Wow, just wow president Trump's subordinates armchair quarterbacking the president on foreign policy and eavesdropping on the presidents phone calls.


Shut up you stupid moron you are clueless. That government employee hack testifying this morning is NOT paid to eavesdrop on a phone call between president Trump and an ambassador while sitting at a table eating dinner. How embarrassing for you, run away and hide.
Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).
Yes but we have EVIDENCE OF HER FELONIES....

All YOU GOT is HE HURT MY FEELINGS, AND "PRESUMED" with nothing else!

What evidence do you have that Hillary committed felonies? Why haven't you revealed this evidence? Why haven't any of the more than 20 investigations ever produced any of this evidence?

Trump has ONE investigation, out of which come 5 credible charges of obstruction of justice, and a second impeachment investigation where he's already admitted to abuse of power.

I'm starting to wonder if all of this pissing around in the Ukraine is Trump's hissy fit because the Ukrainians revealed Manafort's corruption with the Black Ledger.

Are you high? Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence regarding classified information in his presser. He said she was simply too stupid to be prosecuted. I don't think that is a legal standard not to prosecute.

Also Ukraine did much more to interfere in the 2016 election other than just exposing Manafort's work there. The Ukraine ambassador put out an Op-Ed against Trump, others in Ukraine put out public statements questioning his fitness for office.

Hill this morning acted like it was only Russia that tried to interfere, like that would preclude Ukraine form doing it also, it doesn't.

Witness after witness confirming that there was in fact a Quid Pro Quo that came from Trump and was designed to leverage U.S. resources to personally benefit himself while leveraging a foreign nation to attempt to influence our elections.

Republicans will get to decide if they want side with America or Trump.
SEAL Who Shot Bin Laden Trashes Vindman as 'Operative with an Agenda'

The former Navy SEAL who sent Osama Bin Laden to the grave weighed in on a star witness in the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, and it wasn’t pretty.

Robert O’Neill slammed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman Tuesday for his allegedly partisan motives in the Democrats’ attempt to oust the president.


O’Neill wrote. “I wish the left wouldn’t use his uniform to make him a saint. He’s an operative with an agenda.”


The lieutenant colonel even went outside his chain of command, a move that lends weight to the theory he is simply an anti-Trump operative taking the one chance he had to hurt the president.


O’Neill wasn’t the only hero to chime in on Vindman’s role in the impeachment process.

Mark Geist, a Marine veteran who fought against militants attacking the United States consulate in Benghazi, also appears to have a low opinion of Soviet Union-born officer.

“Vindman is a disgrace to all who have served. Transcript of his previous closed door testimony he clearly admits to undermining the @POTUS foreign policy and now he has chairman Schiff advising him on how to answer questions,” Geist wrote, ending his tweet with hashtags labeling Vindman a traitor and POS.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..
Didn’t Sondland say his perceived Quid Pro Quo was for a meeting at the White House and had jack Schitt to do with Biden?

Isn’t that what he said before backtracking that Trump told him no quid pro quo?

These leftist loons don't get it.

These investigations into Burisma and 2016 elections are not about Biden. It's about whole Democrat plot to hijack the elections and blame it on someone else. Biden as Biden is irrelevant, it's much bigger picture with many other players involved, probably going to the top.

I start liking these "impeachment inquiry" hearings. With every witness they call we learn more about how deep this rabbit hole goes and what they're capable of doing to cover the tracks.
Witness after witness confirming that there was in fact a Quid Pro Quo that came from Trump and was designed to leverage U.S. resources to personally benefit himself while leveraging a foreign nation to attempt to influence our elections.

Republicans will get to decide if they want side with America or Trump.
Gotta love how Pelousy is scheduling votes immediately after the Dimwingers bore America to death with their lawyer asking witnesses about their feelings, impressions, and opinions.

I guess they hope America tunes out before the Republicans destroy the latest bullshit "witnesses".
What happened to cut and dry?

It was cut and dry. Facts state that aid was released. We don't know the "why". That is conjecture, Enrique.

Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?

Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

We're talking about your cut and dry video. Jordan sat there and listened to sworn testimony as to a quid pro quo requirement and testimony of efforts to get the aid released, and then he posited that failure equaled innocence. It's propaganda for useful idiots.

Impossible to garner his intent? You're not serious. His obstruction leaves room for deniability, but only colonic breathers can avoid it.

Go ahead and read all the previous presidents' transcripts you like. None are relevant to the issue at hand.
How is that a criminal act? We have no obligation to give them money. When we do give money, why would we give it to a country that reeks of corruption? When they start cracking down on corruption, then we’ll be willing to to give them aid. Nothing wrong, immoral, or illegal about it.

You also haven’t cited which law this supposedly breaks.

The fact that a corruption investigation would look bad for old Joe, isn’t an excuse to prevent such an investigation. Maybe if Dems don’t like being outted as corrupt then they shouldn’t be such corrupt assholes, eh?
The corruption allegations against Joe Biden were NOT CREDIBLE. According to everyone who has testified so far. Including the million-dollar Trump supporter Sondland, who the Republicans thought were on "their side."

When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee?
That is another FUCKING LIE there has never been an investigation into Biden, his son and his involvement with HIS EXTORTION....IF SO POST IT, and not just some left wing pundit saying so....we can wait!
Oh. THAT investigation. The one investigating the shit you guys made up. There was a clear investigation into Burisma by Ukraine, and the actors/timeline all involved situations BEFORE Hunter went on their board.
There is absolutely no evidence, except an active and hostile imagination on your part, to support that there was any extortion involved.
Fact check: What Joe and Hunter Biden actually did in Ukraine
You mean the CORRUPT UKRAINE INVESTIGATING idiots are the ones that pushed that fallacy...and FACT CHECK is another SOROS FUNDED organization through his shell companies

Ukraine Wants To Probe the Company That Paid Hunter Biden. But It's 'Too Sensitive'
Wanting to investigate what and why they paid Hunter Biden is definitely jumping into America's domestic political arena.

We already know at least one thing they paid him for, access to the maobama State Dept. Burisma reps evoked his name when asking for meetings.

Witness after witness confirming that there was in fact a Quid Pro Quo that came from Trump and was designed to leverage U.S. resources to personally benefit himself while leveraging a foreign nation to attempt to influence our elections.

Republicans will get to decide if they want side with America or Trump.

So how would Trump leverage anything? This has nothing to do with the elections which are almost a year away.
What kind of investigation will the Senate open up when it comes to trying Trump? Will they expand the investigation into Biden, his son and other Democrats? This maybe a can that the Democrats really don’t want to open and let Republicans run with.

Open it.


Not for me to decide, I am just watching the show. Like I said it will be interesting. Both sides are going to calculate what they have to gain and lose. Either way I will look good for not voting for any of the morons. Don't think we can say the same about you.
Gotta love how Pelousy is scheduling votes immediately after the Dimwingers bore America to death with their lawyer asking witnesses about their feelings, impressions, and opinions.

I guess they hope America tunes out before the Republicans destroy the latest bullshit "witnesses".

Well Pelosi sure needs to do something. Those testimonies this morning sure as hell didn't advance the Democrat's narrative about "quid pro quo."
Nunes gave a bizarre performance. He seemed to be making the case that Biden was a bad egg and worth investigating. Begs the question of why he hasnt done so.
He also failed to make the link between Biden being Lucifer and the quid pro quo. Do they not get it or are they just running cover ?

I think both sides need to run for cover. Republicans will cover and justify, the Democrats will cover and justify. If Trump is impeached, I don't think the Senate will convict but they will sure as heck go after Biden and the Democrats. Sad that the partisan politics has sunk to this level. It didn't start with Obama or Trump and sadly it will not end for a long time.
Today's Schifferbrain's STAR WITNESS, Fiona Hill, pushed against provided defensive weapons to the Ukraine in 2015.

It was cut and dry. Facts state that aid was released. We don't know the "why". That is conjecture, Enrique.

Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?

Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

We're talking about your cut and dry video. Jordan sat there and listened to sworn testimony as to a quid pro quo requirement and testimony of efforts to get the aid released, and then he posited that failure equaled innocence. It's propaganda for useful idiots.

Impossible to garner his intent? You're not serious. His obstruction leaves room for deniability, but only colonic breathers can avoid it.

Go ahead and read all the previous presidents' transcripts you like. None are relevant to the issue at hand.

Why are you so angry? Nothing in my post was not factual. Not one iota. You ignored that. LOL.

In order to prove QPQ you have to prove intent and that is very difficult. For instance we are debating here. Is my intent to defend Trump or is my intent to ridicule you, because you're an asshole Leftist douchebag and the primary reason that Independents like myself gave you the middle finger and voted for Trump? Which is it? Can you prove my intent? No? Now if you clearly hear me stating my intent you can but let's take this example further, Miguel. Am I doing this to defend Trump or to piss you off because I find people like you to be parasites?

Which is it do you think and how do you prove which it is?

I'll patiently await your response.
The democrats are deciding to either push forward with impeachment and lose big in the Senate and in 2020, or cut their losses and just file to censure Trump for his over-stepping of authority. I hope the dems go for the gold with impeachment. I want to see the Senate call the following witnesses: Hunter Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, McCabe, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to better define the various coup attempts against Trump.

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