Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
So the official impeachment topic of today is "Trump/Russia Collusion"?


It's the state's business to investigate Biden, if there is evidence of wrongdoing. You just said Trump isn't investigating anyone. Your silly deflection to Congress is noted.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.
I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I did not want a cookie and I did not take a cookie.
I cannot wait to see Trump throw Rudy under the bus he has with his name on it.
What was Trump responding to when he said he "did not ask for nothing" "did not ask for a Quid pro quo ("a favor for a favor")
Why can't those close to trump be subpoenaed? Is it because they would under oath commit perjury?
What was Trump's interest in the company that Biden son worked for but no other companies?-

You can make a perjury charge against just about anybody. That's why Trump and his gang are not going to testify to anything. Now if this was a truthful hearing, perhaps. But given the fact the left has been calling for impeachment since before Trump entered the White House, and has been calling for impeachment ever since, it's clear this is yet another witch hunt to try and overturn an election, or at the very least, try to insure Trump is not successful in his reelection.

This is not about Trump doing something wrong, and then the House deciding on proper punishment. It's punishment they wanted to inflict since the beginning, and now trying to find a way to use it.

View attachment 290933
Looks like Trump handed it to the Democrats on a silver platter. Democrats did not create a Quid Pro Quo. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself. LOL Trump is his own worse enemy. You got to be dumb blind and deaf not to see through Trump's corruption, racism, and his incompetence.
Sure it is. If the house subpoenas peoples and documents you are obstructing their investigation. It was in the articles for impeachment for Nixon and Clinton too. You defend yourself by speaking the truth, let other people tell the truth and delivering documents if asked. If you don't you aren't defending yourself but obstructing justice.
oh someone isn't allowed to defend themselves in your fked up brain? too funny. son, you're in the wrong country. go back to russia.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the

Of course, because it's illegal to file false charges. They should send him the bill for all this and add our time, pain, and suffering to the millions who has to watch this farce and had our normal TV interupted. And they complain about waterboarding ..... oy!

They should determine if he had a legitimate need to know about the call, which was classified at the time. If not, the people he spoke to could be in a world of hurt.

I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I did not want a cookie and I did not take a cookie.
I cannot wait to see Trump throw Rudy under the bus he has with his name on it.
What was Trump responding to when he said he "did not ask for nothing" "did not ask for a Quid pro quo ("a favor for a favor")
Why can't those close to trump be subpoenaed? Is it because they would under oath commit perjury?
What was Trump's interest in the company that Biden son worked for but no other companies?-

You can make a perjury charge against just about anybody. That's why Trump and his gang are not going to testify to anything. Now if this was a truthful hearing, perhaps. But given the fact the left has been calling for impeachment since before Trump entered the White House, and has been calling for impeachment ever since, it's clear this is yet another witch hunt to try and overturn an election, or at the very least, try to insure Trump is not successful in his reelection.

This is not about Trump doing something wrong, and then the House deciding on proper punishment. It's punishment they wanted to inflict since the beginning, and now trying to find a way to use it.

View attachment 290933
Looks like Trump handed it to the Democrats on a silver platter. Democrats did not create a Quid Pro Quo. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself. LOL Trump is his own worse enemy. You got to be dumb blind and deaf not to see through Trump's corruption, racism, and his incompetence.

Democrats did create quid pro quo, then it went to extortion, now it's bribery. It's clear who is the liar in this situation.

I almost can't wait until the next commie President under a Republican led house. I hope they lie and make it twice as bad on him or her. These Democrats are about as un-American as you can get.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

Your off topic post and use of an ad hominem are unwelcome. Post on the current event which is ongoing - or find another thread somewhere else.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

Your off topic post and use of an ad hominem are unwelcome. Post on the current event which is ongoing - or find another thread somewhere else.
You have 3 posts???. I was talking to someone else and responding. But I do thank you for concerns.
actually, it's the DOJ's business to investigate biden, and they are. Not trump. you should learn your agencies better.
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

530 posts in 52 days? LilOlLady has 8911 post in 10+ years. Which of you posts at a faster rate?
Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).
Yes but we have EVIDENCE OF HER FELONIES....

All YOU GOT is HE HURT MY FEELINGS, AND "PRESUMED" with nothing else!

What evidence do you have that Hillary committed felonies? Why haven't you revealed this evidence? Why haven't any of the more than 20 investigations ever produced any of this evidence?

Trump has ONE investigation, out of which come 5 credible charges of obstruction of justice, and a second impeachment investigation where he's already admitted to abuse of power.

I'm starting to wonder if all of this pissing around in the Ukraine is Trump's hissy fit because the Ukrainians revealed Manafort's corruption with the Black Ledger.
Tell me you didn't look at that video with Comey spellingvout over 200bfelonies HE REFUSED TO PROSECUTE...BTW, he now is under investigation, for among other things colluding with the Hildebeast on the phony dossier that she finded....Are you really this stupi . Or just hoping I wouldn6 answer you? Moron!

Comey said there were NO PROSECUTABLE FELONIES. The classified emails would have had to have fallen into the wrong hands to justify the charges. That never happened. The law against private servers wasn't passed until AFTER she left office so the server was legal. What exactly do you think he could prosecute her for?

I note that Trump has forced three different investigations of Clinton's emails since he took office. Whatever happened with the Huber Investigation. He was supposed to report back by December of 2017, and we've had crickets since the investigation was announced.

Then there was the IG's report on Comey's handling of Clinton's emails, which concurred with Comey's decision not to prosecute, but ciriticized his process.

And we have a Senate Investigation of Clinton's emails, from which we've heard nothing as well.

Whatever happened to the Huber Investigation. If there is all of this evidence against her, why hasn't Barr charged her based on the "200 felonies" Comey outlined in the video. The FBI already has the evidence of these felonies - no further investigation required?. Why didn't the IG recommend charges? Why hasn't the Senate recommended charges?
It's a pity Trump went to a foreign national to get help for an investigation into Biden rather than go to his own DoJ. He wouldn't be getting impeached if he had.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I've noticed that those who post tens of thousands of posts per year are some really angry people. How many boards do some of these poor souls post at??..My God. to me, that is abuse of your
You are one of them. lol
Hmmmm..500 posts in 2 months. One board. No Twitter. FB...blaaaa.

Your public school math does not make sense to me.

530 posts in 52 days? LilOlLady has 8911 post in 10+ years. Which of you posts at a faster rate?
I was referring to ones with 20,000 a year. Lillady said so do I post tens of thousands. Again, public school math. One board. Less than 10 a day on the entire web.
I bet my life there are 5 other boards you are not including. Anyway I was talking about tens of thousands people.

I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I did not want a cookie and I did not take a cookie.
I cannot wait to see Trump throw Rudy under the bus he has with his name on it.
What was Trump responding to when he said he "did not ask for nothing" "did not ask for a Quid pro quo ("a favor for a favor")
Why can't those close to trump be subpoenaed? Is it because they would under oath commit perjury?
What was Trump's interest in the company that Biden son worked for but no other companies?-

You can make a perjury charge against just about anybody. That's why Trump and his gang are not going to testify to anything. Now if this was a truthful hearing, perhaps. But given the fact the left has been calling for impeachment since before Trump entered the White House, and has been calling for impeachment ever since, it's clear this is yet another witch hunt to try and overturn an election, or at the very least, try to insure Trump is not successful in his reelection.

This is not about Trump doing something wrong, and then the House deciding on proper punishment. It's punishment they wanted to inflict since the beginning, and now trying to find a way to use it.

This is most definitely about Trump abusing power and looking to harm the Ukraines for exposing Paul Manafort, as well as part of Trump's continuing campaign to help Russia lift those sanctions.

The investigations he asked for had nothing to do with corruption in the Ukraine, or US security interests. "Crowdstrike" is a Russian propaganda narrative pushed by Putin. Why is the US President pushing Russian progaganda, and trying to undermine US security agencies?

Maria Yovanovish was slandered, smeared and recalled precisely because she was successfully fighting corruption in the Ukraine, so it's clear that Trump has no interest in fighting corruption. Then there's the reality that Trump gave aid to the Ukraine freely in 2017 and 2018, but now that corruption is being cleaned up, he's pushing corrupt actions on the Ukrainians in order to aid his re-election campaign, and to help Russia.

How is any of this legal? Or right? How is any of this not an abuse of power?
Wow, just wow president Trump's subordinates armchair quarterbacking the president on foreign policy and eavesdropping on the presidents phone calls.

Pretty cut and dry

Oh, hell, yes, that's cut and dry, if you have your head up your ass.

So angry, Pedro. Conjecture is not enough to convict in this country.

What happened to cut and dry?

It was cut and dry. Facts state that aid was released. We don't know the "why". That is conjecture, Enrique.

Perhaps Jordan slept through the testimony that Zelensky would be making an announcement. Did you not know the aid was released due to knowledge of the hold becoming widespread? Or do we have to pretend that was coincidental?
I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar, but I did not want a cookie and I did not take a cookie.
I cannot wait to see Trump throw Rudy under the bus he has with his name on it.
What was Trump responding to when he said he "did not ask for nothing" "did not ask for a Quid pro quo ("a favor for a favor")
Why can't those close to trump be subpoenaed? Is it because they would under oath commit perjury?
What was Trump's interest in the company that Biden son worked for but no other companies?-

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