It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

How is Biden his political rival?
They are both running for president, along with a slew of others. Seriously, you did not know this?
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

He asked for Ukraine to look into corruption, it's not his fault the Bidens are part of it, that's on the Bidens.


He mentioned Biden specifically. He's gone off the deep end over a debunked conspiracy theory.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

Just as we know the orange babyman abused the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. Just as we know he blockaded Qatar for his family's personal gain. Just as we know he abused his office to get Ivanka her Chinese trademarks.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.

I am a sock, which I acknowledged in a thread - please do try to keep up. Seems your ignorance on all matters is extensive.

I don't give a damn about the US Communist Party or its voters (both of them?), or who they voted for and why. You fail to acknowledge David Duke and his racist followers voted for and continue to support trump. We both know what they support and why.
Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.

I am a sock, which I acknowledged in a thread - please do try to keep up. Seems your ignorance on matters is extensive.

I don't give a damn about the US Communist Party voters (both of them?) or who they voted for and why. You fail to acknowledge David Duke and his racist followers voted for and continue to support trump.

I don't follow every thread you go on sock. The only reason Duke likes Trump is because of his stance on our southern border. However if you bother to visit the USCP website, you'll take note there is not much of a difference between their platform and the Democrat party.
You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

How is Biden his political rival?
They are both running for president, along with a slew of others. Seriously, you did not know this?

The only people running for president are the nominees of the party, an incumbent, or a third party candidate. Trump is not running against Biden or anybody else at this point. Therefore Biden is not his political opponent.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?
In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Here's the interview. Portions relevant to this article start around the 5:50 mark.
He had every right to hold up aid if the reason was to investigate or find out if Ukraine interfered in the 2016 elections, and if the Bidens were involved in that corruption over time as well. Not doing these things if have suspicion's of, would constitute a dereliction of duty.
We already know this Ukraine election meddling has been debunked.

But Putin thanks you for it.

Debunked? LOL

Ukraine placed bet on Hillary, and worked against Trump.

Here is Financial Times article from 2016. They proclaimed that Trump is "pro-Russian" without anything to support it and supported Hillary who was "pro-Ukrainian", because Barry send them blankets and MREs.

Ukraine’s leaders campaign against ‘pro-Putin’ Trump

Mr Leshchenko and Ukraine’s anti-corruption bureau published a secret ledger this month that authorities claim show millions of dollars of off-the-book cash payments to Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s campaign director, while he was advising Mr Yanukovich’s Regions party from 2005.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.


So, you think we just hand out money to countries? Really? You are really this stupid?
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny
This Schiff-Ukaine connection gets a mostly false rating.

Since you're unable to defend Trump, you're so desparate you need to make stuff up?

Of course, Snopes being left with propaganda arm, has no choice but to suppress any bad news about the left. says the same thing.
Igor Pasternack is in calfornia, not ukraine.
Is just basic reality.

Fact check is the second propaganda arm of the left, therefore, no surprise there.
Haha,yeah, fact checking is not on your side. That is for sure.

No, I don't trust leftist "fact check" propaganda. I do my own instead.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.
So, since your party was supported by white supremacists. What does that mean? The neo nazi's love trump. Wjat dores thsarf mkesn

And for Christ sake learn the difference between a socialist & a Democratic Socialists.

You are embarrassing yourself yet again.
You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

He asked for Ukraine to look into corruption, it's not his fault the Bidens are part of it, that's on the Bidens.


He mentioned Biden specifically. He's gone off the deep end over a debunked conspiracy theory.

The only ones that say it's been debunked are your commie news sites. Ukraine admitted individuals tried to meddle in our elections, along with their embassy working with DNC operatives to try to get dirt on the Trump campaign. Your debunk has been debunked and the Bidens gained millions form Ukraine and more from China. Seems everywhere quid pro joe was the point man, the Bidens walked away with millions. Baby Bidens name was brandished to get Burisma reps meetings with the State Dept. Now we're finding out that 3 months after baby Biden hooked up with Rosemont Capital, they got 130 million in government loan guarantees to purchase securities backed bonds, during the 2009 bailout of the financial sector. There's not just smoke surrounding the Bidens, it's more like a CA wild fire. Deal with it.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.
So, since your party was supported by white supremacists. What does that mean? The neo nazi's love trump. Wjat dores thsarf mkesn

And for Christ sake learn the difference between a socialist & a Democratic Socialists.

You are embarrassing yourself yet again.

There is no difference between a Socialist and a Democrat Socialist. They threw the name Democrat in there to edge into the party, which will be totally Socialist within the next two decades.

And since you don't read posts before you reply, I'll state it again: the only stance of Trump that the that the white supremacists like is his southern border policy, because it keeps Hispanics out of the country. They don't care what his reasons are. It benefits them as far as they're concerned.
We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

How is Biden his political rival?
They are both running for president, along with a slew of others. Seriously, you did not know this?

The only people running for president are the nominees of the party, an incumbent, or a third party candidate. Trump is not running against Biden or anybody else at this point. Therefore Biden is not his political opponent.

LOL, man you really are dumb if you believe anyone believes your posts.

There is nothing to disbelieve. Trump's opponent will be known after the commies vote in their primary. Until that time, Trump has no political opponent in the presidential race.
You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.

I am a sock, which I acknowledged in a thread - please do try to keep up. Seems your ignorance on matters is extensive.

I don't give a damn about the US Communist Party voters (both of them?) or who they voted for and why. You fail to acknowledge David Duke and his racist followers voted for and continue to support trump.

I don't follow every thread you go on sock. The only reason Duke likes Trump is because of his stance on our southern border. However if you bother to visit the USCP website, you'll take note there is not much of a difference between their platform and the Democrat party.

Why would I ever seek to read the U.S Communist Party website? I've studied history, and I've learned that Utopian ideologies usually end up being governed by authoritarians, and ultimately become corrupt.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

Just as we know the orange babyman abused the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. Just as we know he blockaded Qatar for his family's personal gain. Just as we know he abused his office to get Ivanka her Chinese trademarks.

Really? What did Ukraine do for his personal gain? I've heard the Ukraine parliament, which was seated after the call, is asking for investigations in the US and Ukraine.

I've seen no proof of your other propaganda, so carry on commie.

You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

The years you have been a member here? Your screen name window states you joined last Thursday, so you're a sock.

The US Communist Party supported your last three presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Bernie Sanders. Furthermore if your party didn't rig the primaries, an admitted Socialist would have been your nominee.
So, since your party was supported by white supremacists. What does that mean? The neo nazi's love trump. Wjat dores thsarf mkesn

And for Christ sake learn the difference between a socialist & a Democratic Socialists.

You are embarrassing yourself yet again.

There is no difference between a Socialist and a Democrat Socialist. They threw the name Democrat in there to edge into the party, which will be totally Socialist within the next two decades.

And since you don't read posts before you reply, I'll state it again: the only stance of Trump that the that the white supremacists like is his southern border policy, because it keeps Hispanics out of the country. They don't care what his reasons are. It benefits them as far as they're concerned.

I read your post and to deny Duke is not a racist - as is trump - is absurd, and a damn lie.

You have no clue as to the meanings of Socialism, Communism, Marxism or Democracy in practice, nor as they are defined in political science.
Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?


Your ignorance of political science terminology is why you're a biddable fool. You use the term "commie" as a pejorative, you have no clue what a "commie" is or what one may support.

You can't name one policy or plan I have posted in the years I've been a member here which support authoritarianism; those nations which claim the Red Flag have all been ruled by authoritarian despots.

Authoritarianism has been the form of governance in Communist and Fascist Nations, democracy in each one of them is a sham, where the Press is not free and protesters become political prisoners.

Today we are faced with a neo fascist movement, and you are one of them or at best a biddable fool.

Years you've been a member here? Your stats show you're a rookie that just joined Thursday. How many non-contributing accounts do you have? That right there says you're a commie, expecting others to keep the site running so you can spew your propaganda. Carry on commie. LMAO



See my post:

Rye Catcher is the one and only Wry Catcher"

posted in "Introduced yourself" yesterday morning at 0745


Your honor, I rest my case.

BTW no one reads the introduce yourself BS.

There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

Just as we know the orange babyman abused the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. Just as we know he blockaded Qatar for his family's personal gain. Just as we know he abused his office to get Ivanka her Chinese trademarks.

Really? What did Ukraine do for his personal gain? I've heard the Ukraine parliament, which was seated after the call, is asking for investigations in the US and Ukraine.

I've seen no proof of your other propaganda, so carry on commie.

The bribe was our funds for his announcement of an investigation into Joe Biden. They got caught before it could happen.

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