Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy

Yes, it means that the House recognized Trump's high crimes and many misdemeanors and impeached him, but the dickless, empty-sacked Republicans in the Senate who suck Trump off and swallow daily, voted to acquit because too many of them are running for re-election this year.
Impeach just means accused Democrats accuse Trump every day of something stupid who cares lol we just kind of ignore you morons .. Trump just got unemployment down under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to achieve the same. He’s absolutely incredible

Obama didn't drive the economy off into a ditch in 2007 worse than the one in 1929, the Republicans did.
Trump hasn't done a fucking thing except Tweet and whine and distract you fucks from COVID and his epic failure of handling it.

And hold on to your itty bitty jock strap before proclaiming an economic rebound.
The economy got a boost from the stimulus checks, PPA and the extra $600/week unemployment in the Cares Act.
That's ended.

"New wave of layoffs points to fresh hurdles for U.S. economic recovery heading into the fall "
Published: Aug. 29, 2020

‘The recovery is going to be a slow one,’ Fed’s Mester says
Published: Aug. 28, 2020
Cool story
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?

We have already established that you don't know what a recession is, traitor.
UN you fool
U.S. Recession Model at 100% Confirms Downturn Is Already ... › us-economic-recession-tracker

Apr 8, 2020 - Bloomberg Economics created a model last year to determine America's recession odds. The chance of a recession now stands at 100%, ...
Coronavirus recession: No stimulus deal until mid-September ... › Personal Finance

Aug 29, 2020 - Americans are cutting back on spending as they plan for a recession that might not ... The vast majority of economists fear a so-called "double-dip" recession could happen, meaning there ... Now we face an economic plunge.
The U.S. is officially in a recession. Will it become a depression? › 2020/06/09 › the-us-is-officially-in-a-re...

Jun 9, 2020 - “That's one big difference between what's happening now and during the Great Depression,” Woodbury said. “Those job losses were ...

And still, you don't know what the definition of a recession is.

I'll give you a hint - it is NOT "Orange Man Bad."

We have one more month to find out if the USA in fact slipped into a recession. It probably did - though you STILL don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about - you just vomit out anything the hate sites spew.
What he is predicting is Rump won't be impeached again. But with a loss in November and his penchant for revenge, there is a very good chance he will not only be impeached but removed from office. I honestly don't think Rump can help himself.

If the traitor piles of shit Communists are not driven from the house, they will attempt another impeachment.

Thankfully, it looks very positive that the Americans will retake the house from the CCP scum democrats.

Once again the RED SCARE crawls out from under the swamp mud in a hackneyed post.

Communism has never existed and never will. Those nation promising Marx's social theory have all put the proletariat in chains, created an aristocracy and continues to toss crumbs to the people and imprison those who want the full loaf.

Communism, Marxism, Socialism are words in the right wing lexicon used as wedge issue, they're pejoratives used by those who claim they are part of a hidden agenda of the Democratic Party which is completely false.

Using the ACA as a crutch to keep their golden goose alive, health insurance companies, Big Pharma and Private Hospitals use lobbyists to literally bribe Congress Members; they use Facebook and other Social Media to instill fear into the public that the ACA is the first step to a slippery slope converting our country into an authoritarian dystopia.

It won't happen here, what is happening here is the rise of fascism!
Not one word about Russian bounties , russian invasion of our air space ,silence over poisoning by russia of putin hater Trump is definitely compromised ..What is the pos hiding Will he start a war to avoid being removed?? I wouldn't put anything past this republican AH and all his supporters

No word about absurd conspiracy theories?

Well gawdamn traitor, why didn't he mention big foot and nessy?

You REALLY are a fucking moron.

They had Russian bounties under Obama what the fuck are you talking about dude this brownies right now on Americans in middle east like they’ve always had in the Middle East Lol You Democrats Are so uneducated it’s astounding

The terrorist democrat traitors invented the "bounty" shit out of thin air. Just another flat out lie from the branch office of Communist China.

But you know who DID pay bounties? The government Faun works for, the ones who bought Obama's castle for him (using money Obama shipped by the pallet to them).

Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?
A therapeutic that is curing thousands of lives. A new vaccine on its way.. he shut down travel from China in Europe.. What an incredible president he is we are truly blessed
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans
LOL LOL yeah so many feel the wealth and prosperity raining down on them LOL LOL Good one jit One of your best
Black unemployment and wages are the best it’s ever been hehe
Umm, black unemployment is 13%. In other words, not the best it's ever been.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans
LOL LOL yeah so many feel the wealth and prosperity raining down on them LOL LOL Good one jit One of your best
Black unemployment and wages are the best it’s ever been hehe
Umm, black unemployment is 13%. In other words, not the best it's ever been.
Right before the pandemic!? Yea that was trump hehe
Not one word about Russian bounties , russian invasion of our air space ,silence over poisoning by russia of putin hater Trump is definitely compromised ..What is the pos hiding Will he start a war to avoid being removed?? I wouldn't put anything past this republican AH and all his supporters

No word about absurd conspiracy theories?

Well gawdamn traitor, why didn't he mention big foot and nessy?

You REALLY are a fucking moron.

View attachment 385626

Conspiracy Theories, better said as a weak conspiracy hypothesis, is the RED SCARE, an example of another BIG LIE used by Trump Supporters in a full blast dogmatic use of Hate and Fear.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans
LOL LOL yeah so many feel the wealth and prosperity raining down on them LOL LOL Good one jit One of your best
Black unemployment and wages are the best it’s ever been hehe
Black unemployment hit its highest rate in a decade in May, despite an economy-wide reduction in unemployment after coronavirus-driven record highs in March and April.

President Trump Friday touted a better-than-expected jobs report, which showed a 13.3 percent unemployment rate in May, surprising economists who'd predicted that number would rise as high as 19 percent.

"What we're announcing today is a great tribute to equality, you know, we have our jobs back," Trump said at a Rose Garden press conference on the official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment summary released Friday.

"Just prior to the China plague that floated in, we had numbers, the best in history for African American, for Hispanic American and for Asian American and for everybody," said Trump.

But for black workers, the May unemployment rate was 16.8 percent, a slight uptick from the 16.7 unemployment rate in April, according to BLS numbers.

Black unemployment in May represented the highest rate in more than a decade, according to an analysis of BLS statistics by Bloomberg.

The report also showed a 17.6 percent unemployment rate for Hispanics in May, an improvement from the 18.9 percent rate a month prior, but still the highest among all racial and ethnic groups surveyed by the BLS.

Unemployment among white workers dropped to 12.4 percent in May, from a high of 14.2 percent in April.

According to the analysis by Bloomberg, the gap between black and white unemployment hit its lowest point in August 2019, when black unemployment was 3.4 percentage points higher than white unemployment.
psst we are in a pandemic. According to the CDC Trump has saved over 3 million lives

Your delusions are amusing.
It won't happen here, what is happening here is the rise of fascism!

You said one accurate thing. Fascism is on the rise. The Dem party is sponsoring it with Antifa and BLM as their shock troops.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans
LOL LOL yeah so many feel the wealth and prosperity raining down on them LOL LOL Good one jit One of your best
Black unemployment and wages are the best it’s ever been hehe
Black unemployment hit its highest rate in a decade in May, despite an economy-wide reduction in unemployment after coronavirus-driven record highs in March and April.

President Trump Friday touted a better-than-expected jobs report, which showed a 13.3 percent unemployment rate in May, surprising economists who'd predicted that number would rise as high as 19 percent.

"What we're announcing today is a great tribute to equality, you know, we have our jobs back," Trump said at a Rose Garden press conference on the official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment summary released Friday.

"Just prior to the China plague that floated in, we had numbers, the best in history for African American, for Hispanic American and for Asian American and for everybody," said Trump.

But for black workers, the May unemployment rate was 16.8 percent, a slight uptick from the 16.7 unemployment rate in April, according to BLS numbers.

Black unemployment in May represented the highest rate in more than a decade, according to an analysis of BLS statistics by Bloomberg.

The report also showed a 17.6 percent unemployment rate for Hispanics in May, an improvement from the 18.9 percent rate a month prior, but still the highest among all racial and ethnic groups surveyed by the BLS.

Unemployment among white workers dropped to 12.4 percent in May, from a high of 14.2 percent in April.

According to the analysis by Bloomberg, the gap between black and white unemployment hit its lowest point in August 2019, when black unemployment was 3.4 percentage points higher than white unemployment.
psst we are in a pandemic. According to the CDC Trump has saved over 3 million lives

Your delusions are amusing.
Just want Scientist have said
And speaking of the virus WTF has trump done about it ? Tell those to get vaccines out before elections?? This trump prick would put lives in danger for political purpose? Sure he would
He saved 3 million lives this is a fact CDC said 3 million people would be dead
Are you trying to outdo yourself? Really ,you're killing me
How many people did the CDC say was gonna die because of the pandemic, 3-4 millions.. by May.. Trumps hydroxy saved lives
Post a link to the CDC stating 3-4 million lives would be lost by May....
And speaking of the virus WTF has trump done about it ? Tell those to get vaccines out before elections?? This trump prick would put lives in danger for political purpose? Sure he would
He saved 3 million lives this is a fact CDC said 3 million people would be dead
Are you trying to outdo yourself? Really ,you're killing me
How many people did the CDC say was gonna die because of the pandemic, 3-4 millions.. by May.. Trumps hydroxy saved lives
Post a link to the CDC stating 3-4 million lives would be lost by May....
Lol yea you go dig for links google has hid ha .
Lying Russian troll, it was Obama who got unemployment under 9%, not Impeached Trump.

Farouk, President Trump got unemployment under 4%.

Fucking Iranian moron.

That must have been real hard to do given he was handed an expanding economy with 4.7% where we had 83 (7 years) consecutive months of job growth in the private sector as Obama handed Impeached Trump the keys to the White House.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans
LOL LOL yeah so many feel the wealth and prosperity raining down on them LOL LOL Good one jit One of your best
Black unemployment and wages are the best it’s ever been hehe
Black unemployment hit its highest rate in a decade in May, despite an economy-wide reduction in unemployment after coronavirus-driven record highs in March and April.

President Trump Friday touted a better-than-expected jobs report, which showed a 13.3 percent unemployment rate in May, surprising economists who'd predicted that number would rise as high as 19 percent.

"What we're announcing today is a great tribute to equality, you know, we have our jobs back," Trump said at a Rose Garden press conference on the official Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) employment summary released Friday.

"Just prior to the China plague that floated in, we had numbers, the best in history for African American, for Hispanic American and for Asian American and for everybody," said Trump.

But for black workers, the May unemployment rate was 16.8 percent, a slight uptick from the 16.7 unemployment rate in April, according to BLS numbers.

Black unemployment in May represented the highest rate in more than a decade, according to an analysis of BLS statistics by Bloomberg.

The report also showed a 17.6 percent unemployment rate for Hispanics in May, an improvement from the 18.9 percent rate a month prior, but still the highest among all racial and ethnic groups surveyed by the BLS.

Unemployment among white workers dropped to 12.4 percent in May, from a high of 14.2 percent in April.

According to the analysis by Bloomberg, the gap between black and white unemployment hit its lowest point in August 2019, when black unemployment was 3.4 percentage points higher than white unemployment.
psst we are in a pandemic. According to the CDC Trump has saved over 3 million lives

Your delusions are amusing.
He's trying to beat Bri
And speaking of the virus WTF has trump done about it ? Tell those to get vaccines out before elections?? This trump prick would put lives in danger for political purpose? Sure he would
He saved 3 million lives this is a fact CDC said 3 million people would be dead
Are you trying to outdo yourself? Really ,you're killing me
How many people did the CDC say was gonna die because of the pandemic, 3-4 millions.. by May.. Trumps hydroxy saved lives
Post a link to the CDC stating 3-4 million lives would be lost by May....
A recent CDC projection estimated that the U.S. coronavirus epidemic could infect between 160 million and 214 million people over a period of more than a year — and kill anywhere from 200,000 to 4 million people in the country. A top CDC disease modeler presented the estimates to CDC officials and epidemic experts during a conference call last month, the New York Times revealed on Friday. The scenario did not factor in the efforts now underway to address the epidemic, but rather what could happen if no action was taken to slow the spread of of the disease.
Lying Russian troll, it was Obama who got unemployment under 9%, not Impeached Trump.

Farouk, President Trump got unemployment under 4%.

Fucking Iranian moron.

That must have been real hard to do given he was handed an expanding economy with 4.7% where we had 83 (7 years) consecutive months of job growth in the private sector as Obama handed Impeached Trump the keys to the White House.
No serious economist agrees with you that Obama had anything to do with the economy improving at a Trump.. Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Barack Obama and Joe Biden 30 months to get it under 9%.. lol HAHAHAHAH HAHHHHAHAH

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