It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.

Correct. If we don't stop it now, the next thing you know, they will be laundering money through their lawyers to hire an agency to find dirt on Biden, even if they hire a foreign agent to obtain proof from the Russian government.

Then where will this country be?
It is perfectly legal (and common) for a campaign to hire an opposition research firm.

A President using government money to bribe a foreign official is illegal.
Sending out government employees to do campaign work is also illegal
But that is precisely what Biden did on the eve of the 2016 election to prevent Hunter Biden's involvement in corruption from being a problem for Democrats during the election: instead of going to Ukraine to fight corruption, Biden, with Obama's support, went to Ukraine to bribe its president with $1,000,000,000 of taxpayer money to cover up the Burisma - Hunter Biden scandal, clearly forcing a foreign government to interfere in US elections. It's too late to impeach Obama and Biden, but according to your claim such an action is illegal, it's not too late to indict them.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO

But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?
In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Here's the interview. Portions relevant to this article start around the 5:50 mark.

I just watched the video and he said no such thing, dumbfuck.

During impeachment inquiry testimony, we heard from witnesses that aid to Ukraine was held, but not the military part. And here we go, you're saying completely opposite. Either witnesses are lying, or you're lying, which one is it?
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Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy
Jesus fuck you people are dumnber than shit.

How often has Ivanka or Jared ride on AF1? When Trump was dealing with China, both Donnie & Ivanka were getting copyrights for their businesses.

That is corruption.

Joe Biden acted along with other countries to remove a prosecutor. (there was no active barisma investigation at that time)

Hunter Biden was never being investigated.

You God damn stupid fucks need to start caring more about Amerca than that Conman you elected President.
When I want your advice I'll ask for it.................Biden is dirty...........He was hooking up his son with his position while Ukrainians were dying in the field against Russia............

If he's so great, why wasn't he there arranging anti tank missiles to KILL RUSSIANS............You have for years said TRUMP RUSSIA..............yet your own side sent MRE's instead of weapons while people were dying........

Your party is a JOKE...........Biden is a Joke........and so is this investigation............
Wow, whje caught lying, you just increase the lying. Joe Biden had nothing to do with Hunter getting that job.

You are a joke, Trump Boy.

So Devon Archer meeting with quid pro joe in the WH, had nothing to do with baby Biden getting the job two days later. Damn you're really gullible.

And yet you care nothing about the orange turd abusing his power to get Ivanka her chinese trademarks. You're a bad actor.

Wow, those trademarks had been in the works before Trump even announced and she already held many Chinese trademarks, but your deflection is duly noted. Now tell the class how many jobs baby Biden ever had in Ukraine.

There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny
This Schiff-Ukaine connection gets a mostly false rating.

Since you're unable to defend Trump, you're so desparate you need to make stuff up?

Of course, Snopes being left with propaganda arm, has no choice but to suppress any bad news about the left. says the same thing.
Igor Pasternack is in calfornia, not ukraine.
Is just basic reality.

Fact check is the second propaganda arm of the left, therefore, no surprise there.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Polls show that the public support for impeachment is decreasing, especially among Independents. The television ratings for the inquiries also continued to decline.

People see this for what it is, and that is a Nazi takeover of our government, disenfranchising 63 million American voters. Not only will Trump be reelected, but it's likely the commies will lose leadership of the House as well.

LOL, which poll? Your side has always mocked polling.

And we still do mock polling. But if they start showing some favoritism to the right, what it really means is it's a huge swing to the right.

Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents

A huh. Wishful thinking ^^^.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny
This Schiff-Ukaine connection gets a mostly false rating.

Since you're unable to defend Trump, you're so desparate you need to make stuff up?

Of course, Snopes being left with propaganda arm, has no choice but to suppress any bad news about the left. says the same thing.
Igor Pasternack is in calfornia, not ukraine.
Is just basic reality.

Fact check is the second propaganda arm of the left, therefore, no surprise there.
Haha,yeah, fact checking is not on your side. That is for sure.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.
It's amazing how many defenders of trump remain so ignorant on the issue of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment when passed will next be seen in the Senate, and IF the evidence in the trial is beyond a reasonable doubt, the consequences of the Senate Vote will either:
  • Vote to Remove Trump from the office of POTUS,
  • Or, Vote in a close vote to acquit Trump.
If the latter occurs, he will not be found innocent in the majority hearts and minds of the voting public. They will likely vote to remove the Senate majority from the Republican Party and deny trump his second term.

Got to love commie dreams. Me thinks you're in for another grand disappointment. LMAO


You think? That's news, kinda like man bites dog.

Poor wittle commie, do you think your butt hurt will heal before you get another case next year?

This bullcrap with Bloomberg standing in the wings ready to throw his hat in if Joe falls, just reeps of corruption amongst these good ole boys. Amazing stuff going on, and what's amazing is how blatant it all is before the public eye. What's a matter Bloomberg, ohhhh Joe might fall, and you have to come swooping down like a vulture to try and seize the day in order to shore up the leftist defences ? Are you sure you would help ??? LOL it's over, Trump is on his way to 4 more years.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.
There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

He asked for Ukraine to look into corruption, it's not his fault the Bidens are part of it, that's on the Bidens.

There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.
He did no such thing:

There is, of course, no evidence the President did anything to assist
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

How is Biden his political rival?

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