US elections?

Now, tell me, why would Ukraine work with DNC against Trump, and in favor of Hillary Clinton?
Thank you for the article! It really seems, though, that Chalupa was looking into the same set of affairs that ultimately got Paul Manafort arrested. She smelled a rat and she was right, wasn't she? Trump ditched Manafort fast--perhaps he smelled a rat, too. This is really a story about Manafort, not Trump. Remember, Mueller didn't find any reason to think Trump was in on it.

Are you getting dizzy form all that spinning? Manafort was the chairman of the Trump campaign at that time. Chalupa was looking to a foreign country to dig up dirt on the campaign, exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Your selective outrage is duly noted.


It's pretty hard to be mad at someone who uncovered evidence of crimes committed, wouldn't you say?
what crime? can you name it?

Tax avoidance, wire fraud, bank fraud, money laundering. The stuff that he's currently serving the better part of a decade for.
can't make it up. show me the link that shows those crimes.
American see this farce by the Democrats and they will not forget or forgive

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

It is improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a US citizen and a political opponent. It was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play. This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine US national security, and advance Russia's strategic objectives in the region."

That's an opinion, not a fact.
American see this farce by the Democrats and they will not forget or forgive

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

It is improper for the President of the United States to demand a foreign government investigate a US citizen and a political opponent. It was also clear that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma, it would be interpreted as a partisan play. This would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing bipartisan support, undermine US national security, and advance Russia's strategic objectives in the region."

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
This truth is firmly self evident
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman says he was concerned by July 25 call because "what I heard was inappropriate"

Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.


  • upload_2019-11-19_12-10-46.png
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Vindman doesn't seem to understand the chain of command. HE isn't in charge of setting policies. And, the fact is that there seems to be a need to investigate Ukrainian corruption, which is what Trump was asking for...Biden isn't even the nominee yet and doesn't look like he's going to get it. Oh, and which US Ambassador to the Ukraine tried to block the Ukrainians from communicating information about corruption to the USA?

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.

Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.

Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.
No it doesn't.
Jim Jordan needs his ass kicked, lying bastard. All he does is filibuster.
Listen up, Kunta Kinte. Jim Jordan has White Privilege and that gives him authority to do what he's doing. You on the other had do not have that luxury. Now go feed the chickens and milk the cows. You have plantation work to do, boy!
Sounds like he got mad because he was left out of an event he thought he should be involved in
Everything in these hearings and since the day of the election is-
The Revenge of the Feelings.
Keep telling yourself that Bubba
it's all out in the open now.

And has been since Trump thwarted the Left by releasing the transcript.

Actually the transcript proves the shakes down. I can't believe Trump was dumb enough to release it. It's the ultimate smoking gun.

Sorry, comrade, it doesn't prove "shakes down" at all. I know that the trolls like you want to claim there is the implication of a "shakes down" but it doesn't wash. The word "though" in the context was used as a conjunction, not an adverb. Nothing conditional implied.

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