Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Look dummy, what is president Trump supposed to do turn a blind eye to the Biden's corruption

And that's exactly what he did do, right up until he saw Biden as a political opponent.

That's why we know he and you are lying.

Plus, there's no evidence of corruption by Biden. Trump is lying about that, and so are you. You're pushing that faked conspiracy theory to have an excuse to smear Biden.

LMAO so you are mad Trump is now looking into the Biden's corruption, when you were previously mad that Trump wasn't looking into the Biden's corruption. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Maybe Trump should have been investigating Franklin Templeton.
Trump isn't investigating anyone.

Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
You should learn the Constitution better, Executive Branch power is vested IN THE PRESIDENT. The DOJ derives it's authority from the President, not the other way around.
Breaking: Dem congressman from Oregon organizes witness intimidation and boycotts of Ambassador Sondland's family hotel business. The left are sending his wife threatening emails, harassing's them on yelp, and picketing their hotels in an attempt to intimidate Sondland into bashing Trump. Shocker /sarcasm

So what conspiracy website told you to parrot that? After all, everyone knows you don't have the brains to come up with your own talking points.

Anways, nice attempt at deflection from what violent thugs you all are. There's a reason the Lt. Col. and his family to go into protective custody. And you love that. You want every witness against Trump to feel the same degree of threat.
Trump Impeachment Inquiry
Published 1 hour ago
Sondland says his family, businesses receiving threats over role in Trump impeachment inquiry
By Tyler Olson | Fox News
Trump won fair and square at the polls in 2016.

Suck a big fat bag of Richardson , Dimms, and run someone better in 2020.

You cucks are like 3 year olds who lost a game of tick tack toe.

Suck it up you fucking pansies.

Over 3 million voters were never trumpers during the election in Nov. 2016; since then it is likely that double that number are never trumpers, and every day the numbers get larger.

You made this shit up, didn't you? I know, you're entitled to your opinion, but how many Dems have left the party in the last few years? More than the increase in never-Trumpers, I'm betting. I suspect the number of never-Trumpers may be less than you think, considering the clown circus that is the Democrat presidential candidates. JMO.
HMM: Ukrainian MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln.

“Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the ‘family’ of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which they said has ties to the U.S. Democratic Party.”
Well, stay tuned.

Maybe Trump should have been investigating Franklin Templeton.
Trump isn't investigating anyone.

Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
No announcement was required prior to releasing the aid even though such a requirement would have been perfectly reasonable.
How is that a criminal act? We have no obligation to give them money. When we do give money, why would we give it to a country that reeks of corruption? When they start cracking down on corruption, then we’ll be willing to to give them aid. Nothing wrong, immoral, or illegal about it.

You also haven’t cited which law this supposedly breaks.

The fact that a corruption investigation would look bad for old Joe, isn’t an excuse to prevent such an investigation. Maybe if Dems don’t like being outted as corrupt then they shouldn’t be such corrupt assholes, eh?
The corruption allegations against Joe Biden were NOT CREDIBLE. According to everyone who has testified so far. Including the million-dollar Trump supporter Sondland, who the Republicans thought were on "their side."

When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee?

The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

530 posts in 52 days? LilOlLady has 8911 post in 10+ years. Which of you posts at a faster rate?
I was referring to ones with 20,000 a year. Lillady said so do I post tens of thousands. Again, public school math. One board. Less than 10 a day on the entire web.
I bet my life there are 5 other boards you are not including. Anyway I was talking about tens of thousands people.


No sweat, I'm sure. We needed someone else to count posts and grade lives accordingly.

When a poster is posting over 1,000 posts a month, that's 30+ posts per day, 7 days a week. Then there's the use of Russian sources of proven "fake news" site which link to Russian sources.

These are the posters who start the most threads - all of them linking to fake news sites and all of them defending/praising Trump, and all of them denigrating liberals and non-whites.
Laws of mercy, Ms. Dragonlady. You're so brainwashed you see brillance when you look into the mirror of your mind.

Ever occur to you that those of us on the Right are right? Well, it's true.

President Trump won the election in 2016. Plz try harder to get used to it, 'kay?

We know y'all to be poor widdle lambs who have gone astray for quite some time.
It was all over our local Oregon news last night you dimwitted retard. Video of the leftists picketing. I'll summarize, STFU idiot. :eusa_hand:

I better leave you alone, as you've clearly been triggered hard by my liberal reliance on facts and logic. I should have been more considerate of your need for a SafeSpace.

The point, of course, you're still giggling about the threats to the Lt. Col. and his family that mandated him going into protective custody. That's how brownshirts roll. You're trying to deflect from your side's brownshirt life-philosophy by accusing liberals of doing the thing that you do.
Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).
Yes but we have EVIDENCE OF HER FELONIES....

All YOU GOT is HE HURT MY FEELINGS, AND "PRESUMED" with nothing else!

What evidence do you have that Hillary committed felonies? Why haven't you revealed this evidence? Why haven't any of the more than 20 investigations ever produced any of this evidence?

Trump has ONE investigation, out of which come 5 credible charges of obstruction of justice, and a second impeachment investigation where he's already admitted to abuse of power.

I'm starting to wonder if all of this pissing around in the Ukraine is Trump's hissy fit because the Ukrainians revealed Manafort's corruption with the Black Ledger.
That's a good point.
Ever occur to you that those of us on the Right are right?

Yes, it always occur to us that we could be wrong. However, all the facts say you're wrong, hence we go with the facts and conclude that you're wrong.

Remember, you're talking to liberals, so you can't just present your feelings and demand that we agree. That works with your cult, but liberals demand evidence. You never have any evidence to back up your lunatic claims, so we correctly conclude that you're just faking it all.
Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question...
Obama delayed it and NEVER released it, you have not answered that one question.

Obama delayed it because of corruption within the Ukraine government. The money was released and probably after the prosecutor general was fired 3 or 4 months later after Biden's visit in December.

The prosecutor general at that time did not do a thing about corruption within the Ukraine government

They were concern that money given to Ukraine would not be used for the specific purpose that it was sent there for

Ukraine was widely believed by almost everyone including European governments including the IMF to be corrupt

IMF threaten to withhold money if Ukraine did not clean up there act

OB, Europeans, IMF did not ask for anything in return other than having the Ukraines become serious about corruption in their government. This mostly centered around the prosecutor general and his office. They only wanted Ukraine government to clean up their act.

Since 2016 the prosecutor general was fired and replaced.

Elections were held and a new government is in place

Pointing to OB withholding money as if it was the same reason that Trump was withholding aid ignores the reasons that each used for withholding money....
No. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on earth. The new government was recently seated and Trump released the lethal aid without conditions, even though conditions are perfectly normal in foreign relations. These new folks are supposed to be less corrupt, after Trump had an opportunity to speak with hijm a few times, he released the money before the end of the quarter, without preconditions. He clearly stated to one of the few witnesses with first hand information that he wanted no quid pro quo, even though quid pro quos are fine, he just wanted the President to do what he said he would do when he was running fore office, and that's perfectly fair.
... The difference is Trump wanted an investigation into Biden and his son...
They should be investigated.
... Trump even talked about a server that belong to the DNC and Cloudstrike...
If they are available, they should be examined.
... All things that were political issues in the US not in Ukraine...
They all pertain to Ukraine's attempts at influencing the 2016 election, likely arranged by Democrats.
... Obama did not have his private lawyer go to Ukraine to find dirt on a political opponent
Obama helped pay for the Dossier and the payments were laundered through a private law-firm, and you never said squat.

The president is skeptical about the prudence of pouring foreign aid out of our Treasury when we are $23 trillion in debt. He is skeptical about funding that entangles the United States in conflicts which may not be in our vital national interests. And he is skeptical about Ukraine, a pervasively corrupt country in which the competing factions feature elements that reject Western principles of liberalism, pluralism, and respect for human rights..

While I agree with The Deep State's belief that Ukraine, for all its flaws, is worth supporting for the greater good of thwarting the Kremlin, it does not mean the fantasy depiction of Ukraine is any more accurate than our Deep State's delusions about sharia-democracy promotion in the Middle East.

You can certainly disagree with President Trump’s skepticism about Ukraine. But you cannot credibly say that harboring doubts is irrational, nor deny that, notwithstanding his doubts, the current president has done far more for Ukraine’s security than the last one.

Ukraine Government: Corrupt, Authoritarian, Venal | National Review
Except the President's reasons are clear, from his own words "They tried to take me down" in 2016. That's ALL this is about, with a whole lot of help from Giuliani, for whatever reason.
He's correct. It is in our NATIONAL INTEREST to get to the bottom of Ukraine's interference in the 2016 election.

And to the Intelligence Operation coordinated by the Obama Administration and his leftovers.


Sorry: It’s Lt. Col. Vindman! How did vets and enlisted people react to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s ‘Don’t call me ma’am’ moment?

“Multiple combat veterans have told me they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command.”​
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

530 posts in 52 days? LilOlLady has 8911 post in 10+ years. Which of you posts at a faster rate?
I was referring to ones with 20,000 a year. Lillady said so do I post tens of thousands. Again, public school math. One board. Less than 10 a day on the entire web.
I bet my life there are 5 other boards you are not including. Anyway I was talking about tens of thousands people.


No sweat, I'm sure. We needed someone else to count posts and grade lives accordingly.

When a poster is posting over 1,000 posts a month, that's 30+ posts per day, 7 days a week. Then there's the use of Russian sources of proven "fake news" site which link to Russian sources.

These are the posters who start the most threads - all of them linking to fake news sites and all of them defending/praising Trump, and all of them denigrating liberals and non-whites.
Laws of mercy, Ms. Dragonlady. You're so brainwashed you see brillance when you look into the mirror of your mind.

Ever occur to you that those of us on the Right are right? Well, it's true.

President Trump won the election in 2016. Plz try harder to get used to it, 'kay?

We know y'all to be poor widdle lambs who have gone astray for quite some time.

But you aren't right.
How is that a criminal act? We have no obligation to give them money. When we do give money, why would we give it to a country that reeks of corruption? When they start cracking down on corruption, then we’ll be willing to to give them aid. Nothing wrong, immoral, or illegal about it.

You also haven’t cited which law this supposedly breaks.

The fact that a corruption investigation would look bad for old Joe, isn’t an excuse to prevent such an investigation. Maybe if Dems don’t like being outted as corrupt then they shouldn’t be such corrupt assholes, eh?
The corruption allegations against Joe Biden were NOT CREDIBLE. According to everyone who has testified so far. Including the million-dollar Trump supporter Sondland, who the Republicans thought were on "their side."

When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee?
That is another FUCKING LIE there has never been an investigation into Biden, his son and his involvement with HIS EXTORTION....IF SO POST IT, and not just some left wing pundit saying so....we can wait!
Oh. THAT investigation. The one investigating the shit you guys made up. There was a clear investigation into Burisma by Ukraine, and the actors/timeline all involved situations BEFORE Hunter went on their board.
There is absolutely no evidence, except an active and hostile imagination on your part, to support that there was any extortion involved.
Fact check: What Joe and Hunter Biden actually did in Ukraine
You mean the CORRUPT UKRAINE INVESTIGATING ITSELF...you idiots are the ones that pushed that fallacy...and FACT CHECK is another SOROS FUNDED organization through his shell companies

Ukraine Wants To Probe the Company That Paid Hunter Biden. But It's 'Too Sensitive'
Wanting to investigate what and why they paid Hunter Biden is definitely jumping into America's domestic political arena.

No, it’s jumping into the Obama/Biden Quid Pro Quo corruption deal they had with Ukraine.
Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

Isn't he a gay? Or was that the other Dem loser from Texas?

Yuppers, he's gay or bi or something else. But after Rump, there is one hell of a lot of leeway these days.

I got bad news for Dem's, blacks and Hispanics are not going to vote for a homo. When blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly in California to ban gay marriage I would have thought Dem's learned their lesson.

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