Fiona Hill is more of an American than any of the traitors who continue to defend Trump.
Fiona Hill is more of an American than any of the traitors who continue to defend Trump.
So creating a deep state and hold over state dept. personnel undermining a president is the American way?...Okay we get it.....
We can lock up the entire Biden family and their dog but that wouldn`t help Trump one bit. They`re embarrassing themselves...again.
and the crime is?

Extortion, obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, emolument clause violations, corrupt foreign practices act violations. For starters.

And tax fraud, almost certainly. That's why Trump is so fanatical about hiding his tax returns. As those will be state charges, nobody can pardon them but a state gov, and that won't happen in NY.
Liberals offering up the blind who saw things and the deaf who overheard things.
Did you know that this is pure conjecture? You cannot convict on coincidence, Enrique.

So you keep saying, though I'm not sure why, since I've never said one can.

If you choose to characterize Jordan's disingenuous spiel as cut and dry, good for you. It was truthy, but unconcerned with honesty.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. Trump can easily argue that on that date he garnered enough data to become comfortable with the new regime and its fight on corruption and it had nothing to do with this phone call. How would you prove him wrong? It is impossible to garner his intent, which is why all this is a stupid farce. How about we start reading transcripts from all prior presidents and their conversations with foreign leaders? There is not enough here to impeach and your party has cried wolf how many times?

  1. Paige / Strzok;
  2. Russia Collusion
  3. Brett Kavanaugh
  4. Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  5. Ukraine
Ever read the Boy who cried Wolf?

Even if something is real now people will no longer believe the Democrats and the polls show that.

Still trump has been president for 3 years and prior money was not withheld

what changed

2nd there was a new president that was just elected and there was no indications that this new government was corrupt

3rd the transcript call, Trump did not tell the Ukraine prez that the aid was on hold which eventually the Ukraines figured out

Instead he asked for an investigation into biden and son, and about some DNC server. He asked the prez to meet with Rudy who is his private lawyer and not a government official

if Trump was worried about corruption in Ukraine why was Rudy G his point man

4th the Ukraine prez was set to appear on CNN to announce an investigation but 2 days prior to the interview , the aid was released and the interview cancelled

The aid was release because of the whistle blower complaint and the release of the transcript

If the Ukraine prez had gone on CNN and announced this investigation

Game over

instead now they are in spin control mode in a plane crash called Trump

All repubs have is that the aid was given, yes that may be true but why was it witheld in the first place and what cause the change in releasing it

The transcript points to the answer and the actually recording is the key

Conjecture is not enough to impeach. Rudy G is a former prosecutor so DJT trusts him. You need more than a phone call to impeach. But he will likely still be impeached. We are watching our tax dollars burn live on TV due to political folly.

The main point Rudy G is not an official of the US government and he is on Trumps payroll

You have the state department and the people who work there who can deal with foreign countries

There is not enough votes in the senate for conviction, they will go to trail but I believe at present the votes are not there thus the only real alternative is for him to resign and then it is over and people can regroup

Otherwise unless there is a smoking gun somewhere the senate will not convict in my opinion

now I could be wrong and I can live with that

No chance the Senate convicts. Country is super divided and people arent even watching or listening because of all the times the Democrats cried wolf in the past.
I will concur with you that you are not the least informed.
That honor lies with the creepi one.

You have heard the phrase - actions are more important than words; I would think.
Is that a sentiment that you would agree with?

Why would ask?

I want more information about the orange whore's ties to the Russians, who, by the way, are not our allies. There's a history there.

Focus -
An honest person would focus on the actions.
They also would not use terms like "orange whore" if they wanted to be taken seriously.

You remember who did think Russia was our ally?
The last previous President and at least one of his SOS.
Trump wanted dirt on his political opponent.

Who is his political opponent, and how did Trump conclude he was? Nobody knows who his opponent is going to be.

About Joe Biden, why doesn't Trump demand his justice department open an investigation into Joe & Hunter?

Because honest people (which Democrats are not) need to provide some kind of evidence of wrongdoing, not just because it looks so bad. It's clear why drug head was hired for a multi-million dollar paying job, but again, no evidence of what was provided in exchange for giving him that gravy job.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
He's running for president....

Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website | Join Our Campaign

... the same office as Trump. That makes him a rival.
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We can lock up the entire Biden family and their dog but that wouldn`t help Trump one bit. They`re embarrassing themselves...again.

They won't. Of course. For one, they would have to present their "evidence" to, say, the FBI, and that would be the equivalent to showing up in public, pants down.

More importantly, with investigating the previous administration they would set a precedent that would, before long, reach themselves. May be even just over a year from now. How would they like them apples, then?

And that's why there will not be anything other than Trump's whiny insistence upon a public announcement of an "investigation" in Ukraine - or that was the plot before they got busted, with Trump's fingerprints all over it. That was when the whole thing fell apart.
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Amazing... how someone can say so many stupid things in one post.

Lets begin.

This is most definitely about Trump abusing power and looking to harm the Ukraines for exposing Paul Manafort, as well as part of Trump's continuing campaign to help Russia lift those sanctions.

If Trump wanted to harm Ukraine, would he give them Javelins?

Also, provide one proof that he wants sanctions on Russia to be lifted.

The investigations he asked for had nothing to do with corruption in the Ukraine, or US security interests. "Crowdstrike" is a Russian propaganda narrative pushed by Putin. Why is the US President pushing Russian progaganda, and trying to undermine US security agencies?

You do know that Ukraine admitted to meddling in US elections, do ya?

Maria Yovanovish was slandered, smeared and recalled precisely because she was successfully fighting corruption in the Ukraine, so it's clear that Trump has no interest in fighting corruption. Then there's the reality that Trump gave aid to the Ukraine freely in 2017 and 2018, but now that corruption is being cleaned up, he's pushing corrupt actions on the Ukrainians in order to aid his re-election campaign, and to help Russia.

How is any of this legal? Or right? How is any of this not an abuse of power?

Provide one proof of smear on Marie Yovanovich during her tenure as US Ambassador in Ukraine.

Corruption in Ukraine was not cleaned during her tenure in Ukraine, so saying that she helped fighting corruption, without providing any evidence of it doesn't make sense. If corruption has been cleaned up, would people vote for the new president that platform was on eliminating corruption? She was recalled shortly after new president was elected.

In other words, she did nothing there. She supported previous president. She was against new president. She was Hillary supporter. All that points that she was part of the corruption problem in Ukraine, rather than solution, all while she was claiming she fight it.
Who is his political opponent, and how did Trump conclude he was? Nobody knows who his opponent is going to be.

Because honest people (which Democrats are not) need to provide some kind of evidence of wrongdoing, not just because it looks so bad. It's clear why drug head was hired for a multi-million dollar paying job, but again, no evidence of what was provided in exchange for giving him that gravy job.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
Who is his political opponent, and how did Trump conclude he was? Nobody knows who his opponent is going to be.

Because honest people (which Democrats are not) need to provide some kind of evidence of wrongdoing, not just because it looks so bad. It's clear why drug head was hired for a multi-million dollar paying job, but again, no evidence of what was provided in exchange for giving him that gravy job.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
He's running for president....

Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website | Join Our Campaign

... the same office as Trump. That makes him a rival.
If he doesn't get the nomination, which he won't, then that means nothing unless he goes third party. You continue to want to leave out a step. Typical libtard.
Nunes Invokes The “Minority Witness Rule”

In an stunning development, Ranking Member Devin Nunes invokes an obscure House rule that appears to allow Republicans to schedule a special hearing and call any witness.

The “Minority Witness Rule” states:

When a House committee or subcommittee holds a hearing, the minority party members of the panel have the right to call witnesses of their choosing to testify on at least one day of that hearing.

Read Nunes’ letter HERE

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
He's running for president....

Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website | Join Our Campaign

... the same office as Trump. That makes him a rival.
If he doesn't get the nomination, which he won't, then that means nothing unless he goes third party. You continue to want to leave out a step. Typical libtard.
Tell Giuliani and trump that, ya moron.
Fiona Hill is more of an American than any of the traitors who continue to defend Trump.
So creating a deep state and hold over state dept. personnel undermining a president is the American way?...Okay we get it.....

Literally Fake news. Stop lying, traitor.
Between us two.....You are the anti American...You call me a traitor when its you that are a globalist open border anti capitalist?....that's rich....Buuuuaaaahahahahahaha...
Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.

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