And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Trump needs no witnesses

The transcript reveals no impeachable offense

So the Donald is already holding a pat hand

Except it is not a transcript, it is Tramps summary of the call. Tramp refuses to release the call off of a top secret server it was wrongly stored on. Why is that?
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration
The Democrats are struggling desperately they know the outcome and see how the public are going to respond to their stupidity
Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.
Biden is Trashed. A Hairy Man Butt Loving, Bunghole Licking, Jizz Drinking Effeminate failure of a Mayor is leading him in the polls.
This whole thing was devised by Dem rivals to get 2 birds with 1 stone. Done to get Biden out of the race knowing this would come up in the primaries if it got that far. This is one of the reasons Obama didn't endorse him.
Democrats have been yammering about impeachment since the very day trump took office
As was the gop when it appeared Hill would win.

The question is how does it get turned down a notch
Thats fake news

The dems and only dems have declared war on our election process
Sure is. The only thing Jordan failed to mention was that "none of that materialized" because Trump got caught.

We cannot guess at intent on what we see. That is the whole flaw of the impeachment. They cannot prove intent, which is critical. They can only guess at it.
You're right. Intent is very hard to prove. I think Trump's actions are loud enough, but perhaps a technicality like that will save his ass in the end. We'll have to see.

Right. If Trump states I wanted the Bidens investigated because of 2016 and how they went after me when I was a candidate. There is ZERO wrong with that. If Trump states, I wanted the Bidens investigated because Joe is running against me in 2020, that is a major flaw and he gets thrown out of office. But which is it? Trump says its the former but the Democrats state it is the latter. Impossible to prove intent and hence they cannot impeach. Democrats also lost credibility because of the whole Stormy Daniels/Avenatti, Russia Collusion, Strzok and Paige, and now this. You can only cry wolf so many times until people stop listening and may ignore the real wolf. Lastly the Democrats embarrassed themselves yet again by going after Kavanaugh without any proof and later it was revealed that the Ford was pro choice and did it for that reason.
That's got nothing to do with what you and I were just talking about, but if it makes you feel better, I'm happy for ya.

It does because proving Intent is critical.
Hearsay and someone’s word against another person’s word is all they have...

... and still no Russian connection
Schiffs summary of today's evidence is Sondlands assumptions olny. Admitted by Sondland himself
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.
Biden is Trashed. A Hairy Man Butt Loving, Bunghole Licking, Jizz Drinking Effeminate failure of a Mayor is leading him in the polls.
This whole thing was devised by Dem rivals to get 2 birds with 1 stone. Done to get Biden out of the race knowing this would come up in the primaries if it got that far. This is one of the reasons Obama didn't endorse him.
Democrats have been yammering about impeachment since the very day trump took office
As was the gop when it appeared Hill would win.

The question is how does it get turned down a notch
Thats fake news

The dems and only dems have declared war on our election process
of course it is. Go back to Trump news, my friend
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.

But he can spell "willing"
How could we survive without the Spelling Nazi’s?
Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.
Trump did nothing wrong

Deep Staters think they should run the country not the duly elected president
Nunes gave a bizarre performance. He seemed to be making the case that Biden was a bad egg and worth investigating. Begs the question of why he hasnt done so.
He also failed to make the link between Biden being Lucifer and the quid pro quo. Do they not get it or are they just running cover ?

Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community’s Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints

(September 30, 2019) The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) processes complaints or information with respect to alleged urgent concerns in accordance with the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) and the ICIG’s authorizing statute. With respect to the whistleblower complaint received by the ICIG on August 12, 2019, the ICIG processed and reviewed the complaint in accordance with the law. News/2019/September 30 - Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints/ICIG Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints.pdf

Perhaps you should have read a bit further, from your link. My B/U

The law also required that the Complainant provide a complaint or information with respect to an “urgent concern,” which is defined, in relevant part, as: “A serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to the funding, administration, or operation of an intelligence activity within the responsibility and authority of the Director of National Intelligence involving classified information, but does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(G)(i). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined that the Complainant alleged information with respect to such an alleged urgent concern.


the WB went to congress with an urgent concern after his complaint was going to get buried. when he/she did that - they were then instructed to go to the IG.

And I just proved, the ICIG has no jurisdiction. So this so called WB isn't really a WB. is he? He has no claim to remain anonymous because he took his "concern" to the wrong place. My question now is, if Vidman violated the espionage act by reading in someone, about the call, who didn't have a need to know.


Even if he was a whistleblower, the whistleblower act does not guarantee anonymity.

True, but he was not a legitimate WB, period, end of story. He has no protections. shitt is just trying to hid his staffs involvement and coordination with the spy.


I think what it's really about is he (or she) would be dragged into the Senate to answer questions Schiff don't want asked, such as, who did he go to first with his complaint? Who authored his complaint, because anybody that read it stated it was done by a legal professional and not the whistleblower. Did he ever discuss the situation personally with Schiff? Is this an anti-trumper?

Schiff is not worried about protecting the whistleblower, he's worried about protecting himself.
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I can spell "ingenious", apparently you can't, Dummy.:5_1_12024:

And no, Schiff has called HIS witnesses. No a single Rep witness so far.
ROTFLMAO! Ingenuous....look it up..your picture is prominent.

Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Wikipedia.
characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction: an ingenious device; brilliant; resourceful
You unqualified idiot..there is no r in the word i gave you..look..and learn:

ingenuous - definition and meaning

I used in in the naive in you pretending to not know what is going on.....
There is no r in the word I used either, Dummy.

You tried to use a word to describe me. Ingenious describes me. Ingenuous describes YOU. Glad I could clear this up for ya, Simpleton.
Main failure from Democrats.

In the conversations, president Trump mentioned "Hunter Biden", and every time the president says the name "Biden" is not about the Democrat candidate but about the son HUNTER BIDEN, WHO IS NOT RUNNING AS A CANDIDATE, and is not running against president Trump.

It happens to be Hunter Biden is son of a Democrat candidate, but no one is against Biden the candidate but the investigation has been always about the possible corruption where Hunter Biden is involved.

Case closed.
I think I am wrong but had Biden even declared his candidacy when the phone call occurred?
Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.
and he was voted in to do so. so suck it up. 63 million said fk you all.
Name 1 reason why Vindman shouldn’t be Court Martialed.

I think he should get a knock on his door from the FBI. He refuses to say who he talked to in the intel community, there's no proof that individual had a need to know about the call. And these stupid assed congress critters didn't ask that question.

Nunez did three or four times. And then got interrupted. After Vindman stated he had no idea who the whistleblower was, but wouldn't give the name of the CIA guy he spoke to for fear it was him and supposedly no one knows. so what the fk does that mean other than they all think we ain't got brains.
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.
and he was voted in to do so. so suck it up. 63 million said fk you all.

So you think those people elected him to bankrupt the country, like he did his casinos?

"Trump has filed for business bankruptcy four times: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009. Each time, the bankruptcy was a Chapter 11 filing."""
Examining Donald Trump’s Chapter 11 Bankruptcies | ABI

And just so you know, 65,853,625 said fuck YOU to DONALD.
Presidential Election Results
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.
and he was voted in to do so. so suck it up. 63 million said fk you all.
Hillary got a lot of votes also and that is the ONE fact that liberals can hang onto.
However, approx 270 elected officials who are from one half of one half branch of the government should not be able to interfere nor impinge upon the votes of 63 million Americans.
Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
I dont see how any president can serve if everyone around him is dedicated to his downfall

America is coming apart at the seams

It's more that not everyone in his admin is wiling to commit perjury or lie to congress under oath and go to the pokey for him. They either quit or flip. And it's not like this was unexpected. He's trying to run the country like he did his casino building biz.
and he was voted in to do so. so suck it up. 63 million said fk you all.

So you think those people elected him to bankrupt the country, like he did his casinos?

"Trump has filed for business bankruptcy four times: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009. Each time, the bankruptcy was a Chapter 11 filing."""
Examining Donald Trump’s Chapter 11 Bankruptcies | ABI

And just so you know, 65,853,625 said fuck YOU to DONALD.
Presidential Election Results
4/5 bankruptcies out of 500 ventures, Fact.
Last edited:
"Trump has filed for business bankruptcy four times: the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment Resorts in 2009. Each time, the bankruptcy was a Chapter 11 filing."""

Actually a pretty good record given the fact Trump owned or operated over 500 companies in his career.

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