I thought we were talking bribery. When did the Dimms abandon that? Yesterday???

Now Pelosi is going for "obstruction of Congress", which is exactly what those House Democrats have been doing for three years.

Funny how that branding change from Quid Pro Quo to Bribery was abandoned the moment that Sondland said Quid Pro Quo.

They are such insufferable jagoffs
I was wondering when this ridiculous charade is over, it's so embarrassing for the Democrats that it's hard to watch and I ain't even a lib/dem. All I've heard so far is supposition, presumption, innuendo, my personal guess is. Guys, you don't impeach a President based on that shit.
Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?

Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

We're talking about your cut and dry video. Jordan sat there and listened to sworn testimony as to a quid pro quo requirement and testimony of efforts to get the aid released, and then he posited that failure equaled innocence. It's propaganda for useful idiots.

Impossible to garner his intent? You're not serious. His obstruction leaves room for deniability, but only colonic breathers can avoid it.

Go ahead and read all the previous presidents' transcripts you like. None are relevant to the issue at hand.

Why are you so angry? Nothing in my post was not factual. Not one iota. You ignored that. LOL.

In order to prove QPQ you have to prove intent and that is very difficult. For instance we are debating here. Is my intent to defend Trump or is my intent to ridicule you, because you're an asshole Leftist douchebag and the primary reason that Independents like myself gave you the middle finger and voted for Trump? Which is it? Can you prove my intent? No? Now if you clearly hear me stating my intent you can but let's take this example further, Miguel. Am I doing this to defend Trump or to piss you off because I find people like you to be parasites?

Which is it do you think and how do you prove which it is?

I'll patiently await your response.

I'm not angry, and you're a one-trick pony to keep offering that as if it were meaningful.

Tit-for-tat carries its own intent. Think about it.

As to your further gibberish about parasites, douchebags and so forth, it's not of interest.

Sorry to hold you up, but it took a second to find this. It's your oeuvre:

Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Your understanding is shit. Everyone knows this.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

In case you missed it, that's you jumping in to level your triggered b.s. One trick.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the whistleblowner..lol

Of course, because it's illegal to file false charges. They should send him the bill for all this and add our time, pain, and suffering to the millions who has to watch this farce and had our normal TV interupted. And they complain about waterboarding ..... oy!

They should determine if he had a legitimate need to know about the call, which was classified at the time. If not, the people he spoke to could be in a world of hurt.


The call was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time. That's why it was unusual to place it on the super secret classified hard drive. Why would you place an unclassified call on the super classified server?

Trump released the Call Memo himself thinking he could gaslight people into believing there was no extortion, and muddying the waters with Crowdstrike and the Bidens, but witness after witness is utterly destroying both lines of defence.

Every call between world leaders are classified. If you look at the header of the transcript it was originally classified as Secret. Trump removed the classification to allow for public release. That was done AFTER THE LEAKS.

Nunes is a waste of good oxygen. Every time he has the floor, all he does is rant about Democrats. I listened to him once or twice, but now turn him off.

Of course, he will never even recognize that the focus of this investigation is the conduct of the "president" while in office. This has absolutely nothing to do with either Biden. This Ukraine stuff appears to be a scheme to let his beloved Russians off the hook by framing the Ukrainians and help him with his re-election effort at the same time.
Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
The democrats are deciding to either push forward with impeachment and lose big in the Senate and in 2020, or cut their losses and just file to censure Trump for his over-stepping of authority. I hope the dems go for the gold with impeachment. I want to see the Senate call the following witnesses: Hunter Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, McCabe, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to better define the various coup attempts against Trump.

I'm guessing you're right, they'll go for the Censure and tell the Far Left lunatics to STFU. Which they won't do, of course. If the House votes on impeachment and it fails, they're fucked. If it passes and the Senate conducts a trial with all the attendant subpoenas the Senate can do, they're still fucked. No Senate Dem is going to risk losing their seat to this nonsense unless they come from a deep blue state. And the House Dems are going to be decimated IMHO, a bunch of them are going to get fired next year in the elections. As they should be, for not doing the job they told the voters they would do.
The democrats are deciding to either push forward with impeachment and lose big in the Senate and in 2020, or cut their losses and just file to censure Trump for his over-stepping of authority. I hope the dems go for the gold with impeachment. I want to see the Senate call the following witnesses: Hunter Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, McCabe, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to better define the various coup attempts against Trump.

None of those people will be called because they have no direct evidence to the President's crimes. They weren't in on the phone call, nor are they even in government. The impeachment is to answer the charges against the President. The people you name have no bearing on the President's abuse of power and attempts to extort the President of the Ukraine.

Everyday of the public hearing, the public has heard testimony of just how corrupt and amoral this President really is. It doesn't matter whether his allegations against the Biden's are true or false. What's important is they announce investigations so he can call Biden corrupt on the campaign trail. While the Ukrainian people died.

Bribery using American taxpayers' money. Extortion. Abuse of Power in the Yovanavich smears. Obstruction of Congress.

I loved Fiona Hill lecturing Devon Nunes about calling the Russian Investigation a "hoax" and call other Republicans for promoting a Russian propraganda narrative meant to undermine American security. She warned again that Russia interfered in the last election and aided in Trump's election, and neither Trump, nor the Republican Congress and Senate have done nearly enough to safeguard the 2020 elections.

All through Devon Nunes opening rant about how Democrats are "caught", I was reminded of General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and George Papadopolous are all either in jail, or awaiting sentencing, for crimes committing for or at the direct behest of Donald Trump, and yet not one single Democrat is facing charges, or is under indictment. Similarly, NONE of the FBI, CIA, or NSA people Republicans claim are so corrupt, are facing a single charge.

So Mr. Nunez, who exactly has been caught? Why haven't they been charged with crimes? Why are only Trump and his pals going to jail? Who exactly is being impeached here?
Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

We're talking about your cut and dry video. Jordan sat there and listened to sworn testimony as to a quid pro quo requirement and testimony of efforts to get the aid released, and then he posited that failure equaled innocence. It's propaganda for useful idiots.

Impossible to garner his intent? You're not serious. His obstruction leaves room for deniability, but only colonic breathers can avoid it.

Go ahead and read all the previous presidents' transcripts you like. None are relevant to the issue at hand.

Why are you so angry? Nothing in my post was not factual. Not one iota. You ignored that. LOL.

In order to prove QPQ you have to prove intent and that is very difficult. For instance we are debating here. Is my intent to defend Trump or is my intent to ridicule you, because you're an asshole Leftist douchebag and the primary reason that Independents like myself gave you the middle finger and voted for Trump? Which is it? Can you prove my intent? No? Now if you clearly hear me stating my intent you can but let's take this example further, Miguel. Am I doing this to defend Trump or to piss you off because I find people like you to be parasites?

Which is it do you think and how do you prove which it is?

I'll patiently await your response.

I'm not angry, and you're a one-trick pony to keep offering that as if it were meaningful.

Tit-for-tat carries its own intent. Think about it.

As to your further gibberish about parasites, douchebags and so forth, it's not of interest.

Sorry to hold you up, but it took a second to find this. It's your oeuvre:

Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Your understanding is shit. Everyone knows this.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

In case you missed it, that's you jumping in to level your triggered b.s. One trick.

Diego, this is not a conversation. Respond to my question or troll elsewhere. You also did not use the word "ouvre" correctly. You tried to look smart and failed.
So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

We're talking about your cut and dry video. Jordan sat there and listened to sworn testimony as to a quid pro quo requirement and testimony of efforts to get the aid released, and then he posited that failure equaled innocence. It's propaganda for useful idiots.

Impossible to garner his intent? You're not serious. His obstruction leaves room for deniability, but only colonic breathers can avoid it.

Go ahead and read all the previous presidents' transcripts you like. None are relevant to the issue at hand.

Why are you so angry? Nothing in my post was not factual. Not one iota. You ignored that. LOL.

In order to prove QPQ you have to prove intent and that is very difficult. For instance we are debating here. Is my intent to defend Trump or is my intent to ridicule you, because you're an asshole Leftist douchebag and the primary reason that Independents like myself gave you the middle finger and voted for Trump? Which is it? Can you prove my intent? No? Now if you clearly hear me stating my intent you can but let's take this example further, Miguel. Am I doing this to defend Trump or to piss you off because I find people like you to be parasites?

Which is it do you think and how do you prove which it is?

I'll patiently await your response.

I'm not angry, and you're a one-trick pony to keep offering that as if it were meaningful.

Tit-for-tat carries its own intent. Think about it.

As to your further gibberish about parasites, douchebags and so forth, it's not of interest.

Sorry to hold you up, but it took a second to find this. It's your oeuvre:

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
My understanding was Vindman wasn't on the call.....his twin brother claimed to be.
Your understanding is shit. Everyone knows this.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

In case you missed it, that's you jumping in to level your triggered b.s. One trick.

Diego, this is not a conversation. Respond to my question or troll elsewhere. You also did not use the word "ouvre" correctly. You tried to look smart and failed.

Oh, please, I used it perfectly for a bullshit artiste.
Witness after witness confirming that there was in fact a Quid Pro Quo that came from Trump and was designed to leverage U.S. resources to personally benefit himself while leveraging a foreign nation to attempt to influence our elections.

Republicans will get to decide if they want side with America or Trump.

So how would Trump leverage anything? This has nothing to do with the elections which are almost a year away.

LOL, are you actually dumb or just pretending?
The democrats are deciding to either push forward with impeachment and lose big in the Senate and in 2020, or cut their losses and just file to censure Trump for his over-stepping of authority. I hope the dems go for the gold with impeachment. I want to see the Senate call the following witnesses: Hunter Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, McCabe, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to better define the various coup attempts against Trump.

I'm guessing you're right, they'll go for the Censure and tell the Far Left lunatics to STFU. Which they won't do, of course. If the House votes on impeachment and it fails, they're fucked. If it passes and the Senate conducts a trial with all the attendant subpoenas the Senate can do, they're still fucked. No Senate Dem is going to risk losing their seat to this nonsense unless they come from a deep blue state. And the House Dems are going to be decimated IMHO, a bunch of them are going to get fired next year in the elections. As they should be, for not doing the job they told the voters they would do.

Totally agree. Pelosi is supposed to be a very shrewd vote counter so she knows the outcomes. If she pulls the plug on impeachment after the democrats smeared Trump on all the TV channels all week long, that may be the optimum outcome for the democrats. The only way I see Trump coming out winning by a landslide is if Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz come thru with a ton of indictments proving the democrat and deep state coup attempts. Stay tuned, December should be interesting.
The democrats are deciding to either push forward with impeachment and lose big in the Senate and in 2020, or cut their losses and just file to censure Trump for his over-stepping of authority. I hope the dems go for the gold with impeachment. I want to see the Senate call the following witnesses: Hunter Biden, Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), Comey, Strzok, Page, the Ohrs, McCabe, and the rest of the deep state conspirators to better define the various coup attempts against Trump.

None of those people will be called because they have no direct evidence to the President's crimes. They weren't in on the phone call, nor are they even in government. The impeachment is to answer the charges against the President. The people you name have no bearing on the President's abuse of power and attempts to extort the President of the Ukraine.

Everyday of the public hearing, the public has heard testimony of just how corrupt and amoral this President really is. It doesn't matter whether his allegations against the Biden's are true or false. What's important is they announce investigations so he can call Biden corrupt on the campaign trail. While the Ukrainian people died.

Bribery using American taxpayers' money. Extortion. Abuse of Power in the Yovanavich smears. Obstruction of Congress.

I loved Fiona Hill lecturing Devon Nunes about calling the Russian Investigation a "hoax" and call other Republicans for promoting a Russian propraganda narrative meant to undermine American security. She warned again that Russia interfered in the last election and aided in Trump's election, and neither Trump, nor the Republican Congress and Senate have done nearly enough to safeguard the 2020 elections.

All through Devon Nunes opening rant about how Democrats are "caught", I was reminded of General Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and George Papadopolous are all either in jail, or awaiting sentencing, for crimes committing for or at the direct behest of Donald Trump, and yet not one single Democrat is facing charges, or is under indictment. Similarly, NONE of the FBI, CIA, or NSA people Republicans claim are so corrupt, are facing a single charge.

So Mr. Nunez, who exactly has been caught? Why haven't they been charged with crimes? Why are only Trump and his pals going to jail? Who exactly is being impeached here?

The Senate can call whoever they want to call. Its a "trial" so there are no limits on the defense, especially if they want to prove a conspiracy against Trump from the day he announced he's running. The FBI/DOJ FISA abuses, the democrats' Steele Dossier and using foreign intel assets, the justification for the Mueller Investigation into "Russian Collusion", and now the very weak case against Trump for bribery, extortion, obstruction, abuse of power, etc.

Lindsey Graham will be very thorough. Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Hunter Biden, Ciaramella, and the rest should be very frightened...
Last edited:
Gotta love how Pelousy is scheduling votes immediately after the Dimwingers bore America to death with their lawyer asking witnesses about their feelings, impressions, and opinions.

I guess they hope America tunes out before the Republicans destroy the latest bullshit "witnesses".

Well Pelosi sure needs to do something. Those testimonies this morning sure as hell didn't advance the Democrat's narrative about "quid pro quo."
The Republicans should have shelled out for a better lawyer. Their guy looks like a weasel and sounds like he has trouble grasping the facts with all his stuttering and stammering.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the whistleblowner..lol

Of course, because it's illegal to file false charges. They should send him the bill for all this and add our time, pain, and suffering to the millions who has to watch this farce and had our normal TV interupted. And they complain about waterboarding ..... oy!

They should determine if he had a legitimate need to know about the call, which was classified at the time. If not, the people he spoke to could be in a world of hurt.


The call was NOT CLASSIFIED at the time. That's why it was unusual to place it on the super secret classified hard drive. Why would you place an unclassified call on the super classified server?

Trump released the Call Memo himself thinking he could gaslight people into believing there was no extortion, and muddying the waters with Crowdstrike and the Bidens, but witness after witness is utterly destroying both lines of defence.
What planet do you live on?
Trump won fair and square at the polls in 2016.

Suck a big fat bag of Richards , Dimms, and run someone better in 2020.

You cucks are like 3 year olds who lost a game of tick tack toe.

Suck it up you fucking pansies.
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So the next batch of “witnesses” will be deaf people and the Shitts Crew will take their “testimony” about what they overheard. Since they can’t hear the Dems will then speculate what they would have heard if they could hear and use that as grounds for impeachment
Suspension of reality and fact still in full effect
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Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I was wondering when this ridiculous charade is over, it's so embarrassing for the Democrats that it's hard to watch and I ain't even a lib/dem.

The libs and Dems are all very proud of how we're proving your DearLeader is a criminal, and proving that his cult is composed of gutless liars.

Nice concern troll act, though. You're really desperate for us to stop kicking your ass.

All I've heard so far is supposition, presumption, innuendo, my personal guess is. Guys, you don't impeach a President based on that shit.

Good thing we've got so many facts then.

Go on. Lie about that, by parroting what your cult told you to say. Cry some more. It won't change a thing. You're just preaching to your fringe cult choir. Everyone outside of your cult knows that you're lying.

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