Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.

Barr isn’t investigating Biden. He’s investigating the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA - the agencies which carried out the Russia investigation. Barr has specifically denied that he has any part in Trump’s investigation of Joe Biden.
Trump suggested Ukraine should look into Biden, because it really looks bad and I heartily agree. Ukraine's interference with our election IS being looked into, and Biden's demonstrated ability to crack the whip and command Ukraine's near instantaneous obedience is very important to understand.

As president and chief executive Trump can't turn a blind eye to corruption just because its by a former VP and Dem primary candidate. Why would Biden be immune just because he's running for office?
That is another FUCKING LIE there has never been an investigation into Biden, his son and his involvement with HIS EXTORTION....IF SO POST IT, and not just some left wing pundit saying so....we can wait!
Oh. THAT investigation. The one investigating the shit you guys made up. There was a clear investigation into Burisma by Ukraine, and the actors/timeline all involved situations BEFORE Hunter went on their board.
There is absolutely no evidence, except an active and hostile imagination on your part, to support that there was any extortion involved.
Fact check: What Joe and Hunter Biden actually did in Ukraine
You mean the CORRUPT UKRAINE INVESTIGATING idiots are the ones that pushed that fallacy...and FACT CHECK is another SOROS FUNDED organization through his shell companies

Ukraine Wants To Probe the Company That Paid Hunter Biden. But It's 'Too Sensitive'
Wanting to investigate what and why they paid Hunter Biden is definitely jumping into America's domestic political arena.

No, it’s jumping into the Obama/Biden Quid Pro Quo corruption deal they had with Ukraine.
The Deep State War Mongers want to reassert control over US foreign policy and tear it out of the hands of the duly elected president.

Tulsi Gabbard Slams Kamala Harris’ Foreign Policy: ‘She as President Will Continue the Status Quo Regime-Change Wars.’

Funny how Tulsi left off Obama when criticizing the “Bush-Clinton” regime change policy and endless wars.

She’s still a leftwinger that can’t criticize the Hussein.
You left wing lunatics are aware of your mission creep, I hope.

At first it was that Trump and Putin rigged the election and we must remove Trump from office to preserve the sanctity of our elections.

Then when that failed, it was that Trump must be removed because he obstructed the investigation.

Then when that failed, it turned into this weak ass Ukraine deal.


Problem is....what happens when it’s the POTUS you voted for?? I say turn about is fair play and I want the next Democrat POTUS IMPEACHED!!!

No matter who it is, they must be removed from office!!!
oh someone isn't allowed to defend themselves in your fked up brain? too funny. son, you're in the wrong country. go back to russia.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the

Of course, because it's illegal to file false charges. They should send him the bill for all this and add our time, pain, and suffering to the millions who has to watch this farce and had our normal TV interupted. And they complain about waterboarding ..... oy!
Do you know what false charges are? I'll tell you what it isn't. False charges aren't charges levied by someone through the IG who makes an assessment as to their credibility before it's even brought to the attention of congress. The IG deemed them credible and of urgent concern.

False charges are also not charges that are fully coroborated by multiple witnesses willing to testify under oath to the thruthfullness of them.

I'm noting one overarching fact. So far there hasn't been a single witness who has come forward, who's been willing to risk perjury charges to prove the charges false.

There hasn't been a single relavant piece of evidence presented by the administration that proves the charges false altough most of the witnesses have provided details that are easily verified.
1)IG would not be allowed to bring this forward on heresay and without the third person confirmations.
2)You are saying the IG is corrupt
3)the IG could not allow this to be called a whistleblower allowing whistleblower rights when it was not a whistleblower, only the people he went to decided to recreate and form this farce that "is an illegal charge" that woukd never be allowed admissible in a court of law.=false charges. The one bringing up false charges can argue it's Schiffs fault but is able to be brought up on filing false charges to make his case it's Schiff or another puppet master.....that's how you find out who's behind it=plea deal.
-get the worm to squirm 101.
1)you file a charge on the leaker for filing false charges.
2)that finally allows you to question him
3)he squeels
4)Adama Schiff gets charged for not recusing himself, conflicts of interest and you get to question Adam about his Ukraine bribery
scheme involving his military aid to Ukraine for contracts to his campaign donor =Schiff taking U.S. tax dollars through the backdoor.
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It was cut and dry. Facts state that aid was released. We don't know the "why". That is conjecture, Enrique.

Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?

Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

Still trump has been president for 3 years and prior money was not withheld

what changed

2nd there was a new president that was just elected and there was no indications that this new government was corrupt

3rd the transcript call, Trump did not tell the Ukraine prez that the aid was on hold which eventually the Ukraines figured out

Instead he asked for an investigation into biden and son, and about some DNC server. He asked the prez to meet with Rudy who is his private lawyer and not a government official

if Trump was worried about corruption in Ukraine why was Rudy G his point man

4th the Ukraine prez was set to appear on CNN to announce an investigation but 2 days prior to the interview , the aid was released and the interview cancelled

The aid was release because of the whistle blower complaint and the release of the transcript

If the Ukraine prez had gone on CNN and announced this investigation

Game over

instead now they are in spin control mode in a plane crash called Trump

All repubs have is that the aid was given, yes that may be true but why was it witheld in the first place and what cause the change in releasing it

The transcript points to the answer and the actually recording is the key

Conjecture is not enough to impeach. Rudy G is a former prosecutor so DJT trusts him. You need more than a phone call to impeach. But he will likely still be impeached. We are watching our tax dollars burn live on TV due to political folly.
Nunes is a waste of good oxygen. Every time he has the floor, all he does is rant about Democrats. I listened to him once or twice, but now turn him off.

Of course, he will never even recognize that the focus of this investigation is the conduct of the "president" while in office. This has absolutely nothing to do with either Biden. This Ukraine stuff appears to be a scheme to let his beloved Russians off the hook by framing the Ukrainians and help him with his re-election effort at the same time.

You seem to pride yourself on being uniformed.
Why is that?

I'm not the best informed, and not the least informed. But I'm good at detecting bullshit.

I want more information on Russian interference with our elections and why the turd in the Oval Office does everything he can to satisfy the Russians and does not even bother to listen to our intelligence staff. He is endangering our national security. He is a threat to the United States.
Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).

Please remind me of the office she held for 26 years.
Gotta love how Pelousy is scheduling votes immediately after the Dimwingers bore America to death with their lawyer asking witnesses about their feelings, impressions, and opinions.

I guess they hope America tunes out before the Republicans destroy the latest bullshit "witnesses".

Well Pelosi sure needs to do something. Those testimonies this morning sure as hell didn't advance the Democrat's narrative about "quid pro quo."
The Republicans should have shelled out for a better lawyer. Their guy looks like a weasel and sounds like he has trouble grasping the facts with all his stuttering and stammering.

No problem. Just wait until Nunes and Jim Jordan tears those "witnesses" a new asshole.
Mooooooooo. It's what I think of every time Nunes opens his mouth. He's obsessed with a fake cow. :iyfyus.jpg:

And Gym Jordan is disqualified from being a decent member of the human race due to his passive acceptance of sexual abuse of underage boys.

Second man accuses Rep. Jim Jordan of ignoring OSU abuse

Laughable. If he would had called out that faggot doctor he would had been labeled a homophobic bigot by you assclowns.
He had no direct proof of what was going on. Not to mention those involved were all grown men in college, not children. What was stopping those grown men from punching the faggot perv doctor in the face or filing a police report?
According to the Secret Service, Donald Trump and Don JR are receiving the most death threats and by a considerable margin.

What a stupid deflection.

The point is that Lt Col had to be put in protective custody. And you love it. That's why you're deflecting.

Please direct me to your posts where you express concern over this.

Why I am supposed to be concerned over the various dumb stories you fell for? Your gullibility is only your problem.
People do realize Hill wrote an op-ed during the previous administration wanting the opposite of what she claims she wanted for Ukraine today, right?
Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).
Yes but we have EVIDENCE OF HER FELONIES....

All YOU GOT is HE HURT MY FEELINGS, AND "PRESUMED" with nothing else!

What evidence do you have that Hillary committed felonies? Why haven't you revealed this evidence? Why haven't any of the more than 20 investigations ever produced any of this evidence?

Trump has ONE investigation, out of which come 5 credible charges of obstruction of justice, and a second impeachment investigation where he's already admitted to abuse of power.

I'm starting to wonder if all of this pissing around in the Ukraine is Trump's hissy fit because the Ukrainians revealed Manafort's corruption with the Black Ledger.

Evidence was produced.

Problem is not that there was no evidence, but that despite the evidence she was cleared and given free pass.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?
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You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

530 posts in 52 days? LilOlLady has 8911 post in 10+ years. Which of you posts at a faster rate?
I was referring to ones with 20,000 a year. Lillady said so do I post tens of thousands. Again, public school math. One board. Less than 10 a day on the entire web.
I bet my life there are 5 other boards you are not including. Anyway I was talking about tens of thousands people.


No sweat, I'm sure. We needed someone else to count posts and grade lives accordingly.

When a poster is posting over 1,000 posts a month, that's 30+ posts per day, 7 days a week. Then there's the use of Russian sources of proven "fake news" site which link to Russian sources.

These are the posters who start the most threads - all of them linking to fake news sites and all of them defending/praising Trump, and all of them denigrating liberals and non-whites.
I appreciate your opinion.
Sorry: It’s Lt. Col. Vindman! How did vets and enlisted people react to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s ‘Don’t call me ma’am’ moment?

“Multiple combat veterans have told me they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command.”​

"Multiple combat verterans" means "we just made it up"

A congressman is not part of the chain of command. Actual veterans would know this.

Army regs require wearing the uniform in such situations. Actual veterans would know this.

The UCMJ requires that veterans not go along with lawbreaking. Actual veterans would know this.

So, you fell for another dumb scam, like you always do. As that scam enabled you to spit more on actual veterans, the emotional lure for you was irresistible.
Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

Isn't he a gay? Or was that the other Dem loser from Texas?

Yuppers, he's gay or bi or something else. But after Rump, there is one hell of a lot of leeway these days.

You just insulted Mayor Pete for being gay? WTF is wrong with you? Let people be.
THERE’S A MEAN UNDERCURRENT TO HIS PREACHINESS: Pete Buttigieg Twists Christianity: ‘Salvation’ Depends on Being ‘Useful.’

Mayor Pete has said some nice things about various Religions including his Christian Faith. I know a number of Gays that have good faith and are good people and operate that way. Much more so than some of the opposite so called Religious Right. So these sites try and us his Faith to slander him with this nonsense. Tells me more about you than it does about Mayor Pete.

Nice using something bordering on a right wing conspiracy site as a source. Let's fact check the site.

PJ Media

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

Overall, we rate PJ Media to be borderline Questionable based on numerous failed fact checks, however they do fall just below the threshold and are therefore rated Right Biased and Mixed for factual reporting.

We need a link to this. Daryl Hunt
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Trump won fair and square at the polls in 2016.

Suck a big fat bag of Richardson , Dimms, and run someone better in 2020.

You cucks are like 3 year olds who lost a game of tick tack toe.

Suck it up you fucking pansies.

Over 3 million voters were never trumpers during the election in Nov. 2016; since then it is likely that double that number are never trumpers, and every day the numbers get larger.

Never Trumpers: 7,342,855***

Trump: 62,984,828

***total votes for HRC and Gary Johnson

You made this shit up, didn't you? I know, you're entitled to your opinion, but how many Dems have left the party in the last few years? More than the increase in never-Trumpers, I'm betting. I suspect the number of never-Trumpers may be less than you think, considering the clown circus that is the Democrat presidential candidates. JMO.
Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?

Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

Still trump has been president for 3 years and prior money was not withheld

what changed

2nd there was a new president that was just elected and there was no indications that this new government was corrupt

3rd the transcript call, Trump did not tell the Ukraine prez that the aid was on hold which eventually the Ukraines figured out

Instead he asked for an investigation into biden and son, and about some DNC server. He asked the prez to meet with Rudy who is his private lawyer and not a government official

if Trump was worried about corruption in Ukraine why was Rudy G his point man

4th the Ukraine prez was set to appear on CNN to announce an investigation but 2 days prior to the interview , the aid was released and the interview cancelled

The aid was release because of the whistle blower complaint and the release of the transcript

If the Ukraine prez had gone on CNN and announced this investigation

Game over

instead now they are in spin control mode in a plane crash called Trump

All repubs have is that the aid was given, yes that may be true but why was it witheld in the first place and what cause the change in releasing it

The transcript points to the answer and the actually recording is the key

Conjecture is not enough to impeach. Rudy G is a former prosecutor so DJT trusts him. You need more than a phone call to impeach. But he will likely still be impeached. We are watching our tax dollars burn live on TV due to political folly.

The main point Rudy G is not an official of the US government and he is on Trumps payroll

You have the state department and the people who work there who can deal with foreign countries

There is not enough votes in the senate for conviction, they will go to trail but I believe at present the votes are not there thus the only real alternative is for him to resign and then it is over and people can regroup

Otherwise unless there is a smoking gun somewhere the senate will not convict in my opinion

now I could be wrong and I can live with that
They seek to criminalize free thought and speech, even between Presidents.

So you're not even pretending to be attached to reality any more.

And that's for the best. You didn't do a good job of faking it. Best that you formally change your residence to the Trump cult's lunatic alternate-reality bubble.
Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

Isn't he a gay? Or was that the other Dem loser from Texas?

Yuppers, he's gay or bi or something else. But after Rump, there is one hell of a lot of leeway these days.

I got bad news for Dem's, blacks and Hispanics are not going to vote for a homo. When blacks and Hispanics voted overwhelmingly in California to ban gay marriage I would have thought Dem's learned their lesson.

WE already know that California is just one state. And according to you Criminal Rumpters, California doesn't count in the end. So what's your point when the bulk of the rest of the nation could give a rats ass.

There are no blacks or Hispanics in swing states?? If you people can't get them to vote for gays in California you have no chance in swing states.

Give it up. Mayor Pete is going to be the front runner. And he's going to be running against the criminal Rump who America is pretty much fed up with now. If being gay is his only negative, I doubt if Latinos and Blacks will really care that much when comparing with the criminal Rump. And more and more each day, Rump is being shown as a criminal.

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