Gotta love how Pelousy is scheduling votes immediately after the Dimwingers bore America to death with their lawyer asking witnesses about their feelings, impressions, and opinions.

I guess they hope America tunes out before the Republicans destroy the latest bullshit "witnesses".

Well Pelosi sure needs to do something. Those testimonies this morning sure as hell didn't advance the Democrat's narrative about "quid pro quo."
The Republicans should have shelled out for a better lawyer. Their guy looks like a weasel and sounds like he has trouble grasping the facts with all his stuttering and stammering.

No problem. Just wait until Nunes and Jim Jordan tears those "witnesses" a new asshole.
Mooooooooo. It's what I think of every time Nunes opens his mouth. He's obsessed with a fake cow. :iyfyus.jpg:

And Gym Jordan is disqualified from being a decent member of the human race due to his passive acceptance of sexual abuse of underage boys.

Second man accuses Rep. Jim Jordan of ignoring OSU abuse

Laughable. If he would had called out that faggot doctor he would had been labeled a homophobic bigot by you assclowns.
He had no direct proof of what was going on. Not to mention those involved were all grown men in college, not children. What was stopping those grown men from punching the faggot perv doctor in the face or filing a police report?

You didn't read the link.

Second man accuses Rep. Jim Jordan of ignoring OSU abuse

The lawsuit was filed by 43 survivors against Ohio State, claiming the university's “ingrained culture of institutional indifference” enabled Strauss to sexually abuse former students and athletes from a half-dozen other sports.

It cites instances of Strauss “drugging and raping athletes” and said Strauss preyed on underage boys who participated in athletic events on the campus.

Oh, and Gym Jordan knew all about the abuse. Gym fails at humanity.
Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.
I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I did not want a cookie and I did not take a cookie.
I cannot wait to see Trump throw Rudy under the bus he has with his name on it.
What was Trump responding to when he said he "did not ask for nothing" "did not ask for a Quid pro quo ("a favor for a favor")
Why can't those close to trump be subpoenaed? Is it because they would under oath commit perjury?
What was Trump's interest in the company that Biden son worked for but no other companies?-

You can make a perjury charge against just about anybody. That's why Trump and his gang are not going to testify to anything. Now if this was a truthful hearing, perhaps. But given the fact the left has been calling for impeachment since before Trump entered the White House, and has been calling for impeachment ever since, it's clear this is yet another witch hunt to try and overturn an election, or at the very least, try to insure Trump is not successful in his reelection.

This is not about Trump doing something wrong, and then the House deciding on proper punishment. It's punishment they wanted to inflict since the beginning, and now trying to find a way to use it.

View attachment 290933
Looks like Trump handed it to the Democrats on a silver platter. Democrats did not create a Quid Pro Quo. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself. LOL Trump is his own worse enemy. You got to be dumb blind and deaf not to see through Trump's corruption, racism, and his incompetence.
name a crime. It's the american way.
Turn on your tv and watch the proceedings if you want to know what crimes were committed. That`s what people with measurable IQs often do.
so nothing huh? I thought so.
Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was offered the job of President of Czechoslovakia when she left office. It's not unusual at all that he was offered a job. In fact, it happens so frequently that there's a process to be followed by career officers when such offers are made, and Vindman followed all of the protocols.

Pulling it right out of you ass, still.

"offered the job of President of Czechoslovakia"

Who offers such job? Don't you need to win something called elections?

Second, she left last office, which was Secretary of State in 2001. The country you are referring to, Czechoslovakia was dissolved in 1993, into two separate countries.

You think you know something, or you heard something that you think can make you look smart, but the outcome is quite opposite. By watching The View you won't learn anything useful, stick to the cooking channels.
Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
huh? that wasn't trump, lol schitt's for brains said that. You believed that? haahahahahahahaha dude seriously?
I will concur with you that you are not the least informed.
That honor lies with the creepi one.

You have heard the phrase - actions are more important than words; I would think.
Is that a sentiment that you would agree with?
I was wondering when this ridiculous charade is over, it's so embarrassing for the Democrats that it's hard to watch and I ain't even a lib/dem.

The libs and Dems are all very proud of how we're proving your DearLeader is a criminal, and proving that his cult is composed of gutless liars.

Nice concern troll act, though. You're really desperate for us to stop kicking your ass.

All I've heard so far is supposition, presumption, innuendo, my personal guess is. Guys, you don't impeach a President based on that shit.

Good thing we've got so many facts then.

Go on. Lie about that, by parroting what your cult told you to say. Cry some more. It won't change a thing. You're just preaching to your fringe cult choir. Everyone outside of your cult knows that you're lying.
and the crime is?
Where is the corruption in the company that Biden's son worked for??? Unfounded fake news like the unfounded fake news about Hillary that put doubt in the minds of many voters. Trumps asking for an investigation into the company have worked because it has put doubt in the minds of voters.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.

Hmm, food for thought. Except, I am a conservative. What I am trying to prevent is the seizure of American by Fascists. And make no bones about it, our government is broken much like Italy was in 1933 and it's being attempted to be done the same way as the Fascists did it then. Yes, it's being done by the help of the Socialists but the direct opposite of the Socialists (the Fascists) have seized on it and are trying to seize total control. The first step is to get a President that has ll the power. He loads the Supreme Court to vote only his way (isn't working out too well). Then he destroys or totally controls Congress (seems to be on track). Then he loads Congress where he controls over 60% of both houses and has full control. Welcome to Fascism or Socialism depending who is president at the time. The Republic is gone. With a President controlling 66% of Congress he can get the Constitution changed to whatever he wishes. Right now, the only thing standing in the way is the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Court. But make no bones about it, the battle is constantly going on by both the Socialists and the Fascists. The Impeachment isn't about politics it's about the head to head battle between Fascism and Socialism where the Fascists have the upper hand.
they need to be investigated. I want to see if Hunter did one thing for Burisma.

Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.

Hmm, food for thought. Except, I am a conservative. What I am trying to prevent is the seizure of American by Fascists. And make no bones about it, our government is broken much like Italy was in 1933 and it's being attempted to be done the same way as the Fascists did it then. Yes, it's being done by the help of the Socialists but the direct opposite of the Socialists (the Fascists) have seized on it and are trying to seize total control. The first step is to get a President that has ll the power. He loads the Supreme Court to vote only his way (isn't working out too well). Then he destroys or totally controls Congress (seems to be on track). Then he loads Congress where he controls over 60% of both houses and has full control. Welcome to Fascism or Socialism depending who is president at the time. The Republic is gone. With a President controlling 66% of Congress he can get the Constitution changed to whatever he wishes. Right now, the only thing standing in the way is the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Court. But make no bones about it, the battle is constantly going on by both the Socialists and the Fascists. The Impeachment isn't about politics it's about the head to head battle between Fascism and Socialism where the Fascists have the upper hand.
naw, you ain't no conservative punk. not even fking close. name one thing that makes you a conservative?
Democrats Motto: "Party before Country". .... :cuckoo:

Trump isn't investigating anyone.

Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
You should learn the Constitution better, Executive Branch power is vested IN THE PRESIDENT. The DOJ derives it's authority from the President, not the other way around.
was that meant for me? you're confused if it was.
Government business is being done - note all of the breaks for votes during the process. Unlike Trump, who can only obsess about one thing at a time, Pelosi is able to walk, talk, and chew gum, at the same time. Women, by nature, are better able to multi-task than men, because we have to. Especially working women who are accustomed to balancing work obligations, managing family life and schedules, as well as meals laundry, etc., and social obligations, all while being perfectly groomed.

Multitasking is doing multiple things at the same time. What you listed above is something that pretty much anyone is capable of doing, so you completely missed it.

Second, I really doubt that people like you should be allowed to vote.

And to have kids.
Government business is being done - note all of the breaks for votes during the process. Unlike Trump, who can only obsess about one thing at a time, Pelosi is able to walk, talk, and chew gum, at the same time. Women, by nature, are better able to multi-task than men, because we have to. Especially working women who are accustomed to balancing work obligations, managing family life and schedules, as well as meals laundry, etc., and social obligations, all while being perfectly groomed.

Multitasking is doing multiple things at the same time. What you listed above is something that pretty much anyone is capable of doing, so you completely missed it.

Second, I really doubt that people like you should be allowed to vote.

And to have kids.

Unless she were pregnant due to rape, of course.
Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.

Hmm, food for thought. Except, I am a conservative. What I am trying to prevent is the seizure of American by Fascists. And make no bones about it, our government is broken much like Italy was in 1933 and it's being attempted to be done the same way as the Fascists did it then. Yes, it's being done by the help of the Socialists but the direct opposite of the Socialists (the Fascists) have seized on it and are trying to seize total control. The first step is to get a President that has ll the power. He loads the Supreme Court to vote only his way (isn't working out too well). Then he destroys or totally controls Congress (seems to be on track). Then he loads Congress where he controls over 60% of both houses and has full control. Welcome to Fascism or Socialism depending who is president at the time. The Republic is gone. With a President controlling 66% of Congress he can get the Constitution changed to whatever he wishes. Right now, the only thing standing in the way is the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Court. But make no bones about it, the battle is constantly going on by both the Socialists and the Fascists. The Impeachment isn't about politics it's about the head to head battle between Fascism and Socialism where the Fascists have the upper hand.
naw, you ain't no conservative punk. not even fking close. name one thing that makes you a conservative?

In fairness, you have no idea what it means to be a Conservative.

On the other hand, you are a hypocrite and a sheep. Those you are well versed in.
Fine. Go to Ukraine, have them open an investigation and then open a seperate threat in here about that. But it should have zero affect on a President of the United States. What you do as a private citizen is your business. What a President of the United States uses an entire Cabinet and Diplomatic Service to chase something that has been debunked only for his own personal gain in the 2020 elections.

For one thing, I imagine there was at least a billion dollars spent on this effort that really needs to be paid back. Rump needs to cut a check. He needs to pay for his own entertainment. It's one thing for Rump to spend 1.2 million for a 4 day weekend golfing outing but this runs into the billions. I wanted Rump to get a hobby but I wanted it to be more like building plastic models in the Lincoln Room.

Then there is the other thing. It falls right into to High Misdemeanors. And that is Impeachable. rump is still using his position to curry favor for his 2020 election. He just won't stop. I noticed that he has tried to do the old "Plausible Deniability" routine by using code words and phrases. When a Mob Boss tells what he deems as an Underling, "Do me a favor, make him go away" that's code words for kill them. The argument in court that the Mob Boss never came out and said that he wanted the other person killed doesn't cut it. It's recognized in court that that is exactly what was meant. Using code words and "Do me a Favor" by the President of the United States has even more power and consequences than ANY Mob Boss saying, "Do me a favor". And Rump has been good for his word. It's been almost 2 years and no direct meeting between the two Presidents has been done. Meanwhile, more Ukranians are being murdered by Russian Soldiers and Russian backed Terrorists every day. Russia wins, Ukraine loses and the Unites States slips even further into the abyss to the rest of the world.

Then there is the more serious of the "Plausible Deniability". Rump has blocked the inner circle from testifying. Just to name a few, Bolton, Rudy, Perry, Pompeo, Pence, Mulvaney, just to name a few. He has instructed them NOT to pay any attention to Congressional Subpoenas and they have honored that demand. You can now add Barr to that list of conspirators who would normally be the one to go after anyone that does not honor a congressional subpoena. If these people were to go in front of Congress and lie (which they would either have to do or remove the "Plausible Deniablity" for Rump) it turns into a much more serious impeachment investigation.

Then there is even a more serious issue that is considered High Criminal Action; meaning "Obstruction of Justice" where I think it's headed anyway. I think they are going to start picking off the conspirators off one at a time including Barr. They have no choice but to pick Barr off since he will refuse to charge any of them no matter if they are ball faced guilty or not. They may have to wait until after Jan 21st 2020 to charge these characters. But it's going happen. NO President can afford to have this hovering over his head regardless of party.

In the end, I believe that we will have a President Pence for a few months. They won't remove Rump from Office but I think the Party will finally site Rump down and let him seen the hand writing on the wall and cut a series of deals with the great Deal Maker. And his "Co-Conspirators" are all going to be thrown under the bus. Otherwise, the Republican Party is going to be gutted in the next year. And I don't want to see that.

We don't need to have the Democrat Ultra Left Party run without checks like it would. We need the real Conseratives to step forward and put the party of Rump back into the GOP and force the Dems to work for it. I am already seeing the breakdown of the Republicans on lower elections. It's time for the real GOP to grow a pair to save a nation.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.

Hmm, food for thought. Except, I am a conservative. What I am trying to prevent is the seizure of American by Fascists. And make no bones about it, our government is broken much like Italy was in 1933 and it's being attempted to be done the same way as the Fascists did it then. Yes, it's being done by the help of the Socialists but the direct opposite of the Socialists (the Fascists) have seized on it and are trying to seize total control. The first step is to get a President that has ll the power. He loads the Supreme Court to vote only his way (isn't working out too well). Then he destroys or totally controls Congress (seems to be on track). Then he loads Congress where he controls over 60% of both houses and has full control. Welcome to Fascism or Socialism depending who is president at the time. The Republic is gone. With a President controlling 66% of Congress he can get the Constitution changed to whatever he wishes. Right now, the only thing standing in the way is the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Court. But make no bones about it, the battle is constantly going on by both the Socialists and the Fascists. The Impeachment isn't about politics it's about the head to head battle between Fascism and Socialism where the Fascists have the upper hand.
naw, you ain't no conservative punk. not even fking close. name one thing that makes you a conservative?

Well, for one, I ignore anything you say. Now, that a start for conservative thinking.
Poor Daryl. You're just a little sheep who has gone astray, ba, ba, bah..... :cheers2:

President Trump won in 2016. Get over it.

Meanwhile, this sham of an impeachment inquiry has a strong dissident who'se been there done that and tossed the t-shirt long ago:

The testimony from witnesses in the House Democrats' impeachment hearings has come "nowhere close" to laying out impeachable offenses, former Independent Counsel Ken Starr said Thursday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Bill Hemmer, Starr said that the witness testimony does not "reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."​

more at this link: Ken Starr: hearing testimony nowhere close to impeachable offenses

I posted what I think. You posted what you are told to think. I'll stand by my prediction. So far, all of my "Predictions" have been true and I ain't exactly no "Nostradamus".

Here's another one for you. I predicted almost 2 years ago that Biden was not going to be the Candidate. Guess what, it looks like he won't be. And it won't be Warren or Bernie either. I predicted it would be a dark horse. Guess what, Mayor Pete is coming on strong. In another month, Mayor Pete will be the front runner.

How is that for a prediction. The American Public are just about fed up with it all and Mayor Pete being Gay isn't a huge factor anymore. Afterall, being a Mob Boss like Rump doesn't seem to affect your support.
Nobody tells me what to think, Daryl. I am very sensitive to liars. And the leftist press is full of lies they pick up to give their payors in the DNC a lift.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the American public thinks. We won't know that as long as there is corruption at the polls through highly politicized precinct chairmen who are willing to break the rules of propriety, which is easy for someone who has no faith and has signed on to the atheistic principle of abolishing public Christian prayer in America, which is why the founders placed religious freedom in the first Amendment. That amendment is being dessicated by some who belong to a fascist indoctrinated group of wealthy people in a poltical system they simply call a religion, but in fact isn't at all a religion, because it perpetrates killing infidels. The Democrats have fallen deaf to descendants of the founders of the United States, and they're putting lipstick on the pig of communism when they're calling themselves 'socialists.' Socialism is precursor to the next step called communism. Kid yourself all you like. I'm not a fool to socialists, but they have fooled a lot of people who don't know where they're headed when they sign on to harassing conservatives when they join the Democrat Party.

Hmm, food for thought. Except, I am a conservative. What I am trying to prevent is the seizure of American by Fascists. And make no bones about it, our government is broken much like Italy was in 1933 and it's being attempted to be done the same way as the Fascists did it then. Yes, it's being done by the help of the Socialists but the direct opposite of the Socialists (the Fascists) have seized on it and are trying to seize total control. The first step is to get a President that has ll the power. He loads the Supreme Court to vote only his way (isn't working out too well). Then he destroys or totally controls Congress (seems to be on track). Then he loads Congress where he controls over 60% of both houses and has full control. Welcome to Fascism or Socialism depending who is president at the time. The Republic is gone. With a President controlling 66% of Congress he can get the Constitution changed to whatever he wishes. Right now, the only thing standing in the way is the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme Court. But make no bones about it, the battle is constantly going on by both the Socialists and the Fascists. The Impeachment isn't about politics it's about the head to head battle between Fascism and Socialism where the Fascists have the upper hand.
naw, you ain't no conservative punk. not even fking close. name one thing that makes you a conservative?

In fairness, you have no idea what it means to be a Conservative.

On the other hand, you are a hypocrite and a sheep. Those you are well versed in.

I put the moron on ignore. Where is Ike when you need him?
Pulling it right out of you ass, still.

History. It's not just for liberals, you know. But in reality, it apparently is.

Madeleine Albright - Wikipedia
Czech President, Václav Havel, spoke openly about the possibility of Albright succeeding him. Albright was reportedly flattered, but denied ever seriously considering the possibility of running for office in her country of origin

Next time, do some basic research, and you won't end up looking so stupid.

This is where you now mewl about details to excuse being so wrong. Please proceed.
I will concur with you that you are not the least informed.
That honor lies with the creepi one.

You have heard the phrase - actions are more important than words; I would think.
Is that a sentiment that you would agree with?

Why would you ask?

I want more information about the orange whore's ties to the Russians, who, by the way, are not our allies. There's a history there.

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